The Golden Palace《金厦酒店(1992)》第一季第八集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
那么我能为你做什么?So, uh, what can I do for you?-你就是贝弗莉选择的那个人?-你是谁?-You're the guy that Beverly choose over me? -Who are you?我是雷蒙她从没跟你提过我吗?I'm Ramone. She never told you about me?我是那个和她交往稳定一起参加舞会的男人I'm the man that went steady with her, went to the prom with her 我们从14岁起就相爱了and have been in love with her since we were both 14.好吧我就是那个跳过这些的人Oh, well, Tm the guy who just skipped all that喝了一杯龙舌兰酒就娶了她and married her after a shot of tequila.好吧你是个幸运的人Well, you're a lucky man.她是个很棒的漂亮女人She's a wonderful, beautiful woman.我是来祝贺你的嘿谢谢-I'm here to congratulate you. -Hey, thanks.只是想让你知道And just to let you know如果你做任何伤害她的事我就杀了你that if you ever do anything at all to hurt her, Til kill you.说到做到I really will.她马上就下来了你为什么不跟她谈谈伙计?Look, she's coming right down. Why don't you talk to her, man?不我不能干涉她的生活我不想让她看到我No, I cannot interfere with her life. I don't want her to see me.我不知道她为什么选择你但她还是选择你I don't know why she's chosen you, but she has. So, 再一次恭喜你杀了你once again, congratulations, kill.楚伊你刚和贝弗莉分手了吗?Aw, Chuy, did you just break it off with Beverly?不我没有哦萝丝抱紧我萝丝No, I didn't. Oh, Rose. Hold me, Rose.哦好了好了宝贝Oh, there, there, baby.萝丝什么时候成为强者了?When did Rose become the strong one?我不知道I don't know.我要找经理I'm looking for the manager.啊!这个包你从哪弄来的包?Huh! That purse. Where'd you get that purse?今天早上有个老太太落在我的车后座上了Some old lady left it in the back of my cab this morning 看起来像妈妈的让我们来看看Looks like ma's. Let's see.宾果牌铁莲花Bingo cards, brass knuckles,口袋版101笑话Pocket edition of 101 Jokes for the John.是的这是妈妈的!你带她去哪儿了?Yes, this is ma*s! Where did you take her?我这里有日志记录我查一下看看Well, got the log sheet right here. Let me check, let's see.七点零五分到金厦酒店接她Picked her up, Golden Palace, 7:05.把她送到了一个叫荫松的地方dropped her off at a place called Shady Pines.荫松?Shady Pines?我以为它被烧毁了I thought it burnt down.他们一定是重建了Well, they must've rebuilt it,但肯定不会像索菲亚说的那么糟but it certainly can't be as bad as Sophia's always made it out to be, 是吗桃乐茜?Can it, Dorothy?嗯Well.投币式步行机?Coin-operated walkers?那是假的不那是我妈妈编的Totally untrue. No, my mother made that up.冰淇淋只给当天摘橙子的前10名?Ice cream cups given only to the top 10 orange pickers of the day? 不是真的上树的都有冰淇淋Not true. Anyone in the trees got ice cream.我接通了那里的电♥话♥Fve got Shady Pines on the phone.他们现在有电♥话♥ 了 ?They have a phone now?是的我们在找一个今早入住的人Yes, we*re looking for someone who checked in this morning, 索菲亚彼得里洛?uh, Sophia Petrillo?哦是吗是吗?我们能和她谈谈吗?Oh, she has, she has? Well, can we speak with her?哦她正在锻炼呢Oh, she's in the middle of her exercise period.我的天啊!这是在州际公路上捡垃圾的代号♥Oh, my God! That's code for picking up litter on the interstate.妈?是我Ma? It's me.亲爱的你在干什么?你听起来上气不接下气Honey, what are you doing? You sound out of breath.你知道这里的规矩如果你不工作你就不能吃饭Well, you know the rules here. If you donrt work, you don't eat.