是时候请假了,杰克。离开我的办公室。Time to take some leave, Jack. Get out of my office. 在她的狗项圈上找到了纸条。Found the note on her dog*s collar. 我们已经为您的狗做了 X光检查。 We've done an X-ray on your dog. 她吞下的似乎是珠宝。What she's swallowed appears to be jewellery. 给玛蒂尔达,爰,吉米。"To Matilda, love, Jimmy." 如果您可以快速搜索If you can just do a quick search 对于您为詹姆斯所做的任何雕刻 for any engravings you've done for a James. 这里没有电脑QNo computers here.我认为错误的凶手在监狱里。I think the wrong killer is in prison.如果合适的人还在那里,And if the right ones are still out there, 如果有什么事情要发生怎么办? what if something's about to happen? 你在这所房♥子里找到了鹿? You found the deer at this house? 旁边有水桶和肠子?With a bucket and the intestines right next to it? 这不是雄鹿射击。This isnrt buck shot.这是一种补牙。This is a dental filling. 这些是人之常情。These are human.如果是Minnet Kable惹了我们怎么办?What if it's Minnet Kable who's messing with us? 这里还散发著味道。It still smells in here.他在1998年绑♥架♥了我的兄弟。He abducted my brother in 1998. 在朗拉廷期间,潘德列茨基遭到殴打。While in Long Lartin, Penderecki was beaten. 我没有打败潘德列茨基。我知道!I know it!今天是我们逃跑的日子!Today is the day we're going to escape!你好?Hello?你不应该在这里。You shouldn't be out here.你得到我哥哥的资讯了吗?Did you get the information about my brother?我做了。I did.告诉我你知道什么。Tell me what you know.狗?The dog?我有一份名字清单,但要花几周时间才能全部叫出来。I've got a list of names, but it*ll take weeks to call them all. 我会做的。I will do it.但你需要告诉我你对我兄弟的了解。But you need to tell me what you know about my brother. 不。No.我告诉过你,我会I told you that I would.你的应许对我来说毫无意义。Your promise means nothing to me.我不是骗子。I am not a liar.我们达成了交易!We had a deal!我希望这一切结束。I want this to end.我需要这个结束。I need this to end.工作完成后回来。Come back when the job is done.现在离开。Now leave.停。Stop.好的,继续。OK, go on.你不会在这里的任何地方得到信♥号♥♥。闭嘴。You won't get a signal anywhere up here.Shut up.你想给谁打电♥话♥ ?告诉我是谁。他妈的闭嘴。Who are you trying to call? Tell me who. Shut the fuck up.我想我撞到了什么。I think I hit something.我相信你击中了什么。I'm confident you hit something.你不能同时把眼睛放在前面和后面!You can*t have your eyes up front and in back at the same time!你撞到了一块石头。它们排在驱动器上。You've hit a stone. They line the drive.如果你一直在使用你的镜子,你会看到它们。If you'd been using your mirror, you'd have seen them.好吧,看看那个!我有信♥号♥♥了 !Well, look at that! Tve got signal!你并不总是对的,你知道的。You're not always right, you know.现在已经消失了。It's gone now.妈妈?你有白色要洗吗?Mum? Have you got any whites to wash?什么?What?我要启动机器了!I'm starting the machine!你在洗衣服吗?Are you doing laundry?是的!现在?是的。Yes!Now? Yes.你有白人吗?Have you got any whites?让我看看。Let me look.嗨,伙计。Hi, mate.你在河上看到谁了 ?Who were you seeing out on the river?什么?What?当我来和你说话时,你正在河边。When I came to talk to you, you were out on the river.说你在检查一些东西。Said you were checking something out.那是什么?What was it?嗯,我们称他们为“河人”。Um, we call them the 1 river people,.我想你可以说他们是一个公社。I guess you could say they're a commune.他们在水边有一个营地。Theyfve got a camp out there, by the water.太恶心了。It's disgusting.你在调查什么?And what were you investigating?只是周围有很多噪音抱怨oJust a lot of noise complaints from around there.我有我的白人!I've got my whites!对不起,伙计。我以为你是在工作。Sorry, mate. I thought you were at work.不,没事。它。No, it's fine. Its.你还没有启动机器,是吗?You didn't start the machine yet, did you?只要把它放在那里,我就拿走他们。Just put it there, I'll take 'em.我不是故意在你休息日打扰你的。I didn't mean to bother you on your day off.你有点断断续续。You're being a bit chopsy.我可以给你回电♥话♥。I can call you back.不,没问题,伙计。我不介意。No, it's no problem, mate. I don't mind.嗯,我想你的女朋友可能会有不同的感觉。Well, I think your girlfriend might feel differently.她会克服的。Shell get over it.