Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight《功夫熊猫:神龙骑士(2022)》第三季第十三集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
拈花指Skadoosh.你们还在互瞪啊都一个小时了Are you two still staring at each other? It*s been half an hour.游剑我Blade, I.我没办法帮你阻止阿尔菲I can't help you stop Alfie.什么?不可能What? No.我拒绝接受I refuse to accept that.你是阿宝你从不放弃的你不是这样的啊You're Po. You don't give up. You're you!我要借助你的能力帮我出谋划策And I need your youness to come up with a plan.游剑面对现实吧Blade, be real.他有天山武器能上天还彻底摧毁了锻造台He's got the weapons, he's in the sky, he totally obliterated the forge.我们根本不可能打败他或摧毁武器There's no way to defeat him, or destroy the weapons.我敢说阿克南和露米尼也这么想不然他们早就回来了I'm sure Akna and Rukhmini agree, or they would have come back.你也得接受这点You got to accept it too.什么?Huh?怎么才能让他振作起来?我想我的阳光大男孩了How are we gonna cheer him up? I miss my sunny boy.那就我来做阳光大男孩I shall become the sunny boy. Hmm?额Uh.好你觉得哪五件事能让我更像阿宝?Okay. What are five things that you think will make me more like Po? 这个晚睡Well, sleep too late.没用Doesn't help.吃很多饺子阿宝让我帮你吧Po, please let me help you.别这样你是我朋友Come on, you're my friend.我们是相亲相爱的好朋友啊Friend-oh from around the bend-oh.我不需要你帮忙你干吗讲话一直奇奇怪怪的?I don't need your help! And why do you keep talking like that? 真搞笑Ooh. Drama.天气这么热你又受伤了It's hot. You're hurt.但我们可以做到的我对你有信心But we can do it. I believe in you.随便了Whatever.辣椒就在那上面The pepper's right up here.开什么玩笑?辣椒没了Are you kidding me? The peppers are gone!一定是被水冲走了The water must have swept them away.你可真是个倒霉小能手啊我都没想到这一出Wow. What a jinxer you are. Even I didn't see that coming.你没事吧?You all right?有事No!我的腿彻底软绵绵的了My leg's gone full noodle.我说了让我帮你I told you to let me help you.你说了 ?说得对说得呱呱叫Oh wow, you did? Good for you!我相信附近肯定有辣椒I'm sure there's a pepper nearby.但你需要休息你就稍事歇息But you should rest. Just take a little break-ski.放手Stop it!放手Stop it!那该死的辣椒在哪?Where is this bloody pepper?你发那么大火太让我骄傲了I'm proud of you, getting all mad like that.我们应该组支乐队We should start a band.你到底想干吗?What's your deal, dude?我跟你说过的I told you.我是你那颗椰子脑里黑暗世界之太子I'm the Prince of All That is Dark in that coconut you call a head.这里头的阴暗面可不少呢And you got tons of dark in there.我才没有No, I don't.我说真的我没事相信我I mean it, I'm okay. Trust me.我不信给我信Are not. -Am too.阿宝我找到辣椒了Po! I, I found the pepper!阿宝?Po?我的手有点痉挛Oh. I was just having a little spasm.现在好了Spasm over.这也太高了That is way too high.我推你一把Fil give you a boost.来吧Come on.太可悲了Mm. -This is so sad.她想拯救世界却被困在这跟你一起采辣椒She's trying to save the world and now she's stuck on your dumb pepper mission. 游剑你自己爬上去吧Blade, just climb up yourself.我不能必须得你来I can't. I need you to do it.你干吗那么在意我爸的辣椒?Why do you care about my dad's pepper so much?你不该去阻止阿尔菲吗?Shouldn't you be trying to stop Alfie?我就是在阻止阿尔菲我这么做是为了你This is me trying to stop Alfie! I'm doing this for you.狡辩Twist.