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高考复习之高中英语选择性必修一 unit 4一、拓展词汇;相互影响T interact v.交流;相互作用2. vary vi .变化T var ious adj.各种各样的Tvar iety n.变化;多样4. emp I oy vt.利用; 雇用 ->emp I oyer n.雇主 T employee n.雇员 T emp I oyment n.使用; 就业5. differ vi.相异;不同different adj.不同的 T difference n.不同;差别6. compar i son n.匕匕较compare v.匕匕较;匕匕喻11. assessment n.评价assess v.评估;评价16. occupy v.占据 ->occupat ion n.占据;职业二、重点短语1. vary from cuIture to cuIture 因文化而不同2. make eye contact进行眼神交流3. demonstrate respect 表示尊重4. witness another person EmpIoying the gesture 目睹另一人使用这个手势5. interpret OK as meaning zero 把 OK 解读为零6. k i ss the i r f r i ends on the cheek 亲吻朋友的脸颊7. favour bowing from the waist 更喜欢鞠躬8. get through difficult situations 度过艰难的情形9. break down barriers 打破隔阂11. make assessments and i inferences 做出 评价和推断12. internal thoughts and fee I i ngs 内在的想法和情感13. c I ar ify mi sunderstand i ngs ;澄清误会14. have a tendency to Iean forward 有前倾的趋势15. an absence of eye contact 缺乏眼神交流16. have the same d i stant express i on on the i r faces脸上有同样疏远的表情17. occupy themseI ves by star ing out of the window or up at the cei I ing,忙于目丁着窗夕卜或天花板18. have the i r arms crossed i n front of the i r chests双手交叉放在胸前19. wear a frown 皱眉头20. hide thei r faces i n thei r hands 双手捂脸21. not bother to brush hair 懒的梳头22. her eyes are red from weeping 她的眼睛哭红了。24. i nqu i re and assess what i s go i ng on询问并评估发生了什么25. get the most out of schoo I 从学校收获最大三、重点句型1 .(部分否定)相反,在其他国家,眼神交流并不总是被认可。In other countr i es, by contrast, eye contact i s not a I ways approved of.2 .(否定词+比较级)当我们感到沮丧或孤单时,最美好的事情莫过于看到好友的笑脸。And i f we are fee Ii ng down or I one Iy, there i s noth i ng better than see i ng the smiling face of a good fr i end.3 . (have+宾语+过去分词作宾补)所以,如果一名学生低头看手表,这就表明他觉得无聊,数着时间,只盼早点下 课。So if a student has h i s head Iowered to Iook at h i s watch, it imp I ies he i s bored and just count ing the minutes for the cI ass to end.4 .(从属连词while)尽管学生们何时感兴趣,何时感到无聊或精力不集中是容易察觉的,但要发现学生何时有领 导人的时会难的多。While i t i s easy to perce i ve when students are i nterested, bored, or d i stracted, i t i s sometimes much harder to d i st i ngu i sh when students are troubIed.