那么这些人是什么时候第一次搬到河边的呢?So when did these people first move out on the river?不知道具体是什么时候。Not sure exactly when.但是他们已经扩张了几年了。But they*ve been sort of expanding for a couple of years now. 为什么?Why?骨头的狂欢总是在不同的位置。Bones's raves were always in different locations.然后有一天,他们停了下来,And then one day, they just stopped, 这对我来说从来没有意义。which never made sense to me.但是,如果他们不停下来呢?But what if they didn't just stop?如果他只是安营扎寨呢?What if he just set up camp?好的,一个酒吧。慢点开。OK, one bar. Slow down.是的,在那里,停下来。Yeah, there, stop.好吧,老头子。All right, old man.是时候打电♥话♥给你的银行了。Time to call your bank.这就是这回事?钱?拨号♥ !现在!That's what this is all about? Money?Dial! Now!妈妈?Mum?如果你有机会离开这里If you have the chance to get out of here.我要你把我抛在身后。.I want you to leave me behind.亲爱的,你在说什么?Darling, what are you talking about?我的意思是,如果是在我和你之间I mean, if it's between me and you还是我和爸爸,or me and Dad,离开我吧。just leave me.我知道我不是你想要的。I know I'm not what you want.我从来没有去过。I never have been.不,亲爱的!No, darling!不,不,我们爱你!No, no, we love you!我他妈的!I'm a fuck-up!我一点都不像基尔南。I'm nothing like Kiernan.不,亲爱的,你是我们的女儿!No, darling, you're our daughter!我们爱你!We love you!我让你难堪。I embarrass you.妈妈,我让你难堪。I embarrass you, Mum.我在你脸上看到它。I see it on your face.我很乐意说明你,安克-费雷尔斯先生。I'd be delighted to help you, Mr Anchor-Ferrers.谢谢你,亚瑟。Thank you, Arthur.但由于这是一笔如此重大的交易,But as it is a such a substantial transaction,我们非常重视安全,we take security very seriously,所以恐怕我需要正式验证一下,确实是你,so I'm afraid I need to formally verify that it is, indeed, you, 当然,我认得你的声音,安克费雷尔斯先生。even though, of course, I recognise your voice, Mr Anchor-Ferrers.我理解。亚瑟,请继续。I understand. Arthur, please proceed.现在,这些是您已经选择的安全问题。Now, these are security questions you've already chosen.首先,你童年的宠物叫什么名字?To begin with, what was the name of your childhood pet?杜松。Juniper.谢谢。Thank you.你最喜欢的小说呢?And your favourite novel?艾芬豪。沃尔特斯科特爵士。Ivanhoe. Sir Walter Scott.这很棒,最后,你最喜欢的音乐?That's great, and finally, your favourite piece of music?彼得鲁什卡的三个乐章。斯特拉文斯基。Trois mouvements de Petrouchka. Stravinsky.谢谢。Thank you.所以现在你已经验证了我就是我所说的那个人?是的?So now you've verified I am who I say I am? Yes?是的,先生。Yes, sir.现在,关于您的交易And now, in regards to your transaction.我和我的家人被关押My family and I are being held.愚蠢的男人!Stupid fucking man!你在这里干什么?What are you doing here?您没有接听手♥机♥。You weren't answering your mobile.那是因为你和我不是一天聊天两次的人。That's because you and I are not two-chats-a-day people.谁把你们两个白♥痴♥放在一起的?Who put you two idiots together?马修斯。Matthews.我可以获取产品密钥吗?Can I please get the product key?这个数位。产品金钥为14141-30187-76769oThat figures. Product key is 14141-30187-76769.当我们开始这个电♥话♥时,这并没有被记住,That wasn't memorised when we started this call, 如果您想知道这已经持续了多长时间。in case you're wondering how long this has been going on.你能坚持吗?是的。激动地抱著。Can you hold? Yeah. Thrilled to hold.你想要什么?What do you want?你对河边的人了解多少?What do you know about the river people?普罗迪说他们在你的雷达上。Prody says they're on your radar.他是不是太害怕了,不敢亲自问我?Is he too afraid to ask me himself?某个女人,在某个地方,与他发生过性关系。Some woman, somewhere, has had sex with him.她告诉自己什么,你觉得呢?What does she tell herself, do you think?河民与加的夫的武器销♥售♥有关。The river people are tied to weapon sales in Cardiff.但联♥系♥很弱,只是手♥枪♥。But the ties are weak and it's just hand guns.你现在还不能闯进去。You can't go barging in there just yet.什么,所以你没有可能不仅仅是手&hearts枪♥ ?What, so you don't there could be more than just hand guns? 嗯,可能是。不知道。Well, it might be. We don*t know.警♥察♥优先考虑,杰克。Police make priorities, Jack.你知道这是怎么回事。You know how this works.情报还不足以保证采取行动。