专题16-环境描写&语言对话描写-读后续写高分微技能 备战2023年高考英语【应用文+读后续写】讲练测(高考新题型).docx
专题16环境描写&语言对话描写-读后续写高分微技能序号内容Part I 环境描写Part II语言对话描写Part I 环境描写一)短语表示天气 多雨的季节:a rainy season 暴风雨之夜:a stormy night 四面受风:exposed to the four winds of heaven 连绵不断的雨:continuous/constant rains 在茫茫大雨中:in the blinding rain 深埋在雪中:be buried in snow 难以忍受的热:unbearably hot 在春天温暖的阳光里:in the warm spring sunshine 放晴了:clear up 狂风暴雨:fierce/heavy/violent storms 及时雨,好雨:a timely/seasonable rain 沐日光浴:bathe/bask in (the) sunshine 在盛夏灼热的阳光下:under the burning/scorching sun of midsummer 表示地理位置 位置优越的城市:a favorably situated city 水下面的暗礁:a hidden rock beneath the surface of water 个偏僻的小村子:a small village off the map 离海滨仅处尺之遥:within a stone's throw of the seashore/seacoast 位于最北端:be situated at the northern extreme 在群山环抱的村庄里:in a village among the hills 朝南的房间:room facing south 人烟稀少的农村地区:the thinly populated rural area二)句子(一)阳光明媚,生命美好,心情愉悦的景色描写1. The beach to your right stretches off(延伸) to the horizon, slowly narrowing to nothingness(虚无), only to re-emerge(重新出现) again on your left.2. When I was bathed in the sunlight, it felt like the amber-like sunshine was kissing every inch of my skin.3. The sun dropped through and laid on his head and shoulders.太阳下山,温和的光线落在肩头。4. When I drew the curtains back, the sunlight flooded in. 阳光倾斜而入5. The clear blue sky was dotted with fluttering larks. 天气晴朗,碧空里星星点点的云雀在翩翩起舞。6. I was immediately stunned by the azure sky with thick silver lining clouds drifting around. 我立刻被湛蓝色的天空和成群飘动的金色云朵所吸引了。 7. White clouds flow in the blue sky like quiet fish swimming in broad ocean.8. A gust of wind blew and parted the drooping branches of the weeping willow like a curtain. 一阵风吹起了弯柳的低垂枝条,就像那卷起的窗帘。9. The wind, soft and cold, clicked through tree branches and stirred the bushes that sprinkled (撒、点缀)the slope. 风,轻柔而清冷,轻点这树枝,搅动着斜坡下的零星灌木丛。10. There are many kinds of flowers blooming in the corner of the park, even in autumn, I smell the fresh scent with cool breeze. How sweet!11. It was Saturday morning, and all the summer world was bright and fresh, and filled with life. There was a song in every heart. There was cheer in every face and a spring in every step. The air was filled with the pleasant smell of flowers. Cardiff Hill, beyond the village and above it, was green with trees and looked beautiful.(二)暴风骤雨、心情抑郁的景色描写12. The sky is overcast, darkened with gloomy clouds,(乌云密布、黑云压顶) and the whole world seemed to be enveloped in a huge gray quilt. 整个世界仿佛都被一块巨大的灰色棉被笼罩。13. The thin trees were blowing wildly, and untidy gray clouds were sailing past a pale, sicky moon(苍白昏暗的月亮).14. The frosty air (寒冷的空气)blew in, cutting like knife.15. The frigid gusts of wind stung their faces. 一阵阵寒风刺痛他们的脸颊。Stung 的原形为sting“叮咬”16. The summer breeze gently moved through the leaves with a sighing sound. 叹息的声音17. There was a deathly stillness in the house. 