TheScarletletter《红字》文学评论论文 .doc
美国文学选读课程论文A Brief Analysis of the Symbol Meanings of The Scarlet Letter A 简析红字A的象征意义 院(系)名称外国语学院 专业名称英 语 学生姓名程路佳 学生学号 课程教师张玮艳2015 年 6 月 20日A Brief Analysis of the Symbol Meanings of The Scarlet Letter AAuthor: Cheng Lujia Tutor: Zhang WeiyanAbstractThe Scarlet Letter makes the American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne known all around the world. In this literary work, red cloth A has profound and varied meaning with the development of the plot of fiction. At the beginning, Hester Prynne, the protagonist of this text, commits adultery and is forced to wear a scarlet letter A on her breast. Obviously, here A is considered as a symbol of sin of adultery, which is untolerable in a puritans opinion. Because what they advocate and glorify is nothing but asceticism、stressed work、thrift、piety and sobriety; After Hester getting out of prison, its primary meaning is substituted by alone and alienate; Gradually its malicious meaning becomes more and more important, even changes to a beautiful mark embodying able in light of Hester Prynne making a living and raising her daughter dependently by sewing and needling, moreover doing her utmost to being accepted by others using her own hands. In this phase, letter A stands for able; .In the end of the story, Hester Prynne gives somebody a hand at the same time she constantly makes up for her past mistake, letter A is explained as a kind of entire new understand by almost all the town people that is, admiration and angel.Key words: Scarlet Letter A, Adultery, Alone, Alienate, Symbol简析红字A的象征意义摘要红字使得美国作家纳撒尼尔·霍桑,一举成名。在这部文学作品中A深刻的象征意义随着作品的发展而不断发生变化。故事刚开始时,故事的主人公海斯特白兰因犯有通奸罪被迫在胸上带上红字A。很明显在这里A是通奸罪的象征,这对于清教徒来说是不可容忍的,因为他们所宣扬和美化的是禁欲主义、劳苦工作、节俭、虔诚以及冷静持重。海斯特出狱后,红字的最初含义被孤独和疏远所取代,后来白兰靠做针线活儿维持生计全心抚养珠儿用自己的双手劳动得来了世人的认可,在这个阶段A渐渐代表能干,而它的不良含义也渐渐变淡。由于白兰在为自己过去的过错赎罪的同时还帮助了别人,在故事的最后,红字A被几乎所有的村民赋予一种全新的含义,即敬佩、和天使。关键词:红字A,通奸,孤独,疏远,敬佩,象征A Brief Analysis of the Symbol Meanings of The Scarlet Letter A1 IntroductionNathaniel Hawthorne is considered to be the first greatest American fiction writer and his greatest symbolic contribution is The Scarlet Letter, which is regarded as the first symbolic novel in the American literature. In the novel, each word, image, and event works toward a single effect. It is a complex story of guilt and sin. Hawthorne tries every bit to show the symbolic meanings of the scarlet letter “A”, the natural scenery such as the forest and the rosebush, and some of the major characters like Hester, Dimmesdale, Chillingworth, and especially Pearl for instance. His skillful use of symbolism gives artistic effect to his work in great extent.1.1. The Main Idea of the BookThe story begins in the seventeenth century Boston. A young woman, named Hester Prynne, is given the Puritan way of punishment for the sin of adultery. She wears a scarlet letter which stands for disgrace on her chest. Two years ago, she is sent alone across the ocean by her husband; however, her husband did not show up thereafter. While waiting, Hester falls in love with a young local minister and they commit adultery secretly. The secret is finally discovered because of Hesters pregnancy. Hester refuses to tell the name of the father even when she is asked to stand on the scaffold. And she chooses to bear all the shame and punishment herself. However, the story does not go on like this. Hesters husband, Roger Chillingworth appears and tries to take revenge on the adulterer. In the end, Arthur Dimmesdale, the local minister, confesses his sin and dies. Hester then lives alone in her cottage far away from the city by herself. The heroine Hester, in the novel, breaks up the unfortunate chain of marriage in the pursuit of happiness and true love. Her action can not be accepted among the community and that is why she is treated badly by the townspeople. In contrast, Hester herself does not see the scarlet letter “A” as a disgraceful sign but a silent resistance.1.2. The word "symbol" and its meaning in The Scarlet LetterThe common definition says that a symbol is a sign or token of something. A lion, for instance, is a symbol of courage. The bald eagle is a symbol of America. In literature, matters are a little more complicated. Symbolism in literature is the deep and hidden meaning in a piece of work. It is often used to represent a moral or religious belief or value. Writers try to use symbolism to enrich symbolic figures to reveal the hidden heart, to express their inner feelings, and to expose the social roots that causing harm to people. We can simply put symbolism as a way to express the emotions by using solid things to tell the symbolic meanings. In his representative work The Scarlet Letter, symbolism has been fully manifested. 