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教学设计:Unit 3 The world of ScienceDeveloping ideas: Franklin's experiment: how much is true?教学目标:1 .理解获取篇章内容。2 .梳理篇章结构并根据思维导图复述故事。3 .掌握文章长难句分析。4 .质疑故事类文本真实性。教学重点:1.梳理篇章结构并根据思维导图复述故事。5 .质疑故事类文本真实性。教学难点:1.根据思维导图进行课文复述。6 .通过句意推测言外之意,引领质疑精神。课时时间:40分钟 教学过程:步骤教学活动设计意图互动时间& 模式Before readingStep 1Short introduction to Benjamin Franklin.引出话题,激活已 有认知,建立关 联,促进联想,提 升兴趣。2' CWStep 2Guess the inferential meaning of the title; explain the feature and function of an essay titleDistinguish function and fact引领学生进行术 语学习,预测文章 内涵,展开联想与 想象。2' CWWhile readingStep 31 > Read the para 1-2 and find out what Franklin's experiment aimed to prove.2、Read the para 2 and Fill in the experiment report.3、Read the para 3-6 and number the statements to show how people's attitudes towards Franklin's experiment have changed.将课文分为三个 部 分 jigsaw reading.1 .略读并取信 息,揭示绑匪 身份,引发进 一步思考。2 .带着任务精度 文本,获取信 息。3 .阅读文本体察 人们对富兰克 林实验态度的 转变。10' IWStep 4Look through the passage and answer the question.QkWhafs the meaning of ".if Franklin had actually touched the key, he would certainly have died from the electric shock/5Q2: Thus how much is true in this experiment?抓住语篇长难句, 启发理解和深度 思考,辩证思考富 兰克林故事的真 实性。3' IWStep 5Learn to analyze an essay.从宏观角度对文 本结构进行分析, 对学生的高阶思 维能力进行培养。3' TWPost readingStep 5Analyze sentence structure and language points.1. He raised the kite with a piece of string tied to it.2. 2. Franklin, along with many other scientists, has inspired us and taught us that scientific experiments are important in order to establish the truth and to contribute towards later scientific discoveries and inventions o3. But scientists all agree that if Franklin had actually touched the key, he would certainly have died from the electric shock.读后学科必备知 识的引领与夯实。5' IWStep 6Retell the essay with the help of graphic organizer.鼓励学生根据思 维导图重构文本 结构,结合文章内 容,大胆表达,复 述故事。对学生的 口头输出技能进 行培训。5' CWStep 7Think and Share1. Do you think it matters that Franklin's experiment might not be true? Why?2. What qualities do you think a great scientist should have?3. What is your opinion about the statement ". we should not always believe everything we read or hear-even if it is a great story”?读后批判思维引 领,再次质疑奇闻 异事小故事,技法 学生批判性思维 发展。5' CWStep 8Sharing a similar story: Issac Newton and Apple Trees5' CWHomework1、Surf the internet for the stories between Edison & Tesla, the two greatest inventors in thehistory of the development of electric power and think about “How much the story is true? ” 2> Share the stories you collected next period.备注:IW: individual work GW: group work CW: class work教学反思:篇章阅读推进部分进展较顺利,而两处教学难点,思维导图和质疑精神部分 耗时较多。学生在短时间内总结归纳文本内涵的能力还有待提高。批判质疑精神这种高 阶思维品质在英语课堂上长期缺席也导致学生停留在对文本有传递出的信息的理解与 接受的层面,质疑精神匮乏。这也是今后高中英语教师在阅读课上着力要改善的一点。