Foreign Trade English Correspondence Courseware 4目录contentsOverview of Sales ContractAnalysis of sales contract samplesThe Application of Foreign Trade English Correspondence in Sales ContractsSigning and Execution of Sales ContractsRisks and Prevention of Sales ContractsOverview of Sales Contract01单击此处添加正文,文字是您思想的提一一二三四五六七八九一二三四五六七八九一二三四五六七八九文,单击此处添加正文,文字是您思想的提炼,为了最终呈现发布的良好效果单击此4*25The contract is enforceable by law and has binding legal effects on both parties.It is usually written in the language agreed upon by both parties to ensure clarity and avoid misunderstandings.Concept of Sales ContractThe Importance of Sales ContractsEstablishing a legal relationship:A sales contract creates a legal relationship between the seller and buyer,specifying their respective rights and obligations.Preventing disputes:A well-drafted sales contract can help prevent future disputes between the parties by clearly defining the terms and conditions of the sale.Guaranteeing performance:The contract serves as a guarantee that the seller will deliver the goods according to the agreed terms and conditions,and the buyer will pay the purchase price.Facilitating trade:Sales contracts facilitate the smooth conduct of foreign trade by providing a legal framework for transactions between different parties located in different countries.Firm offer contract01 A contract in which the seller makes a fixed offer to the buyer,specifying the terms and conditions of the sale,and the buyer accepts the offer by placing an order.Non-firm offer contract02 A contract in which the seller makes an offer to the buyer that is not fixed,allowing the buyer to negotiate further terms and conditions with the seller.Standing offer contract03 A contract in which the seller makes a standing offer to the buyer,which remains valid for a specified period of time or until further notice.Types of sales contractsAnalysis of sales contract samples02 Each sales contract has a unique identification number to facilitate tracking and reference.Contract number The date on which the contract was signed by both seller and buyer.Contract dateContract number and dateSellers name and contact information Full name,address,phone number,email address,etc.of the seller.Buyers name and contact information Full name,address,phone number,email address,etc.of the buyer.Seller and Buyer InformationProduct specifications Details about the product,including size,color,material,etc.Product quantity The total number of items being sold.Product name The specific name or title of the item being sold.Product Description The price of each individual item.Unit price The total cost of the product or products being sold.Total price How and when the buyer is required to make payment,such as cash,bank transfer,letter of credit,etc.Payment termsPrice and payment method How and when the seller is required to deliver the product(s)to the buyer.Delivery termsShipping methodInsurance The mode of transportation used for delivery.Whether insurance is provided and the type of insurance coverage.030201Transportation and InsuranceContractual dispute resolution:The method agreed upon by both parties to resolve any disputes that may arise during the course of the contract.Dispute resolution methodThe Application of Foreign Trade English Correspondence in Sales Contracts03在销售合同中,使用外贸英语信函是建立业务关系的重要手段。通过信函,双方可以了解彼此的需求、产品和服务,并就合作事宜进行初步商讨。外贸英语信函通常采用正式的格式,语言准确、简洁、礼貌。在信函中,要使用专业术语和缩写,以体现专业素养和行业知识。Establishing business relationships信函格式和语言规范建立业务关系询盘和报价在销售合同中,询盘和报价是重要的环节。通过外贸英语信函,买方向卖方询问产品价格、规格、质量等信息,卖方则根据买方的需求提供报价。报价策略在报价时,卖方需要考虑成本、市场需求和竞争情况等因素,制定合理的报价策略。同时,还需要在信函中明确说明报价的有效期和相关条款。Inquiries and Offers在销售合同中,当买方接受卖方的报价后,双方需要签订合同并确认订单。外贸英语信函在这个过程中起到重要的沟通作用。订单与确认在确认订单时,双方需要明确产品的规格、数量、交货期等细节。同时,还需要在信函中确认支付方式、运输方式和保险等条款。订单细节Order and Confirmation付款方式双方需要商定合理的付款方式,如电汇、信用证等。在信函中,需要明确说明付款期限和相关条款,以确保交易的顺利进行。付款与发票在销售合同中,付款和发票是关键环节之一。外贸英语信函在这个过程中起到重要的沟通作用。发票要求在发票中,需要注明产品的详细信息、数量、价格等,以便于双方核对和结算。同时,还需要在信函中确认发票的寄送方式和时间。Payment and Invoice运输与保险在销售合同中,运输和保险是关键环节之一。外贸英语信函在这个过程中起到重要的沟通作用。运输方式双方需要商定合理的运输方式,如海运、空运等。在信函中,需要明确说明运输方式和相关条款,以确保产品按时到达目的地。保险要求在销售合同中,保险通常由买方负责购买。在信函中,买方需要向卖方说明保险要求和投保范围等细节,以确保交易的安全性。同时,还需要商定保险费用的分摊方式。Transportation and InsuranceSigning and Execution of Sales Contracts04Steps for Signing a Sales ContractStep 1:Negotiation of terms:The parties involved in the sale negotiate the terms and conditions of the contract,including the products or services to be sold,price,payment terms,delivery,and warranties.Step 2:Preparation of contract document:After agreeing on the terms,the parties prepare a written contract document that clearly states each partys obligations and rights.Step 3:Execution of contract:The parties sign the contract document and confirm their agreement to be bound by its terms.Step 4:Delivery of contract:The parties exchange copies of the executed contract for their records.Performance of sales contractThe seller must deliver the products or services according to the terms of the contract,including the agreed timeframe,quantity,quality,and specifications.Payment termsThe buyer must pay the agreed price and any additional charges according to the payment terms stated in the contract.WarrantyThe seller provides any warranties or guarantees stated in the contract for the products or services sold.Compliance with contract termsChange in contract terms If there are any changes to the contract terms,the parties must negotiate and agree on the changes in writing.Termination of contract The contract can be terminated by mutual agreement of the parties or by legal action if necessary.The termination must be in accordance with the termination clause stated in the contract.Change and Termination of Sales ContractRisks and Prevention of Sales Contracts05信用风险定义:指交易对方不履行合同义务而导致的风险。credit risk信用风险来源对方企业信用状况不佳,如经营状况不良、财务状况恶化等。对方国家或地区的政治、经济环境不稳定,导致企业无法正常履约。credit risk预防措施做好客户资信调查,了解其经营状况、财务状况和信用记录等信息。在合同中明确约定违约责任和赔偿方式,以便在对方违约时维护自身权益。credit risk交付风险定义:指在货物交付过程中出现的风险,如货物损坏、丢失等。Delivery risk交付风险来源运输过程中货物损坏或丢失。交货时间延误,影响合同履行。Delivery risk预防措施选择可靠的物流公司,确保货物安全运输。在合同中明确约定交货时间和地点,以及货物损坏或丢失的赔偿方式。Delivery riskprice risk价格风险定义:指因市场价格波动而导致的风险,如原材料价格上涨、产品价格下跌等。03国际经济形势变化,如汇率波动、关税调整等。01价格风险来源02市场供求关系变化导致价格波动。price risk123预防措施建立完善的市场信息收集和分析体系,及时掌握市场动态。在合同中约定价格调整机制,以减少因市场价格波动带来的损失。price riskTHANKS感谢观看