English Subject verb consistency public course co目录目录Overview of Subject verb ConsistencyAnalysis of the Rule of Subject verb ConsistencyAnalysis of Common Errors in Subject verb ConsistencyPractice and consolidation of subject verb consistency目录目录The practical application of subject verb consistencySuggestions for Advanced Learning with Subject verb Consistency01Overview of Subject verb ConsistencyChapterSubject Verb Consistency(SVC)refers to the grammatical rule that requires the tense of the verb to match the tense of the subject.For example,in the sentence She sings,the present tense verb sings matches the present tense subject She.0102In English,subject-verb consistency is a fundamental grammatical rule that helps maintain clarity and coherence in written and spoken communication.The definition of subject verb consistencyMaintaining subject-verb consistency is crucial for ensuring grammatical correctness and readability.It helps the reader or listener understand the relationships between the subject and verb and comprehend the intended meaning of the sentence.Failure to adhere to subject-verb consistency can lead to confusion,misinterpretation,and a perception of lower-quality communication.The Importance of Subject verb ConsistencyThe rule of subject-verb consistency states that the tense of the verb should match the tense of the subject.For example,if the subject is in the present tense(e.g.,She),the verb should also be in the present tense(e.g.,sings).There are exceptions to this rule,such as in conditional sentences or when using certain modal verbs.However,these exceptions are few and far between,and maintaining subject-verb consistency is generally considered essential for effective communication in English.The rule of subject verb consistency02Analysis of the Rule of Subject verb ConsistencyChapter The subject and verb must agree in number(singular or plural).For example,in the sentence The cat is sitting on the mat,the subject cat is singular,and the verb is is singular,agreeing in number.The verb tense must be consistent within a sentence or paragraph.For example,in the sentence I walked to the store and then bought some groceries,both verbs walked and bought are in the past tense.Subject-verb agreementVerb tenseGrammar consistency rulesCoherence The subject and verb must be coherent with the context of the sentence or paragraph.For example,in the sentence The cat is sitting on the mat,the subject cat and verb is sitting describe a specific action that is coherent with the context.要点一要点二Semantic agreement The subject and verb must agree semantically,meaning they must have a similar or related meaning.For example,in the sentence The cat is sitting on the mat,the subject cat and verb is sitting have a similar meaning,both referring to an action of sitting.Rule of consistency of meaningLocal coherence The subject and verb must be locally coherent within a sentence or paragraph.For example,in the sentence The cat is sitting on the mat,and the dog is lying on the floor,both clauses are locally coherent because they are describing separate actions that are taking place in the same context.Global coherence The subject and verb must be globally coherent across multiple sentences or paragraphs.For example,in a paragraph about a cats daily routine,each sentence would need to be globally coherent with the overall topic of the paragraph.Proximity consistency rule03Analysis of Common Errors in Subject verb ConsistencyChapter总结词不恰当的主语和谓语的组合详细描述在英语句子中,主语和谓语之间需要保持一致性,即主语的人称、数和性应与谓语的时态、语态和情态相匹配。常见的错误包括主语和谓语在时态、语态或情态上的不匹配。Improper combination of subject and predicate总结词主语和谓语的时态不一致详细描述在英语中,时态是表达时间关系的重要手段。主语和谓语的时态应保持一致,以准确传达句子的时间信息。常见的错误包括主句和从句的时态不一致,或者在一个句子中同时使用两种相互矛盾的时态。The subject and predicate tenses are inconsistent主语和谓语的单复数形式不一致总结词在英语中,单复数形式是表达数量和数量的重要语法范畴。主语和谓语的数应保持一致,以准确传达句子的数量信息。常见的错误包括主语和谓语的数不一致,或者在应该使用复数的场合使用了单数形式,反之亦然。详细描述The subject and predicate are inconsistent in singular and plural forms04Practice and consolidation of subject verb consistencyChapterMultiple Choice ExerciseExercise FormatProvide a sentence with a missing subject or verb,and offer multiple choices for the correct completion of the sentence.PurposeTo familiarize students with different sentence structures and help them identify the subject-verb relationship.Provide sentences with subject-verb inconsistencies,and ask students to correct them.To help students identify and correct errors in subject-verb agreement,thus strengthening their grammatical awareness.Correction exercisesPurposeExercise FormatVS Provide scenarios or prompts and ask students to write short paragraphs or sentences using correct subject-verb consistency.Purpose To encourage students to apply their knowledge of subject-verb agreement in their own writing,thus enhancing their language production skills.Exercise FormatWriting Practice05The practical application of subject verb consistencyChapter日常交流中的一致性01在口语交流中,保持主谓一致是至关重要的,因为它有助于清晰、准确地传达信息。例如,当使用“he”作为主语时,应始终使用“is”作为谓语,而不是“are”。避免语法错误02在日常对话中,不遵守主谓一致可能会导致语法错误,进而影响沟通效果。因此,遵循一致性规则是提高口语流利度和准确性的关键。建立信任03在商务或正式场合中,保持主谓一致能够展现出说话者的专业素养和严谨态度,从而赢得他人的信任。Application in daily communication Application in academic writing论文和学术报告在撰写学术论文或报告时,严格遵守主谓一致的规则是必不可少的。这有助于确保研究结果和结论的准确性和可信度。编辑和校对在论文的编辑和校对阶段,检查并纠正主谓不一致的错误是一项重要的任务。这有助于提高文章的整体质量和专业性。引用文献和参考文献在引述他人的研究成果时,确保主谓一致是尊重原作者和遵循学术规范的表现。在撰写商务信函和电子邮件时,保持主谓一致是传达清晰、专业信息的必要条件。这有助于建立和维护与客户、合作伙伴的良好关系。商务信函和电子邮件在准备商业报告和提案时,遵循主谓一致的规则能够提高报告的可读性和说服力,从而增加成功的机会。商业报告和提案在商业广告和宣传材料的制作中,保持主谓一致有助于塑造品牌形象,提升消费者对产品的信任感。商业广告和宣传材料Application in Business English06Suggestions for Advanced Learning with Subject verb ConsistencyChapter深入学习主谓一致的规则和例外情况,理解不同语境下主谓一致的应用,如时态、语态、语气等。对比不同语法书籍和资料中关于主谓一致的描述,加深对规则的理解和应用。通过练习和模拟试题,检验自己对主谓一致规则的掌握程度,及时查漏补缺。Deeply study the rules and exceptions of subject verb consistency在实际语境中多加练习主谓一致的使用,如写作、口语交流等,提高语言应用的准确性。观察英文原版书籍、新闻、电影等材料中的主谓一致使用情况,积累实际语料,加深理解和记忆。参与语言交流社区或论坛,与英语母语人士交流,提高语言应用能力和纠错能力。Practice and apply more in practical contexts Refer to authoritative grammar books and materials for learning选择权威的语法书籍和资料进行学习,如牛津英语语法指南、剑桥英语语法等,确保学习内容的准确性和可靠性。对比不同语法书籍和资料中对主谓一致的描述,整合知识点,形成完整的学习体系。定期复习和巩固学过的语法知识,加深记忆和理解,避免遗忘和混淆。感谢观看THANKS