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    The Changeling《叛徒(2023)》第一季第四集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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    The Changeling《叛徒(2023)》第一季第四集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

    大海变幻无常然而万变不离其宗没错The water renews but does not shed its layers. No.大海将过往埋葬的记忆带往当下It drags buried memories to the present.从前海面下Once, below these waters, 存在着巨大的掠食动物诡秘莫测 giant predators swam. Mythical. 后来这些掠食动物开始长腿从水中走向陆地Those predators grew legs and made it to land.如果它们能经历这种变化我们凭什么不能相信If they could do that; would it be so surprising if once, 很久以前在某个时间点女巫也曾经在这里逗留 upon one of these times, witches had been here too? 这片水域上的每个故事都连接着下一个故事Each tale told upon this water informs the next story.绵绵不息 and the next.(别听女巫的话哈哈)叛徒第一季第四集(改编自维克多拉瓦列的同名小说)不知道为何非要我来Don't know why I had to come out here.那个男人说好付你七万美元买♥♥一本书Man agrees to pay you $70,000 for a book, 你最好亲自把那本书交给他you best believe you deliver that shit to him personally.知道我们看起来像什么吗两个毒贩出来做交易You know what we look like? Two drug dealers out to make a sale. 毒贩不会用礼纸包货Drug dealers don't gift wrap.对我想我们应该做Yeah. I think we should make that.这是你的谢了Here you go. - Thanks.好没问题Yeah. No problem.来了Here you go.(金瓦伦丁 一万美元)阿波罗Apollo.我到现在还不知道她第三个愿望是什么I never even got to hear her third wish.有很多种可能性懂吗她大可It coulcfve been anything, you know? She could've一她大可直接告诉She could've just told-我想你应该能理解I think you should know.事情不应该发展成这样的it wasn't supposed to be like this.这已经是事实了This is what it is.再见瓦伦丁姐妹Goodbye, Valentines.谢了Thank you.(事态严重)(陌生号♥码:艾玛瓦伦丁J(还活着)搞什么鬼什么What the fuck? What?(陌生号♥码:来找我吧)什么What?(跟着地图)去你的Fuck you!(我看见你了)什么What?(阿波罗:告诉我你到底在哪里)你到底在哪里Where the fuck are you?(抱歉我在坟墓旁)威廉William.嘿威廉Hey! William!该死的Goddamn it.威廉你到底在哪里嘿-嘿卡瓦先生William! Where the fuck are you? Hey! - Hey. Hey, Mr. Kagwa- 你这个该死的混♥蛋♥-阿波罗You little fucking shit! - Apollo!抱歉在这种情况下再见别Sorry to see you again like this- No.嘿别激动老兄你以为很好玩吗Hey! Oh, come on man. - The fuck do you think this is?你觉得很好笑吗-不是This a fucking sick joke to you? Huh? - No. No.我不是有意故弄玄虚的别激动I didn't mean to get all cloak and dagger about it. Come on.你到底说什么鬼话你知道艾玛还活着What the fuck are you talking about? Do you know Emma's alive?是我发誓听好-你怎么知道的Yes, I do. I swear- Look- - What? How?我刚刚发现的-这话到底什么意思I only just found out. - What the fuck do you mean?纽约市警局和联调局都找不到她The NYPD and the fucking Feds couldn't find her, 你却跟我说你找到她了是这个意思吗and you mean to tell me you did? Is that what you're telling me?阿波罗你听我说以前这种政♥府♥机构Look, there was a time when government agencies like that是我们唯一的资源were the only resource a person had, Apollo.少说废话现在不同了Shut the fuck up with that shit! - That's not true anymore.如果有一百人分布在全国各地并且每人都有一台电脑You know, a hundred people with a hundred computers across the country, 那他们的搜索范围也跟政♥府♥机构一样广泛 they can cover as much ground as them.