优异精品课件文档资料第1页Lesson fiveSay Yes第2页Words and expressionsblur:to obscure,to make indistinctE.g.the line between art and reality the distinction between right and wrongTears red my eyes.The alcohol didnt blur his brain.第3页pinch 1.to nip,squeeze,or compress1.to nip,squeeze,or compress E.g.to sbs cheek playfullyE.g.to sbs cheek playfully to ones finger in the doorto ones finger in the door 2.to afflict or trouble2.to afflict or trouble E.g.be ed with cold and hungerE.g.be ed with cold and hunger 3.to give or spend sparingly;be mean3.to give or spend sparingly;be mean E.g.and save/scrapeE.g.and save/scrape She es on food in order to spend on clothing.She es on food in order to spend on clothing.pinch penniespinch pennies E.g.Weve been pinching pennies all year so that we can E.g.Weve been pinching pennies all year so that we can visit my relatives in Australia in December.visit my relatives in Australia in December.第4页More idioms with“pinch”at a pinchat a pinchE.g.We usually only accept 55 guests but at a E.g.We usually only accept 55 guests but at a pinch we could take 60.pinch we could take 60.take sth with a pinch of salttake sth with a pinch of saltE.g.She told me she knew people in the film E.g.She told me she knew people in the film industry,but I took that with a pinch of salt.industry,but I took that with a pinch of salt.feel the pinchfeel the pinchE.g.Its six months since he lost his job,and he is E.g.Its six months since he lost his job,and he is beginning to feel the pinch.beginning to feel the pinch.第5页plungeE.g.The temperature d below freezing.E.g.The temperature d below freezing.The price of oil has d to a new low.The price of oil has d to a new low.The dangerous policies would Europe into The dangerous policies would Europe into another war.another war.take the plungetake the plungeE.g.After working for twenty years he decided to E.g.After working for twenty years he decided to take the plunge and go back to college.take the plunge and go back to college.第6页rummage:to search about for sthShe d change from the bottom of her purse.He d about in his drawer.among back number periodicals for an article a ship for contraband第7页Words meaning“search”or“examine”Did you lock the door?Ill go and check.The water samples were examined for traces of pollution.The social services are inquiring about the missing girl.The police probed into his financial affairs.第8页The team went to the desert to The team went to the desert to prospectprospect for oil.for oil.He accused the press of He accused the press of pryprying into his private life.ing into his private life.While she was out,someone had While she was out,someone had ransackransacked her ed her room.room.We We scanscanned the horizon but no ship were to be ned the horizon but no ship were to be seen.seen.We We scourscoured the market for fresh aubergines.ed the market for fresh aubergines.We discovered that our neighbors had been We discovered that our neighbors had been spyspying ing on us.on us.第9页silverware-ware:manufactured goodsironware,software,hardware,glassware,earthenware,ovenware第10页snapsnap ones fingers atE.g.If you continue to snap your fingers at your boss,you may be severely punished.snap/bite sbs head offE.g.He is just making a suggestion:theres no need to snap his head off/snap at him!be a snapE.g.This job is a snap.第11页snapsnap out of itE.g.For heavens sake,Ann,snap out of it!Things are not that bad.snap to itE.g.Come on!Snap to it.第12页squeezeE.g.to some juice from the orange many things into a day through a narrow passagea tight:a situation where one does not have much space to put things in;第13页squeezeput the on sb(to do sth)put the on sb(to do sth):E.g.Rising fuel prices are putting the squeeze on E.g.Rising fuel prices are putting the squeeze on farmers and transport businesses.farmers and transport businesses.sb dry sb dryE.g.The war,as well as the economic sanctions E.g.The war,as well as the economic sanctions imposed by foreign countries,have squeezed the imposed by foreign countries,have squeezed the economy dry.economy dry.第14页Language points in textpitch in:start to work vigorously or determinedly;add ones contribution to a general effortE.g.If we all,we should get the job finished this afternoon.第15页Dont take my word for it:dont accept everything I said as truetake sbs word for ittake sbs word for it:believe sth that sb has said:believe sth that sb has saidE.g.You know more about cars than I do,so if you E.g.You know more about cars than I do,so if you think it needs a new gearbox,Ill take your word think it needs a new gearbox,Ill take your word for it.for it.You can take my word for it,Ill never let you You can take my word for it,Ill never let you down.down.第16页dab:to touch lightly,usu.several timesE.g.at his mouth with a handkerchief some beauty cream on her face butter on a slice of breadThe artist gently bed paint on the canvas.She bed the wound with a yellow salve.第17页feel corneredexpressions similar in meaning(1)If I help him,the boss will hate me.If I dont help him the office staff will hate me.Im between the devil and the deep blue sea.Well really get in Dutch if we lose the car keys.Theyre the only ones our parents have.When we ran out of gas at two oclock in the morning,I knew we were in a jam.第18页(2)Having lost her passport,she is now in deep water.He has got himself in hot water by quarrelling with his boss.If you dont do a good job,you will be in a bind.第19页(3)He thought living at home was bad,but now that He thought living at home was bad,but now that he is in New York,he realizes that he has he is in New York,he realizes that he has jumped jumped from the frying pan into the firefrom the frying pan into the fire.We are We are up against itup against it this year.Were in urgent need this year.Were in urgent need of your help.of your help.When Peter was driving on the free way at When Peter was driving on the free way at midnight,his car broke down and left him midnight,his car broke down and left him up a up a treetree.I was I was in a bad picklein a bad pickle when I lost my job.when I lost my job.第20页P126 tone vs tunetonetone:1)sound with reference to its quality:1)sound with reference to its quality:the the sweet of the violin;the shrill of the factory sweet of the violin;the shrill of the factory whistlewhistle2)the intonation,phrasing,choice of words etc.of 2)the intonation,phrasing,choice of words etc.of a speaker or writer that expresses a particular a speaker or writer that expresses a particular meaning,feeling,attitude of him:meaning,feeling,attitude of him:speak in an speak in an angry /in a of contempt/disapprovalangry /in a of contempt/disapproval;3)the rise or fall of the voice in speaking or 3)the rise or fall of the voice in speaking or pronunciation:pronunciation:pay attention to the rising and pay attention to the rising and falling s in your pronunciationfalling s in your pronunciation4)shades of color:4)shades of color:a photo in warm;the coat is a a photo in warm;the coat is a light of greenlight of green第21页tune:suggests the succession of note forming a melody(of a song),used often in opposition to the words of a songE.g.He hummed a to keep his courage up.Never shall I forget that haunting.第22页question vs problem1)questionquestion is more general,while is more general,while problemproblem refers to refers to a question esp.connected with numbers and a question esp.connected with numbers and facts,like facts,like problemsproblems in addition and subtraction in addition and subtraction2)questionquestion is more general while is more general while problemproblem often often refers to a serious difficulty that needs attention refers to a serious difficulty that needs attention and thoughtand thought第23页ashamed vs shamefulashamed:ashamed:You should be You should be ashamedashamed of yourself.of yourself.He said he felt He said he felt ashamedashamed of having done so little for of having done so little for the society.the society.shameful:shameful:It is It is shamefulshameful that she stole money from the blind that she stole money from the blind man.man.The correspondent had discovered their The correspondent had discovered their shamefulshameful treatment of political prisoners.treatment of political prisoners.第24页