2 The changes of the symbolic meaning of the Scarlet Letter “A” The chief symbol in the novel is the scarlet letter “A”, which has various meanings for each character. To Hester, the “A” is a mark of unjust humiliation, while the Puritan community sees the opposite. Hester endures the unjust punishment of standing on the scaffold at noon in public view and the shame of wearing the scarlet letter “A”, which symbolizes being sinful. Dimmesdale regards the “A” as a reminder of his un-confessed sin and it pushes him to torture himself both physically and mentally. To Chillingworth, the “A” represents the shame that his wife is being guilty of the sin of adultery and the eagerness to take revenge to the adulterer. Then for Pearl, who is the most complex character, the “A” arouses her great curiosity as it symbolizes her existence and the meaning beneath it. In contrast to the scarlet letter “A”, Pearl makes an “A” out of green seaweed which represents purity and innocence.The scarlet letter “A” also changes its meaning with the progress of the plots. The “A” first appears to be a symbol of adultery, being alone and alienation, and finally changes its meaning into being able and admirable.2.1 Adultery The original meaning of the scarlet letter “A” is Hesters adultery against her husband Roger Chillingworth. The story begins with the scene that Hester stands on the scaffold with the “A” on her chest, and it is the Puritan way of punishment for the crime of adultery. Hesters behavior is disgraceful and she is looked down upon by others as if she is a devil from the hell that commits a terrible crime. Hester is ashamed of her sin, but she decides to accept the treatment given to her for she holds the concept that there is real happiness and true love.2.2 Alone and Alienation The scarlet letter “A” is not only a symbol of adultery, but also a symbol of being alone and alienation. As for her sin of adultery, people in the town look down upon her and treat her in an unfriendly manner. She chooses to live solitarily in her cottage, which is far away from the city and she has no friends in the world with Pearl being her only companion, so the scarlet letter “A” is also a symbol of being alone and alienation. 2.3 Able In the Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne may seem a victim and an object, but she also shows great personal strength. She survives Hester builds a small business doing embroidery-work. She raises her daughter, Pearl, by herself, fighting to keep her when the authorities try to take the child away. Hester likes broidering all kinds of a scarlet, gold-embroidered patch of cloth in the shape of an “A.” for her daughter ,later ,more and more people including not only the poor but also the noblewomen are attracted by her exquisite skill, so she decides to make a living by broidering to raise little Pearl. Confronted with the severe survival condition of exclusion from the Puritan community, Hester never gives up the hope of existence and uses her own hands to live bravely, even finally is accepted by almost the majority of the town people who always think of themselves higher standard The scarlet letter is meant to be a symbol of shame, but instead it becomes a powerful symbol of identity to Hester. Hesters charitable deeds and quiet humility have earned her a reprieve from the scorn of the community. The letter on her chest represents her work on earth , always helping others, without expecting any thanks. Never afterwards, does that scarlet letter leave her chest. The townspeople no longer view the letter as a punishment, but rather as representing her great strength and bravery and they say it means “Able”. 2.4 Admirable and AngelHester has been making up for her sin sincerely in the past seven years, and tries her best to help the poor who is suffering sorrow or illness. Hester's nature showed itself warm and rich; a well-spring of human tenderness; unfailing to every real demand; and inexhaustible by the largest. In the time bearing sin and affront, Hester casts her bread upon the waters every minute even every second ,she at all time appears in the place where people are great in need her ,then leaves without one word. During seven years she has done the same thing for ever and never thought to stop even one second. Her breast with its badge of shame ,was but the symbol of her calling. such helpfulness was found in her -so much power to do ,and power to sympathise-that many people refused to interpret the scarlet A by its original signification. so the red A is no longer a mark of sin. People living in the town seems to forget the connection between “A” and “Adultery”, it has becomes a new symbol of “Admiration” and “Angel” directing for the people who is ongoing.3 Conclusion In The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne employs a lot of symbols. The symbols are just like the cells of the novel and connect with the work closely. The symbolism of letter A shows multiple features, and it has different meanings with the development of plot, that is, there are different opinions concerning the implication of letter A in different phases. In conclusion, there is no doubt that its original meaning is the mark of sin of “Adultery”; later, it becomes the representation of “Alone” after releasing from the prison ; As time flies ,people in the town begin to believe her ability of needlework, here A stands for “Able”; Eventually, Hester is accepted by those town people who had despised and jeered at her in light of her sincere attitude of confess and her kindness helping others, at this time ,A comes into being “Admiration” and “Angel”.Bibliography1 董衡巽,美国文学简史(修订本),人民文学出版社,2003年1月2 佟希仁,外国文学名著博览,北京出版社出版,1991年12月第一版3 吴伟仁,美国文学史及选读(第2册),P209,外语教学与研究出版社,19904 Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter (1962), the Ohio State UP