妈我们来接你了Ma, we're coming to get you.不要我宁愿在这鬼地方度过余生Don't. I would rather spend the rest of my life in this hell hole也不想让你们这些人为我争吵than have you people fight over me.但是妈But, Ma-听着我现在不方便说话Look, I can't talk now.我看见了个螺丝钉冒头了One of the screws is giving me the fish eye.再见桃乐茜不管你做什么别来接我Goodbye, Dorothy. Whatever you do, don't come pick me up.让我平静地死去吧别来接我Let me die in peace. Don't come pick me up.妈Ma哦他往这边来了我得挂了Oh, he's coming this way. I got to go.哦不他看见我了Oh, no. He saw me.太迟门太迟了!It*s too late! Its too late!我现在去按♥摩♥会不会太晚了?Is it too late for my massage?如果你快一点的话热油对吧?-Not if you hurry. -Hot oil, right?如果你愿意的话太好了!-If you'd like. -Hot dog!不我们得快点了No, we have to hurry.他们可能让她洗贝类They probably have her cleaning shellfish.然后把它当作工艺品来推销They try to pass that off as arts and crafts.我的天啊!他们做了什么?Oh, my God! What have they done?真好看It's beautiful.这是天堂Ifs paradise.这是假的!It's a fake!他们肯定都在后面挥汗如雨地You know, they must all be out back消磨着他们剩下的生命sweating away what's left of their lives日复一日地叠东西呀什么的in some devilish fluff and fold operation大家好欢迎来到荫松养老院Hello, and welcome to Shady Pines.我是梅雷迪思我是来帮你的I'm Meredith. Tm here to help you.你对我母亲做了什么你这个纳粹?What have you done with my mother, you. you Nazi?保安Security.嗯看起来很聪明的那个Uh, the smart-looking one.请你趴在地板上双手背后女士You wanna lay down on that floor, hands behind your back, please, ma'am? 是什么让你远离普通警♥察♥ What kept you out of the regular police, 是礼仪还是运动技能? manners or motor skills?来吧Come on.好了你退后你把手从她身上拿开All right now you back off. You take your hands off her. 她是我的朋友She's my friend.你什么时候变得这么强势的?When did you become so strong?我不知道I don*t know.哇我还没有做过这样的锻炼自从Wow, I haven't had a workout like that since-妈橘子树-Ma. -Orange trees.从他们把我关在橘子树上开始Since they had me in the orange trees.这个女人自称是你女儿This woman claims to be your daughter, 彼得里洛夫人你能证实吗? Mrs. Petrillo can you verify that? 如果我不证明她会怎么样? Oh, what happens to her if I don't? 我们报♥警♥以非法侵入罪把她关进监狱 We call the police and have her jailed for trespassing. 就这么做吧Fil tell you what let's do that for now. 妈!Ma!好吧她是我闺女Okay, she's mine. She's mine. 好吧节目结束了回家吧走吧 Okay. Show's over. Go on home. Go on. Go on.你在这里做什么?What are you doing here?妈你让我们担心死了!Ma, you had us worried sick!我打了桃乐茜I hit Dorothy.不要撒谎Don't lie.不我真的打了No, I really did.哦你没有Oh, you did not.她打了She did.现在由你来带领我们You shall lead us now.索菲亚我们得谈谈Sophia, we have to talk.你有五分钟然后我有网球课You got five minutes, then I have tennis lesson.妈这太荒唐了你不能待在这里Ma, this is ridiculous. You can't stay here.我要留在这I have to,这是我搬去和你们三个住之前住的地方this is where I lived before I moved in with you three.如果我留在这里你们可能会生我的气If I stay here, you all might be mad at me, 但你们不会互相生气but you won*t be not each other, 我不会为破坏你们的友谊负责and I won't be responsible for ruining your friendship.你不会毁了我们的友谊妈是因为我爰你You are not going to ruin our friendship. Ma, it's that I love you. 我想让你和我一起住And I want you to live with me.