甚至更广泛They can cover more.如果这些人真的在乎他们会日以继夜地找人And if those people really care, they*ll work day and night.绝不放弃They won't quit.我告诉他们我想帮你时他们就照做了And thatrs just what they did when I told them I wanted to help you.行了好那她在哪里Okay, okay. So where is she?如果你所言不假那艾玛瓦伦丁在哪里If what you say is true, where is Emma Valentine?她在位于东河的一座岛上She's on an island in the East River.你这个人♥渣♥-我没骗你我发誓I'm serious. I swear it. - This fucking guy.我没骗你I'm serious.阿波罗我找到那群“智者”了The Wise Ones, Apollo. I found 'em.你到底是谁Who are you?阿波罗我是你的朋友-少来你才不是我的朋友Apollo, I'm your friend. - Don*t! You're not my fucking friend.别说这种话别碰我Stop saying that. Stop touching me.我要怎么找到她How do I get to her?你需要一艘船You're gonna need a boat.一艘该死的船很好我一艘船也没有A fucking boat. Well, great, I don't have a fucking boat.别这样老兄你放心Come on, man, relax.有个租船的应用There's an app for that.该死的Oh, fuck.你知道说不通吧该死的You know this crazy. - Fuck.你知道位于埃及的亚历山大图书馆曾经是什么地方吗You know what the Library of Alexandria was in Egypt?知道我懂我老婆以前是图书管♥理♥员♥Yeah, I know it. My wife was a librarian.那里曾是世上最大的知识库It held the world's knowledge.“是治愈灵魂的地方老兄网络也是这种地方"The place of the cure of the soul." That's what the Internet is, my man. 嘿那个租船佬有没有给你任何确凿的证据Hey, did boat guy give you any actual evidence证明艾玛还活着-有that Emma was still alive? - Yeah.他给我发了类似文档的东西但我打不开He sent me some kind of file or something, but I can*t open it.我猜可能是Flash格式好吧转发给我It's probably in Flash, I bet. Yeah, forward it to me.好的Okay.好在你来之前Good news is I did my due diligence我对惠勒做了背景调查-结果呢on Wheeler before you got here. - And?威廉韦伯斯特惠勒名字头韵不错嘛William Webster Wheeler. Gotta love alliteration.生于莱维顿Born in Levittown.在森林小丘第86街有一间房♥产Owns a house in Forest Hills, on 86th street.1980年代初期曾在空军部队担任编程专家Served in the Air Force as a programming specialist in the early '80s.后来到南卡罗来纳医科大学工作After that, worked for the Medical University of South Carolina.接着开始将生活重心转回东北部一直从事应用开♥发♥工作 Started making his way back northeast. Been working as an app developer. 该死的Damn.这家伙果然没说谎是啊This guy is who he says he is. - Yeah.这年头老实人不多了是啊他明晚会That means something these days. - Yeah, he's gonna get a租一艘船boat tomorrow night.是啊为什么他要帮你Yeah, so why is this guy helping you?这对他有什么好处-不知道I mean, what's in it for him? -1 don*t know.可能他彻底疯了Maybe he's fucking crazy.他可能想把我从船上扔下水我真的无所谓Maybe he wants to throw me off the boat. I really don't care. 是啊Yeah.这看起来像监控摄像视频This looks like CCTV camera footage.这家伙的朋友们还真搞了一波地毯式搜索This guy's friends did some serious digging.幽灵是什么是逝者的灵魂What is a ghost? The spirit of a dead person, 还是一种视错觉 or a vision seen askew?上一次看到她还活着已经是三个月前的事了Three months since he'd last seen her alive, 如今她又出现了 and now here she was.(史泰登岛渡轮)纽约南街海港South Street Seaport.你不是说你不会开船吗Thought you didn't know how to drive a boat.我这个人不会说谎的I can't tell a lie.(开船入门班欢迎来到加入美好的水上驾驶世界Welcome to the wonderful world of boating.