Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight《功夫熊猫:神龙骑士(2022)》第三季第十六集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
拈花指Skadoosh.阿宝管管你的胃大家都很饿Po, control your stomach! We*re all hungry.不是我别老冤枉我That wasn't me. For once.我敢说一定是那个新加入的怪家伙I bet it's the weird new guy.不是我Well, it wasn't.那一定是另一个新加入的怪家伙我不能无功受禄Must be the other weird new guy. -I can't take credit for that one.好了是我Fine. It was me.哈Ha!好吧这次是我Okay, that one was me.但前一次不是我别用怀疑的眼神看我But the other one wasn't. Don't look at me with your doubtful eyes.我们能回归正题吗?Can we get back to what we were doing?我还是不懂你们想要我&hearts汗♥嘛I still don't understand what you people want from me.很简单It's simple.远古大♥师♥依旧存在于元素中The Ancient Masters are still inside the elements,而元素就环绕在我们四周and the elements are all around us.所以如果有人能连接这些元素So if someone could connect to the elements,那他就能将远古大♥师♥的英灵从沉眠中唤醒then that someone could wake the Ancient Masters from their spiritual slumber 来摧毁武器to destroy the weapons.而那个人就是你And that someone is you.什么?What?我也跟你说了我没有法力太让人满足了It is so satisfying.蘑菇啊The mushrooms.你们坐下休息一下吧Um, why don't you guys take a seat and relax?我们从不会渴求过去的渴望谢谢We never long for our past cravings. -Thanks.什么渴望?Ooh, what's that?哦Oh.就是我们和谐的林间家族曾被一个虚伪的先知带入歧途It's just our harmonious forest commune was once led astray by a false prophet.她让我们做了所有令人憎恶的事She had us doing all sorts of unsavory things.还有一些愉快的事And some savory!确实有些非常愉快True. Some very savory.但我很高兴地宣布我们已经看见光明改变了自己But I'm happy to report we've seen the light and changed our ways!具体是什么渴望?What cravings, exactly?其实.女士们找到你们了Actually- Ladies! There you are.原来那些莓果是有剧毒的So, it turns out the berries were deadly,我还摔进了一堆野草里but I stumbled, literally, into a patch of wild herbs and- Oh!你们的朋友?Friends?好久没见了 他是真的吗?It's been so long! -Is he real?简直是奇迹Ifs a miracle!他闻起来好香啊He smells so delicious!什么?Huh?他闻起来也太香了He smells so good.有可能是牛至我觉得有可能是百里香Ah, well, probably the oregano! And I think this might be some thyme. 你好大块啊There's so much of you.我我隔三差五就会锻炼一下身体I. You know, I try to get a bit of upper body in every other day.完全懂你得留下来Uh-huh. Totally get that. You must stay.是啊留下来-请留下来Oh, you must! -Please stay!你得赶紧出手他好受欢迎Better move quick. He's popular!我不介意让给她们Ugh. They can have him.女士们容许我呼吸点新鲜空气Ladies, ladies, allow me just to get some air.给我给我让开Gimme! -Get out of my way!我先看到的拜托了I saw it first! -Please!好吧这就有点饥渴了Okay, that's a little desperate.科林到之后她们是不是有点奇怪?Does something seem weird about them since Colin arrived?是我It was me.是我把她推上那条路的I drove her to this!我把那些不可理喻的观念灌输进了她的脑里I put all that grand nonsense into her head!克劳斯我知道你要说什么Klaus. -I know what you're going to say!这就是场灾难我就是灾难我们什么都没能解锁This is a disaster. Tm a disaster. We haven't unlocked anything.我那愚蠢、没用的回忆不停入侵My stupid, useless memories keep intruding,把一切都搞砸了messing everything up.克劳斯我不知道我为什么要想她Klaus. -I don't know why I keep thinking about her!我要清空思绪专注但克劳斯I need to clear my mind, to focus, but Klaus!那天在诺大的伦敦你是怎么找到维露卡的?How did you find Veruca that day? In all of London?我只是IIt's just.我不知道为什么这么问?I don't know. Why?迷雾散开了兄弟我们找到路了The fog's clearing, bud, and the path is here.我们要深入下去We need to go deeper.等等这下你又要深入回忆了 ?Wait, now you want to go into a memory?坐稳了朋友好戏正式上演Buckle up, amigo. Game on.在你的上段记忆里你的每个举动都像是知道她在哪里In your last memory, you were moving like, like you knew where she was! 以前其他时候也有过类似的事吗?Was there any other time something like that happened?维露卡因为谋杀埃弗雷德骑士被捕后我找过她After Veruca was arrested for the murder of Sir Alfred, I searched for her.