Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight《功夫熊猫:神龙骑士(2022)》第三季第十集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
拈花指Skadoosh.这是什么意思?What is the meaning of this?何事?What about it?首先我听说你几乎摧毁了兰德雷斯庄园First, I hear you nearly destroyed House Landreth.现在你又要抓捕魅力四射的宝瑟夫尤伯顿?Now you're after that charming Poseph Dewbottom?你太无礼了暴躁骑士Oh, so sassy, Mister Crankypants!这个任务让你大变样我很不喜欢I don't like what this mission has done to you.我想到你还是帮我安排周♥年♥庆♥典吧Oh! I know! You can help me plan my jubilee instead.但是就这么定了But- You're doing it.你应该点头微笑Now, where's that little smile?开心点露出你的大白牙Come on/et's see those teeth.好极了这就对了Yes, there they are!你们好啊大白牙很好退下吧Hello, teeth! Hooray! Off you go.天啊女王对长官大发雷霆Oi, the Queen is right mad with the master of arms, she is.还叫停了任务长官也很不高兴She called off the mission. He's none too happy about it either.他们现在在说什么?What are they saying now?他们现在都很安静They*ve been pretty quiet.把叛徒给我带来那个凯文Bring me the traitor, Kelvin.您是说科林?Colin, sir?我说科林了吗?Did I say Colin?没有长官您说凯文那是井吗?Is that a well?后面还有更诡异的呢Uh-huh. It gets weirder too.女儿谢谢你帮我教训那些混♥蛋♥Dear, thank you for kicking those butts in my defense.真贴心Aw.她说脏话了She said butts.但我们必须得谈谈阿尔菲你到底瞒着我什么?But we do need to talk about Alfie. What aren't you telling me?听着我知道这是家务事但-阿宝你是家人Look, I know this is a family thing but- Po, you are family.我能自己处理I can handle this.妈妈对不起Mum, I'm sorry.应该由我告诉你这件事的You should have heard it from me first, but.我们不能带阿尔菲回来We can't bring Alfie back.我不明白露斯拉I don't understand, Luthera.他是你哥哥我的儿子He*s your brother. My son.我们得救他你不希望他回来吗?We, we have to save him. Don't you want him back?当然希望这是我一直以来的梦想Of course I want him back. It's all I've ever wanted.但阿尔菲那么努力摧毁武器But Alfie was trying to destroy the weapons就是为了保证里面的大军不会被放出来to make sure that the army inside could never be unleashed.但带他出来可能会让他的所有努力白费Getting him back could mean undoing everything he fought for, 我不想这样无论我多想他回来and I'm not willing to do that, no matter how much I want to.如果你因此恨我我也没有怨言It's fine if you hate me for it.恨你?我怎么会恨你?Hate you? I could never hate you.宝贝看着我Sweetheart, look at me.我总是强迫你坚强I forced you to be the strong one.但你也很痛苦那么多年来一直都是But you're in pain too, and you have been for years.这次让我来替你坚强吧Let me be strong for you this time.这下面down here!他们去这下面了 -他们去这边了They went down here! -This way!他们好像找到我们了 -快走Looks like they found us. -Go, go, go!我们在哪?Where are we?前面更精彩Wait till you see the rest.快来Come on!给你Here.去锻造台Get to the forge.你呢?What about you?你去完成使命我们去拦住他们You go finish this. We got you.神龙骑士Dragon Knights!妈妈我来拿剑吧Mum, let me carry the sword.只是It's just.阿尔菲我我不想放手Alfie, I- I don*t want to let go.我理解I understand.他剑在我的剑鞘里更安全He The sword will be safer in my scabbard.对在你那更安全没错Yes, yes. Um, safer with you. Yes.走吧Come on.是时候在地下墓地打碎几根骨头了J Time to crack some bones In the catacombs J你还有心情唱歌♥ ?You*re singing? Really?是啊防止我怕得呕吐的另一个技巧Yeah. Also keeps me from throwing up in fear.上啊Let's hit it!是德It*s Dra-妙-你到底在做什么?Yeah! -What is that you're doing, exactly?