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北师大高中英语必修第二册(2019版)第4单元第1课 avatars学情分析教学目标教学重难点教学过程Contents0203040501文本分析指导思想06板书设计0701指导思想在在2017年版年版2020年修订普通高中英语课程标准年修订普通高中英语课程标准的指导下,切实落实的指导下,切实落实立立德树人的根本任务德树人的根本任务,有效结合,有效结合英语学习活动观英语学习活动观,从,从学习理解、应用实践、迁移创新学习理解、应用实践、迁移创新方面促进学生的方面促进学生的学科核心素养学科核心素养的发展,实现知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度价的发展,实现知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度价值观等三维目标的达成,使学生基于已有知识,依托不同类型语篇,在分析问题和值观等三维目标的达成,使学生基于已有知识,依托不同类型语篇,在分析问题和解决问题的过程中,促进自身解决问题的过程中,促进自身语言知识学习、语言技能发展、文化内涵理解、多元语言知识学习、语言技能发展、文化内涵理解、多元思维发展、价值取向判断和学习策略运用思维发展、价值取向判断和学习策略运用。感知与注意获取与梳理概括与整合描述与阐释分析与判断内化与运用推理与论证批判与评价想象与创造学习理解应用实践迁移创新02文本分析WhatWhat本文是一篇主题为avatars的说明文,文章首先阐述avatars的定义;紧接着介绍avatars的历史;然后描写了人类是如何使用avatars表达、展示自己的;紧接着进一步探讨了avatars与我们的性格特征之间的关系;然后作者谈到了avatars在现代的新形式、新用法;最后作者由不同的人对使用avatars持有的积极和消极的态度展开提出了不同的观点。文本分析文本分析WhyWhy本文隶属于“人与社会科学与技术”主题,在这篇文章中作者向读者科普avatars的发展历程及其背后的体现的涵义,借此吸引读者探讨、深入学习avatars与人物本貌及性格特征的关系,并延伸出使用avatars的利与弊,引发读者思考,呼吁他们辩证性的看待avatars带来的一些好处和坏处,在使用avatars的同时需要把握好现实与虚拟的度,不要太过沉迷网络世界,并且在上网时需要注意保持警惕、保护自己的个人信息。HowHow文章结构:本文是一篇主题为有关“网络虚拟形象”的说明文,文章结构层次鲜明,各段大意清晰明了:作者按照阐述其定义,描述其历史及发展进程,解释人们使用其的原因,说明其与人们的性格特征的联系,拓展其在当代的更多用途,阐明其背后的利与弊的顺序层层递进,逐渐深入,使文章富有条理、层次分明、逻辑清晰;语言修辞:文章措辞客观、准确,情感性、修饰性用语较少,体现出科学的严谨性;作者采用作诠释、举例子、作比较等说明方法使文章更具有说服力,更容易被读者理解;作者善用平行结构如“a sensible one for work;a friendly,good-looking one for meeting people;”丰富例子,使读者更容易理解;作者在第2段和第5结合时间线来对比描述虚拟形象在不同阶段的使用意义及普遍程度(1980s;1990s;Nowadays),使读者更能感受到其中之变化。03学情分析 学习能力:学习能力:学生积极好学,欣于接受新知识、新事物,但需要培养一些如“带着问题阅读”的好习惯;能比较 好的接受新知识,在一系列的 学习理解活动的巩固之后可以 初步运用新知识 语言能力:语言能力:平均积累了约1600词的词汇量;班上大部分学生的阅读速度可以达到初中生阅读五级要求,对说明文结构、语言风格有大致的了解;有基本的阅读能力、概括能力,可以抓住文章中的关键词,但知识整合能力较弱 文化意识:文化意识:自上高中以来鲜少接触过“人与科技”主题类文章,对该主题涉猎较少、比较不熟悉;不知道如何正确地、以客观的态度看待科技(本篇课文表现为:avatars)带来的正向负向的影响 思维品质:思维品质:表达时会使用比较日常简单的 表达但句子长起来表达时会没 有逻辑,缺乏条理;学生的思 维能力如推理与论证、分析判 断、批判性思维能力较弱,对于如何解决一个事情的想法上面需要教师积极引导他们从现实生活的经验中入手然后他们会进行更加发散地思考学生大致情况:学生大致情况:本课授课对象是高一(三)班的学生,学生整体成绩较为良好,对学习有较大热情,学习氛围良好,有较强的表达欲望;学生擅长使用QQ、微信等社交软件,开学之初就建立了班级群;对科技类新兴话题比较感兴趣04教学目标学生可以抓住关键词,完成基本信息的填写,并可以通过口头或者书写的方式简单梳理每一段的大意并理清文章的思路结构学习理解学习理解学生可以运用所学的知识分析“头像”背后的一般规律,分析判断什么样用途的APP应该使用怎么样的头像,并口头表述、分享应用实践应用实践学生可以在已知信息的辅助下简单复述文章内容,可以向同学描述、介绍avatars,同伴之间可以相互补充信息应用实践应用实践 运用本节课所学的知识和他们自主查找的资料,辩证性地看待avatars在生活中扮演的角色,辨析讨论avatars究竟是好处多一点还是坏处多一点并可以将证据或者成果展示出来迁移创新迁移创新05教学重难点教学教学重点:重点:学生如何更精准更快速地抓住关键词并概括每一段大意学生如何理清文章的思路结构学生如何真正理解avatars的内涵而不是粗浅地把它看作是头像难点:难点:如何做好一个scaffolding的作用,帮助学生利用好所填的信息表格介绍avatars,锻炼学生的口语能力如何促进学生思维能力,结合他们的生活经验,为avatars的弊端给出相应的解决方法并正确表达如何培养学生的批判性思维能力,鼓励他们辩证地看待事物并查找信息来支撑自己的观点基于文本分析基于学情分析06教学过程Lead-inPre-reading5minsWhile-readingPost readingSummary&homeworkRead throughSort out the main idea of each paragraphScanningBetter understandingPair workSummaryHomework Warm-up19mins2mins19mins大致流程大致流程Lead-in(2mins)Warm-upWhile-readingPost-readingSummary&homeworkA picture that was captured from their Wechat group(including the teacher)The teacher willQ1:Are you familiar with those pictures?Do you know where are they from?These are your avatars(Point out the word-“avatars”on the blackboard)that I captured from your Wechat group yesterday.Explain why she use such a picture as her avatar first(as an example).Q2:whose avatar is this?