Reading and ThinkingReading and ThinkingLearn about different painting styles in Western art Learning objectivesLearning objectivesIn this class,you will1.know more about different painting styles in Western art;2.figure out the main idea and detailed information of the text and explore the characteristics and the development of western paintings;3.identify different western painting styles and share opinions about the value of art.1.Watch and learn:what is art?本本本本单单单单元元元元的的的的引引引引言言言言出出出出自自自自美美美美国国国国思思思思想想想想家家家家拉拉拉拉尔尔尔尔夫夫夫夫沃沃沃沃尔尔尔尔多多多多爱爱爱爱默默默默生生生生的的的的散散散散文文文文论论论论美美美美(BeautyBeauty)。在在在在论论论论美美美美一一一一文文文文中中中中,爱爱爱爱默默默默生生生生指指指指出出出出:美美美美是是是是人人人人类类类类灵灵灵灵魂魂魂魂的的的的一一一一种种种种需需需需求求求求。人人人人人人人人都都都都有有有有爱爱爱爱美美美美之之之之心心心心,而而而而艺艺艺艺术术术术家家家家不不不不满满满满足足足足于于于于对对对对美美美美的的的的仰仰仰仰慕慕慕慕之之之之情情情情。对对对对美美美美的的的的追追追追求求求求和和和和热热热热爱爱爱爱,激激激激励励励励着着着着艺术家不断创造作品,以新的形式去表现美。这种美的创造就是艺术家不断创造作品,以新的形式去表现美。这种美的创造就是艺术家不断创造作品,以新的形式去表现美。这种美的创造就是艺术家不断创造作品,以新的形式去表现美。这种美的创造就是“艺术艺术艺术艺术”。Love of beauty is taste.The creation of beauty is art.Ralph Waldo Emerson对美的喜爱是品位。对美的创造是艺术。对美的喜爱是品位。对美的创造是艺术。拉尔夫拉尔夫沃尔多沃尔多爱默生爱默生2.Look and learn.雅典学院雅典学院雅典学院雅典学院是意大利画家是意大利画家是意大利画家是意大利画家拉斐尔拉斐尔拉斐尔拉斐尔桑西桑西桑西桑西于于于于15101510151015101511151115111511年创作的一幅年创作的一幅年创作的一幅年创作的一幅壁画作品。现收藏于意大利梵蒂冈博物馆。壁画作品。现收藏于意大利梵蒂冈博物馆。壁画作品。现收藏于意大利梵蒂冈博物馆。壁画作品。现收藏于意大利梵蒂冈博物馆。该画以古希腊哲学家该画以古希腊哲学家该画以古希腊哲学家该画以古希腊哲学家柏拉图柏拉图柏拉图柏拉图举办雅典学院之逸事为题材,以极为兼举办雅典学院之逸事为题材,以极为兼举办雅典学院之逸事为题材,以极为兼举办雅典学院之逸事为题材,以极为兼容并蓄、自由开放的思想,打破时空界限,把代表着哲学、数学、音容并蓄、自由开放的思想,打破时空界限,把代表着哲学、数学、音容并蓄、自由开放的思想,打破时空界限,把代表着哲学、数学、音容并蓄、自由开放的思想,打破时空界限,把代表着哲学、数学、音乐、天文等不同学科领域的文化名人会聚一堂,以回忆历史上黄金时乐、天文等不同学科领域的文化名人会聚一堂,以回忆历史上黄金时乐、天文等不同学科领域的文化名人会聚一堂,以回忆历史上黄金时乐、天文等不同学科领域的文化名人会聚一堂,以回忆历史上黄金时代的形式,寄托了作者对美好未来的向往,表达了对人类中追求智慧代的形式,寄托了作者对美好未来的向往,表达了对人类中追求智慧代的形式,寄托了作者对美好未来的向往,表达了对人类中追求智慧代的形式,寄托了作者对美好未来的向往,表达了对人类中追求智慧和真理者的集中赞扬,反映的是古典时期学派林立、相互切磋的景象。和真理者的集中赞扬,反映的是古典时期学派林立、相互切磋的景象。和真理者的集中赞扬,反映的是古典时期学派林立、相互切磋的景象。和真理者的集中赞扬,反映的是古典时期学派林立、相互切磋的景象。画作采用了拱形圆屋顶作为背景,以很高的画作采用了拱形圆屋顶作为背景,以很高的画作采用了拱形圆屋顶作为背景,以很高的画作采用了拱形圆屋顶作为背景,以很高的透视法透视法透视法透视法水平,增强了画水平,增强了画水平,增强了画水平,增强了画面的空间立体感和深远感。整幅画气势恢宏、场面宏大。画中人物栩面的空间立体感和深远感。整幅画气势恢宏、场面宏大。画中人物栩面的空间立体感和深远感。整幅画气势恢宏、场面宏大。画中人物栩面的空间立体感和深远感。整幅画气势恢宏、场面宏大。画中人物栩栩如生、活灵活现。栩如生、活灵活现。栩如生、活灵活现。栩如生、活灵活现。3.Enjoy the painting:School of Athenspaper cuttingpaintingcalligraphy photographyActivity 1:1.When it comes to 1.When it comes to ARTART,what forms come into your mind?,what forms come into your mind?Chinese-style PaintingsWestern-style Paintings2.As for painting,which Chinese artists do you know?Qi Baishi 齐白石Xu Beihong 徐悲鸿Gu Kaizhi 顾恺之Zhao Mengfu 赵孟頫3.As for painting,which Western artists do you know?Vincent Van Gogh 梵高 Picasso 毕加索Leonardo da Vinci 达芬奇Claude Monet 莫奈4.Do you know the name of the painting?Who painted it?Self-Portrait with Shaded EyesSelf-Portrait with Shaded Eyes 眼部蒙上阴影的自画像 Impression,SunriseImpression,Sunrise日出印象 A An n oiloil paintingpainting byby RembrandtRembrandt,paintedpainted inin 16341634.HeHe paintedpainted manymany selfportraitsselfportraits asas wellwell asportraitsasportraits ofof wealthywealthy andand importantimportant peoplepeople ofof thethe timetime.A An n oil oil painting painting by by Monet,painted Monet,painted in in 18721872.It It shows shows the the port port of of Le Le Havrein Havrein northern northern France.The France.The paintings paintings style style and and name name created the movement called Impressionism.created the movement called Impressionism.A SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN PAINTING1.Whats the 1.Whats the main ideamain idea of the passage?of the passage?A.How religious