Star Trek: The Next Generation《星际旅行:下一代(1987)》第一季第三集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
舰长日志星历41209.2Captain's log, star date 41209.2.我们正以曲速7赶去与一艘科学船SS-Tsiolkovsky汇合(齐奥科夫斯基俄♥国 ♥研究火箭及太空的先驱)舰长日志星历41209.2We are going to rendezvous with a science vessel, SS Tsiolkovsky,该舰正在观测一颗红巨星which has been monitoring the collapse of a red super giant star塌缩为白矮星的过程into a white dwarf.引起我们注意的是一系列奇怪的讯息What has brought us here is a series of strange messages表明该船上出问题了indicating something has gone wrong aboard the research vessel.SS Tsiolkovsky重复你的消息SS Tsiolkovsky, repeat your message.你好进取号♥欢迎Hello, Enterprise. Welcome.我期望你们那里有很多棒小伙I hope you have a lot of pretty boys there,我正迫切的等待着because I'm willing and waiting.事实上我们这里相当热闹In fact, we*re going to have a real blow-out here.上啊yaeh上啊上啊Do it, yeah! Go ahead! Do it!舰长我们刚才听到的声音太不可思议了Captain, what we've just heard is. impossible.汇报Report.我确信最后那个声音是紧急舱门盖被爆出I believe that last sound was an emergency hatch being blown.你确定?哦你当然确定Are you certain? Yes, of course you are.Data Geordi TashaData, Geordi, Tasha.搜寻器发现该船内已无生命讯号♥舰长Searcher scans now reveal no life signs aboard, Captain.按计划覆盖搜索该船出发Cover the ship as planned. Move out.这就是人类所说的疯狂的派对?Indications of what humans would call. a wild party?Tasha?你在干嘛?What are you doing?我想要听听你的建议所以我才来你的舱房♥I need your advice. That's why I came to your quarters.当然任何Of course, anything.衣着你下班后总是穿得如此美丽On clothes. You always wear such beautiful clothes off duty.你的头发总是如此漂亮And your hair always looks so nice.我想改变一下形象你认为这件如何?I wanna change my image. What do you think about this?还是还是这件?Or. or this one?这不适合你It's not for you.Tasha我觉得你很不稳定Tasha, I feel you're very uncertain.你在与什么东西抗争是什么?That you're fighting something. What is it?别在意Never mind.我自己会找到想要的东西PH find what I need myself.本舰的储藏室里会有Ship's stores will have it.Tasha ?等等!Tasha? Wait!-Troi呼叫Picard舰长Picard在此-Troi to Capt Picard. - Picard, here.长官我认为Tasha也被传染了Sir, I think Tasha's been infected, too.-她刚刚离开我的舱房♥实际上这不是传染-She just left my quarters. - It*s not actually an infection.更像是酒醉Yes, sir. Its more like an intoxication.但不管是什么她现在有了But, whatever it is,. she's got it.谢谢顾问Thank you, Counsellor.大副Number One,看来我们的安全长官喝醉了it seems our Security Chief has the equivalent of a snoot full.质疑长官”Snootful” ?(美国俚语一大杯酒)Inquiry, sir. Snoot full?忘了它吧Forget it.嘿妈看看我的本事Hey, Mom, look what I can do.我加宽加固了光束就像我那晚说过的那样I've widened and strengthened the beam, like I said last night.答应我这艘船上有事在发生Do me a favour. Something's happening on this ship.为了确保安全呆在你的舱房♥里直到事件解决Just to be safe, stay in our quarters until it's solved.行妈你的意愿就是我的命令Sure, Mom. Your wish is my command.马上WesNow, Wes!OK但你无法阻止我脾气的增长你注意到这点了吗OK. But you could be stunting my emotional growth, you realize that?这里为何那么热Why is it so hot in here?Picard 呼叫 CrusherPicard to Crusher.Crusher 在Crusher here.你做过注射测试了吗?Have you made a test injection yet?我们得假设这一情况已经扩散We have indications that this condition is spreading.还没测试舰长但是快了No test yet, Captain. But very soon.舰长再有41分钟Tsiolkovsky号♥上的资讯就下载完了In 41 minutes, the information from the Tsiolkovsky will be downloaded. 为何这么慢?Why so slow?慢? Tsiolkovsky号♥花了 8个月积累这些资讯Slow, sir? The Tsiolkovsky has been eight months in accumulating it.那颗恒星有多危险?最坏的状况How much danger from that star? Worst case.比如说完全塌缩长官?Like a full collapse, sir?它抛过来的物质Any material it threw this way, 我们用一半脉冲动力可以逃脱 we could outrun on half impulse power. Picard呼叫轮机室轮机长至舰桥报到Picard to Engineering. Chief Engineer, report to the bridge.