所以你才像对小孩一样对我百般呵护?Oh, is that why you've been treating me like a baby?对因为你就是个小孩Yes! Because you are a baby.所以你才一直用奇怪的口吻说话That's why you've been talking like a weirdo!还笑成这副德行And smiling like this.这是我对阿宝你的印象That's my Po impression.敢于冒险积极乐观兄弟Bodacious. Mustard-roony, bro!“拈花指”Skadoosh, skadoosh, skadoosh!天啊我讲话这样的吗?Whoa. Thatrs what I sound like?我试遍了所有办法帮你I've tried everything to help you.世界处于危难之中我哥完全癫狂The world's in danger, my brother is completely mad,而我却来采辣椒因为我最好的朋友and I'm on a pepper mission because my best friend, 那个我认为无所不能的朋友突然变得一无是处who I used to think could do anything, has become useless. 燃烧吧Burn.干吗?Oh, what?你要自己爬上岩石吗?Are you going to climb the rocks by yourself?你的腿不行的Your limbs don't work.就跟你的脑子一样Just like your brain.好了停下这样不行下来吧Okay, okay, stop. This is a bad idea. climb down. 我会的但I would, but, uh.另一只腿我也感觉不到了I can't feel my other leg either.什么?那你干吗上去?What? Then why did you get on?证明你错了啊To prove you wrong!不!No!抓住Hold on!我接住你了I've got you.游剑Blade!麻了全身都麻了Numb. Everything numb.你没事吧?Are you okay?说话啊Say something.局面是很紧张但你也不用杀了她I know things are tense but you didn't have to kill her.游剑Blade!不你中毒了吗?Oh no! Are you poisoned?我能尝到颜色的味道云朵是我的朋友I can taste colors and a cloud is my friend.游剑真的抱歉Blade, Tm so sorry!没事我好得很没事Oh, it*s fine. I'm okey-dokey. It*s fine.真的吗?Really?说实话Tell me the truth.“实话”The truth.“实话”The truth.阿宝Oh, Po.我不好我很生气I'm not okey-dokey. Vmf I'm mad.总是对所有东西不满Mad at everything, all the time.我也不好I'm not okey-dokey either.真的吗?你为什么不早说?You think? Why didn't you talk to me?因为我也很生气'Cause I'm mad too!我生自己的气非常生气I'm mad at myself! So mad!痛-没错继续做个倒霉蛋Ow! -Yes, keep being a bummer.我现在就是个倒霉蛋游剑I'm a straight up bummer now, Blade.我没办法振作起来And I can't snap out of it.这不是你的错而且It's not your fault, and.我不该寄希望于你拯救世界It was wrong of me to expect you to fix everything就因为你总是积极乐观just because you're always the optimistic one.我希望你能信心满满这样我就能发泄不满了I wanted you to be confident so that I could be angry.这不公平That isn't fair.你知道的对吧?她是中毒了才对你好的You know she's only being nice to you 'cause she's poisoned, right?痛给我住手我要起来Ow. Would you stop? I'm in the middle of something.放弃吧阿宝Just give up, Po.你爬不过去的You won't make it to her.你不懂吗?你什么都没办法为自己做Don't you get it? You can*t do anything for yourself.我恨阿尔菲做了那种事I hate Alfie for what he's done,我也恨我内心对他还有一点爱因为他是我哥哥and I hate that a sad little part of me loves him because he's my brother. 真希望我不爰他I wish I didn't.我很遗憾事情变成这样I'm so sorry things are like this.我也是这情况太糟了Me too. This situation stinks.这太糟了This stinks.好臭啊It stinks so much!超级臭Very stinky!太讨厌了I hate it!运动服级别的臭Gym shorts level stank!我扶你起来吧Let me help you up.我能动了我站起来了Hey, I can move. I can stand!毒解掉了It's wearing off.就像我坐太久屁♥股♥失去知觉一样It's like when I'm sitting too long and my butt falls asleep.你觉得好点了吗?H-How are you feeling?辣椒Oh, the pepper!我们没摘到辣椒对不对?