三亚学院国际学生入学申请表UNIVERSITY OF SANYA APPLICATION FORM FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS No. 191, Xueyuan Rd. Jiyang District, Sanya, Hainan 572022 P.R.ChinaTel: +86-898-38205083/38815089, E-mail: zmwl护照用名Full Name in passport姓Family name中文名Chinese name照 片Photo名Given name国籍Nationality健康状况State of Health出生日期Date of birth 年 月 日y m d男 Male 女 Female已婚Married未婚Single护照号码Passport No.有效期至Valid until 年 月 日 y m d出生地点Place of birth宗教信仰Religion申请学生签证地点Place of applying for student visa国家 城市Country city最后学历Highest education level特长爱好Hobby工作或学习单位Organization职业Occupation本国家庭地址和电话(Home address &Tel in your country): 录取通知书邮寄地址/Address for Letter of Acceptance:(important)E-mail: 电话Tel: 传真Fax: 现有汉语水平/Your level of Chinese A Beginner B Elementary C Intermediate D Good E Advance HSK考试级申请学习时间Study of duration at HU从from 年Y 月M 日D 到to 年Y 月M 日D1申请学习专业Major/Program you want to study: 2. 学生类别/Student Status:硕士研究生/Masters Candidate 家庭主要成员Family members 姓名Name 关系Relation 电话和传真Tel. & Fax 经费来源/Source of Funding: USY特等国际奖学金/USY Special International Scholarship USY国际奖学金/USY International Scholarship自费/Self-supporting 本人简历Curriculum vitae (从大学开始, Starting from college). 时间(年月年月) 单位 职务From mm/yyyy to mm/yyyy Organization Position推荐人Recommender姓名Name工作单位和职务Organization & occupation联系电话Tel: 通讯地址Mailing address 申请人保证: (1)上述各项中所提供的情况是真实无误的;(2)无犯罪记录;(3)在校学习期间遵守中国法律和学校的规章制度。 I hereby affirm that: (1) all the information above I provided is true and correct; (2) I have never committed a crime; (3) I shall abide by the law of China and regulations of University of Sanya while studying at USY.学生本人签字/Applicant's signature 日期/Date: 注 意: 请申请人用中文或英文清楚地填写以上各项。不完整的申请表或未按照要求提交有关资料, 将可能延误您的申请受理时间。Note: Please fill out all the information requested. Please write None if not applicable. An incomplete application form or inadequate supporting documents will delay the process of your application.