整整15年我一无所获For 15 years, I found nothing.直到这天Until this day.走投无路的我来到了这片森林随后At the end of my rope, I came to the forest and.我的大脑就安静了下来My mind went sort of quiet.然后我就不由自主走了起来And then I just. walked.就这样我找到了她That's when I found her.那你是怎么So how did you.你给我停下Stop! You!我知道她在这我I knew she was there, I.我不知道自己怎么知道的don't know how.克劳斯?Klaus? Klausy?克劳斯Klaus. Klaus!但我就是知道But I knew.答案自己来到了我跟前The answer just came to me.克劳斯你还不懂吗?Klaus! Don't you get it?你已经连接上你的力量了你只是没意识到而已You were already connected to your power, you just didn't realize it! 我有操控树叶的魔力?I have. leaf magic?不是风的魔力你看不见它因为它是无形的No, wind magic! You didn't see it 'cause it's invisible.因为你让自己隐形了'Cause you made yourself invisible.你把自己所有注意力都放到了维露卡身上You put all your focus on Veruca;这才使你的特殊能力被忽视and let it fog up what makes you special too.科林该走了Colin! Time to go.我还没喝过汤呢Aw. Haven't had my soup yet!但也许我们该走Hmm. But perhaps we should be on our-科林-怎么回事?Colin! -What's happening?蘑菇我们受够蘑菇了Mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms. We're sick of mushrooms!我就说事情有古怪Told you it was getting weird.都退下他是我的Back off! He's mine.我的意思是我们的I mean, ours!他是他是我们的He'sHe*s ours.姐♥妹♥们♥停下他已经名草有主了Girls, stand down. This one's spoken for.我们差点失控了大家都还好吗?Ooh! We had a little slipup. Everyone alright?他有兄弟吗? 是菖蒲Does he have a brother? -Yes, Changpu.好险啊That was close!我没事I'm okay!我们走了We're going.这些归我们了And we're taking this!说得过去抱歉我们差点吃了你男人That's fair. Sorry we tried to eat your guy.他不是我男人He*s not my-我是个男人也是这个团体的一员Well, I am a guy, and I am part of this group,所以从某种角度来说我是你男人so in a manner of speaking, I am your guy.你可以的You got this.专注在帮你找到维露卡的那种感觉上Focus on that feeling that led you to Veruca.让风驱散迷雾指引你找到远古大帅Let the wind clear the fog, and guide you to the Ancient Masters. 如果有用的话你随时都能变成茶杯Also feel free to be a teacup if it's helpful.你真的做到了抱歉不能分散你的注意力You're totally doing it! Oh! Sorry, no distractions.远古大♥师♥你们你们在吗?Ancient Masters. Are you, are you there?如果你们能听到我If you can hear me,我们因天山武器的伪造者想召唤你们we call upon the forgers of the Tianshang Weapons.我们需要你们的力量Your power is needed once more.这也太炫酷了This is so cool!我听不到你在说什么I. I can't hear what you're saying.我们得去那里?你说的是这个吗?Oh. We need to go there? Is that what you're saying? 抱歉我不够强大I'm sorry. Tm not strong enough.你在逗我吗?Are you kidding me?!气我喘不过气了Brea. Breathe. Canft breathe!还记得之前你们冤枉我肚子在叫吗?Remember when that stomach growl wasn't me?这回是我了Well, it is now!天啊你们怎么了?Whoa, what happened to you guys?有食物快吃Food. Eat.科林现在不行什么都别说Colin, not now. Don*t say anything.连谢谢你救我都不行吗?Not even thank you for saving me?好吧-好吧Fine. -Fine.谢谢Thank you.还挺令人感动的It was quite sensational.那就写首诗Write a poem about it.也许我会的Maybe I will.我们也有好消息Well, we also have some good news.在我的大♥师♥级监护卜Under my masterful tutelage, 克劳斯解锁了他的力量Klaus unlocked his power.干得漂亮做得好Well done! -Nice work.好样的新加入的怪家伙Good job, weird new guy!是啊就是我需要点时间Yes, well, ifll be some time完全掌握它真正让远古大♥师♥出现before I master it enough to actually bring the Ancient Masters back.不必了因为长齿大♥师♥已经告诉了我们下一个目的地No it won't. 'Cause Master Longtooth showed us where to go next.是吗?She did?如果你没有足够的法力If you don't have enough magic on your own,我们就得去个跟法力相关的地方让你增强we need to go somewhere with a bunch of magic you can tap into.就是我们的老伙计岩石怪Our old buddy, the Rock Monster.那个岩石怪? 怎么了?The rock monster? -What?世上无论什么都不能让我再回到那个怪物肚子里There's nothing in the world that can make me go back into that monster again.如果我们不回到那怪物肚子里If we don't go back into that monster,世界也可能将不复存在there may not be a world left.And I told you that I don't have any powers.