状语从句讲解状语从句讲解第1页在在复复合合句句中中由由从从句句表表示示状状语语称称作作状状语语从从句句,它它能能够够用用来来修修饰饰谓谓语语(包包含含非非谓谓语语动动词词)、定定语语或或状状语,或是整个句子。语,或是整个句子。u 准准确确掌掌握握每每一一个个连连词词含含义义是是掌掌握握状状语语从从句关键。句关键。u 同时要注意主从句同时要注意主从句时态呼应时态呼应。考评要求考评要求第2页时间状语从句 地点状语从句 原因状语从句 目状语从句 结果状语从句 条件状语从句 方式状语从句 比较状语从句 让步状语从句第3页状语从句类型状语从句类型n隶属连词时间状语从句时间状语从句when,whenever,while,as,before,after,since,now that,until,once,the moment,immediately,no soonerthan,the second,instantly,hardly地点状语从句地点状语从句Where,wherever,everywhere,anywhere原因状语从句原因状语从句because,as,since,seeing(that),now(that)结果状语从句结果状语从句so that,sothat,suchthat条件状语从句条件状语从句if,unless,as long as,suppose,supposing,in case,so far as,providedn目标状语从句so,so that,in order that,for fear that,lest让步状语从句让步状语从句although,though,however(=no matter how),even if,whetheror方式状语从句方式状语从句as,as if,as though比较状语从句比较状语从句asas,not as as,than第4页掌握:掌握:1.when/while/as2.before/after 3.till/until4.since 5.as soon as,immediately,directly,instantly,the moment,the instant,the minute,第5页三者可表示三者可表示“当当时候时候”,区分以下:,区分以下:(1)若若主主句句表表示示是是一一个个短短暂暂性性动动作作,从从句句表表示示是是一一个个连连续续性动作性动作,三者都可用:,三者都可用:He fell asleep when while,as he was reading.(2)若若主主、从从句句表表示示两两个个同同时时进进行行连连续续性性动动作作,且且强强调调主主句句表表示示动动作作延延续续到到从从句句所所指指整整个个时时间间,通通常常要要用用 while:Dont talk while youre eating.I kept silent while he was writing.第6页(3)若若主主从从句句表表示示两两个个同同时时进进行行动动作作含含有有“一一边边一一边边”之意思,通惯用之意思,通惯用 as:She sang as she went along.(4)若若从从句句是是一一个个短短暂暂性性动动作作,主主句句是是一一个个连连续续性性动动作作,可用可用 as/when 但不用但不用 while:It was raining hard when as we arrived.(5)若若主主从从句句表表示示是是两两个个同同时时(或或几几乎乎同同时时)发发生生短短暂暂性性动动作,用作,用 as/when:I thought of it just when as you opened your mouth.就在你要说时候,我也想到了。就在你要说时候,我也想到了。第7页(6)若若要要表表示示两两个个正正在在发发展展改改变变情情况况,“伴伴随随”,用用 as:Things are getting better and better as time goes on.As it grew darker,it became colder.(7)when 可用作可用作并列连词并列连词,表示,表示“这时这时(突然突然)”;while 也也能能够够用用作作并并列列连连词词,表表示示“而而”、“却却”(表表示对比示对比);但;但 as 则没有类似使用方法:则没有类似使用方法:We were about to start when it began to rain.He likes coffee,while she likes tea.第8页注意:注意:注意:注意:当当使使用用连连接接词词when表表示示“时时候候”时时,它它所所引引导导从从句句中中谓谓语语动动词词用用普普通通现现在在时时或或者者普普通通过过去去时时,不不能能用用完完成时态;成时态;when,while和和as都都引引导导表表示示时时间间状状语语从从句句,它它们们区区分分在在于于动动作作发发生生时时间间次次序序。用用when时时,从从句句动动作作能能够够与与主主句句同同时时发发生生或或先先于于主主句句动动作作发发生生;用用as时时从从句句和和主主句句动动作作同同时时发发生生;用用while时时从从句句和和主主句句动动作作同同时时发发生生,也可表示也可表示连续一段时间连续一段时间。第9页1._ we were talking,Mr.Smiths came in.2._ they came home,I was cooking dinner.3.I was about to go to bed _ I heard someone knock at the door.4._ we were watching TV,he was studying.5.He is fat _ his brother is thin.6._ she sang,tears ran down her face.用用when,whilewhen,while或或as as 填空填空:While/As/WhenWhenwhenWhilewhileAs第10页BeforeBefore在在之前;之前;AfterAfter在在之后之后表示主从句动作先后发生表示主从句动作先后发生1.1.当当主句主句用用未来时未来时,从句从句总是用总是用现在时现在时;2.2.假假如如beforebefore引引导导从从句句谓谓语语用用是是过过去去时时,则则主主句句动动词词多多用用过去完成过去完成时;时;3.After3.After表表示示主主句句动动作作发发生生在在从从句句动动作作之之后后。主主句句和和从从句句动作时间关系恰好与动作时间关系恰好与beforebefore引导从句相反。引导从句相反。