我们也爱你我们希望你幸福We love you too and we want you to be happy.你做什么决定都可以And whatever you decide is okay.你们又来了又逼我做You're doing it again you're forcing me to make 一个我不能做的选择a choice I can't make.索菲亚彼得里洛只能自己照顾自己了Sophia Petrillo is just gonna have to take care of herself.哦?你打算怎么付这些钱呢?Oh? And how are you going to pay for all this.用一种我称之为你的钱With a little something I like to call. Your money.妈算了吧!Ma, forget it!那好吧All right then.姑娘们恐怕我得把我在酒店里的钱都拿出来了Girls, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to take out all the money I put into the hotel. 你唯一放在酒店里的东西Oh, the only thing you actually put into the hotel 是大厅里的糖果盘亲爱的was that candy dish in the lobby, honey.留着吧Keep it.妈你看荫松换了一层新漆Ah, Ma, look, Shady Pines might have a new coat of paint, 但他们不能像我这样照顾你but they can't take care of you the way I can.-寿司?-谢谢-Sushi? -Thank you.看那屁 ♥股♥!Look at that tush!好吧!但我是你的骨肉Okay! But I'm your flesh and blood.你好梅雷迪思Hello, Meredith.你好妈Hello, Ma.好吧但你们都是被关在这里的Okay, but you're all cooped up here至少和我在一起你会有乐趣at least with me you'll have some fun.注意了荫松的人们Attention, Shady Piners,马戏团之夜五分钟后在大草坪上开始circus night is starting in five minutes on the big lawn.要看马戏了闺女不能等一会儿再说吗?The circus. Pussycat, couldn't this wait till later?不不能你必须和我们一起回酒店No it canrt. You have to come back to the hotel with us然后我们可以讨论这个So we can talk about this.是啊显然我们在这里什么都解决不了That's right. We're obviously not gonna solve anything here.很公平-好吧That's fair. -Okay,我去付账Fil go pay the bill.萝丝Rose,你觉得你能再和桃乐茜对抗一次吗?you think you could stand up to Dorothy one more time?我很乐意索菲亚rd be glad to, Sophia.1200美元!?$1200!?你得靠自己了You're on your own.-一切都好吗?-嗯-So, uh, how's everything? -Hmm.事实上肉饼有点干Actually, the meat loaf is a little dry.贝弗莉我想离婚Beverly, I want a divorce.哎你就是接受不了批评对吧?Boy, you can't take criticism, can you?贝弗莉我很抱歉这么说Beverly look, I'm sorry to blurt it out like that.只是我想了很久然后It*s just that I've been doing a lot of thinking, and.贝弗莉我觉得我不爱你and Beverly, I don't think I love you.但是一小时前你告诉我But, an hour ago, you told me you wanted to 你想让我成为世界上最幸福的女孩make me the happiest girl in the world.那是因为你的前男友来过That's because your old boyfriend came by,他说如果我做了任何伤害你的事and said, if I did anything to hurt他就会杀了我他是认真的you hell kill me and he meant it.雷蒙?雷蒙来找你了?Ramone? Ramone came to see you?哦那说明他爰我Oh, that means he loves me.雷蒙爱我!楚伊我该向你道歉Ramone loves me! Oh, Chuy, I owe you an apology.我做这一切就是为了让雷蒙嫉妒I did all of this to make Ramone jealous.我很抱歉I'm sorry.嘿没问题Hey, no problem.希望你和雷蒙能幸福地在一起I hope you and Ramone are happy together.我们要离婚了对吧?We're getting divorced, right?哦不用离婚我们从未真正结婚Oh, we don't have to. We were never really married.你是什么意思?What do you mean?还记得你喝醉了我们凌晨两点Remember when you got drunk and we got that priest 找到的那个神父吗?at 2 o'clock in the morning?他不是牧师他是男厕所服务员Well, he wasn't a priest he was a men's room attendant. 