地球,我们的家最新的人教版小学三年级上学期语文复习模拟测验一、拼音和字词1 .请按照正确顺序排列出六个单韵母的字母表。2 .请在四线三格中正确书写"shng yuK这两个拼音。3 .下列词语中,注音完全正确的一项是()。4 . A. dong fang B. dong fang C. dong fang D. dong fang5 .下列汉字中,完全正确的一项是()。6 . A.画片B.化歉C.介质保D.报仇雪恨7 .请解释下列词语的含义。8 .(1)快乐:;(2)悲伤:0二、词语和句子1 .请在下列词语中选择一组近义词,并说明它们的区别。2 . A.忽然B.突然C.猛然D.骤然3 .选择:区别:4 .请用"虽然但是”这个关联词造一个句子。5 .虽然今天天气很热,但是我还是穿了两件衣服。6 .请将下面的语句改写成疑问句,再改写成否定句。7 .我今天去图书馆看书了。8 .疑问句:我今天去图书馆看书了吗?9 .否定句:我今天没有去图书馆看书。三、标点符号1. 请说明下列标点符号的名称及作用。2. A.:冒号,表示;B.,逗号,表示;3. C.;分号,表示;D. !感叹号,表示;4. E. ?问号,表示;F. o句号,表示。5. 请在下面的句子中正确的位置添加标点符号。6. ( 1 )这是个错误的方法不但不能解决问题而且会引起新的问题7. ( 2 )他看了看表示惊讶的说已经这么晚了8. ( 3 )这个小说很好看是我最爰的作家写的四、阅读理解1. 阅读下面的短文,回答问题。2. It is a sunny day today. I am going to play with my friends at the park.3. (1) What is the weather like today?4. ( 2 ) Where are they going to play?5. ( 3 ) Who are they going to play with?6. 阅读下面的文章,回答问题。7. The earth is our home. We should protect it and take care of it. Do you know how to protect the earth? Here are some ways for you to do it. Firstly, we should save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to protect the ozone layer. Secondly, we should stop cutting down trees and damage the natural environment. Finally, we should reduce the use of plastic bags and other plastic products to protect the 海洋 from pollution and damage caused by these products