纳米技术与人类生活教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程名称纳米技术与人类生活Nanotechnology and Human Life课程编码CHM421131020开课院部化学工程学院课程团队纳米技术与人类生活学分2.0课内学时32讲授32实验0上机0实践0课外学时0适用专业(公选课组)授课语言中文先修课程课程简介 (任选)本课程为针对全校本科生的通识性公共选修课程。纳米技术是建立在化学、物理、材料、工程、生物等学科的紧密交叉的基础上发展 起来的一门前沿科学,与生物技术、信息技术并成为“二十一世纪的高科技三剑客”。该门课程参考国内知名高校在相关领域的课程情 况,以科学出版社出版的纳米科学与技术和化学工业出版社的纳米生物医药等为参考教材,结合我校在纳米材料和技术研究领域 的优势和特色,自编教学讲义和相配套的多媒体课件,创新性的引入一些影像资料来作为教学补充,并积极开展网络教学平台建设而成。本课程的教学目标为:使学生通过对纳米技术知识的学习,拓宽学生的知识面,了解纳米技术的特点及其在发展过程中与其他学科相 互交叉渗透的特色;认识自然科学和社会科学的相互依存关系,了解纳米技术在社会发展中作用,认识到纳米技术在人类生活中的重要作 用,学会用纳米技术的概念分析和解决社会生活中与本专业中同纳米技术有关的问题,培养学生独立思考的能力,进而提高学生的科学素 养和人文精神。This course is a general public elective course for undergraduates of the whole university. Nanotechnology is a cutting-edge science developed on the basis of the close intersection of chemistry, physics, materials, engineering, biology and other disciplines. Nanotechnology, together with biotechnology and information technology has been termed the high-tech three swordsmen of the 21st century*. The course refers to the related courses of several famous universities in China. It takes “Nano Science and Technology“ published by Science Press and “Nanobiomedicine” published by Chemical Industry Press as reference materials, combining the advantages of our school in the research of nanomaterials and nanotechnology. It compiles teaching handouts and matching multimedia courseware, and introduces some innovative image resources as a supplement to teaching. It also actively carries out the construction of network teaching platform.The teaching objectives of this course are to broaden the knowledge of the students, to understand the characteristics of nanotechnology and its cross penetration with other disciplines, to understand the interdependencebetween natural science and social science, to understand the role of nanotechnology in social development, and to realize the importance of nanotechnology in human life. Through the course the students are also expected to learn to use the concept of nanotechnology to analyze and solve problems in social life and their major areas. The course wi11 also cultivate students' ability of independent thinking and improve students' scientific literacy and humanistic spirit.