助理轮机长Shimoda至医官处报到Assistant Chief Engineer Shimoda, report to Medical.Hi Jim舰长是否命你到医官处报到?Hi, Jim. Was that the Captain ordering you to Medical?那会让这里无人值守轮机长被招去舰桥Which would leave no one on duty. The chief was summoned to the bridge. 我怎么样What about me?如果有事发生我会呼叫舰桥的轮机长I could call the chief on the bridge if anything happened.-按命令前来报到长官什么?-Reporting as ordered, sir. - What?您命我来舰桥报到You ordered me to report to the bridge, sir.没有这回事I did no such thing.我要你待在轮机舱以防我们要开走I want you in the engine room in case we need to move out.注意各甲板各分区以下命令立即生效Attention, all divisions. Effective immediately, 我将控制权转交至代理舰长Wesley Crusher I have handed over control to Acting Captain Wesley Crusher. 代理舰长?Acting Captain?谢谢Picard舰长Thank you, Capt Picard.如此进取号♥新的勇敢的一天开始了And so dawns a brave new day for the Enterprise.舰长日志星历41209.3Captain*s log, star date 41209.3.导致Tsiolkovsky号♥船员死亡的污染物The contaminant that led to the deaths of the Tsiolkovsky crew 现在登陆了进取号♥is now aboard the Enterprise.我们的轮机舱Our Engineering section被年轻的Wesley Crusher霸占了has been commandeered by young Wesley Crusher.自此以后每餐的前后都要有甜点And henceforth, a dessert course shall precede and follow every meal, 包括早饭including breakfast.为代理舰长欢呼Hurray for the Acting Captain.从未去过医务室那样远感觉真好Never got as far as sickbay, Wes. I feel too good for that.难以置信你怎么做到的?Incredible. How did you do that?将我的牵引光束模型挂接本舰的动力Hooked my model tractor beam into the ship's power.然后变成斥力光束了想进来?Now, it's a repulser beam, too. Want in?宣誓向您效忠舰长Swear to be faithful to you, Captain.大副MacDougal把那孩子从轮机舱弄出来Number One, MacDougal, get that boy out of Engineering.奇怪的汇报来自各甲板Sir, I'm getting very strange reports from all decks.比如说?Such as?比如说训练区正在进行玄学演讲Such as the Training Division giving a lecture on metaphysics.-玄学?-是的长官-Metaphysics? - Confirmed, sir.有人在太空梭港写了首奇怪的五行诗A rather peculiar limerick was being delivered in the shuttle-craft bay. 我不确定我能理解I'm not sure I understand it.”有位年轻女士来自金星他的身体长得像”“There was a young lady from Venus Whose body was shaped like a." 舰长呼叫保安回答Captain to Security, come in!我说错什么了吗?-我也不明白他们的幽默-Did I say something wrong? -1 don*t understand their humour.-Yeah舰长?-给我接Yar上尉-Yeah, Captain? - Get me Lt. Yar!-拉好你的裤子-Picard舰长-Keep your britches on! - Capt Picard.上尉你在哪儿?Lieutenant, where are you?在我的舱房♥里此刻我很忙I'm in my quarters. I'm pretty busy right at the moment,Jean- LucJean-Luc.好吧上尉继续待在那里Alright, Lieutenant, you just stay right there.Data带Yar上尉下去医务室Data, take Lt. Yar down to sickbay.-是长官舰长呼叫保安-Aye, sir. - Captain to Security.我要你们全部的资深主管到舰桥报到I want all your senior supervisors to report to the bridge immediately.Yar上尉?Lt. Yar?这儿DataHere, Data.你找我?You wanted me?Picard命令我护送你去医务室上尉Capt Picard ordered me to escort you to sickbay, Lieutenant.他说过什么时候去吗?Did he say when?我确信他的意思是马上所以请穿上制♥服♥I'm sure he meant now. So, you should get into uniform.但我是为你脱下制♥服♥的DataBut I got out of my uniform for you, Data.你知道我几岁时被抛弃的?Do you know how old I was when I was abandoned?时间年龄?Chronological age?不恐怕我并不熟悉No. I'm afraid I am not familiar with.五岁Five.五岁但我幸存下来了Five years old. But I survived.我学会了如何生存I learned how to stay alive.如何避开强盗How to avoid the rape gangs.在我逃脱之前我15岁I was 15 before I escaped.抱歉我不曾知道I am sorry. I did not know.我现在需要的是关怀And what I want now is gentleness.和快乐And joy.还有爱And love.你的Data你的功能齐全吗?From you, Data. You are fully functional?当然但是有多全?-Of course, but. - How fully?各方面当然的In every way, of course.我被编入了多种技巧的程序I am programmed in multiple techniques.有很多种类的乐趣A broad variety of pleasuring.