全英文说课稿 Unit 8 How was your school trip.docx
全英文说课稿 Unit 8 How was your schooI trip?Lesson PI an Presentation: Samp Ie 3Per iod 3 Listening and speaking Unit 8 How was your schooI tr ip? Book 8 A PEP Go for it!Good afternoon, ladies and gent I emen. My name i s XXX from Wenzhou Exper i menta I Middle Schoo I. It' s my honor to present my Iesson pI an here today.I. Ana lysis on the teach i ng mater i a I and I earnersThe top i c of my I esson today i s Day off, wh i ch i s famiIi ar to the students. The teach i ng mater i a I cons i sts of three parts, some new words, a I i sten i ng task and a pa i r work. Some i rregu I ar verbs' past tense forms are hard to remember, but the I i steni ng and speaking work are i nterest i ng. As the students have known a certa i n amount of past tense forms of the verbs i n the prev ious study, talking about thei r exper iences is not so difficult for them. Thus, it i s poss i b I e to I earn the new I anguage items and put them i nto pract ice.I I. Learn i ng object i vesAccording to the ana lysis above, I set the fol lowingI earn i ng object i ves.Fi rst, I anguage skills. By the end of the I esson, the students wi I I be better ab I e to ta I k about thei r past eventsusing some newly Iearnt the past tense forms of verbs. And they wi I I be better able to I isten to catch key words about activities and key sentences of making comments. Second, Ianguage knowledge. They wi I I know the usage of the target phrases such as, watch TV with f r i ends, s I eep I ate, go for a dr i ve, take a c I ass, he I p mom and dad. Then, affect. Dur i ng the cI ass, the students wi I I know the mean i ng of schooI tr i p and other tr i ps. Finally, I earn i ng strategy. They wi I I know how to I isten for the gist of conversation by catch i ng key words and sentences.These are the Ianguage focuses (sI i de) and descr i b i ng the past events correct I y and c I ear I y with the s i gna I words wi I I be the anticipated difficulty. Here are some so I ut i ons to make it easier. Fi rst, I wi I I remind the students to pay special attention to the ruIes of the past forms of verbs. Second, some tasks are des i gned for enough ora I pract i ce by us i ng words I i ke fi rst, then, after that, and final Iy. Third, comp Iet i ng the comprehens i ve tasks from easy to difficult, such as talking about Tina' s and Tony' s Iast day offs and Class 9's Iast school tr ip, and report ing thei r own Iast day offs.To reaIi ze the above I earn i ng object i ves, I mainlyadopt the Commun icat i ve Approach with he I p of the PPT documents. My students wi I I I earn through communication and cooperat ion.I I L Teach i ng procedureStep 1 i s rev i ew. In th i s step, a story about Ann' s tr ip to Guangzhou wi I I be given. The students wi I I read the passage (s I i de) and fill i n the b I anks (the past tense forms of verbs) accordingly. In thi s step, they wi I I review the words and phrases that they I earned i n a mean i ngfu I context. In order to review more the past tense forms of verbs I wi I I show some p i ctures and ask students to te I I what CI ass 9 did on the Iast schooI tr ip. Some of the words (to descr ibe past events) and phrases are given in disorder. And then they wiI I be adjusted by the students according to the read i ng passage. Next the students are asked to rete I I the story us i ng first, then, after that, and final Iy. Th i s i s a preparat i on for the students to ta I k about the i r exper i ences cI ear Iy at sentence I eve I. At Iast, students wi I I be asked to read the passage of Sect i on A 3a a I oud and f i I I in the bIanks, paying particular attention to the past tense forms of the verbs i n the context. Thus, the who I eprocess of rev i s ion goes from words to sentences and then to discourse, making it easier for students to consoI idate the target Ianguage.Step 2 i s presentat i on and pract i ce. In th i s step, I design four activities. Fi rst, I wi I I present the new words with the he I p of the pictures, wh ich can make the students understand the meani ng of the verb phrases better and remember them easi Iy. Providing more verb phrases aims to ensure the students to say more about thei r day off activities. Then, in order to offer the students a chance to use the new words for consoI idation, I design a ranking activity, ask i ng them to put what they I i ke and d i s I ike i n ranks i n a tab I e. With the tab I e, the students are asked to make conversat i ons accord i ng to the conversat i on mode I (sI ide). Though the students have Iearnt the past tense forms of some verbs, there are more for them to I earn for talking about past events. Then I firstly present the verbs and ask the students to I earn the past tense forms of some verbs by heart and summar i ze the ruIes accord i ng to the given words. With a I I the preparat i ons, I wi I I ask the students to do a I i sten i ng activity. They wi I I I i sten to a conversat i on between T i na and her f r i end Tony about the i rIast day offs. They wi I I f i rst ly check what Tina and Tony d i d and second I y mark who sa i d those th i ngs about the i r day offs (s I i de). After I i sterling comprehension, an imitation activity wi I I be organ i zed, and then I wi I I exp lain how to make comments on one' s Iast day off.Step 3 i s conso I i dat i on. I n th i s step, a d i scuss i on as a preparation for production activities wi I I be carr ies out. I wi I I ask the students what content can be incIuded when talking about someone' s Iast day off (activities, time, p I ace, peop I e, weather and comments*). Then I wi I I remind them the way to descr ibe things in time order by using f i rst, then, after that, and final Iy. Next, the students wi I I work in pai rs tel I ing Tina' s and Tony' s Iast day offs and Class 9' s Iast schooI tr ip according to the words given in the boxes (s I ide). In this act i vity, a I I the requi red words and the past tense forms of the verbs are conso I idated and checked as we I I as the I inking words (first, second, etc.) to show sequences. I n th i s way, most students can do the job with the he I p of the words i n the boxes. Th i s wi I I make a good preparation for the fol lowing production activity.Dur ing the Iast step, production, students wi I I work i n pa i rs talking about the i r I ast day offs and gi ve a report with the he Ip of the framework as foI I owed:A: I on my Iast day off. First, I . Then, . It wasB: That sounds But I .Next, I At last, . It wasDur i ng the process of product i on, students will use the Ianguage iterns newly Iearnt to taIk about thei r persona I exper ience and then give a report in the thi rd person. I wi I I I i sten to the i r conversat i ons carefu I I y and offer he I p when necessary to make sure students can ta I k about past events well. After the pa i r work, the students wi I I make a report about the i r partner' s Iast day off Ii ke this:XX went toon h i s/her I ast day off. Fi rst, he/she. It was.Then, he /she.It was.After that, he/she. It was. Finally, he/she .He/She thought .At the end of the Iesson, I wi I I share a proverb (To trave I hopefu I I y i s better than to arr i ve.) about trave I i ng to teI I the students the s ignif icance of trave I I ing. For homework, I' I I ask my students to I i st the th i ngs they d i d on the i r I ast day offs us i ng f i rst, then, after that and final I y and make a comment. I ' m sure with the he I p of the i n-c I ass pract i ce, students wi I I f i nd it easy to finish the homework.IV. Ref Iect i onWe know that i nterest i s the best teacher. But i interest comes from the success peopIe ach i eved. I des i gned the who Ie I esson from easy to difficult, from I i sten i ng to speaking. I tried my best to get each student a chance to success. Al I the activities contr ibute to the Iesson as a who I e and i n these activities students are rea I commun i cators while I am only an organ i zer and a he I per.Well, so much for my presentat ion. Thank you for your attention!