paintings developed.A.How religious paintings developed.B.How Western art developed.B.How Western art developed.C.How oil paintings developed.C.How oil paintings developed.D.How Impressionist paintings developed.D.How Impressionist paintings developed.2.The authors 2.The authors purpose purpose in writing this passage is to_.in writing this passage is to_.A.to advertise the course of paintingA.to advertise the course of paintingB.to make you amusedB.to make you amusedC.to tell you how to paint picturesC.to tell you how to paint picturesD.to introduce you some information about western paintingD.to introduce you some information about western painting3.Whats the 3.Whats the orderorder of this article?of this article?A.time order B.spatial order C.logical orderA.time order B.spatial order C.logical orderActivity 2:1.Scan the text to choose the right answer.Part 1(Para.1)Part 1(Para.1)A AThe RenaissanceThe RenaissancePart 2(Para.2)Part 2(Para.2)B BThe Middle AgesThe Middle AgesPart 3(Paras.3Part 3(Paras.35)5)C CIntroductionIntroductionPart 4(Paras.6Part 4(Paras.67)7)D DModern ArtModern ArtPart 5(Para.8)Part 5(Para.8)E EImpressionismImpressionism The text mainly tells us _ major styles of _ The text mainly tells us _ major styles of _,showing showing the _ of itthe _ of it.Western Western paintingspaintingsfour four development/historydevelopment/historyWhat functions do the subtitles serve?To clearly show the structure of the text Activity 1:Read the title and subtitles for main idea.1.Read Para.1 for needed information.1.Whats the 1.Whats the function function of the of the first paragraph?first paragraph?A.It tells us what is art.A.It tells us what is art.B.It stresses the importance of art.B.It stresses the importance of art.C.It introduces the topic and the purpose the passage.C.It introduces the topic and the purpose the passage.D.It tells us how the Impressionist paintings developed.D.It tells us how the Impressionist paintings developed.2.What is the best way to understand it?2.What is the best way to understand it?It is to look at the development of WeIt is to look at the development of Wes stern painting over the centuries.tern painting over the centuries.Activity 2:Period/DurationPeriod/DurationPurposePurposeFeatureFeatureArtistArtist_(5th to 15th century(5th to 15th century AD)AD)to teach people to teach people_still had_still had_show_ show_ (in the 13th century)(in the 13th century)_The Middle AgesThe Middle Agesabout Christianityabout ChristianityGiotto diGiotto di Bondone Bondonereligious themesreligious themesreal peoplereal people 2.Read the following parts and make a flow chart to show the changes in features in Western painting styles.Period/DurationPeriod/DurationPurposePurposeFeatureFeatureArtistArtist_(14th to 17th(14th to 17th century)century)to shift from religious to shift from religious themes to_ themes to_ _around_aroundadopted a more _ adopted a more _ attitude to lifeattitude to lifepainted in painted in _ _ people and people and the world the world perspective,oil paints perspective,oil paints The Renaissance The Renaissancehumanistic humanistic Masaccio Masaccio Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci MichelangeloMichelangeloRaphael Raphael RembrandtRembrandtWhat kinds of paintings did the people of that era want to purchase?1.accurate pictures of themselves and the people they loved2.paintings showing important historical events or stories from mythology3.paintings that were beautiful and interesting to look