教学内容:闭经学时:1教师:吴瑞瑾职称:主任医师所属学科:妇产科学教学目标:1、掌握闭经的分类与病因;2、熟悉闭经的诊断方法及步骤;3、了解闭经的处理原则。预习/自学材料:妇产科学(丰有吉沈铿主编八年制规范教材);中华妇产科学;Novak's Gynecology专业词汇:amenoiThea 闭经primary amenorrhea 原发性闭经secondary amenorrhea 继发性闭经pshological stress 精神应激性empty sella syndrome空蝶鞍综合征Sheehan syndrome 希恩综合征gonadal dysgenesis性腺先天性发育不全resistant ovary syndrome抵抗性卵巢综合征premature ovarian failure 卵巢早衰progestational challenge 孕激素试验gonadotropin assay促性腺激素测定bromocriptine 澳隐亭Human Manopausal Gonadotropins, HMG 尿促性腺激素Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome, OHSS 卵巢过度刺激综合征思考题:1、 What is primary amenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea?2、 Tell about the classification of amenorrhea according to the 4- Compartment (or anatomy) and Hormonal levels.3、 What are the common factors of the hypothalamic amenorrhea, pituitary amenorrhea and ovarian amenorrhea?4、 Please describe the procedure of etiological diagnosis and treatment of amenorrhea. (The main point of the answers could refer to the procedure figure.)