It's not enough intel yet to warrant action.好吧,你有嫌疑人吗?Well, do you have a suspect?我愿意。I do.对,他的是什么?Right, and what's his.?是的,当你说你正在解决问题时,Yeah, when you say that you are fixing the problem,你能更具体一点吗?can you be more specific?嗯,呃Well, erm.你听到你现在的答案有多模糊吗?Do you hear how vague your answers are right now?你的声音是如何不断向上移♥动♥的?And how your voice keeps shifting upwards?快速提问,你的手现在捂住嘴了吗?是的。Quick question, is your hand covering your mouth right now?Yes.是的,是这样想的。Yep, thoughtso.那是因为你在撒谎。That's because you're lying.我是一名警探。I am a police detective.现在我需要你抱著。And now I need you to hold.这是关于驴球场的吗?Is this about the Donkey Pitch?阅读一些旧案卷是一回事。It is one thing to read a few old case files.完全是另一回事开始打开大门It is another thing entirely to start opening doors that the纽波特县警方特别选择关闭。Newport County Police have specifically chosen to leave shut.你不是纽波特县员警。You are not Newport County Police.此外,驴球场之间没有联♥系♥Besides, there is no connection between the Donkey Pitch和河边的人。and the river people.然后派我去办一件毫无意义的差事。Then send me on a pointless errand.嫌疑人是Elis Henniono谢谢。Suspect is Elis Hennion. Thank you.千斤顶?Jack?这是我的家。This is my home.他们回来了!他们把爸爸带回来了!They're back! They've brought Dad back!露西亚,安静点!Lucia, be quiet!爸爸!Dad!爸爸!Dad!他被绑了回来。He's tied back up.所以,这就是我们所处的位置。So, here's where we are.如果银行的人明白银勺船长的意思If the man from the bank understood what Captain Silver Spoon 正说著,然后员警已经在路上了。was saying, then the police are already on their way.如果他不明白那我们就没事了 !If he didn't understand. Then we're all right!远非完全正确。Far from all right.远,因为给银行的电♥话♥还是拙劣的,Far, because the call to the bank was still botched, 这意味著没有资金转移。which means there's been no transfer of funds.哦,这很糟糕。Oh, that's bad.很差。Very bad.这是我们应该做的主要事情。That was sort of the main thing we were supposed to do.既然我们失败了,我很确定老板,And since we've failed, Tm pretty sure the boss,谁是疯子,就要杀了我们。who is a lunatic, is going to kill us.他表现出了某种点点的判断力。He has demonstrated somewhat dotty judgment.我们需要离开。现在。We need to leave. Now.我发誓。I swear.不不不。No, no, no.该死!Oh, shit!里面什么都没有。我告诉过你。There's nothing in there. I told you.你不想这样做。You don't want to do this.你不是坏人。You*re not the bad one.我看得出来。I can tell.现在停止这件事还为时不晚。It's not too late to stop this thing.这里,这里,这里,过来,来这里!Here, here, here, come here, come here!Elis Hennion是25岁的卡迪夫本地人,Elis Hennion is a 25-year-old Cardiff native and, 从外观上看,有点狗屎。by the looks of it, a little shit.酒后驾驶,Drink-driving,酒吧斗殴,pub brawls,限制令。a restraining order.他住在那个营地,所以他是一条路。He's living at that camp, so he's a way in.谁拿出了限制令?Who took out the restraining order?芭芭拉贝尔。Barbara Bell.贝尔夫人,河边的人为什么要派伊莉丝来找你?Mrs Bell, why did the river people send Elis to you? 我们正在努力让我们的女儿回来。We're trying to get our daughter back.她和他们在一起。She's with them.和谁在一起?With who?骨骼。Bones.请你帮我看点什么吗?I didn't beat Penderecki.那是他的狱友。It was his cell mate.我会找出他知道的。PH find out what he knows.没有人应该在没有答案的情况下生活。No-one should have to live without answers.我去你家拿东西。I went to your home to get my things.但我没有进去,因为But I didn't go inside because.你的前门是开著的。your front door was open.是的,是的,我知道。Yeah, yeah, I know.不,以前从来没有遇到过问题。No, never had a problem with them before.然后我今天醒来,它们绝对无处不在。Then I wake up today, and they're absolutely everywhere.我不知道。I don't know.但我不做昆虫QBut I don't do insects.呸。Yeh a fi.呕吐,发霉,绝对没问题,Vomit, mould, absolutely fine,但不是昆虫。but not insects.不,他现在在这里,感谢上帝。No, he's here now, thank God.其他一些房♥子也有同样的问题,Some other houses are having the same problem,所以他已经在该地区了。so he was already in the area.