死寂18. The evening of this day was very long, and melancholy(阴郁的), at Hartfield. The weather added what it could of gloom. A cold stormy rain set in(阴冷的暴风雨袭来), and nothing of July appeared but in the trees and shrubs(灌木丛), which the wind was despoiling(摧残), and the length of the day, which only made such cruel sights the longer visible.(白昼的延长可以让人多瞧一瞧这凄冷的景象)(三)烦闷焦躁的景色描写19. Its hot enough to melt hell. 天热得能融化地狱。20. The air that has been hot all day becomes heavy. It hangs over the trees, presses the heads of the flowers to the ground, and sits on my shoulders. 整日闷热的空气变得格外呆滞。它笼罩着树木,逼得花朵垂向地面,也压得我的肩头沉甸甸的。(四)凄风苦雨、狂风暴雨、恐惧阴冷害怕的景色描写21. On the dark and stormy night, the waves were crashing and the winds were howling(嚎叫).22. The rain came pouring down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against the house.大雨倾盆,洪流暴涨,狂风肆意冲击房屋。23. The boys were frightened as the wind blew several trees on their side and the light continued to come and go in the sky(闪电在空中持续乱舞).24. There was now a fine, cold drizzle falling(寒冷的细雨), and the wind had risen from its uncertain(模糊的) puffs (一阵阵小风)into a steady blow. The few foot passengers astir (活动的)in that quarter hurried dismally(沉闷地) and silently along with coat collars turned high and pocketed hands(踹口袋里的手). 早上:1. The sweetness of the sun fills my lungs.阳光的甜蜜充满我的肺。2. The first ray of sunlight is too fragile to touch.第一缕阳光太脆弱,无法触摸。3. Spring breeze draws the curtain of clouds and the sunshine floods into the classrooms.春风拉开云帘,阳光洒进教室。4. The whole world blossoms with one breath of the sunshine.一缕阳光,全世界绽放。5. Snow blanketed every rooftop and weighed on the branches of old trees.雪覆盖了每一个屋顶,压在老树的树枝上。6. Kissed by the rain and shining, the wet ground is cold under foot. The birds busy themselves around me, not caring that I'm there.被雨露亲吻,脚下湿漉漉的地面冰凉。鸟儿在我身边忙碌着,根本不在乎我在那里。7. A dense earthly sweet smell rose from the ground, enveloping everything within its soft embrace.一股浓浓的泥土香从地底升起,将一切都笼罩在它柔软的怀抱中。8. When I drew the curtains back, the sunlight flooded in. 拉开窗帘,阳光洒进来。9. Golden sunshine, fragile greens and a sea of fragrant flowers crowd into my eyes. Walking into the painting, I am totally drunk with the twittering (吱喳) of birds. Soon the delicate 纤弱的,精致的 air and soft raindrops melt my heart.金色的阳光,娇嫩的绿色,一片芬芳的花海涌入我的眼帘。步入画中,鸟鸣啾啾,令我醉醺醺。很快,纤弱的细腻的空气和柔软的雨滴融化了我的心。10. It was Saturday morning, and all the summer world was bright and fresh, and filled with life. There was a song in every heart. There was cheer in every face and a spring in every step. The air was filled with the pleasant smell of flowers. Cardiff Hill, beyond the village and above it, was green with trees and looked beautiful.那是星期六的早晨,整个夏天的世界都明亮清新,充满生机。每个人心中都有一首歌。每一张脸上都洋溢着欢呼,每一步都充满了春天。空气中弥漫着宜人的花香。村外上方的卡迪夫山(Cardiff Hill)绿树成荫,看上去很美。黄昏:1. As the sky gradually darkened and the light dimmed, he quickened his steps.随着天色渐渐暗了下来,光线也渐渐暗了下来,他加快了脚步。2. The sun hid himself behind the mountains, making it hard to see anything in the thick darkness.太阳躲在山后,漆黑一片,什么也看不见。