英语 Unit 2 Robots Writing 新人教版选修7 .ppt
WritingUnit 2 RobotsA biography of Isaac AsimovReadingstep1艾萨克艾萨克阿西莫夫阿西莫夫(1920-1992),当代美国最著名的科幻大师、世界当代美国最著名的科幻大师、世界顶尖级科幻小说作家顶尖级科幻小说作家,他也是位文学评论家他也是位文学评论家,美国科幻小说黄金美国科幻小说黄金时代的代表人物之一。他一生高产时代的代表人物之一。他一生高产,著述颇丰著述颇丰,一生著述近一生著述近500本本,其中有其中有100多部科幻小说多部科幻小说,早已远远超过了早已远远超过了“著作等身著作等身”的地步的地步,是本世纪最顶尖的科幻小说家之一。曾获代表科幻界是本世纪最顶尖的科幻小说家之一。曾获代表科幻界最高荣誉的雨果奖和星云终身成就大师奖最高荣誉的雨果奖和星云终身成就大师奖,以他的名字为以他的名字为号召的阿西莫夫科幻杂志,是美国当今数一数二的科幻号召的阿西莫夫科幻杂志,是美国当今数一数二的科幻文学重镇。他是一位生于俄罗斯的美籍犹太人文学重镇。他是一位生于俄罗斯的美籍犹太人,作品极其丰富,作品极其丰富,代表作有代表作有我我,机器人机器人(I,Robot)、基地基地系列、系列、钢窟钢窟(The Caves of Steel)系列、系列、赤裸太阳赤裸太阳(The Naked Sun)等。等。他于他于1941年发表的作品年发表的作品Runaround中第一次明确中第一次明确提出了著名的提出了著名的“阿西莫夫机器人三定律阿西莫夫机器人三定律”,即:即:一、机器人不得伤害人类,或看到人类受到伤害而袖手旁观;一、机器人不得伤害人类,或看到人类受到伤害而袖手旁观;二、在不违反第一定律的前提下,机器人必须绝对服从人类二、在不违反第一定律的前提下,机器人必须绝对服从人类 给与的任何命令;给与的任何命令;三、在不违反第一定律和第二定律的前提下三、在不违反第一定律和第二定律的前提下,机器人必须尽力机器人必须尽力 保护自己。保护自己。以其名字命名的以其名字命名的阿西莫夫科幻小说阿西莫夫科幻小说杂志杂志,至今仍然是至今仍然是美国当今数一数二的科幻文学畅销杂志。美国当今数一数二的科幻文学畅销杂志。Step2 SkimmingGlance through the passage and then complete the timeline of the events in his life:1920192219231929born in Russia.Sister born.Moved with family to New York.Parents bought a candy store.Mother had her third child.Started working in candy store.Started to take himself seriously as a writer.1931Date EventComplete the timeline of the events._19391942-1945Bean having stories published in science fiction magazines.Gained Masters degree in chemistry.Finished working in candy store.Got married.Worked as junior chemist,Philadelphia Navy Yard.Got PhD in chemistry.194119481942_19501951-1953Became a biochemistry teacher,Boston University School of Medicine.Published his first novel.Developed three laws for robots.Published“I,Robot”.Published“The Foundation Trilogy”and won an award for it.Published first science book.Became a full-time writer.194919531958_19731992Divorced his first wife.Had a blood transfusion.Became infected with HIV.Married for a second wife.1983Died in New York._What the other two laws for robots might be?Step3 DiscussionThree Laws For RobotsFirst Law:A robot must not injure human beings or allow them to be injured.Second Law:A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings(as long as human being are not injured).Third Law:A robot must protect its own existence(as long as human beings are not injured;and as long as the robot does not disobey the human beings).他于他于1941年发表的作品年发表的作品Runaround中第一次明确中第一次明确提出了著名的提出了著名的“阿西莫夫机器人三定律阿西莫夫机器人三定律”,即:即:一、机器人不得伤害人类,或看到人类受到伤害而袖手旁观;一、机器人不得伤害人类,或看到人类受到伤害而袖手旁观;二、在不违反第一定律的前提下,机器人必须绝对服从人类二、在不违反第一定律的前提下,机器人必须绝对服从人类 给与的任何命令;给与的任何命令;三、在不违反第一定律和第二定律的前提下三、在不违反第一定律和第二定律的前提下,机器人必须尽力机器人必须尽力 保护自己。保护自己。以其名字命名的以其名字命名的阿西莫夫科幻小说阿西莫夫科幻小说杂志杂志,至今仍然是至今仍然是美国当今数一数二的科幻文学畅销杂志。美国当今数一数二的科幻文学畅销杂志。Step 4 Writing Write a short summary of Asimovs life in 150-200 words.Follow the steps below.1.Look back at the timeline of Asimovs life.2.Underline the most important parts of his Life that made him a great writer of science fiction.3.Begin by giving your assessment of Asimov as a writer.Then write down the important parts you have underlined.4.Use a clear simple style as if you were writing to younger students in your school.Sample summary Isaac Asimov(1920-1992)was a Russian-born American writer.His family immigrated to the United States when he was three years old and settled in New York.He gained a masters degree in chemistry and later got his PhD.After he graduated,he became a biochemistry teacher at Boston University.He was talented in writing.When he realized it,he gave up teaching and became a professional writer.In 1939,he had stories published in science fiction magazine and in 1950 he published his first novel.He was famous for his fiction stories and received manymany awards.The Foundation trilogy and I,Robot are very popularwith the young and adults.His works exercised great influence over other writers.Asimov had two marriages and two children.He died of AIDS inNew York in 1992.Step5 HomeworkLet the students finish their composition after class and exchange the compositions with the deskmates,then correct the mistakes for each other.