芥末功夫你一定会喜欢的Kung fu with some mustard. You're gonna love it.德雷克Drake!他把我压扁了He squished me,他追过去了and got away!游剑Blade.还真奇特Well, that's unique.锻造台就在那Over there. The forge.上下颠倒了 ? 我们颠倒着妈妈Upside down? -We are upside down, Mother.也许是它?不知道了但我们得过去Or maybe it is? I don't know, but we need to get there.家人温馨时刻吗?Hm. Little family time, eh?这次你们逃不掉了我得靠近点Not getting away this time. Need to get closer.天啊Whoa!天啊要怎么倾斜Whoa. How do you- Lean. Lean.这是什么地方?Wh- What is this place?游剑你身后Blade! Behind you.阿宝Po!德雷克不Drake! No. No!不它们飘走了No! They're floating away.阿宝去拿武器Po! Get the weapons!你们听到了队员们You heard her, team.石头我们可以用它们The rocks! We can use them.快乘这些石头过去跳上去Quick! Let's hitch a ride. Everyone jump.往前倾身往武器那边去Lean in and head towards the weapons.这是什么巫术?What is this sorcery?妈妈你躲到那下面去Mother, you can hide down here.阿宝去取武器了我们去锻造台快Po's getting the weapons. Let's get to the forge, quickly. 不许动Uh-uh. Don*t move an inch.放下剑Put down the sword.退后往后退Back. Get back.大熊座好痛Ursa Major! -Whoa!科林用轮子-对Colin, use the wheel. -Right.对没错Right, of course.我来Fil handle it.这是警告That was a warning shot.立刻放下武器Now, put the weapons down.没必要这样拜托了This isnrt necessary. Please!你杀了他们我就恢复你的骑士头衔You. Take care of them and 1*11 reinstate your knighthood.甚至让你晋升都不在话下A promotion, even. It's yours.德雷克骑士看看你周围Sir Drake, look around.我们身处充满魔力的地窖我们甚至不知道伦敦地下有这种地方We're in a magic cave we didn't even know was under London.在我们的伦敦Our London!这些武器必须被销毁Those weapons need to be destroyed.可悲我自己动手Pathetic. Til do it myself.不No!不No!科林Colin!科林Colin! Colin. Colin!是我That's me.后退Stand back,所有人all of you!你应该听从我的You should have listened to me!你从来都不是真正的骑士You never were a true knight anyway.远离他Stay away from him.行啊从你开始 Fine. You first. 放开我 Let me go!德雷克骑士Sir Drake!会是谁Who could have想我了吗? Miss me?No, sir. You said Kelvin.那就把凯文带来So get me Kelvin.还有我的弓And my bow.凯文和弓我这就去长官Kelvin and a bow. Coming right up, sir.女王不是终止任务了吗长官?I thought that the Queen said we were calling off the mission, sir.我们没有偷听Not that we was eavesdropping.女王就是个老蠢货The Queen is an old fool.兰德雷斯露斯拉羞辱了整个骑士军队Luthera of Landreth has humiliated the very institution of knighthood.长官您的十字弓到了Sir! Your crossbow.他们犯下的罪必须以死偿还That's a crime that can only be punished by death.把通缉单当纪念品收藏会不会奇怪?Would it be weird to keep one of these posters as a souvenir?能有张画了我们所有人的图挺不错的It would be nice to have a picture of all of us.没错记得收藏你们所有犯罪的纸质记录Oh yeah. Definitely keep a paper trail of all your crimes.安全了妈妈It's safe now, Mother.继续走吧Let's keep moving.阿尔菲真的太精彩了Oh, Alfie, it was marvelous!你真该看看露斯拉荡过德雷克骑士头顶救下你时他的表情You should have seen Sir Drake's face when Luthera swung in and rescued you. 妈妈小声点Mother, keep your voice down.对要小心点Right, right. Stealth.刚才是你妹妹在说话That was your sister.没有发现逃犯踪迹长官No signs of the fugitives yet, sir.每个垃圾桶都翻遍了吗?Have you sifted through every pile of garbage?每条下水道都查过了吗?Scoured every sewer?没有长官Welt not every one; sir.那就继续找快去Then keep looking! Go!立刻放开我我是骑士Release me at once! I'm a knight.