泵与风机教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程名称泵与风机Pumps and Fans课程编码CNE120221020开课院部新能源学院课程团队(未设置)学分2.0课内学时32讲授32实验0上机0|实践0课外学时0适用专业本研一体化班W1械动力类)授课语言中文先修课程工程流体力学、机械设计基础、认识实习、工程热力学(全英文)课程简介 (限选)泵与风机是本研一体化班(机械动力类)的一门专业基础课程。课程主要讲述机械动力工程领域中常用泵和风机的基础理论和基 本知识,旨在使学生了解泵与风机的用途、分类及发展现状,掌墀离心泵、离心风机、轴流风机及活塞式风机等流体机械的结构组成、工 作原理、性能计算及常用的工况调节方法,具备泵和风机的计算选型、操作维护、调节控制的能力;能够综合运用所学知识解决能源与动 力工程领域中与泵和风机相关的复杂工程问题.Pump and Fan is a professional basic course for energy and power engineering major students. The contents are mainly about basic theory and basic knowledge of common pumps and fans in the field of energy and power engineering. The objective of the course is to make students to understand application, classification and development status of pump and fan, master structure composition, working principle, performance calculation and common working condition adjustmt?nt method of fluid conveying machinery, such as centrifugal pump, centrifugal fan, axial fan and reciprocating piston fan. The purpose of this course is to make students have the ability of calculation selection, maintenance and operation, regulation and control of pump and fan, to solve complex engineering problems associated with pumps and fans in the energy and power engineering field.