我马上示范怎么解缆启航I'm gonna show you how to cast off a dock.在那之前记得点赞订阅But before I do, be sure to like and subscribe.我们可以从网络上学到任何东西我在自学You can learn anything from the Internet. I'm teaching myself. 谢谢你 Thank you.嘿如果你改变主意我们可以随时回去Hey, you know, we can go back whenever you want.只要你说一声Say the word.问你一件事Let me ask you something.你有没有跟任何人说过我们这趟行程Did you tell anybody else we were doing this?我跟帕特里斯说过I told Patrice.那有件东西你一定要看看There's something you need to see then.不怎么连你也这样你看这个Oh, no. No, not you too. - Look. Right there.(绿发哈利在开放水域要注意安全)(只希望你们安全回来)“绿发哈利就是你的朋友帕特里斯“Green Hair Harry1'. There's your Patrice.帕特里斯一对啊还有这个Patrice? - Yeah. And there's this.天啊Oh, my God.你听我说我相信他的目的是给我们力量Look, Tm sure he meant to show us support,但在你身边的人是我but I'm actually out here with you.听好我们必须小心警惕Look, we need to be careful.阿波罗如果不把门打开就不会引狼入室Vampires can't come into your house unless you invite them, Apollo.上网留言相等于开门揖盗Posting online is like leaving your front door wide open欢迎任何邪灵走进我们家and telling any creature of the night they can just come right in.天啊那是赖克斯岛Wow. Rikers.熄灯了Lights out.你打算怎么死How would you do it?从乔治华盛顿大桥跳下去Jump off George Washington Bridge.该死的Shit.如果走进童话世界里不小心掉人一本书里Would you even know if you crossed into a fairy tale?我们会意识到吗Slipped between the pages of a book?世上存在着前往彼方世界的通道口我们可能没意识到自己已经跨界了There are portals in this world that we may never know we've trespassed through. 那边你看就在那边There. Look, right there. There it is.天啊你找到了Oh, my gosh. You found it.好我把船停在海滩上Yeah, Tm gonna beach us.冷静Okay.准备好了吗Ready?准备好了Yes.好冷啊It's freezing.威廉怎么了William. - Yeah?为什么跟来Why are you here?我被格蕾塔拒绝了Gretta said no.她甚至没有表现出恶意懂吗She wasn't even mean about it, you know?她只说要我把书通过遗嘱留给两个女儿She just said to leave the book for the girls in my will.如果没跟你出来If I wasn't out here with you, 我只会待在家里的地下室里发疯rd just be at home in my basement, going nuts.我知道这不是正常人会做的事但起码我不是孤零零一个人I know this is insane. At least I'm not alone.我可以跟着你吗Can I come with you?走吧Let's roll.走吧Let's roll.你看一看什么Look. - What?医院的病床Hospital beds.我知道这是什么地方了I know where we are.这里肯定是北兄弟岛我今天看过相关文章This must be North Brother Island. I read about this today.对是一间安顿染病者的医院Yeah, it was a hospital for the infectious.手♥机♥没电了Phone died.走吧威廉Come on, William.嘿知道谁是玛丽马伦吗Hey, you know who Mary Mallon was?你是指伤寒玛丽吧Typhoid Mary.答对了你好聪明Bingo. You*re smart.第一位伤寒杆菌超级传播者The original super-spreader.你知道她一生有三分之一的时间都在隔离中度过吗You know they quarantined her here for a third of her life?如今这座岛成了夜鹭的筑巢地Now it*s a nesting colony for the black-crowned night heron.威廉William!嘿你看那边有灯Hey! Look! Look at that light.什么情况一天啊是“智者”What is that? - Holy cannoli. The Wise Ones.我们去弄清楚这群女人有没有武器然后剿灭她们We gotta find out if these women have weapons and destroy them. 只要弄坏她们的船就能轻易拿下她们Sabotage their boats. We could easily take these witches out.嘿得了吧你只是个中年信息技术员Hey, shut up. You are a middle-aged IT guy,我也只是个郁郁寡欢的书贩and Fm a depressed bookseller.