噢真好那正是我期望的Oh, you jewel! That*s exactly what I hoped.有什么收获大副?What have you learned?舰长引擎被与舰桥隔离了The engines are cut off from the bridge.有个工程师把单个的光学芯片从控制器拔了出来An engineer pulled out the isolinear optical chips from command. 全部引擎都停摆All the engines are offline.Wesley挂接了某种牵引光束Wesley has hooked up some kind of tractor beam到本舰的动力上正指向着门to the ship's power, aimed at the door.我们无法越过以到达电脑We can't get past to get to the computer.你能让电源短路跳闸吗?Can you short out the power?是的可以但那要花时间Yes, I can. But it*s gonna take time.动手吧Do it.Bill?Bill?Deanna 什么?Deanna, what?那么多自♥由♥的思想在这艘船上So many minds on this ship, all free.释放的Released.DeannaDeanna.我能感觉到他们所有人I can feel them all.他们想要什么他们感觉如何What they want, what they feel.是我以前从未感到过的人类的另一面Ifs a side of humans I never felt before.来我带你去医务室Come on. I'm getting you to sickbay.你不想和我单独呆一会吗?让我进入你的心智?Wouldn't you rather be alone with me? With me in your mind?我们找到的医学记录说这会立即生效The medical records we found say this works almost instantly.这不公平医生It*s not fair, Doc.我从未看到过彩虹日落日出I've never seen a rainbow, sunset, sunrise.这是要帮助我吗?This is gonna help me?让我能像你一样的看?Help me see like you?Crusher 医生?Dr. Crusher?-Deanna需要你的帮助来自旧进取号♥的方程式不起作用-Deanna needs your help. - The formula didn't work.或许症状相同但不知何故这次与之前的不同It may induce the same symptoms, but somehow, it's different. 可能变异了我要将其隔离并加以分♥析♥Maybe it*s mutated. I have to isolate it to analyze it.-我们没时间你带Deanna进来-We don*t have time. - You brought Deanna in.你和他接触了哦天啊然后你又接触了我Then you touched her! Oh, God! And you touched me.我要把你隔离I've got to quarantine you.要是我无法让电脑上线这一切都毫无意义If I don't get the computer on line, none of this will matter.我们都会死Werll all be dead.舰长日志补充Captain*s log, supplemental.这已经不再是小孩子的恶作剧It is no longer an inconvenient, childish prank.年轻的 Wesley CrusherYoung Wesley Crusher,显然这位Tsiolkovsky号♥污染物的受害者admittedly a victim of the Tsiolkovsky infection, 现在正掌控着我的星舰is now in control of my starship.Wesley我是Picard舰长看到我了吗?Wesley, this is Capt Picard. Do you see me?是的长官Yes, sir.你要把这艘船的控制权交回舰桥You will return control of this vessel to the bridge交回它原来的拥有者立刻where it belongs at once.对不起长官告诉我您想怎么做我会替你完成的I'm sorry, sir. Tell me what you want done and Fil do it!舰长要亲自掌控舰船年轻人Ship captains control their own vessels, young man.但是长官您并没着亲自操作But, sir, you don*t do it yourself.您发布命令然后由其他人来完成You give the orders but somebody else does it.那现在给我下命令有什么不同吗?What's wrong with giving me the orders?舰长从那颗白矮星读到异常数据Captain, getting unusual readings now from the dwarf star. 那个等一下再说Stand by on that for a moment.WesleyWesley.WesWes.你意识到自己的举止异常了吗?Are you aware that you are behaving strangely, 是来自Tsiolkovsky号♥的感染that a kind of infection was brought over from the Tsiolkovsky, 症状像喝醉酒which acts like. intoxication?所以我才觉得那么热那么奇怪?Are you saying that's why I feel so hot? So strange?那是That's.那是非常成人化的WesleyThat's a very adult bit of reasoning, Wesley.你是说我喝醉了So, you mean I'm drunk!我感觉很怪但很不错I feel strange, but also good.那是因为你已经丧失了自我判断能力Because. you have lost the capacity for self-judgement.酒精会有这样的作用WesleyNow, alcohol does this, Wesley.但来自Tsiolkovsky号♥的污染物更厉害The contaminant from the Tsiolkovsky does it even more so. 你拿回本舰后会怎么做?What would you do if you got your ship back?我要做的事情非常重要WesleyOh, it's very important I do, Wesley.我必须用牵引光束锁住Tsiolkovsky把它拖到I must lock a tractor beam on to the Tsiolkovsky and tow it. 牵引光束是我的专长我会搞定这件事的Wesley完毕 Tractor beams are my specialty. Til get that done. Wesley out. Wesley !Wesley!你去哪?Where are you headed?长官那颗恒星开始塌缩了Sir, the star. It's beginning to collapse.