STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY: TOUR DESK ATTENDANTHEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: FAMILIARITY WITH THE CONTROL SYSTEMS FOR GAMES AND EQUIPMENT AND THE PRODUCTION OF AN INVENTORY AND CONTROL SYSTEM.STANDARD: THE ASSISTANT AND THE SUPERVISOR WILL JOINTLY PRODUCE AN INVENTORY OF ALL EQUIPMENT AND A CONTROL SYSTEM FOR THE ISSUE OF GAMES AND EQUIPMENT. EACH WILL BE SIMPLE AND EFFECTIVE.PROCEDURE:The assistant and Supervisor will produce an inventory of all departmental equipment. This inventory will be checked at intervals.From the inventory, they will also produce a control system for the issue and reclaim of all games and sports equipment. All staff will be aware of how the system works and how to issue and reclaim equipment from the Beach Bure and Activities Desk.InventoryThe inventory is simply a list or record of all equipment the department has at its disposal. It serves the purpose of ensuring that the equipment is accounted for and that if any equipment goes missing, we are aware of it.The Control SystemTwo “Equipment issue” books will be opened. One for use behind the Activities Desk and one for use behind the Beach Bure. No Charge will be made for issue of the equipment, but it should be returned by 5 p. m. to the place of issue. Equipment issued at the Activities Desk may stay out overnight.PROCEDURES: (continued)The Control systems will consist of the two books in which entries will be made. The entries will be as follows: Room Time Date Returned Name Equipment Expected Initial Return ByThe entries to be made are self explanatory. The book should be checked at the end of the day by the Assistant to ensure that all equipment has been returned to the Beach Bure. He should also check that all equipment at the Activities Desk is accounted for. For guests wanting games after the Activities Desk is closed they should refer to the reception for issue of equipment.It is vital that al equipment be inventoried and then its use monitored. This will issue the equipment against loss or theft and will serve as an efficient record of repairs needed.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY: TOUR DESK ATTENDANTHEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: CARRTUBG OUT OF ALL MISCELLANEOUS ACTIVITIES.STANDARD: ALL STAFF WILL BE FLEXIBLE ENOUGH TO CARRY OUT ACTIVITIES AT SHORT NOTICE AND BRING IN SPECIAL SKILLS OF THEIR OWN SUBJECT TO THE ACTIVITY DIRECTORS APPROVALPROCEDURE:The activities presented in the daily programme and the special activities programme are often subject to change. Although many of the activities are permanent, others could be affected by bad weather, equipment failure or by there being lack of participants. In each eventuality, staff must have the ability to improvise.The activities substituted could be:- special interest events.- theme events- group activities.- convention requirements. Or- wet weather events.Where an event is needed to substitute a programmed event, the Activities Director may ask any employee to improvise Staff should prepare a list of activities and events he or she could carry out to cater fro this possibility.Before bringing in any event which deviates from the programme the Activities Director is to receive the proposal and will then take the necessary action.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY: TOUR DESK ATTENDANTHEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: ISSUE AND RECLAIM OF TOWELS FROM TOWEL BURE.STANDARD: PROCEDURE:STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY: TOUR DESK ATTENDANTHEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: MANNING THE BEACH BURE.STANDARD: PROCEDURE:STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY: TOUR DESK ATTENDANTHEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: KNOWING THE VOUCHER AND CONTROL SYSTEMS.STANDARD: PROCEDURE:STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY: TOUR DESK ATTENDANTHEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: PROMOTING GROUP PARTICIPATION AND ENCOURAGING ACTIVITIES.STANDARD: PROCEDURE:STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY: TOUR DESK ATTENDANTHEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: TEACHING A SAILBOARE LESSON.STANDARD: PROCEDURE:STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY: TOUR DESK ATTENDANTHEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: TEACHING A HOBIE CAT SAILING LESSON.STANDARD: ALL EMPLOYEES