3. Falling leaves fluttered down in the cool mid-autumn air, bidding farewell to sweet summer and beckoning the autumn in.中秋的凉风中,落叶飘落,告别甜美的夏天,迎接秋天的到来。4. It's dark now and the snow is still falling, clumps of wet flakes drifting mindlessly down, the air moist, the sidewalk mushy underfoot.天已经黑了,雪还在下,一团团潮湿的雪花漫不经心地飘落下来,空气潮湿,人行道在脚下变得糊状。5. The rain drummed on the window, bidding farewell to the last beam of sunlight.雨水打在窗户上,告别了最后一缕阳光。6. The lingering sunlight was obliterated by the rapidly falling night,resembling a pitch-black curtain draped over the sky.余晖被急速落下的夜幕抹去,犹如漆黑的帷幕笼罩在天际。7. The leaves crunched beneath my feet as I strolled down the street. Occasionally, one would fall past me, lightly swaying as the air gently carried it to the ground.走在街上,树叶在我脚下嘎吱作响。偶尔,一个人会从我身边掉下来,随着空气轻轻地将它带到地面,轻轻摇晃。8. The lake mirrored the sky above, both of them blameless blue and shimmering.湖水映照着头顶的天空,两人都是无可指摘的蓝色,闪烁着微光。9. The sunset was like orange paint on a blue canvas. 日落就像蓝色画布上的橙色颜料。10. The strong sun on my black hair would burn me in minutes if I couldnt find shelter.如果我找不到庇护所,我黑发上的强烈阳光会在几分钟内灼伤我。11. The sun dropped through and laid on his head and shoulders. 太阳落下,落在他的头和肩膀上。晚上:1. From the distance, he saw some dim light(昏暗的灯光) in the village.从远处,他看到村子里有些昏暗的灯光。2. Silence between dad and me made me more nervous and scared. At that moment, it was completely dark except the faint light given out by a few stars in the sky.爸爸和我之间的沉默让我更加紧张和害怕。那一刻,除了天空中几颗星星发出的微弱光芒外,天已经完全黑了。3. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power.漆黑的雨夜,风,雷鸣般的乌云,让我完全掌握在它们的力量中。4. The sky, midnight blue, gave the scene a fairytale quality, and the stars that dotted the sky lit up the night.天空,午夜蓝,赋予场景一种童话般的质感,点缀天空的星星点亮了夜晚。5. The clear blue sky was dotted with fluttering larks. 湛蓝的天空点缀着飞舞的百灵鸟。6. The wind was howling dreadfully and the rain was pouring from the heaven, whipping against the branches of lined trees. The world was burdened with a sea of darkness. I was seized with the roaring power of nature, a sense of horror creeping up on me. I immediately turned around to slide into the bed and curled up.狂风呼啸,雨从天上倾泻而下,拍打着成排的树枝。世界笼罩在一片黑暗的海洋中。我被大自然的咆哮力量所吸引,一种恐怖感在我身上蔓延。我立即转身滑进床上,蜷缩起来。、7. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power.漆黑的雨夜,风,雷鸣般的乌云,让我完全掌握在它们的力量中。8. The evening of this day was very long, and melancholy(阴郁的), at Hartfield. The weather added what it could of gloom. A cold stormy rain set in(阴冷的暴风雨袭来), and nothing of July appeared but in the trees and shrubs(灌木丛), which the wind was despoiling(摧残), and the length of the day, which only made such cruel sights the longer visible.这一天的晚上很长,很忧郁,在哈特菲尔德。天气增添了它可能的阴霾。一场阴冷的暴风雨袭来,七月的任何东西都没有出现,只出现在被风掠走(残)的树丛中残酷的景象越久可见。9. The sky is overcast, darkened with gloomy clouds, and the whole world seemed to be enveloped in a huge gray quilt. 天阴沉沉的,乌云密布,整个世界仿佛都笼罩在一张巨大的灰色被子里。