我们身无分椒了We've lost it, haven't we? Oh, we*re pepper-less.你说这个小家伙?You mean this lif guy?阿宝你做到了Oh, Po. You did it!我就知道你可以的我就知道I knew you could do it. I knew it! I knew it!好吧看来你的毒还没完全解掉Okay, I guess it hasn't worn off on you yet.来庆祝吧要赛跑吗?Let's celebrate. Wanna race?我要爬山我要住在山里I'm gonna climb a mountain. Oh, I'm gonna, I'm gonna live in a mountain! 大山Mountain.住在山里Live in a mountain.树懒大♥师♥被大山收回了Master Sloth was reclaimed by the mountains.游剑Blade.游剑Blade!我的头My head.我很庆幸你的掩住嘴还在I'm just glad you still have your eyeballs.爸我们做到了Dad, we did it!我就说你可以I told you you could.谢了爸我得走了我有主意了Thanks, Dad. Gotta run. Idea time!要我剁了它们吗?-不用You want me to chop that? -No, no, no.这些不能吃吃了眼珠子会掉出来的No one eats these. They make your eyeballs fall out.我们到底要找什么?What exactly am I looking for?树懒大♥师♥将灵魂献给广大山Master Sloth committed his soul to the mountains, right?看这鸵鸟大♥师♥她将灵魂献给风And look here, Master Ostrich. It says she committed her soul to the wind.长齿大♥师♥则是献给了火Longtooth did the same with fire.你知道这什么意思吗?-知道他们依然存在在元素里Do you know what this means? -Yes! Theyrre still here, in the elements. 就跟乳齿象大♥师♥的灵魂一直存在在吊坠里一样Like how Mastodon's soul survived in that pendant.锻造台被毁但锻造台是大♥师♥们打造的The forge is gone, but the masters built the forge.他们锻造了武器就能摧毁它们They built those weapons, they can destroy them too.游剑也许我们打不倒他Blade, maybe we can't beat him.但他们可以But they can.那我们该怎么跟他们对话?So how do we, you know, talk to them?我们凭两人之力走到这步Well, you and I got this far,但接下来我们需要更多人的力量but this next step needs more than just us.神龙骑士再聚首?Dragon Knight reunion?让我们再次深入敌营One last ride into the deep.向胜利发起最后冲刺A final march to victory!好吧现在又乐观过头了我的头还在痛呢Okay, okay. A little too positive now. My head still hurts.传奇探险最终挑战An epic quest, the ultimate test.我懂了以前的阿宝回来了万分感谢到此为止I get it! Old Po is back. Thank you very much, that's all.你在瞎高兴什么?What are you so happy about?你心里的阴暗面还多的是呢You still got a lot of darkness in there.我知道不过没事I know, and that*s okay.每个人都有阴暗面谢谢你帮我明白这点We all have darkness, so thanks for helping me work through it.什么?What?别走想一起玩吗?Wait! Wanna hang out?听听音乐?谈谈我们内心的恐惧?Uh, play some music? Talk about our fears?别走Wait!又想到一个背信弃义的跋涉来平息积怨Got another one. A treacherous trudge to settle our grudge!你想了一会对不对?You've been thinking about these for a while, huh?被你识破了Busted.Eat too many dumplings.也没用Also doesn*t help.晚睡我说过了吗?Um. Sleep too late. Did I say that?说了还有吃很多饺子Yes. And eat too many dumplings.好这就四件了Okay, that's four.平师♥傅 ♥Mr. Ping.好吧Well.我觉得要想像阿宝你得有颗宽宏的心I suppose to really be like Po, you need a very big heart.大大的笑容、自信的态度最重要的是A smile on your face, a can-do attitude, and importantly.什么?Yes?含糊其辞给所有东西起绰号♥You need to mush up words and give everything a nickname.好Right.还有要多吃饺子And eat too many dumplings!好你能做到的Okay. Okay, you can do this.