第11页1.It 1.It willwillwillwill be four days be four days beforebeforebeforebefore they they comecomecomecome back.back.2.2.My My father father had had had had leftleftleftleft for for Canada Canada just just beforebeforebeforebefore the the letter letter arrivedarrivedarrivedarrived.3.3.AfterAfterAfterAfter you you thinkthinkthinkthink it it over,over,please please letletletlet me me know know what you decide.what you decide.4.4.AfterAfterAfterAfter we we hadhadhadhad finished the work,we finished the work,we wentwentwentwent home home第12页Before 与与 after1.Finish your homework _ you go out to play.2.He had walked three days _ he found water.3.It was not long _ he left his hometown.第13页Before 与与 after4.I played football _ I(had)finished my homework5.Please tell her Ill come _ I do some shopping.6.It will not be long _ we meat each other again.第14页tilltill和和untiluntil普普通通情情况况下下二二者者能能够够交交换换,不不过过在在强强调调句句型型中多用中多用untiluntil。注注意意:假假如如主主句句中中谓谓语语动动词词是是瞬瞬时时动动词词时时,必必须须用用否否定定形形式式;假假如如主主句句中中谓谓语语动动词词是是延延续续性性动动词词时时,用用必必定定或或否定形式都能够,但表示意思不一样。否定形式都能够,但表示意思不一样。I I diddidntnt go go to to bed bed untiluntil(tilltill)my my father father came came back.back.ItIt was was not not untiluntil the the meeting meeting was was over over thatthat he he began to teach me English.began to teach me English.I I workedworked untiluntil he came back.he came back.我工作到他回来为止。我工作到他回来为止。I I diddidntnt workwork untiluntil he he came came back.back.他他回回来来我我这这才才开开始始工作。工作。第15页till 与与 until1.He lived with his parents _ he graduated from college.2.The children wont come home _ its dark.3._ you told me I had no idea of it.4.Not _ he told me did I know the truth.5.It was _ the war was over that he returned to his land.第16页sincesince引引导导从从句句谓谓语语动动词词能能够够是是延延续续性性动动词词,又又能能够够是是瞬瞬时时动动词词。普普通通情情况况下下,从从句句谓谓语语动动词词用用普普通通过过去去时时,而而主句主句谓语动词用谓语动词用现在完成时现在完成时。I have been in Beijing I have been in Beijing sincesince you left.you left.区分:区分:1.It is since1.It is since从从以来多长时间了以来多长时间了It is five years It is five years sincesince we met last time.we met last time.2.It is before(2.It is before(才才)It was a long time It was a long time beforebefore I went to sleep again.I went to sleep again.第17页as soon as,immediately,directly,instantly,the moment,the instant,the minute I will go there directly I have finished my breakfast.吃完早饭,我马上到那里去。吃完早饭,我马上到那里去。The moment I heard the news,I hastened to the spot.我一听到消息,马上赶到了出事地点。我一听到消息,马上赶到了出事地点。As soon as I reach Canada,I will ring you up.我一到加拿大,就给你来电话。我一到加拿大,就给你来电话。第18页hardly(scarcely,rarely)when,no soonerthanhardly(scarcely,rarely)when,no soonerthan主主句句用用过过去去完完成成时时,从从句句用用普普通通过过去去时时。当当hardly,hardly,scarcely,scarcely,rarelyrarely和和no no soonersooner位位于于句句首首时时,主主句句应应用用倒装语序倒装语序。He had no sooner arrived home than he was asked to start on another journey.No sooner had he arrived home than he was asked to start on another journey.第19页1.I _(be)at his bedside since he _(become)ill.2.It _(be)two years since we _(be)university students.3._(一一就就)he saw the monster,he turned pale.填空第20页4.The spy had _ returned home than he was told to go to another country.5.We had _ returned home when it rained.6._ had we begun when we were told to stop.填空第21页(1)(1)当当主主句句为为未未来来时时态态或或含含有有未未来来意意义义时时,时时间间状状语语从从句通常要用句通常要用普通现在时表示未来意义普通现在时表示未来意义。Turn off the lights Turn off the lights beforebefore you you leaveleave.I will tell him I will tell him as soon asas soon as he he arrivesarrives.