露斯拉在哪?Where is Luthera?说长官我不知道我发誓Quickly. -Sir, I don't know. I swear it.非常好那我就剥夺你的骑士头衔Very well. Then you're stripped of your knighthood.长官你不能这样骑士是我的一切Sir, you can't be serious? Being a knight is everything to me.以叛国罪名关入地牢Throw him in the dungeon for treason.叛国?Treason?你疯了我绝不会背叛英国住手You've lost your mind. I would never betray England. Stop!过来你给我安静快走Come on, then. Quiet, you. Come on.穿过这条小巷就能到地下墓地了Just gotta get past this block and we hit the catacombs.之后就是古城、锻造台Then Ancient City, then the forge,然后给天山武器一个拈花指走好不送then give the Tianshang Weapons the ol* skadoosh.德雷克疯了Drake has gone mad.听我说Listen to me. Listen.我饿了你呢?I'm starving. You?我也想吃点东西I could eat.他们把他抓起来了They're holding him prisoner.这会还要去吃饭And working through a lunch break.我们得救他We have to help him.有必要吗?Do we, though?我们什么时候带阿尔菲回来?不如现在就做吧When do we bring back Alfie? Maybe we should do it now.他能说服那些骑士他们都爱戴他He can sort out the knights. They loved him.游剑你必须告诉她真&hearts湘♥Blade, you gotta tell her the truth.你说什么?What did you say?阿宝我做不到你来吧拜托了Po, I can't. You do it. Please?什么? 露斯拉?怎么回事?What? -Luthera? What is it?不该由我告诉她I'm not telling her.我们现在没时间争论这些We don*t have time for this nonsense.露斯拉? 现在不行Luthera? -Not now.游剑Blade!不是评判你但你这样很不明智So, no judgement, but, uh, this feels very not smart.科林放走了我们我们能走到这步多亏了他Colin let us go. He*s the reason we're here.这是我们欠他的-什么?We owe him. -Huh?嘿你还好吗骑士长官?Oh, hey, howrs it going, Mister- Knight!来解决掉这个家伙Let's just tackle this guy.好梦骑士长官Sweet dreams, Mister Knight.他们把他押进了酒馆我要进去救他They've taken him into a tavern. Tm going in.露露游剑亲爰的Lulu, um, Blade, dear.你叫我游剑”You, you called me Blade.为什么不能现在带回阿尔菲?你有什么瞒着我?Why can't we bring Alfie back now? What are you not telling me?这个Uh.没事的我们都在Ifs okay. We're here for you.这个Uh.那个是Well, um, it's我们不能带回阿尔菲阿宝会解释的好吗?再见We cannot bring Alfie back and Po will explain; okay? Bye.下次由你付账Well, next time, you pay.好吧你需要什么吗?Yeah. Uh, you need anything?要喝茶吗?来点饼干?安静站在这?You want some tea? Little biscuit, maybe? Uh, just stand here in silence?露露什么意思?我们不能带回阿尔菲?What does Lulu mean, we can't bring Alfie back?天啊解释这个好吧Oh boy. This conversation. Okay.不No.你吃掉了我的主教?不我不能输我从没输过Did you just take my bishop? Oh no, I can*t lose. I've never lost.这是什么?Well, whafs this?给我们看看Let*s have a look.不行这是私人物品No, no. Thafs private.诗啊真有雅兴Poetry. How quaint.“私人岛屿之上我们手带镣铐”“At pirate island, when we were shackled.'1太搞笑了他还在空白的地方写什么跟镣铐'押韵? ”Tragic. He wrote in the margin, "What rhymes with shackled?" 摺倒”就很押韵I would say "tackled."是不是很对称?How's that for a rhyme?是挺押韵的那个Oh, uh, it'll do in a pinch. Oh, um.我拿下钥匙来吧ril just get these keys. There we go.你还写了什么关于我的诗?So, what other poems have you got about me?什么?才不是关于你的我才不会What? It's not about- I would never-“穿越雪山、沙漠历经海上风暴*'Through snowy mountains, dry deserts, through sea storms, 游剑是否会走进我怀抱?perhaps the Wandering Blade may wander into my arms?"谁知道你有没有写关于我的诗?How do I know, frankly, that you don*t have poems about me?我现场就能给你作一首I'm sure I can conjure one.你害我丢了骑士头衔You cost me my knighthood.