如果阿宝不能做阿宝你为他变成阿宝就行If Po can't be Po, you'll just have to be Po for him. Mm-hmm.你好啊宝贝豆Hey, Po-tatoes.什么?What?你的小昵称啊Little nickname-erooni.你干吗这么说话?要坐吗?Why are you talking like that? Do you need to sit down?听好我知道你不知所措但我们俩是好朋友阿宝和阿游啊Look, I know you're feeling overwhelmed, but it's you and me. P and B.这是我们的想法卷轴This is our idea scroll.我们一起想想看有什么能打败阿尔菲的点子Lefs brainstorm ideas for how well defeat Alfie.我们一定能想到办法阻止他的If there's a way to stop him, we'll find it.我相信一定很快就能想到的I'm sure it won't take long at all.天啊我的思想胡子沾到汤了Aw man, got broth in my thinking beard.戴这东西好像不是很好啊Maybe these were a bad idea.继续蹦好想法阿宝Just keep the good ideas coming, Po."咽下最后一 口气的树懒大♥师♥被大山收了回去剧终""And with his last breath, Master Sloth let the mountains reclaim him." "The end.” 我不懂I don't get it.树懒是被埋在了大山还是这只是比喻?Was Sloth laid to rest in the mountains, or is that some kind of metaphor? 不知道No idea.那个我太爱连环画小说rWell, uh, I love graphic novels.好看极了来击个掌Noice. Give me a hand slap.什么?好吧What? Oh, uh, cool.好想办法Okay, ideas.“收回武器收回灵魂Reclaim, the weapons reclaim souls. Oh!我们让武器收回我们然后我们怎么说?在里面炸掉他们We let the weapons reclaim us, and we, I don't know, blow them up from inside!所以我们一起死?So we die?不是不对是?No. Well, yes?我什么都想不到Fve got nothing.你呢?有什么绝妙想法吗?Uh, what about you? Any butt-kicking ideas?比如鬼鬼祟祟的拈花指?Perhaps a sneaky little skadoosh?汤Uh, soup.把热汤洒到武器上?Um, we throw hot soup on the weapons?不蠢死了当我没说No, that's dumb. Never mind.不会很独特No, it'sIt's unique!还是一无所获吧Still nothing, huh?到目前为止我们唯一想到的就是热汤So far, our only idea is hot soup.很好的主意啊Ho- Oh. That's a good one!对我总是很管用Well, it always worked for me.阿宝得走出那个房♥间动一动做点事Po needs to get out of that room, move, do things.他是个实干家The boy*s a do-er.不能在面店里切蔬菜耗费青春He can*t just waste away at some noodle shop chopping vegetables. 我不想逼阿宝但每过一日阿尔菲就愈发危险I don't wanna rush Po, but Alfie gets more dangerous every day.那么如果他是实干家他能做什么?So if hers a do-er, what can he do?我儿需要的是一场胜利一次轻松的成功让他知道自己依然可以My boy needs a win, something easy to show him he's still got it.我儿子只要一坐下来无所事事When my boy sits around and does nothing, 就会被心魔控制内心充满自我怀疑that's when his demons appear, filling him with self-doubt.我知道自己的使命了Oh, and I've got just the mission.阿宝啊Oh, Po!这里有湿漉漉的胡子味It smells like wet beard around here.是啊Oh, yeah.阿宝儿子Po, my son,我需要我的特殊辣椒只有你能采到的那个I need my special pepper, the one that only you can get.特殊辣椒?听起来好厉害Special pepper? Sounds quite epic!它们生长在危险的深河里只有我儿子的水下功夫They grow in a deep and dangerous river, and only my boy can get them for me, 能帮我采到with his water kung fu.爸那就是游泳而已Dad, it's just swimming.功夫游泳水道武术Kung fu swimming. The aquatic martial art.超赞美味Awesome. sauce.但我觉得我做不到听好了阴郁裤子先生But I don't think I can- Listen here, Mr. Gloomy Pants.自从阿尔菲把世界拼到一起后我们可有不少张嘴要喂We have a lot of mouths to feed since Alfie squished everything together.但是你♥爸♥要辣椒But- Papa needs his pepper.