10. The thin trees were blowing wildly, and untidy gray clouds were sailing past a pale, sicky moon. The frosty air blew in, cutting like knife. 稀疏的树木在狂风吹拂,凌乱的灰色云彩掠过苍白病态的月亮。寒气袭来,如刀割一般。(五):日月星辰景色描写日1. In the early dawn, the guard towers were silhouetted against the sky. 黎明时,天空中映出了望踏的轮廓。2. Dawn is beginning to show in the east. 东方露出曙光。3. Dawn mantled in the sky. 满天曙光。4. The sun rose bathed the earth in its glow. 太阳升起,灿烂的阳光沐浴着大地。5. The sun peered through a vast cloud. 太阳从大块云朵中隐约出现。6. The sunbeam struck full on his face. 阳光正好照在他脸上。7. The descending sun was making brilliance upon the water. 落日将余辉洒在水面上。8. The setting sun kindled the sky. 落日照红了天空。9. The sunset dyed the sky red. 夕阳映红了天空。10. Dewdrops sparkled in the morning sun. 露珠在早晨的阳光下闪闪发光。11. The clouds rolled away and sun came out. 云散日出。12. The fog lifted and the sun came out. 雾散日出。13. Light streamed in through the window when I parted the curtains.当我拉开窗帘时,光线从窗口射了进来。14. In the sunbeam passing through the window there are fine grains of dust shining like gold.在射入窗内的阳光里,细微的灰尘像金子一般在闪闪发亮。15. Sunrays filtered in wherever they could, driving out darkness and choking the shadows.阳光射入了它所能透过的地方,赶走了黑暗,驱散了阴影。16. The sun broke through the clouds. 阳光从云层中透了过来。17. Daylight filtered through clouds. 日光透过云层。18. The sun burst through the clouds and shone over the earth. 阳光穿破乌云,普照大地。19. Yellow fog filled the streets and hid the daylight. 黄色的烟雾弥漫在街头巷尾,遮天蔽日。20. A great cloud rose from the ground and followed the rail of the great sun.一朵庞大的烟云随着一轮巨日从地面升起。21. A red sun rose slowly from the calm sea.一轮红日从风平浪静的海面冉冉升起。22. The rising sun flamed the eastern sky. 朝阳染红了东方的天空。23. The sun, which had hidden all day, now came out in all its splendor.天空布满了夕阳西斜时的种种色彩。月24. Into the dim clouds was swimming a crescent moon. The garden was bathed in moonlight.一弯新月渐渐隐没在朦胧的云彩里去了。25. The moon was slowly rising above the sea. 月亮慢慢从海上升起。26. The moon is moving west against the background of the stars. 月亮在星星的衬托下正向西运行。27. The moon was obscured by dark clouds. 月亮被乌云遮蔽了。28. The moon went in and it grew rather dark. 月亮被云层遮蔽,天暗了下来。29. The moons flame brightened the vast expanse of snow. 月亮照亮了一片雪原。星30. The meteor (shooting star) shot across the sky. 流星飞快地掠过天空。31. Night lowered its curtain and mantled the land. 夜幕降临,笼罩了大地。32. At night, millions of stars shine in the darkness. 入夜,繁星在夜空中闪烁。33. As night fell, lights in the sky multiplied. 夜幕降临,满天繁星。34. The night sky is spotted with stars.夜晚的天空繁星点点。35. Bright, very bright were the stars over the dark hills. 黑黝黝的群山上空,星星是多么明亮啊!36. The stars are not giving much light tonight. 今晚的星光不亮。37. It was evening, the sun had set and the stillness of twilight was upon everything.那是一个夜晚,太阳落山了,黄昏时刻的寂静笼罩啄一切。38. The tower clock speaks night. 塔楼的钟声报告夜晚的来临。39. The sun, which had hidden all day, now came out in all its splendor.那个整天躲在云层里的太阳,现在又光芒四射地露面了。40. The garden was bathed in moonlight. 那花园沐浴在月光里。(六)各种“雨”的表达1. 