有可能只是你从没领悟到Or you've just never tapped into 'em.法力流淌在你的血液里你只需挖掘发现兄弟Magic's in your blood. You just gotta find it, dude.也许是你找了错的杜蒙特兄弟Or, perhaps you've got the wrong DuMont, dude.是维露卡有It was Veruca who我太饿了抱歉So hungry. Sorry.好了大家都很紧张又饿又恼Okay, look, everyone's pretty tense and hangry.也许我们得来点R和R 了Maybe we need a little R and R.R和R”是什么? 米饭和小萝卜What's R and R? -Rice and radishes.不如我和克劳斯找个地方想办法解锁他的法力Hows about Klaus and I find someplace quiet to work on unlocking these powers, 你们去找吃的如何?while you all scrounge up some grub?好的我们回来这里集♥合♥Very well. We*ll meet back here.全看你怎么做了It's all up to you,克劳斯杜蒙特Klaus DuMont.跟我来兄弟I got you, bud.好最近的村子在哪?Alright. Where's the nearest village?老娘需要食物Mama needs some chow.阿尔菲的军队在追捕我们我们哪都不能去We're not going anywhere with Alfie's army hunting us.只能找野生食物We'll need to forage for food.不我绝不再吃苔菜Oh no. I am never eating moss again.我们经过那座山丘时我好像看到了些野莓I think I saw some wild berries on that hill we passed.你喜欢吗? 当然喜欢我们都饿了Would that be to your liking? -Uh, yes. Obviously. We*re hungry.好交给我吧Right. Leave it to me.棒耶Woohoo!等一下Uh. Wait a minute.怎么了?Yes?我觉得科林喜欢你I think Colin has a crush on you.你才发现?You just realized this?天啊什么?不要Ew. What? No.我不知道你在说I have no idea what you're-整个航海过程中他不离你He would not stop talking about you the whole voyage.跟着了迷似的He's obsessed.我这被你说得好奇怪I- You're making it sound weird.但我不想你逃走But I don't want you to escape.离我的可怕海盗老婆远点Step away from my fearsome pirate wife!干得漂亮科林Good work, Colin.谁知道你有没有写关于我的诗?How do I know, frankly, that you don't have poems about me?我们经过那座山丘时我好像看到了些野莓I think I saw some wild berries on that hill we passed.你喜欢吗? 当然喜欢我们都饿了Would that be to your liking? -Uh, yes. Obviously. We*re hungry.好交给我吧Right. Leave it to me.棒耶Woohoo!棒耶Woohoo!棒耶Woohoo!不Oh no.好双腿盘盘坐Okay. Criss-cross applesauce.地点绝佳非常优秀Great spot. This is it.好多了与世隔绝无比安静Much better. Total isolation. Supreme silence.是啊你找了个山洞妙极了Yes. You found a cave. Incredible.你打算怎么教我?So how does this work?当我被隔绝无法看到自己的力量时When I was blocked and couldn't see my own power, 我的精神导师乌龟大♥师♥my spiritual guru, Master Oogway, 向我展示了前进的道路并非始于眼前showed me that the path forward doesn't start ahead.而是内心It starts within.什么意思?And what does that mean?意思是你和我It means you and me, 将进入你的大脑we're gonna go to a place within your mind.到一个没有杂念和噪音的地方A place without distractions or noise.我们将潜入你内心的虚无之地We're about to travel into your void.你要进入我的大脑?You're going to be in my mind?!你以前做过吗?H-Have you done this before?没有但我看乌龟做过几乎没有人因此发过疯Nah, but I watched Oogway do it a bunch, and barely anyone went crazy. 好第一步Okay. Step one.成为一只空茶杯用自我填满它Be an empty teacup, filled only with the self.什么?What?好吧看来你从没做过自我意识觉醒All right. True beginner on the road to self-realizaish.好闭上双眼遵循我的指引Okay. Just close your eyes and follow my lead.我们先从冥想开始We're starting with some meditation.没听到你的呼吸声Not hearing that breathing, bud.你还好吗?You, uh, good?我从小在伦敦街边长大I grew up on the streets of London.抱歉我患有慢性痰症I'm sorry if I'm a bit chronically phlegmy.随着每次吐息渐渐深入内心With every breath, we go deeper within,直到周围的一切消失until we are surrounded by nothingness.什么?我在哪?What? Where am I?这里你的本我所在地This place is the essence of who you are.在这里就能找到我们想找的力量If we*re gonna find those powers, we're finding 'em here.你也认识那个玩玩偶的奇怪家伙Oh, you know that weird doll guy too.天啊你去哪?Whoa. Hey, where are you going?天啊Whoa!怎么了?我在哪?W-What? Where am I?我都跟你说了什么都别想I told you to think about nothingness!要怎么做到什么都别想?How do you think about nothing?只需清空脑内所有过去You just gotta clear your mind of all the old, uh.