轮机舱到底怎么了What the hell is happening in Engineering?锁定Lock on.锁定 TsiolkovskyLock on Tsiolkovsky.-抑制器在哪里?这里-Where's that sonic driver? - It's over there.OK看着这样能否切断牵引光束的动力OK, let's see if this cuts out his tractor beam power.噢来吧Oh, come on.No !No!我必须找到答案I must find the answer.我就快找到答案了I've got to find the answer.舰长是牵引光束我们刚刚锁上了 Tsiolkovsky号♥Captain, tractor beam. We just locked on to the Tsiolkovsky.舰长呼叫Captain to.Wesley ! Wesley Crusher 回答Wesley! Wesley Crusher, come in.好的DataGood, Data.-至少你还正常运作完全正常舰长-At least you're functioning. - Fully, Captain.Data酒醉是人类行为你的大脑是不同的Data, intoxication is a human condition. Your brain is different. 不同于It*s not the same as.我们的相似之处远多于不同之处亲爱的舰长We're more alike than unlike, my dear Captain.我有毛孔人类也有I have pores. Humans have pores.YeahYeah.他们的舰桥Their bridge.如果这个东西能运作它应该记录下了一切If this works, be sure to record everything.你是对的有人&hearts另单♥出了舱盖You were right. Somebody blew out the hatch.他们都被吸进太空了They were all sucked out into space.更正长官是吹出Correction, sir, that's blown out.谢谢Data - 一个常识性错误长官-Thank you, Data. - A common mistake, sir.Riker中校Yar上尉Cmdr Riker, Lt. Yar. Location, Engineering.这里有十个人长官都冻住了无生命迹象Ten people here, sir, all frozen. No vital signs.冻住了?怎么会的?Frozen? How?貌似有人在玩弄环境控制系统It looks like someone was playing with the environmental controls.使得热量都散发到太空里去了Just let all the heat bleed away into space.长官La Forge上尉在船员舱室Sir, Lt. La Forge in the crew quarters.这里有些东西Something in here.Riker呼叫舰长我有事报告长官Riker to Captain. I have a report, sir.Picard在此Picard here.他们全都死了They're all dead.他们中有人&hearts另单♥出了紧急舱口盖Some of them were blown out of the emergency hatches.但那船上有80人But there were 80 people on that ship.是的长官Yes, sir.就像我说的都死了我有指纹I have. fingerprints.人类也是Humans have fingerprints.我的化学营养液就像你们的血液My chemical nutrients are like your blood.如果你用东西戳我If you prick me;我也会破的do I not. leak?医生Doctor.舰长能到你房♥间里去谈吗私下的Captain, can I see you in your room? It's private.-不对是紧急的-但是-No, actually, it's urgent. - But.该死Damn it!-好了医生我相信自己也被感染了-Now, Doctor. -1 have become infected myself.你知道污染物是什么了吗?Do you know what the infection is?来吧快说Come on, quickly.抱歉这确实很像酒醉Sorry. It is definitely like alcohol intoxication.同样是缺乏判断力The same lack of good judgement.例如现在我觉得你非常For example; right now, I find you extremely.非常的Extremely.当然我们现在没空谈论那档子事We haven't time for that sort of thing.-哪档子事?老天要我做给你看吗?-What sort of thing? - God, would I love to show you!医生肯定有解药的某种Doctor, there must be a cure. Some formula.像之前那个方程式.similar to the old one.该死舰长!Damn it, Captain!亲爱的舰长My dear Captain.你欠我的你意识到了不是吗?You owe me something. You do realize that, don*t you?我是女人我需要丈夫的安慰男人I'm a woman. I havenrt had the comfort of a husband, a man.现在不行医生拜托Not now, Doctor. Please!舰桥呼叫Riker紧急Bridge to Riker. Urgent.Riker在止匕-长官-Riker here. - Sir.很遗憾的通知你Regret to inform you貌似舰长也被感染了还有Datathat the Captain appears to be infected, and Data.谢谢上尉我就过去你来搞定这里Thank you, Lieutenant, I'm on my way. You'll have to handle this.你是说你去搞定哪里?Are you saying you're gonna handle that?我们现在看到的是来自恒星表面的大块物质What we're seeing is a huge chunk of the star surface blown away, 朝我们而来heading for us.让我们Take us.你还好吧长官?Are you alright, sir?Worf你知道该怎么做Worf, you do know what to do.让我们呃Take us, er.让我们离开这里-对-Take us out of here. - Right.-控制系统仍然未连线长官-覆写-Controls are still offline, sir. - Override.还是一样长官Same result, sir.Wes回答拜托Wes, come in, please.Wesley Crusher 我是 RikerWesley Crusher, this is Riker.事态紧急快回答拜托This is urgent. Come in, please.轮机舱紧急我们必须恢复本舰动力Engineering, urgent. We must have sh