(point out some casually)Can its owner stand up and tell me why do he/she choose it?(If you do not know how to express,you can use the pattern in P8.)Introduce the topicpUse what students are familiar with to evoke what they have known about“avatars”and draw their attentionspForeshadow what they will learn in the article(the intention for choosing“that”avatar).学习理解:感知注意学习理解:感知注意Pre-reading(3mins)Warm-upWhile-readingPost-readingSummary&homeworkThe teacher will ask them turn to page8 and write down what they want to know in the diagram.pEnhance their problems awarenesspEvoke students“want to know”,which can expand their mindpHelp them form the study habit of reading with questions学习理解:感知注意学习理解:感知注意Read through(11mins)Warm-upWhile-readingPost-readingSummary&homeworkThe teacher will ask the students to read through the article and underline the answer of their questions wrote down before.(Meantime,the teacher should record some questions raised by the students on the blackboard)After reading and underlining,the teacher will ask students to answer the questions that she recorded on the blackboard.pMake students have an rough and primary understanding of the article pHelp students to form the habit of paying attention to(underlining)key points while readingpAsking the answers of the questions on the blackboard will deepen the impression of avatars学习理解:获取与梳理学习理解:获取与梳理Sort out the main idea of each paragraph(5mins)Warm-upWhile-readingPost-readingSummary&homeworkThe teacher will ask some students to use a word or a phrase or a short sentence to summarize the main idea of each paragraph.pStrengthen their ability of catching the key words quickly pStrengthen their ability of summarizing the main idea of not long paragraphspDeepen their understanding of the article pHelp them clarify the structure of the article学习理解:概括与整合学习理解:概括与整合Scanning(3mins)Warm-upWhile-readingPost-readingSummary&homeworkThe teacher will ask the students to scan the passage quickly and fill the information in Exercise4.pStrengthen their ability of catching the key words quickly pDeepen their understanding of the article学习理解:获取与梳理学习理解:获取与梳理Better understanding(13mins)Warm-upWhile-readingPost-readingSummary&homeworkThe teacher will help the students to understand the article in detail with the help of the questions in Exercise4Q1:Can you give me other examples of avatars except the pictures that I capture from your Wechat group?Then the teacher will show some pictures of 3D and 2D avatarsQ2&3:How do people use avatars to express themselves?How do people use avatars to represent themselves?pStudents can connect their experiences with avatarspExpand their mindspHelp students understand the meaning and kinds of avatars better学习理解:感知与注意学习理解:感知与注意Better understandingWarm-upWhile-readingPost-readingSummary&homeworkQ4 for group discussion:What do those pictures look like?What impressions do they leave on you?Which should these avatars correspond to?Why?Q5 after Q4(do not need