A HOTELXXX大酒店TRAINING ACTIVITY OUTLINE培训活动纲要Task:Sales & Market! ng Meet ing任务:市场销售会议Code 序号QH-SM-RM-D004Objectives: At the end of this session, each trainee will be able to provide a highly Focused approach to the sales activities and review the pla nning once every two weeks.目的:课程结束后,每个销售部员工将能够提供高质量的方法进行销售活动,每两星期回顾一次销售计划。Standard: The Sales & Marketing Meting is to be held at least once every two weeks.标准:市场销售会议至少每两个星期举行一次。Resources: Whiteboard, Flip Chart, LCD,培训器材:白板,翻转展示板,LCDMethod培训方式Tra ining Steps培训步骤Time时间Self-i ntroduction 自我介绍1 mi nuteQuesti onPrologue:开场白提问Does anyone atte nd Sales & Marketi ng Meeti ng before 谁曾经参5 mi notesBuzz Group加过市场销售会议Divided two groups to have Sales & Marketing meeting within 520 min utes分组讨论minutes, then the group leader will telling all trainees what is StanLecturedard of sales & Marketi ng将学员分为两组在5分钟内开一个短暂市场销售会议,组长将 告诉所有学员市场销售会议的标准。before this practice the group leader will be have sales & marketi ng meet ing sta ndard & procedure.事件将标准程序给组仁。(幺日将事件力桃好)15 minu tesAndAll the Stan dard will writte n in flipchart and explain reas on forDem on strati oneach item:讲解和展示所有的标准将写在翻转展示板上,逐条讲解。Buzz Group 分组讨论Divided train ees in two groups to discuss what is procedure of10 min utesLecture F/C讲解sales & marketing meeting then critique after discussion.将学员分 为两组讨论什么是市场销售会议的程序然后评估。Give Procedure: ( show step on prepared flipchart 1 )用翻转Questio ns 提问板展示所有的程序Are you all clear about the Sales & Marketing Meeting Procedures or5 mi nutesTest测验have some other comme nts是否都清楚市场销售会议的标准和程序,谁还有其他的观点Ask key points to review this sessi on ( key point in Flip chart 2)Summary提问式回顾课程要点。(重点强调)All departme nt head or atte ndance must be make pla nning basic on the Director of Sales & Marketing suggestion report to Director of Sales & Marketing and General Manager, sales departme nt will follow up.各部门代表将跟据本部门的实际情况制订相关的措施,在会议结束 后汇报给市场总监及总经理。由市场销售部负责跟进。5 mi nutes总结Thanks for all train ees to atte nd this sessi on and does any one has some problems, please don 't hesitate to con tact with me.感谢所有学员的参与,还有什么问题请随时与我联络。Total 61 mi notes