英语7下-Unit 8 单词短语句型背默(背诵版).docx
Unit 8 单词,短语,句型背默单词背默1.宠物pet 2.粗鲁的,不礼貌的rude 3.金鱼goldfish 4.老鼠,耗子mouse 5.(pl.)mice 5.鹦鹉parrot 6.膝,膝盖knee 7.握住,拿hold 8.喂,喂养feed 9.教teach 10.诗歌poem 11.充分地wide 12.寻找,搜寻;打猎hunt 13.藏,隐藏hide 14.建造,建筑build 15.营地;阵营camp 16.树枝,枝条;棍,棒stick 17.(狗)吠,叫bark 18.咬bite 19.打仗(架);与打仗fight 20.到时;直到为止till 21.终止;末尾end 22.麻烦trouble 23.吐泡泡bubble 24.温柔的gentle 25.触摸,碰touch 26.押韵rhyme 27.照料,照顾care 28.任何地方anywhere 29.重复repeat 30.同意;应允agree 31.养,饲养keep 32.重;有重weigh 33.克gram 34.讲座;演讲talk 35.声音,响声;噪音noise 36.刷;擦brush 37.软毛,毛皮fur 38.(动物的)爪paw 39.篮子basket 40.吵闹的,嘈杂的noisy 短语背默1.一些吃的东西something to eat2.重复某人的话repeat ones words 3.睡在某人的膝盖上sleep on ones knees 4.一直,总是all the time 5.某人手里握着某物hold sth in ones hand 6.在阳光下in the sun 7.教某人做某事teach sb to do sth 8.重达weigh up to. 9.睁大眼睛with eyes open wide 10.成长;长大成人grow up 11.用树枝为某人搭建营地build sb camps out of sticks 12.发出任何噪音make any noise 13.照顾look after 14.给刷毛brush ones fur 15.四处找look around for 16.睡在篮子里sleep in a basket 17.照顾take care of 句型背默1.我将照顾他直到最后。Illlook afterhimtill the end. 2.她不惹麻烦。She does notmake any trouble. 3.当她疲惫时,就睡在任何地方。When shegets tired,she sleeps anywhere. 4.金鱼容易照顾。Goldfishare easy tolook after. 5.如果你喜欢蛇,养一条也没问题。Theresnothing wrong withkeeping a snake if you like it. 6.她的猫重约2千克。Her catweighs abouttwo kilograms. 7.当我躲起来的时候,他睁大眼睛来找我。With eyes open wide,he hunts when I hide. 8.在阳光下读书对我们的眼睛有害。Reading in the sun is bad for our eyes. 9.他们可以长到20厘米长,重达400克。They can grow up to be 20 centimetres long and weigh up to 400 grams. 10.他从不喂金鱼太多。He never feeds his goldfish too much. 11.你喂你的狗什么?what do you feed your dog? 12.他从来不乱叫,也不咬人。Hed never bark or bite. 13.她无忧无虑。She never worries. 4 / 4学科网(北京)股份有限公司