他说他会到处喷。He said he'd spray everywhere.但我必须离开至少四个小时。But I have to be away for at least four hours.我不知道我要做什么。And I've no idea what I'm going to do.Could I ask you to watch something for me, please?这就是我们的洁西卡。That's our Jessica.那个穿著防护服的男人,就是骨头。And the man in the hazmat suit; that's Bones.你碰巧知道骨头的真名吗?Do you happen to know Bones*s real name?不,对不起,我们从未真正♥见♥过他。No, sorry, we've never actually met him.你的女儿是怎么认识骨头的?And how did your daughter meet Bones?他曾经狂欢。He used to throw raves.你知道,当他进入她的生活时,她的一切都变了。You know, when he came into her life, everything about her changed. 她的行为方式,她的穿著方式。The way she acted, the way she dressed.她开始不回家,有时几天。She started not coming home, sometimes for days.我们会报告她失踪,但员警一直告诉我们We'd report her missing, but the police kept telling us她不是真的失踪了,她是that she wasn't really missing, she was.缺席。Absent.兀王oExactly.这意味著她不在她应该在的地方It means she's not where she's supposed to be但从技术上讲,你知道她在哪里。but technically you know where she is.对于失踪人员来说,这是低优先顺序的。It's low priority for a missing person.对不起。I'm sorry.然后她18岁了,我们无能为力。Then she turned 18 and there was nothing we could do.她是成年人了。She's an adult.她和他住在一起。She lives with him.但现在他们就在怀伊河边那个令人作呕的大院里。But now they're in that disgusting compound by the Wye.我自己去过他们的领地。Fve been onto their territory myself.试图让她回来。Tried to get her back.但她把我拒之门外。But she turned me away.所以我们说服了家人,聘请了辅♥导♥员,So we've persuaded family members, hired counsellors, 甚至是一个危机谈判代表,试图说服她回家。even a crisis negotiator to try to talk her into coming home.但是,当他们中的任何一个人踏上那些河民的领地时,But the moment any one of them step onto those river people's territory, 他们。他们进行报复。they. they retaliate.通过派遣伊丽丝?By sending Elis?完全。Exactly.伊莉丝到底是做什么的?What exactly does Elis do?好吧,他首先跟著你。Well, he starts by following you.但是,相信我,它从那里升级。But, trust me, it escalates from there.这些人喜欢吓唬你。These people like scaring you.那么关于这些河边的人,你还能告诉我什么呢?So what else can you tell me about these river people?这是一个你可能想像的更正式的组织。It's a more formal organisation that you might be imagining.这是一个邪教。Its a cult.我们的女儿在邪教中。Our daughter's in a cult.不说是没有意义的。No sense in not saying it.他们都崇拜他。They all worship him.她崇拜他。She worships him.你知道,她会为他做任何事情。You know, she'd do anything for him. o oI.我怀疑他们是暴♥力♥的。I suspect they've been violent.一起。Together.你在干什么?我叫你收拾行李。What are you doing? I told you to pack. 我只是在想。I was just thinking.你现在选那个?You pick now for that?家庭呢?他们呢?What about the family? What about them?如果银行不报♥警♥,If the bank doesn't call the police, 但是我们离开了,他们仍然被绑著 but we leave, and they're still tied up. 他们会没事的。They'D be fine.他们会They'll 他们会死的。Theyfll die.我知道你是武器级的机智,I know that you are weapons-grade witless, 但是现在我们不能有任何搞砸。but right now we can't have any fuck-ups. 你明白吗?Do you understand? 上楼。Go upstairs.堵住家人的嘴QGag the family.当你回来时,跟随我的领导。And when you come back down, follow my lead. 苏菲和雨果在Adderall上。Sophie and Hugo were on Adderall.他们在以恐怖电影为主题的狂欢中购买♥♥ 了它。They bought it at raves which were horror-movie themed.假血,诸如此类的东西。Fake blood, stuff like that.而背后的人叫骨头。And the man behind it was called Bones.孩子们从来没有提到过一个叫骨头的人。The kids never mentioned anyone named Bones.是的,当然不是。他们是十几岁的孩子。Yeah, of course not. They were teenagers.他们的父母就坐在他们旁边。And they had their parents sitting right next to them.父母也没有提到他。他们中肯定有一个人知道这件事。Parents didn't mention him either. Surely one of them knew about it.那么为什么要保守秘密呢?这不是秘密。So why keep it a secret? It wasn't a secret.但父母没有理由认为骨头或狂欢But the parents had no reason to think tha