我还纳闷他为什么在圣坛上放着一罐梳子I was wondering why he had that jar of combs on the alter. 我永远不会忘记你楚伊卡斯托兰索斯I will never forget you, Chuy Castolanzos.卡斯蒂略楚伊卡斯蒂略It's Castillos. Chuy Castillos.我的飞机半小时后起飞My plane leaves in a half hour我有两张票我需要你的决定I have two tickets, I need your decision.-但首先我想告诉你这个笑话-哦妈!-But first I wanna tell you this joke. -Oh, Ma!这对我很重要哦好吧-Please it's important to me. -Oh, all right.咚咚!-是谁?-Knock, knock! -Who's there?-我是妈-谁?-I'ma. "fma who?我不会跟你回家的Fma not going home with you.我以为加点幽默会让拒绝更容易些I thought the rejection would be easier with a little humor mixed in.但说真的我不会跟你回家的But seriously, I'm not coming home with you.我真不敢相信I can't believe this.闺女这不是你的事是我的事Pussycat, this isn't about you, it's about me.你还不明白吗桃乐茜?Don't you see, Dorothy?我现在就得去酒店我得忙起来I need to be at this hotel now, I need to be busy.我在荫松的时候他们把我照顾得无微不至When I was at Shady Pines they waited on me hand and foot,这让我觉得自己老了that made me feel old.如果我和你一起回家我也会有这种感觉That's how I'll feel if I went home with you.妈我不想这么自私Oh, Ma, I don't wanna be selfish.只是我爱你我想和你在一起It'sit's just that I love you and I, I wanna be with you.这是一个母亲能听到的最好的话Those are the best words a mother can hear.我向你保证当我准备好慢下来的时候And I promise you when I'm ready我会陪在你身边to slow down Ill be there with you.give me any grief about marrying Beverly.我只是觉得这是你的生活Well, I just figured it's your life.我是说如果你想在醉醺醺的时候和一个贱♥货♥结婚 I mean, if you want to throw it away marrying some cheap tart in a drunken stupor,我有什么可反对的? who am I to object?“我无法在我自己的女儿"I can't choose between my own daughter 和两个我认为是女儿的女人之间做出选择 and two women I think of as daughters.我很抱歉我做不到”I'm sorry. I just can't." 我不明白这是什么意思?Well, I don't understand. What does this mean?意思是索菲亚跑了It means Sophia has run away. 嗯Um.前台哦你没有肥皂Front desk. Oh, you have no soap.哦我很抱歉我们现在人手有点短缺Oh, Tm so sorry about that. We're a little shorthanded right now. 我们的一个女仆跑了One of our maids ran away, and, 还有两个女仆去找她了and two of our maids have gone to try to find her. 我马上给你拿些肥皂I'll get you some soap right up to you. 好吧谢谢 303 号♥房♥ All right. Thank you, sir. That'll be 303. 前台Front desk.抱歉那些毛巾正在送过来的路上Oh, I'm sorry, those towels are on their way. 呃前台Uh, front desk.听着我现在没时间跟你说这个Uh, look, I don't have time for this right now.你过会儿再打给我吧我爰你闺女I love you, Pussycat.我爱你妈妈I love you, Ma.桃乐茜我们只是不希望你就这样离开Dorothy, we just don*t want you to leave like this.不等等等等No, wait, wait.妈妈和我一直在谈Ma and I have been talking, 我们都同意她留在这里比较好and we both agree it's better if she stays here.你是认真的吗?我们不想失去你们的友谊You really mean that? We don't want to lose your friendship. 不不不我是说真的No, no, no I really mean it.我真没想到你们有能力经营这家酒店I really didn't think you*d be able to run this hotel.我以为你布兰琪会失去兴趣I thought that you, Blanche, would lose interest,而你萝丝会嫁给迈尔斯然后and you, Rose, would marry Miles, and then妈妈就会回家但是Ma would come home, but.