SHOULD BE ABLE TO SAIL AND GIVE BASIC HOBIE SAILING INSTRUCTIONPROCEDURE:Whenever an instructor teaches a sailing lesson on the Hobie Cat, he/she should follow there guidelines so that each instructor is giving out the same information. The demonstration hobie should be rigged and ready in front of the group or individual, and any other equipment needed should be at the ready. LIFEJACKETS SHOULD BE OFFERED.Introduction 1. Introduce yourself to the group or individual and get names, and an indication of how much sailing they have done before. Explain that this will be a basic lesson aimed at teaching the basics and getting them going as quickly as possible. Explain that it will be a 3 part lesson:a) Dry land drill.b) Accompanied stage with instructor.c) Solo sail if they choose to do it.Dry land drill1. Explain the basic parts of the boat the names of the two sails the four controls of the boat Tiller, Daggerboard, Main sheet, Jib sheets.2. Show the positions of the helmsman and crew and what controls they have to take care of:PROCEDURES: (continued)3. Show the procedure for turning, (Tacking only), to being with.a) notify crew,b) push tiller away,c) watch, and wait for boom,d) cross as boom crosses,e) face forward,f) centralize tiller.The crew would cross to middle and wait for the manoeuvre to be completed.1. The points of sailing would be explained, as would head to wind and how to get out of it. The sail angles would also be covered.Accompanied stage with instructor:2. Repeat all the stages taught in two ways:a) firstly with the instructor demonstrating,b) then with guest trying.In the event of a large group, this stage would involve taking guests out in pairs for 15 minutes accompanied instruction.Solo Sail1. Before this stage the instructor would calmly mention what to do in the event of a capsize. This stage would only be attempted if the guest is comfortable, the instructor is convinced he/she is ready, and the weather is suitable.The instructor would explain the limits to stay within and would assist with the launch and recovery. If possible only let the guests sail on reaches.The instructor would watch the solo sailors for the duration of the sail. Safety is vital.Conclusion 2. To conclude, the instructor will get the group together for a summary of all things covered.PROCEDURES: (continued)During general use of Hobies a half hour limit may have to be imposed so as to enable all guests to use the equipment. This would be subject to need.Setting up + packing away the Hobbies 9. a) The hull must be stored above the wall with all sails stored and locked away.a) All attachments must be taken off.To rig the Hobie a) Turn the hull to into the wind.b) Attach sail to boom and enter all batterns.c) Attach halyard.d) Haul up sail ensuring mainsheet is out.e) Ensure halyard is pulled Taut; if using a jib, it is vital to ensure that the luff is Taut.This procedure will be demonstrated.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY: TOUR DESK ATTENDANTHEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: TAKING THE WATER POLO ACTIVITY.STANDARD: ALL STAFF MUST BE ABLE TO SWIM AND BE ABLE TO TAKE COMMAND OF A WATER POLO ACTIVITYPROCEDURE:The water polo activity will be held in the main pool and could be a childrens or adults event. These steps should be followed:1. Ensure that all equipment is set up beforehand, and that everything needed is ready at the poolside. Equipment needed includes; ball, goals, water polo caps, ski belts, blackboard chalk, whistle and a safety pole.2. Ensure that all guests at the poolside know that the event is about to take place and how long it will take Encourage participation.3. When guests are gathered, explain the rules:a) Safety at all times if tired drop out, no ducking etc.b) No holding the ball when moving. You must swim while pushing it.c) After each goal the ball comes back to the referee. d) Score will be kept on the blackboard. Explain length of game or score to be reached.1. Give out swim caps and pick teams. This can be done any way, for example by countries, by sex, by age or at random. Anyone requiring ski belt for buoyancy will be given one.2. Begin the match referee constantly and watch each player to ensure the game is safe; keep a constant score displayed.PROCEDURES: (continued)3. When the match is over (this could be at any time decided by the referee depending on tiredness of participants, target score reached, or any other reason) all equipment should be returned to the store.Make sure there is a clear beginning and a clear end to the activity.