但我把一切都搞砸了But I mess everything up.不管你脑子里在唧唧歪歪什么恼人的借口Whatever nasty voice is filling your head with all those buts, 叫它们通通闭嘴you tell them to shut it.是我的话不会这么说不过Not how I would have phrased that, but.行吧我给你去采辣椒Fine, Fil get your pepper.然后在半路上吹爆中国崩掉一颗牙Probably blow up China on the way. Chip a tooth.把一些人弄得人仰马翻Turn some people inside out.弄黑天空或烤焦大地-干得漂亮平师♥傅♥我真是个天才Blacken the skies or scorch the Earth. -Not bad, Mr. Ping. Yes, I'm a genius.希望管用吧一直假笑我的脸颊都生疼了I hope it works. My cheeks hurt from all this dreadful smiling.你得保持微笑这很重要You have to keep smiling. It's very important.必须由阿宝采回辣椒Po must be the one who retrieves the peppers.那些辣椒长在河的边缘我们得游过去The peppers grow on the edge of the river, so we gotta swim to them. 真不错你说是不是?Um, so, this is nice, isn't it?你跟我又一起执行任务You and me, back on a mish!是吧I guess.河应该就在前面The river should be right up ahead.不Oh no!河水干涸了怎么回事?The water's gone! What happened?阿尔菲Alfie.看来因为他挪动大♥陆♥河水改道流走了Seems when he moved the continents, it diverted the river.绝了又一个他势不可挡的活生生的例子Oh cool. Yet another example of how unstoppable he is.好新计划我们爬下去走去辣椒那Okay. New plan. We climb down and just walk to the pepper.是啊行啊简单Yeah, cool, easy.好像下面那些植物都没毒似的Except all the plants at the bottom are poisonous!怎么个有毒法?Uh, how poisonous?有一种植物能让你的眼珠子掉出来There's one that makes your eyeballs fall out.免谈没有水太危险了No, no. Too dangerous without the water.我喜欢我的眼珠I like my eyeballs.等等我等一下Wait, I Hold on.阿宝伙计兄弟Po, my buddy, my, my chum.你最近讲话很奇怪You've been talking weird lately.我们一直以来都在做这种危险的事啊We do dangerous stuff like this all the time.你总能专注摒除杂念达成目标几乎从没失败过But you focus, meditate, and boom, rarely screw it up.只要走错一步One wrong move and.那就别出错So, no wrong moves.守守Wait, wait, wait.游剑Blade!轮到你了阿宝Now your turn, Po.天啊Whoa!好吧小岩石滑梯Okay, lil' rocky slide.她说得对我可以的She's right. I got this.摒除杂念心如止水Calm the mind. Inner peace.我即超可怕的摇摇欲坠的壁岩I am the super scary wobbly rock wall.说得跟真的似的As if.厉害了Whoa.戴着顶酷拽斗笠的我?Me with a cool hat?我叫宝阿Name's Op.宝阿耳熟吗?0-P. Sound familiar?“阿宝倒着念继续It's Po backwards. Keep up.我是你的阴暗想法的实体化展现I'm the physical manifestation of all the dark thoughts in your head, 比如你是个饺子但就是没人吃你like how if you were a dumpling, no one would eat you.打住别细想那些Okay, not gonna unpack all that.我会是个美味的饺子顺便说一句不吃是他们的损失And rd be a delicious dumpling, by the way, so their loss.心如止水Inner peace.心如止水Inner peace.我是-会搞砸的I am- Gonna mess this up hard.听着伙计有位可怕的女士Look, pal, a really tough scary lady警告过我说我的脑里充满了借口warned me about you filling my head with buts.屁借口Butts.她还说让我叫你们闭嘴所以闭嘴听到了吗?She said to tell you to shut it, so shut it, okay?哈Ha!屁借口Butts.蠢货要叫了Dummy says, "Ah!" -Ah!不No, no, no!慢点Slow down!别往那边去Not an option!有点刺痛It's tingly.现在忽冷忽热我的脚要掉了吗?Now it's cold. Now it's hot? Is it gonna fall off?我也不知道I don't know.我是说怎么会呢?I mean, no way-arino.