我忘了你们是多么特别的人I forgot what special people you are,我很抱歉对你们没有足够的信心and I apologize for not having enough faith in you and, 我只想让你们知道我为你们感到非常非常骄傲I just want you to know I'm very, very proud of all of you. 你不知道听到你这么说对我意味着什么You don't know what it means to me to hear you say that.哦我也是我也是Oh, me, too. me, too.听着萝丝和我Listen, Rose and I我们有个小礼物要送给你well, we have this little present for you.我们做的We made it.一生的金厦酒店通行证A life-time pass to The Golden Palace.读一读后面Read the back.这张卡片可以让桃乐茜兹博纳克霍林沃斯“This card entitles Dorothy Zbornak Hollingsworth住进金厦酒店的任何房♥间to stay in any room in The Golden Palace吃芝土蛋糕and eat cheesecake,讲黄段子tell dirty jokes,至少有两个朋友and have at least two friends会听她哭泣、抱怨和欢笑who will listen to her cry, complain, and laugh,在她的余生中”for the rest of her life."谢谢你们!Thank you.我也给你带了点东西I got you something, too.呃这这个糖果盘Uh, this. This candy dish.还刻了字It's engraved.“给妈妈爱你的桃乐茜”“To Ma, love Dorothy."该死的!Damn!布兰琪布兰琪这里需要人手Blanche, Blanche, we're getting backed up over here.哦我马上就来Oh, I'll be right there.你常回来看看我们听到了吗?You come back and see us, you hear?哦花到了我得处理这些事Oh, the flowers are here. I have to take care of those.索菲亚快点我们得看看菜单Sophia, come on we've got to go over the menu.他们会把我累死的They're going to work me to death you know.妈? 只是对你有点内疚-Ma? -Just a little guilt for the road.再见闺女Goodbye, Pussycat.再见妈妈Goodbye, Ma.金厦酒店Golden Palace.德弗罗我预约了热油按♥摩♥Devereaux, I have an appointment for a hot oil massage你好萝丝尼伦德我是来看马戏团的Hi, Rose Nylund, fm here for the circus.You're gonna have to try me again later.抱歉我还以为是个下流电♥话♥Oh, I'm sorry, I thought this was an obscene phone call. 哦你的肉饼怎么了?Oh, w-whatrs wrong with your meat loaf?哦好吧好吧Oh, well, fine.我马上再给你拿一份ril get another one up to you right away, 过会儿打给我and call me later.罗兰马歇尔先生的肉饼干掉了Roland, Mr. Marshall got a dry piece of meat loaf.是的我知道我知道Yeah, I know, I know.楚伊酒店烹饪的第一原则是什么?Chuy, what is the number one rule of hotel cooking?如果看起来不对用欧芹盖住If it doesn't look right, cover it with parsley.不还有另一条规则No, there's another rule.再多的欧芹也盖不住干肉饼No amount of parsley can cover up dry meat loaf, 所以你要解释一下so you wanna explain that chia pet你给马歇尔先生送去的草娃娃that you sent up to Mr. Marshall.好吧没错我犯了个大错误Okay, yeah, I made a mistake big deal man.再说一个我犯的错Name me one other time I made a mistake.楚伊你喝了一杯龙舌兰酒就Chuy, you just got married to a complete stranger娶了一个完全陌生的女人after having a single shot of tequila.再说一个Name another one.拜托你得集中精神楚伊Come on you got to focus, Chuy.这是今天退回的第三个订单了That's the third order that's been sent back today.好吧也许我不是很开心Okay, well maybe I'm not so happy, you know, 但一一切都会好起来的只要我们你知道做♥爱♥ but things are gonna be just fine, once we, you know uh, make love. 哦哦Uh-oh.我们是不是又发现了一个欧芹不能解决的问题?Have we found another problem that can't be covered with parsley? 哩i哩1哩iJ 八、八、Hey! Hey! Hey!嘿是她伙计哦-Hey, it's her, man. -Oh.她说我们结婚了不代表她就得像个荡♥妇♥She says just beca