所以我来救你了啊-喂他们在这And I'm here to rescue you. -They7e here!给我站住-拦住他们Stop right there. -Stop them!拦住他们两个Stop those two!我可是学烘焙的I studied baking, you know.棒极了我也成逃犯了Fantastic. Tm a fugitive now.欢迎加入逃犯联盟Welcome to the club.早知道就去开饼干铺了I could have opened a biscuit shop.跟我们一起去地下墓地-地下墓地?去挖死尸吗?Come with us to the catacombs. -Catacombs? With the bodies? 我们需要你的帮助We could use your help.我能帮上什么?我什么都不是What good would my help do? I'm nothing.荣誉还被剥夺Stripped of my honor.我打算归隐树林隐居于空心木桩I intend to retreat to the woods and live in a hollowed log. 人生里有比骑士荣誉更重要的东西There's more to life than knighthood.相信我Trust me.在海边开间饼干铺感觉不错Sounds good. Little shop by the ocean.你可以帮我们拯救世界还是住进木桩里You can help us save the world, or you can go live in a log.随便你It's up to you.将军Checkmate.我真优秀Man, I'm good.该怎么说呢?How do I say this? Um.带阿尔菲回来很复杂Bringing Alfie back is complicated,也很危险and dangerous.而且And, uh.你应该跟游剑谈这件事-说得对You should talk to Blade about this. -Agreed.你们两个最了解阿尔菲了You two knew Alfie best.你不是也了解他吗?Uh, didn't you know him too?拜托别把我扯进来I really want out of this conversation, please.露斯拉不想跟我谈Luthera doesn't want to talk to me.她不是不想谈It's not that she doesn't want to.她只是跑掉去救那个谁来逃避你She just ran away to save whatfs-his-face to avoid you.嗨科林-嘿科林Hi Colin! -Hey Colin!好了科林来了我们能走了吗?Yes, Colin is here. Can we go now?你说得怎么样?So, how did it go?你跟她说阿尔菲的事了吗?Did you tell her about Alfie?等你想跟我讲话了再跟我说Let me know when you actually want to speak to me.等等Wait!等等游剑女士的母亲小声Wait, Mrs. Blade's mom. Stealth!你跟我们是一伙的了?Are you one of us now?我不是I am not one of you.我也不要跟你一伙达成共识Oh, yeah. Me neither. Wink.看来没说通妈妈-太棒了我是说对我来说I suppose it didn't go well with my mother. -Great! For me, I mean. 你反手就把阿宝出♥卖♥♥♥的样子酷毙了The way you just tossed Po under that carriage and, whoom!游剑女士等等Mrs. Blade, wait up!游剑会跟你解释的Blade can explain.也许不是现在但等会她会说的等我们坐下来喝茶吃小园烤饼Not now maybe, but later we can all sit down for a tea and crumpets, 或小饼干or biscuits,或司康饼或布丁或蛋糕或馅饼如果这里有的话or scones, or pudding, or cake, or pie, if you have that here.我不该把问题抛给你的Uh, I shouldn*t have put that on you.只是我们还在修复感情的途中It's just that we're on our way to fixing our relationship,而这会让我们前功尽弃的and now this is going to ruin everything.游剑不会的她爰你Blade, come on, she loves you.我知道但等我说后她一定不会再爱我了I know, but after this, she's not going to like me.不许动人♥渣♥Stop right there, scum!好吧两位Okay. Guys? Guys.你们寡不敌众打不过我们的You two are way outnumbered here.很快就不是了德雷克已经在来的路上了Not for long. Drake's on his way.你们不明白You don't understand.你们的前兵戈大♥师♥阿尔菲骑士在这把剑里Sir Alfred, your former Master of War, is in this sword.他会跟你们解释的He can explain.他在剑里? 她是个疯子He's in the sword? -She's a loon.绝对疯了Absolute loon.嘿不许嘲笑她Hey, don't laugh at her.我知道错了-我的尾巴Okay, I'm sorry, Tm sorry! -My tail!好了差不多了All right then, enough of that.应该能抵挡他们一阵子Oughta keep them out for a while.这是什么?What is this?科林它们是骷髅头Uh, Colin, meet skulls.骷髅头们他是科林Skulls, Colin.现在不是开玩笑的时候Now is no time to joke.我知道但这样我才不会怕得呕吐I know, but it keeps me from throwing up in fear.