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY: TOUR DESK ATTENDANTHEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: GIVING THE SAILING THEORY LECTURE.STANDARD: ALL STAFF SHOULD BE ABLE TO GIVE THE STANDARD THEORY LECTURE, KNOW THE STAGES, AND BE ABLE TO TALK KNOWLEDGEABLY FOR THE 30 MINUTE ACTIVITIES.PROCEDURE:For equipment an instructor may need Hobie Cat, a blackboard, and chalk. The lecture will be a standard format and will follow three stages:1. Introduction Introduce yourself and the subject; explain its relevance and what areas you will cover. Put the audience at ease.2. Lecture Using the working model, the black board and chalk, the instructor will explain the following:a) The different types of boats and their rigs Sloop, Ketch, Cat rig, Clipper etc.b) The parts of a Hobie Cat and their functions, Hull, Tiller, Rudder, Mast, Sails etc. The four main controls.c) The points of sailing Beat, Reach , Reach, Run etc how they compare and why.d) Sail shape aero dynamical, the changing shape of sails through the ages, batterns, sail parts, sail controls for changing shale.e) How a sail works Slot effect, Wind flow direction, high and low pressure, Vacuum effect.Each stage will be assisted by diagrams and the use of visual aim 1. Recapping and questions The main points will be highlighted as will their relevance. Any questions will be answered.PROCEDURES: (continued)2. Test Some kind of test will be given, usually verbally. The emphasis should be on informality and there should be no test; atmosphere.3. Conclusion this final stage is very short and should consist of only a few words to give a clear ending to the activity.During the lecture an instructor should take care to follow the guidelines on how to teach and give instruction.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY: TOUR DESK ATTENDANTHEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: GIVING THE SAILBOARD THEORY LECTURESTANDARD: ALL STAFF SHOULD BE ABLE TO REPRODUCE THIS LECTURE EFFECTIVELYPROCEDURE: For equipment, an instructor may need a windsurfer a blackboard and chalk. The lecture will be a standard format and will follow these stages:1. Introduction Introduce yourself and the subject; explain it relevance and what areas you will cover. Put the audience at ease.2. Lecture Using the working model, the blackboard and chalk, the instructor will explain the following:a) The three different types of board flat, fun, short/sinker/ their uses, and why we have flat boards. b) The parts of a sailboard and their functions Board, Daggerboard/Centreboard, Skeg, the rig and its parts, the sail etc.c) The points of sailing Beat, reach, run, how they compare and why.d) Sails shape Aero dynamical, the changing shape of sails through the ages. Batterns, sail parts, sail controls for changing shape.e) How the sail works Wind flow direction, high and low pressure, vacuum effect.Each stage will be assisted by diagrams and the use of visual aids.1. Recapping and question answering the main parts will be highlighted as will their relevance. Any questions will be answered.2. Test Some king of test will be given, usually verbally. The emphasis should be on informality and maximum group participation.PROCEDURES: (continued)3. Conclusion This final stage is very short and should consist of only a few words to give a clear ending to the activity.Care must be taken to be interesting and informative. The guidelines on how to teach and to give instruction must be followed explicitly.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY: TOUR DESK ATTENDANTHEAD: G. M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: CARRYING OUT THE SAILBOARD FREESTYLE DEMONSTRATIONSTANDARD: EMPLKOYEES SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO THE DEMONSTRATION OR EXPLAIN WHILE ANOTHER PERSON DOES IT. THE SEQUENCE OF EVENTS MUST BE LEARNED.PROCEDURE: The demonstration is in three parts:1. Introduction 2. Demonstration3. ConclusionBefore the event the equipment to be set out is as follows:One sailboard rigged and lying on the beach.One blackboard, with clearly visible order of events (learned thoroughly by the two participating beach attendants). One megaphone if necessary, Chalk, One regatta buoy.Introduction1. Both beach attendants address the viewing group and introduce themselves. One will then explain the order of events to be shown,