但我也是天神阿波罗But fm the god Apollo.我是天神阿波罗I am the god Apollo!艾玛贱♥货♥你在哪里Emma! Bitch, where are you? Where are you?你在哪里艾玛我是天神阿波罗Where are you? Emma! I am the god Apollo!我是天神阿波罗I am the god Apollo!我是天神阿波罗我来报仇了I am the god Apollo! I come for my revenge!艾玛你在哪里Emma, where are you? Where are you?住手Stop!放开我Let me go. Let me go.不要放开我No, no. Let me go.我来找我老婆的Im here for my wife!该死的Fuck!绳索掉落意味着三个愿望都会成真When it falls off my wrist, those three wishes will come true.我是天神阿波罗I am the god Apollo.别弄断N?o corta. Do not cut it.那不是宝宝It*s not a baby.无论什么情况我们都会形影不离Hey. No matter what happens, you're coming with me.形影不离Coming with me. Coming with me.够了Stop! Stop!放开我Get off me!你们为什么要保护艾玛为什么要保护她她杀了我的宝宝Why do you protect Emma? Why do you protect her? She killed my baby!她杀了我的宝宝She killed my baby!你是艾玛的老公You're Emma's?还用说嘛艾玛以前这么难搞Of course he is. Emma was a pain in the ass.她的老公一定也一样Why wouldn't the husband be too?卡尔要见你Cal will wanna see you.走吧-卡尔Come on. - Cal?卡尔告诉我怎么找回女儿Cal told me how to get my daughter back.卡尔把方法告诉我了我只是不知道我能不能做到Cal told me what to do. I just don't know if I can do it. 卡尔Cal?走吧Come on.放开我Get off of me!Get- Let me go!放开我Let me go!那不是宝宝Ifs not a baby.嘿等一下Hey, hey, wait!我认识她I know her.这个东西掉到院子里了It fell in the courtyard.其中一个孩子发现后交还给我One of the children found it and brought it to me.我不是训练你们办事要加倍谨慎了吗I thought I trained you to be more careful.对不起I'm sorry.不上心Sloppy.哪个比较可怕Which is more frightening?你好哩理 J、 J Hey. - Hey.今晚还有聚会吧You got another meeting tonight?什么What?我是指在法拉盛区华人社区中心的幸存者互助会The Survivors Club at the Chinese Community Center in Flushing.你跟踪我You been stalking me?你在网上登记的时候该信息就出现在纪念专页了It popped up on the tribute page when you checked in online.纪念什么你说什么呢The tribute what? What are you talking about?纪念专页Tribute page.布莱恩的纪念专页For Brian.(益友网)“纪念布莱恩”"Tribute to Brian."我是粉丝I'm a fan.我不是指那种粉丝而是你懂的Not a fan, but, you know what I mean.愿天使护佑这可怜的孩子May angels watch over that poor child.死得好啊Rest in piss.两个在职父母养不了一个孩子Two working parents cannot raise a child.遗传病产后忧郁Genetically unfit. - Postpartem.阿波罗是凶手Apollo killed them both.今日晚餐菜单菜色灵感来自布莱恩宝宝Dinner plans tonight. A meal inspired by baby Brian.水煮蔬菜Boiled vegetables.“水煮蔬菜”这些人到底是谁啊“Boiled vegetables." Who the hell are these people, man?Hello?她们该不会割掉你的舌头了吧They didn't cut out your tongue, did they?你就是卡尔You're Cal.对是卡尔莉斯托的缩写靠近点Yeah, it*s short for Calisto. Come closer.她们都很保护我They're protective of me.你不会做出什么傻事对吧You're not gonna do anything dumb, are you?我明天将给孩子们表演一场布偶戏I'm putting on a show tomorrow for the kids.过来帮我做一只吓人的布偶Come, help me make a frightening puppet.嘿我老婆呢Hey, hey! Where is my wife?很久很久以前一对年迈的夫妇一直想要孩子Once upon a time, an old man and a woman had long wished for a child.妻子怀孕后And once pregnant,总是凝视着隔壁一整片绿油油的葛苣the wife gazed longingly at a field of rapunzel greens next door.