atPeriod/DurationPeriod/DurationPurposePurposeFeatureFeatureArtistArtist_ _(late 19th to(late 19th to _)_)to convey to convey _ _ in the scenein the scenenot a _ of not a _ of the scene the scenefull of _full of _ _ _early 20th centuryearly 20th centurylight and movementlight and movementdetailed recorddetailed recordImpressionismImpressionismClaude MonetClaude Monet&Renoir&Renoir light light,shadow,shadow,colour and lifecolour and life1.Why did the the painters have to find a 1.Why did the the painters have to find a newnew way of looking at way of looking at their art?their art?2.Why did the movement get the name?2.Why did the movement get the name?3.Whats the difference between the paintings and photographs?3.Whats the difference between the paintings and photographs?The invention of photography.The invention of photography.Impression,Sunrise Impression,Sunrise by Claudee Monet by Claudee Monet PaintingsPaintings:full of light,shadow,colour,and lifeinnerfull of light,shadow,colour,and lifeinnerPhotographsPhotographs:cold,black-and-whiteouter image cold,black-and-whiteouter image Read in detail to discuss the following questions.Period/DurationPeriod/DurationPurposePurposeFeatureFeatureArtistArtist_(20th century to(20th century to today)today)to analyseto analyse_in a _in a new way withnew way with_realistic but _realistic but _Modern ArtModern Artthe shapesthe shapesabstractabstractCubismCubismPicassoPicassodream-like qualitydream-like quality1.Draw a mind-map of the short history of the western paintings,add the features of each time period.5th 15th 17th 14th The Middle AgesModern ArtThe Renaissance20th 19th religious themesprimitive and 2DMain characters were larger than everyone elsechange in 13th centuryhumanisticaccurate portraitsperspectiveoil paintssubjective impressions of the scene inner warmth and humanityrealistic,dream-like quality,abstractActivity 3:Summarize the history of west paintingImpressionism2.In which period was each painting created?ImpressionismModern ArtModern ArtThe RenaissanceA Girl with a Watering Can(1876)by RenoirGirl Before a Mirror(1932)by PicassoExotic Birds(1915)by Wassily KandinskyThe Woman with the Veil by Raphael Describe the features of the paintings below and identify the paiting style.Features:Features:full of light,shadow,full of light,shadow,color and life color and lifeStyle:Style:ImpressionismImpressionismFeatures:Features:dream-like,dream-like,abstract quality abstract qualityStyle:Style:Modern ArtModern ArtFeatures:Features:photos or portraits of photos or portraits of people of nobles in oil paintspeople of nobles in oil paintsStyle:Style:The RenaissanceThe RenaissanceFeatures:Features:much larger main charactersmuch larger main characters religious theme religious themeStyle:Style:The Middle AgesThe Middle Ages1.Which period of Western art do you like most?Why are you fond of it?I like Modern Art most.There are many different styles within this period.The paintings of Modern Art can mean different things to different people.Activity 5:Activity 5:Critical Critical Thinking 2.How would you answer the question,“What is art?”I think that art is anything that someone has created and is beautiful or produces emotion inside us.Art is not just painting and drawing.It can be photography,or cooking,or music,or dancing,or playing a sport.If it is done with skill and moves the viewer,then I think it is art.5th C14th 15th 17th 19th 20th todayThe Middle AgesThe RenaissanceImpressionModern ArtGodpeople and the worldreligioushumanisticouter image inner warmth ignorant愚昧无知的civilized文明开化的one single styledifferent stylesstrict tolerate 宽容的the development of western paintingthe progress of social civilizationActivity 5:Thinking Why have Western painting styles been changing?