(2)(2)与与sincesince 从句搭配主句时态通常是从句搭配主句时态通常是现在完成现在完成时态。时态。He He has livedhas lived here here sincesince 1999.1999.Where Where have youhave you been been sincesince I last saw you?I last saw you?第22页改错题改错题:1.She was walking on the street while the accident happened.2._2.I will call you as soon as I will finish my homework._3.After the queen knows it is I that help you run away,she will kill me._ 4.I have finished the composition when the bell rang._ 第23页1.I got in touch with Charles _ I received his letter.A.when immediatelyB.soonC.immediatelyD.suddenly2.We were just _ calling you up _ you came in.A.about;whenB.on the point of;whileC.on the point of;whenD.on the point of;as第24页3.Most of his great novels and plays were not published or known to the public _ his tragic death in 1786.A.even beforeB.ever sinceC.until afterD.until before4.Babies sleep 16 to 18 hours in every 24 hours,and they sleep less _ they grow older.A.whileB.asC.whenD.after第25页5.Did you remember to return the book to our English teacher?Yes.I gave it to him _ I saw him.A.onceB.whileC.ifD.the moment6.A warning news report from Qatar announces that a group of Islam will continue to kill Americans wherever they are _ they leave the Arab world forever.A.even thoughB.in caseC.wheneverD.until第26页7.It will be five years _ we meet again.A.sinceB.untilC.beforeD.when8.How can they learn anything _ they spend all their spare time watching TV?A.whereB.whenC.whileD.but第27页关关键键点点:由由连连词词wherewhere和和复复合合关关系系词词whereverwherever (=no(=no matter where)matter where)引导引导.句型句型1 1:WhereWhere地点从句,(地点从句,(therethere)主句)主句。【注注意意】此此句句型型通通常常译译成成“哪哪里里哪哪里里就就”;主主句句在在从从句句后后面面时时,therethere可可用用可可不不用用;假假如如主主句句在在从从句句前面时,普通都不用前面时,普通都不用therethere。比如:。比如:WhereWhere there there is is no no rain,rain,farming farming is is difficult difficult or or impossible.impossible.You should have put the book You should have put the book wherewhere you found it.you found it.第28页句句型型2 2:Anywhere/Anywhere/whereverwherever地地点点从从句句,主主句句。【注注意意】anywhereanywhere本本身身是是个个副副词词,不不过过,常常能能够够引引导导从从句句,相相当当于于连连词词,意意思思相相同同于于wherever,wherever,anywhereanywhere引引导导从从句句可可位位于于主主句句之之前前,也也能能够够位位于于主主句句之之后后。而而whereverwherever本身就是个连词,表示本身就是个连词,表示“在何处,不论何处在何处,不论何处”。WhereverWherever the sea is,you will find seamen.the sea is,you will find seamen.1.Where1.Where there is a will,there is a way.there is a will,there is a way.2.Wherever2.Wherever you go,I go too.you go,I go too.第29页判断以下句子类型判断以下句子类型1.You would let your children play where you can see them.2.You would let your children play in the place where you can see them.第30页1.I have been keeping the portrait _ I can see it every day,as it always reminds me of my childhood in Paris.A.sinceB.whereC.asD.if2.“_ I live there are plenty of sheep.”,said the boy _ pride.A.Where;with B.When;inC.That;inD.Why;with第31页3.He seemed to have been asleep,so I said nothing,but sat _ he would see me _ waking.A.whether;whenB.that;whenC.which;whereD.where;when4.You can still find bones of the birds _ they used to live.A.in whichB.in the placeC.whereD.that第32页5.