西方思想史教学大纲一、课程概述此课程学习西方思想发展脉络。课程追溯西方思想发展的两大源头,即希伯来文明和希腊文明, 讨论基督教思想和科学思想对整个西方社会发展所产生的影响。课程包含“宗教”、“认识论”、“人与 社会”、“政治学” “性别关系”五大主题。通过解读与五大主题相关的代表性文本,帮助学生了解对 西方文明发展产生了重大影响的主要思想流派,丰富学生哲学及社会学知识,优化学生知识结构。同 时加入中西思想对比授课内容,培养学生的跨文化思辨能力以及独立思考能力。二、先修课程西方文明史、英美概况等三、课程目标此课程旨在帮助学生了解西方思想发展的大致脉络,理解对西方社会发展产生了重大影响的宗 教、科学、政治学、经济学、社会学、以及心理学思想流派。通过深入研读经典文本,学生可对生命 本质、公民责任、个人与社会的关系、政府的功能及治理、教育的方法及功能等重大议题形成相对深 入、系统的认知。可极大提升学生的思想深度,拓展其人文素养,并通过中西思想比较等内容的学习 形成良好的跨文化思辨能力。四、适用对象外国语学院一年级研究生五、授课方式采用课堂讲授、课下小组讨论、课堂小组展示相结合的授课方式六、课程思政教育内容与教学设计以马克思主义的基本原理(唯物论、历史观、辩证法、认识论)贯穿始终,在加深学生对欧美文 化了解的同时,坚定不移地把握政治方向;引导学生辩证看待西方文明,充分认识其中包含的局限性, 以及文化糟粕和认知误区;站在中国学习者的立场与视角阅读西方典籍,提高学生发现问题、分析问 题、解决问题的能力,提高综合素质;学会用英语表述西方文化传统和中华文化精髓,进行中西文化 比较,初步了解如何掌握话语主导权,在更高层次上提高跨文化交际的能力。七、课程内容Week contents1Course Orientation2Unit 1 The Christian Bible3Unit 2 Greek and Roman Sages4Seminar5Unit 3 Medieval Christian Church Fathers6Unit 4 Renaissance Adventurer7Seminar8Unit 5 Religious Reformation9Unit 6 Modern Scientific Thinking10Seminar11Unit 7 Modern Political Science12Unit 8 Classical Liberalism13Seminar14Unit 9 Evolutionists15Unit 10 Socialism and Communism16Seminar17Unit 11 Science and Religion18Unit 12 Man & Woman: Modern Existence19Course Conclusion八、考核方式小组课堂展示30%;线上作业:20%;学期论文:50%Heritage of Western Intellectual Tradition(Syllabus)Course name: Heritage of Western Intellectual TraditionCourse Opening Semester: SpringLocation: B106 Tian ShantangInstructor: Shi JuhongEmail:.Course DescriptionThe course is meant to survey the Western intellectual tradition through reading certain carefully selected works. Emphasizing the analysis of primary sources, this course examines the foundation of Western European civilization from its two sources, the Hebrew and the Hellenic civilization, to the twentieth century. It studies the influence of Christianity and science upon the development of Western society. It also explores the contested views regarding the nature of man and his place in society beginning with Machiavelli, John Locke, Adam Smith, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. When the survey moves into the 20th century, it focuses on an exploration of the influential thinkers in the field of modern economics, politics, science, psychology, and Education. This course is designed with an aim of enriching the humanistic knowledge of the students and optimizing their knowledge structure.Students who plan to select the course are encouraged to familiarize themselves with Western history, especially the history of culture.Aims of the course:This course chooses to study the thoughts of 30 influential Western thinkers whose ideas have formed the tradition of the Western intellectual tradition. The chief objective of the course is to examine the course of the development of western intellectual tradition through digesting the thoughts of the influential thinkers whose ideas have played decisive roles in the development of the Western society.This course requires that students learn to exercise critical thinking through comparisons of different ideas in different historical and cross-cultural contexts, to observe the intricacies and appreciate their wisdom. The reading material is a compilation of selected excerpts intended for close reading and class discussion. Students are, however, expected to find the complete works from the library or through the Internet and read them after class.Course RequirementsGood preview, close reading of key paragraphs, active participation in class discussion, and Punctual attendance are required. One absence will have two scores off. Excessive absence (three or more) will earn an F. On the other hand, class contribution in the form of questions and comments in class or on the on-line teaching platform will raise class participation grade. Both quality and quantity of oral and written contribution count.There will be presentations for each unit. The presentation could be conducted either individually or in pairs or a team. The length of the individual presentation is limited to about 5 minutes (be concise and relevant), and it will be extended in line with the number of the students participated in the presentation if it is done in pairs or in a team.Textbooks and MaterialsRequired:朱刚.西方思想经典.上海外语教育出版社,2016.Supplementary:1. Bertrand Russell. The History of Western Philosophy. George Allen and Unwin Ltd, 1974. 2.理查德塔纳斯著.西方思想史.吴象婴等译.上海社科院出版社,2011.EvaluationThe evaluation will be based on the performance of the entire study process of the participants. There will be in-class presentations, online-discussions throughout the semester, one paper, and the final written examination. The final evaluation of each participant will be based on in-class presentation (30%), on-line discussion or question answering (20%), and course paper (50%).Academic Honesty StatementStudents are required to produce their own original work in presentations and papers. Citations should follow the guidelines in Instructions for the Preparation of MA. Theses and Ph.D. Dissertations.PLAGIARISM will result in an F for the course.ScheduleWeekcontents1Course Orientation2Unit 1 The Christian Bible3Unit 2 Greek and Roman Sages4Seminar5Unit 3 Medieval Christian Church Fathers6Unit 4 Renaissance Adventurer7Seminar8Unit 5 Religious Reformation9Unit 6 Modern Scientific Thinking10Seminar11Unit 7 Modern Political Science12Unit 8 Classical Liberalism13Seminar14Unit 9 Evolutionists15Unit 10 Socialism and Communism16Seminar17Unit 11 Science and Religion18Unit 12 Man & Woman: Modern Existence19Course Conclusion