等等Wait.没错Uh-huh. Yep.你把我们拽人了回忆里新手常规错误You pulled us into a memory. Classic rookie move.没什么大不了的好我们再试一次No biggie. Okay, let's try again.回忆?这什么意思?Memory? What do you mean, a memory?等等Wait.我记得这个脚步声I remember the sound of those footsteps.是屠夫贝斯尔我们得躲起来It's Basil the Butcher! We have to hide!你能集中注意力吗?Can we try focusing?是她That was her.这是那天It's that day.等等哪天?Wait. What day is it?克劳斯看我拿到了什么-是缩小版维露卡Klausy, look what I got! -Its a tiny version!我和妹妹被法师收养前Before the mages took us in,一起住在街上my sister and I lived in the streets.我记得我来过这条巷子I remember being here, in this alley.我记得我说了什么I remember what I said.维露卡你疯了吗?Veruca! Are you out of your mind?你偷的可是贝斯尔屠夫的钱That was Basil the Butcher you just pickpocketed! 我知道但你看我偷了这么多I know. But look how much I got.克劳斯我们不能在这我们得去你内心的虚无之地Klaus, we shouldn't be here. We gotta get to your void.我们那时无人可挡We were unstoppable.因为我们拥有彼此Because we had each other.我很遗憾但我们不能留下来I'm sorry, but we can't stay.你为什么带我去那? 我没有Why did you take me there? -I didn't!我叫你清空思绪而不是深入记忆I told you to clear your mind, not take a trip down memory lane.你叫我变成他妈的茶杯You told me to be a bloody teacup!这是为了帮你集中注意力我们得继续尝试That's to help you focus. We gotta keep trying.我不要再做了我不想再看到那样的她I'm not doing that again. I don't want to see her like that.听着当你冥想时可能会被思绪和回忆侵入Look, when you meditate, you can get some intrusive thoughts or memories.你知道吗?You know what?这就类似于大脑在你通往实现自己全部潜能的道路布施迷雾It's like the mindrs way of fogging the path on the way to your full potential.你无法总能驱散迷雾但你能在路上慢慢前进You can't always clear the fog, but you can choose to push through it.我们努力沿着路走吧Let's walk the path.行吧Fine.我再试一次Fil try it again.这种事不可能This can't really be happening.但他是那么But he's such a,死板的一个人a stick in the mud!就算他做些花里胡哨的And even if he did fancy我们没时间想这些有的没的We don't have time for any of this.专注任务不要分散Stay on mission, no distra-谁把这棵树放这的?Who put this tree here?他还很死板吗?Is he still a stick in the mud?看起来他真的已经变了我的意思是他真的想帮我们Seems like hers really changed. I mean, he is trying to help out.我是菖蒲啦啦啦? I am Changpu, la la la)我爱蘑菇? I love mushrooms J啦啦啦我爱蘑菇La la la, I love mushrooms j啦啦啦J La la la j我爱蘑菇啦啦啦-蘑菇J I love mushrooms; la la la J J Mushroom, mushroom )我爱蘑菇啦啦啦? I love mushrooms, la la la J天啊Ooh!你们好啊女战士们我们注意到你们在我们林子里找食物Hello, fellow women warriors. We noticed you were foraging in our woods.你们愿意享用我们丰收的食物吗?Won't you partake in our harvest?不是吧又来我们怎么到这来了 ?No, no, no, not again. What are we doing here?我们应该在你的内心才对啊We're supposed to be in your void.这是贝斯尔屠夫和他的团伙掳走维露卡那晚This is the night Basil the Butcher and his gang snatched Veruca.我必须I had to,我必须找到她I had to find her.如果你一直被转移注意力If you keep getting distracted,我们就永远无法到你的内心找到你的力量well never get to the void and find your power.克劳斯Klausy.他们说要用船把我送去澳大利亚我说真的They said they were gonna ship me off to Australia, they did!好吧等等你怎么Okay, wait. How did you谁放你出来的?给我进木箱里头去Well, who let you loose? Get back in the crate, you!不许碰我们-过来我要把你送去Don't touch us! -Come here. Tm gonna ship you-谁做的?Who did that?我觉得是我I-I-I think it was me.你怎么How are you.我不知道就是一种感觉I-I don't know. I-I just felt it.维露卡你太棒了Veruca. You're amazing!这能改变一切This, this could change everything!真的吗?It. It can?克劳斯?我们还有任务得回你内心的虚无境地了Klaus? The mission. We gotta get back to your void.我知道但我无法清空思绪I know, but I can*t clear my mind,因为一切退去后剩下的总是我们两个人because when everything else is gone, it's always been the two of us!而现在她And now she's. She's.就在那边我们的临时小家It's just this way. Our little temporary homestead.天啊可真香Goodness! That smells so yummy.这是我们的招牌蘑菇汤That's our s