“_ my feet remain standing above the water level,there is hope.”said the captain.A.WhereB.Even ifC.WhileD.Although第33页主要连词:主要连词:because,as,since,forseeing(that),now(that)considering(that)第34页1.I didnt go to school yesterday because I was ill.2.Since everybody is here,lets begin our meeting.3.As you are in poor health,you should not stay up late.4.I asked her to stay to tea,for I had something to tell her.第35页1)because语势最最强强,用来说明人所不知原因,回答why提出问题。当原因是显显而而易易见见或已已为为人人们所知们所知,就用as或 since。I didnt go,because I was afraid.Since/As the weather is so bad,we have to delay our journey.第36页2)假如不不是是说说明明直直接接原原因因,起补充说明作用,用for。He is absent today,for he is ill.He must be ill,for he is absent today.第37页3)as和for区分:通常情况下,as引导从从句句在在主主句句前前,for引导从句在主句后从句在主句后。例:As the weather is cold,I stay at home.I stay at home,for the weather is cold.第38页用用because,as,since 与与for填空填空:1.-Why are you crying,meg?-_ Ive broken your necklace,mom.2.I went to bed early _ I was tired.3.I was not kind to him,_ he was rude.4._ I had a cold,I was absent from school.5.My mother was ill and I sent for Tom,_ he was a doctor.6._ we are all here,lets begin our class.第39页1.May I go now?_ youve finished your work,you may go.A.AfterB.AlthoughC.Now thatD.As soon as2._ it happened to be a nice day,we decided to go to the beach.A.WhenB.BeforeC.If D.Since第40页主要连词:主要连词:so that,sothat,suchthatso that,sothat,suchthatHe He studied studied hard hard so so thatthat he he passed passed the the exam.exam.He He was was soso angry angry thatthat he he couldnt couldnt speak.speak.He He shut shut the the window window with with suchsuch force force thatthat the glass broke.the glass broke.第41页So+adj.+a/an+n.So+adj.+a/an+n.Such+a/an+adj.+n.Such+a/an+adj.+n.正正:He He is is soso clever clever a a child child thatthat we we all all like like him.him.这小孩很聪明,我们都喜欢他。这小孩很聪明,我们都喜欢他。正正:They They are are suchsuch clever clever children children thatthat we we all all like them.like them.这些孩子很聪明,我们都很喜欢。这些孩子很聪明,我们都很喜欢。误误:They They are are so so clever clever children children that that we we all all like like them.them.第42页sothatsothat结构与结构与suchthatsuchthat结构转换:结构转换:Its Its such such an an interesting interesting film film thatthat we we all all want to see it.want to see it.这电影很有趣,我们都想看。这电影很有趣,我们都想看。Its Its so so interesting interesting a a film film thatthat we we all all want to see it.want to see it.这电影很有趣,我们都想看。这电影很有趣,我们都想看。第43页【注注】在在much,much,many,many,little,little,fewfew 这这四四个个词词前前总总是是用用soso而不用而不用suchsuch:He He had had so so so so manymanymanymany falls falls thatthatthatthat he he was was black black and and blue blue all over.all over.他摔了许多跤,结果全身都是伤。他摔了许多跤,结果全身都是伤。He He earns earns so so so so littlelittlelittlelittle money money thatthatthatthat he he can can hardly hardly feed feed his family.his family.他赚钱极少几乎不能养家糊口。他赚钱极少几乎不能养家糊口。第44页1.This book is _ rewritten _ children can enjoy it.2.I was caught in a shower,_ all my clothes got wet.3.Its _ cold _ the lake has frozen.4.There are _ many books there _ I dont know which one to borrow.第45页5.Its _ good a book _ Ive read it again and again.6.It was _ a cold day _ there was nobody on the street.7._ cold weather remained for three days _ I had to stay at home all day long.第46页第47页