对美的喜爱是品味。对美的创造是艺术。拉尔夫沃尔多爱默生Love of beauty is taste.The creation of beauty is art.Ralph Waldo Emerson Art as the creation of beauty is a process which involves a lot of motivation,energy,and effort,and of course,imagination.Having good taste and appreciating art perhaps help ones ability to create art,and therefore beauty.Unlike the earlier Realists who painted in a _ style,Impressionist painters focused more on their _ feelings of things and instant impressions.When Impressionism _ in France in the late 19th century,artists became more interested in everyday subject matter.They were also fascinated by modern objects.As one of the most _ Impressionist painters,Claude Monet was impressed by the visual effects of the steam engine _,and he later produced twelve paintings of a train station in Paris.In 1883,Monet and his large family moved to Giverny,where he _ a house and some land for his gardens.During his days at Giverny,Monet _ painting his own gardens,with the water lilies,the pond,and the arched bridge.However,there are two clear_ apparent in his work throughout his career:colours and reflections in water.Read the passage about Monet and Impressionism.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words or phrases.realisticsubjective emergedin particularpurchasedwas fond ofthemesinfluentialWork in groups to look up each group of words in the dictionary.Then try to fill the blanks.You need to have _ expectations of the returns from investments.The bride appeared five years younger than her _ age.Mr Liu has a lot of _ experience in restoring historic buildings.realisticactualpractical 1.realistic/practical/actualaccurately/precisely/exactly rank/grade/degree realistic/practical/actual subsequent/later/latter reputation/fame/popularity accurately/precisely/exactly She said the word very slowly and _.It happened _ a year ago today.You must measure the width of the door _.preciselyexactlyaccurately rank/grade/degree All our clothes are made from the material of the highest _.He was quickly promoted to the _ of captain.You need a high _ of skill to paint a fresco.graderankdegree reputation/fame/popularity He has a _ as a first-class chef.She found _ after her first acting role.Baking has increased in _ in recent years.reputationfamepopularity subsequent/later/latter They are going to Paris _ this year.We will deal with that issue in a _ meeting.Although I disagree with your first point,I agree with your _ point.latersubsequentlatter Find expressions to show“change”Madonna And Child圣母子Works of MasaccioThe Tribute Money纳税银Works of Leonardo da VinciWorks of MichelangeloSistine Madonna西斯廷圣母Works of RaphaelMadonna of the Meadow草地上的圣母Works of RembrandtThe Anatomy Lessonof Dr.Tulp杜普教授的解剖学课 The Night Watch夜巡Works of Claude MonetImpression,Sunrise印象,日出Arrival of the Normandy Train圣拉扎尔火车站Works of RenoirDance at Le Moulin de la Galette红磨坊街的露天舞会The Loge 包厢Works of PicassoGuernica格尔尼卡Dream 梦Marcel DuchampIn Advance of the Broken ArmSad Young Man on a Train马塞尔杜尚(18871968),法国艺术家,二十世纪实验艺术的先锋,对于第二次世界大战前的西方艺术有着重要的影响,是达达主义及超现实主义的代表人物和创始人之一。Henri Matisse红色中的和谐开窗亨利马蒂斯(1869-1954),法国著名画家、雕塑家、版画家,野兽派创始人和主要代表人物,以使用鲜明、大胆的色彩而著名。Jackson Pollock蓝杆杰克逊波洛克(1912-1956),美国画家,抽象表现主义绘画大师,也被公认为是美国现代绘画摆脱欧洲标准,在国际艺坛建立领导地位的第一功臣。秋韵5号Thank you!Thank you!