英语 第一部分九全 Units 9-10 人教新目标版.ppt
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英语 第一部分九全 Units 9-10 人教新目标版.ppt
第一部分 教材知识研究 九年级(全)九年级(全)Units 9-10 练讲重难点练讲重难点 I prefer music that has great lyrics.我更我更喜欢歌词好的音乐。喜欢歌词好的音乐。(Unit 9 P65)考点抢测考点抢测1.My brother preferred _ to skating.A.swimming B.swim C.to swim D.swimsA2.Even on holidays,Mr.Wang prefers _ rather than have a rest after dinner.A.read books B.reading books C.to read books D.reads booksC prefer是是及及物物动动词词,意意为为“更更喜喜欢欢”,相相当当于于like.better,其其过过去去式式和和过过去去分分词词均均为为preferred。常。常见见搭配如下:搭配如下:prefer to do sth.更更喜喜欢欢做做某某事事。如如:She preferred to go by bike.她她更更喜喜欢欢骑骑单单车车去。去。满分点拨满分点拨 prefer的用法的用法 prefer A to B A和和B相相比比,更更喜喜欢欢A。如如:I prefer tea to milk.比起牛奶,我更喜比起牛奶,我更喜欢欢茶。茶。prefer doing A to doing B宁宁愿愿做做A也也不不愿愿 做做 B。如如:Mary prefers playing basketball to playing tennis.玛玛丽丽宁宁愿愿打打篮篮球也不愿意打网球。球也不愿意打网球。prefer to do A rather than do B宁宁愿愿做做A而不愿做而不愿做B。如:。如:My father prefers to read the newspaper rather than watch TV after dinner.我我爸爸爸爸晚晚饭饭后宁愿看后宁愿看报报而不愿看而不愿看电视电视。By the end of his life,he could play over 600 pieces of music.直到他生命的最直到他生命的最后时刻,他可以演奏后时刻,他可以演奏600多首乐曲。多首乐曲。(Unit 9 P70)3.Walk along the street and you can see a bookstore _ the street.A.at the end of B.in the end C.by the end of D.in the end ofA考点抢测考点抢测4.I have learned 2,000 English words _ last term.A.at the end of B.in the end C.by the end of D.in the end of5.Although he had many difficulties,he bought the house _ A.by the end of B.at the end of C.in the end of D.in the endDC by the end of.“到到结结束束时时;到;到为为止止”,多指,多指时间时间,常用于完成,常用于完成时态时态,也用,也用于将来于将来时态时态。满分点拨满分点拨 辨析辨析by the end of,at the end of与与in the end at the end of.“在在的的末末端端/尽尽头头”,指指时间时间或位置。或位置。in the end“最最后后;终终于于”,强强调调结结果果,相相当当于于finally,at last,表表示示事事情情已已经经结结束束了了,一般放于句末。一般放于句末。Learning what you are supposed to do and not supposed to do in social situations may be difficult,but it is worth the trouble if you want to understand another culture.了了解社交场合中你应该做的和你不应该做的也解社交场合中你应该做的和你不应该做的也许是困难的,但是如果你想理解另外一种文许是困难的,但是如果你想理解另外一种文化,那这困难就是值得的。化,那这困难就是值得的。(Unit 10 P76)6.The Christmas present I gave her is _ 20 dollars.A.worth B.spend C.take D.cost7.We all think that this talk on air pollution is worth _ A.to listen B.to listen to C.listening D.listening to AD worth作作形形容容词词,意意为为“值值得得;有有价价值值(的的)”,作表,作表语语。常。常见见的句型的句型结结构有:构有:be worth doing sth.意意为为“值值得得做做某某事事”。如如:I think the film is worth seeing twice.我我认为这认为这部部电电影影值值得看两次。得看两次。worth的用法的用法 be worth价价钱钱,意意为为“值值多多少少钱钱”。如如:The picture is worth 30 dollars.这这幅幅画画值值30美元。美元。be worth名名词词,意意为为“值值得得”。如如:It isnt worth the trouble.不不值值得得费费那个事。那个事。作作名名词词,意意为为“价价值值;值值钱钱(的的东东西西)”。如如:What is the worth of the old painting?这这幅旧画幅旧画值值多少多少钱钱?Another example is that youre not supposed to eat anything with your hands except bread,not even fruits.还有一个例还有一个例子就是除了面包之外,你不应该用手吃任子就是除了面包之外,你不应该用手吃任何东西,甚至水果也不行。何东西,甚至水果也不行。(Unit 10 P78)8.Am I supposed _ all the words or just this one?A.to spell B.spelling C.spelled D.spell 9.You are_ to type quickly when talking to each other on QQ,so the other person doesnt get bored.A.saved B.supposed C.supported D.shutAB10.Nobody _ Li Ming talked to Lao Wang yesterday.A.excepts B.but C.besides D.except for11.No one knew Mr Besons address _ his daughter.A.except B.excepts C.only D.besidesBA12.Do you know any other foreign language _ English?A.except B.but C.beside D.besidesDsuppose意意为为“推推断断,料料想想”,be supposed to意意为为“应应该该”,用用来来表表示示劝劝告告、建建议议、义义务务、责责 任任 等等。相相 当当 于于 should或或 ought to。suppose+that 从句,意从句,意为为“认为认为,猜想,猜想”。suppose的用法的用法 except“除除之之外外(没没有有)”,着着重重强强调调在在同同类类人人或或物物中中除除去去一一个个或或几几个个人人或或物物,表示一种排除关系,有表示一种排除关系,有“减除减除”之意。之意。辨析辨析except,besides与与but besides“除除之之外外(还还有有)”,指指在在整整体体中中加加入入一一部部分分,表表示示一一种种累累加加关关系系,有有“加上加上”之意。之意。but的的意意思思与与except接接近近,它它主主要要与与某某些些不不定定代代词词如如nothing,all,anything,no one,anyone等等连连用。用。