discussions):Can I use it(one of the 3 picture)in xx?Why?If I use it,what impression will I leave on others and what results will cause?I only use this app for work.The people in my address book(通讯录)are all teachers from many schools.They also contain many famous professors.My official Wechat:There are many people in my address book which include my collogues,my leaders,your parents,my friends,or even security guards at the school gateWeibo:Only my friends and my family are in my address book.I can be myself and have much fun here.Something like my ID photopDeepen their understanding of avatarspStudents can preliminarily master(internalize)what they have learn and apply itpStrengthen their ability to cooperate in groups and expresspTrain students ability of analytical thinking and judgement应用实践:描述与阐释应用实践:描述与阐释应用实践:分析与判断应用实践:分析与判断Pair Work(6 mins)Warm-upWhile-readingPost-readingSummary&homeworkThe teacher will ask the students to introduce avatars to their partners based on the questions on Exercise 4 and Exercise 5pDeepen their understanding of avatarspStrengthen their ability of expressingpPromote students integration and application of knowledgepHelp them better clarify the structure of the passagepStrengthen their ability of logical thinking and expressing应用实践:描述与阐释应用实践:描述与阐释Warm-upWhile-readingPost-readingSummary&homeworkSummary(1min)Today we learn a new wordavatar.We know its definition and its history from the passage.Besides,we learn that there are many kinds of avatars and find that there are some connections between your avatars and your personality.Next class,we will learn more about the 2 opposite views of it and discuss about some solutions to prevent its risks.pSummarize the content of this class to help students briefly review what they have learned pForeshadow for the next lesson and encourage students to explore the topic much deeper.Warm-upWhile-readingPost-readingSummary&homeworkHomework(1 min)Must do:Do you think that avatars bring us more negative effects or more positive effects?/Or you more support for the negative point or the positive point in the article?Please find more information to support your view.You will have to show your achievements to us and we will discuss on them next class.Please prepare for it well.Optional:I will give you 1 piece of paper.You could draw an avatar that can most presents your personality and briefly explain why you draw it.Or you can write down why you use the present avatar of Wechat on the paper.pLead students to learn more background information about avatars,improve their ability of perceiving this text.(MUST DO)pStrengthen their ability of critical thinking and analytical thinking(MUST DO)pExpand their minds(MUST DO)pDeepen the understating;strengthen their ability of imaging and creating(OPTIONAL)迁移创新:批判与评价迁移创新:批判与评价迁移创新:想象与创造迁移创新:想象与创造应用实践:描述与阐释应用实践:描述与阐释07板书设计Definition of History ofHumans creativity and many kinds of Relationship between personalities andNew forms ofTwo opposite views of AvatarsAvatarsWhat are avatarsWhen did it inventWhy do we invent it感谢您的聆听与观看!