Compulsory/Elective:CompulsoryHours of Experiments: 0(This box is ONLY for Science and Engineering Courses)本课程与学生核 心能力培养之间的关联(授课对象为 理工科专业学生的课程填写此 栏): 核心能力1. 核心能力2. 核心能力3. 核心能力4. 核心能力5. 核心能力6. 核心能力7.口核心能力8.Syllabus of Listening and Speaking 1Course Title : Listening and Speaking 1Total HoursAVeekly Hours/Credits: 32/2/2Prerequisite Courses: noneClass and Grade of Students: 2017 Excellent Law class 1College Responsible for the Course: College of Literature and MediaTime, Place and Methods to Answer Students9 Questions:Wednesday, in office 10B304, 14:30-16:00Methods of Assessment: Open-book Exam( ); Closed- book Exam ( d ); Paper ( ); Others ()Textbook: New World Interactive English book 1 References:Course Description: This course is designed to develop, improve and implement the use of English language in the areas of listening and speaking. Presentation of material followed up by practical exercises aiTanged from unit topics.Course Objectives:1. Knowledge and skills objectives: Students will be required to practice and develop their listening and speaking skills, focusing on pronunciation, intonation, vocabulary building and applying language in real-world situations.2. Process and method objectives: Class time will focus mainly on listening and speaking practice. Two periods each week will include the use of listening videos, discussions and presentations related to the units.3. Emotional, attitudinal and value development objectives: With the requirement of 16 weeks of class, students will be expected to make full use of the time we meet in the classroom. Ultimately, the willingness to learn us up to the student. Cooperation with their classmates and their teacher is paramount to getting the best use out of the course. With the successful completion of the course, the students will be prepared to continue on at the second level of the listening and speaking program.Planning of Theoretical TeachingWee kTeaching ThemesHou rsKey and Difficult PointsMethods of Instruction4Intro to course2Course requirements, summary of NewQ and A andWorld Interactive English book 1ice-breaker activity5Unit 1: People2Meet people, Ask for and give personal informationDescribe occupations (positive and negative)Talking about one's occupations; contractions of be; focused listening6Unit 1: People2Describing Positive and Negative parts of OccupationsVideo JournalGeneralListening7Unit 2: Work, Rest, and Play2Talk about a typical day and free timeDiscuss daily activitiesUsing present tense8Unit 2: Work, Rest, and Play2Describe a special celebration/festival; Daily lifeUse falling intonation, focused listening; Discuss outdoor celebrations9Unit 2: Work, Rest, and Play2Video Journals and Ted Talks; understanding main themes and utilizing visual cuesFocused listening10Unit 3: Going Places2Identify possessions; ask for and give travel infoGeneral listening; Discuss travel preparations11Unit 3: GoingPlaces2Give travel advice; share special travel tipsUse rising intonation; discuss advice12Sports Day2No class13Midterm2Midterm Presentations on TravelGroup work14Unit 5: Sports2Describe activities happening now;compare everyday present-time activitiesDiscussing favorite sports; use reduced form: Whatare y ou.15Unit 5: Sports2Adventures and extreme sports; students preferencesGeneral and focused listening: everyday activities vs. today16Unit 6:Destinations2Past vacations and personal experiencesExchanging information; general listening; reduction of have to, has to, got to17Unit 6:Destinations2Video Journals and Ted TalksDescribe discoveries and best/worst trips; gardening18Review2Review information for final exam, revisit difficult pointsGroup work19Listening Exam2Exam based on units 1-8Closedwritten exam20Oral Exam2Oral English exam in groupsClosedGroup workTotal Hours32Planning of PracticesWee kPracticesHou rsKey and Difficult PointsTypes of PracticeMethods of InstructionTotal HoursGradingActivitiesGrading SchemePercentage sClassroomConditionsPoints will be deducted for absentees. Students must be in groups of 5-6.10%ClassroomDiscussionStudents who participate well will gain points.10%Out of class Assignments (Includes Unit Tests)Homework consists of classroom presentations. Midterm presentation is included.40%Final ExamOral Exam: appropriate language, native words, fluency, pronunciation and grammar. Listening exam based from textbook and outside sources.40%Final Exam MethodOral Exam will be given to one group at a time. 1-2 questions per student, 1-2 group discussion questions. Listening exam is written and closed.Date of Writing:系(部)审查意见:系(部)主任签名:日期: 年月 日注:1、课程教学目标:请精炼概括3-5条目标,并注明每条目标所要求的学习目标层次(理解、运用、分析、综合和评价)。本课程教学目标须与授课对象的专业培养目标有一定的对应关系2、学生核心能力即毕业要求或培养要求,请任课教师从授课对象人才培养方案中对应部分复制(3、教学方式可选:课堂讲授/小组讨论/实验/实训4、若课程无理论教学环节或无实践教学环节,可将相应的教学进度表删掉。