表示“暴风雨”的短语a fierce storm 强风暴rainstorms 暴风雨torrential downpours/rains 倾盆大雨furious storms 狂风暴雨the bluster of the wind and rain 狂风暴雨the violent thunderstorms 强烈的雷暴a heavy rainfall 大雨,暴雨pouring rain 瓢泼大雨cloudburst (突然的)大暴雨rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨heavy rain 暴雨downpour 倾盆大雨storm/rainstorms 暴风雨2. 其他有关“雨”的表达小雨1.drizzle下毛毛雨;毛毛雨 形容词是drizzlye.g.: It's drizzling outside. 外面下着蒙蒙细雨。e.g.: It was a dull drizzly morning.那是个阴雨蒙蒙的早晨。其他雨雷阵雨 thunderstorm rain雨季 the rain season阵雨 shower人工降雨 artificial rainfall中雨 moderate rain暴雨 rainstorm雷雨 thunderstorm暴风雨 storm各类各样的雨具雨伞 umbrella雨衣 raincoat雨鞋 rain boots雨披 poncho防雨夹克 rain jacket3. 与“雨”有关的俚语1.改期,再约 Take a rain check这个俚语通常用在社交活动改期。如果是重要的公事要改期,那最好用reschedule这个词,比较正式。e.g.: I'm afraid I can't come to the party tonight. Can we take a rain check?今晚的聚会我来不了了,我们下次再约吧!2.风雨无阻 rain or shine通常用来形容一定会进行的事情。e.g. He goes jogging every morning, rain or shine.他每天早晨都去慢跑,风雨无阻。3.以防万一、以备不时之需 Rainy day通常用在存钱、囤货这类事上。e.g.: My father always told me to save for a rainy day.我爸爸一直教育我要存钱,以防不时之需。4.呼风唤雨的人 Rain maker多指很会赚钱。e.g. He's definitely a rain maker. He closed a few big deals sicne he got here.他执行力很强,来了以后签下几笔大单。4. 因雨取消 be rained off/oute.g.:The game has been rained off again.比赛又因为下雨被取消了。6.祸不单行英:It never rains but it pours.美:When it rains, it pours. 4. “被雨淋湿”的表达 He was completely drenched by the rain.他被雨淋得完全成了落汤鸡。Unfortunately, Tom was caught in the rain.真不幸,汤姆在雨中被淋成了落汤鸡。We arrived home completely sodden.我们回到家时已成落汤鸡了。The shower stroked me to the skin.阵雨淋得我像落汤鸡。 5. 描写“暴风骤雨”的句子1. The sky is overcast, darkened with gloomy clouds.(乌云密布;黑云压顶)2. On that dark and stormy night, the waves were crashing and the winds were howling. (海浪肆意拍打;劲风咆哮)3. The rain came pouring down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against the house. (暴风骤雨)4.The first drops of rain are huge. They splat into the dust and imprint the windows with individual signatures. 最初落下来的是大颗大颗的水珠,扑扑地打在尘土里。在玻璃窗是留下了一个个印记。5.They plink on the vent pipe and plunk on the patio roof. 雨点把排气管敲得叮叮当当,把露台顶棚打得噼噼啪啪。6.Leaves shudder under their weight before rebounding, and sidewalk wears a coat of shiny spots.树叶被砸得瑟瑟发抖,难以抬头。人行道披上了一层亮闪闪的水点。7. The rain now becomes a torrent, flung capriciously by rising wind. 这时,雨下的简直是倾盆如注,狂风吹得雨水飘摇不定。8.Wind and rain swept across the world, tearing the dark and gloomy sky apart.狂风暴雨席卷着整个世界,灰暗沉郁的天空被撕裂得七零八落。9.I saw a black dragon ahead with gusts of wind coming this direction. The storm was here.只见前方一条黑龙带着阵阵狂风正向这个方向袭来,不好要下雨了。10.Heavy thundery rain fell throughout Thursday.星期四下了一整天的雷暴雨。11.With a vague feeling of uneasiness I move to the window. There, in the west, lies the answer - cloud has piled on cloud to form a ridge of mammoth while towers, rearing against blue sky.我怀着隐隐约约的烦躁与不安,信步走到窗前。原来答案就在西边天际,云层重重叠叠,就像一排嵯峨的白塔,高耸在蓝天之上。12.Their piercing whiteness is of brief duration.云彩那耀眼的白色转瞬便消失了。13.The clouds reveal their darker nature. 云层也露出了阴暗的本来面目。14.In the house a door shuts with a bang, curtains billow into the roo