于是她的丈夫决定去偷一些送给她So her husband decided to steal some for her.突然一个可怕的女巫出现说But a terrifying enchantress appeared and said,“你这个小偷好大的胆子我要诅咒你”"How dare you, you thief! I will curse you."但是如果他们愿意把孩子交给她But she agreed that she would spare his life她就答应饶他一命if they gave her their baby.够了别说了Enough. Stop.听好我要知道我老婆在哪里Listen, I need to know where my wife is.嘿我老婆在哪里Hey, where is my wife?我必须找到她好吗你的随从什么的差点杀了我I need to find her, all right? Your whatever tried to kill me.几年前有个当丈夫的找上门You know, years ago, a husband found us.他带着两把枪怀着满腔怒火He brought with him two guns and a ton of rage.我试着跟他沟通结果我错了I made the mistake of trying to talk to him.他杀了三个女人和七个孩子But he killed three women and seven children.从那天开始我们与世隔绝来到这里That's when we left the world and we came here.尽可能做足武装戒备And we armed ourselves as best as we could.因此只要有男人出现我们会变得更倾向于主动出击And when men show up, we're just a little more proactive.你们究竟杀了多少个男人How many men did you kill?天晓得我们跟警♥察♥一样Who knows? We're like the police.没去计算杀过多少人We don*t keep track of those numbers.那我们该怎么保护孩子们呢So, how do we protect our children?这就是葛苣姑娘整个故事的重点也是作者的提问That's what Rapunzel is all about. That's the question that it's asking.你显然问错人了Well, clearly, Fm the wrong person to ask.那个当丈夫的决定牺牲孩子来保命You know, the husband, he protects himself over the baby.宝宝被夺走了The baby gets snatched.女巫And then the enchantress,不允许孩子到处乱走I mean, she won't let that kid go anywhere in the world.她就像个管教过分严苛的妈妈She's like a helicopter parent.但是王子还是有办法找到她And still, that prince, he manages to find a way inside.无论怎么做世界总有办法找上他们I mean, no matter what we do, the world finds a way in.那我们该怎么保护孩子们呢So, how do we protect our children?从童话故事第一次在夜晚的壁炉前传开来后That's a question that has been asked for hundreds of years,这个问题已经存在几百年了ever since fairy tales were first told around an evening fire.现代人和古人的恐惧都一样恐惧的根本从未变过The new fears are the old fears, and the old fears are ancient.可是来到我们这一代后恐惧却换了个形貌But when it's our turn to face them, they are made new.孩子们会把这只布偶当成我的真身跟它聊天The children will talk to this puppet as if it were as real as me.这是一种古老的魔法It*s an old kind of magic.苏格兰人称之为“巫术"The Scottish called it "glamour."那是一种可以将某件东西伪装成其他东西的幻术It's an illusion where something pretends to be something other than it is. 例如把妖怪变成美丽的少女A monster looks to be a beautiful maiden,把毁坏不堪的城♥堡♥变成金光闪闪的宫殿and a ruined castle appears as a golden palace.明白我在说什么吗Do you understand what I'm talking about?那不是宝宝It's not a baby.好聪明的孩子That's a smart boy.可是如果那真是一种幻术But if it's an illusion,那就说明有个施术者that means there's someone that created it.喂你在里面吗该死的Hello! Are you in there? - Shit.你还带了人来You didn't come alone!嘿轻点Hey, easy.你们发现他时他在干什么What was he doing when you found him?他在岸边举起手♥机♥的灯左右挥舞He was on the shore, waving his phone light over his head, side to side.没电了手♥机♥没电了It was dead. The phone was dead.你们怎么还


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