The Golden Palace《金厦酒店(1992)》第一季第十集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
谢谢你做我的朋友Thank you for being a friend.旅行数日后又重回此处Traveled down the road and back again.你的心是如此真诚Your heart is true.你是我的贴心好友You're a pal and a confidante.若你要开个派对And if you threw a party.邀请所有熟人到场Invited everyone you knew.你将发现最好的礼物是我送出的You would see the biggest gift would be from me.贺卡上将会写着And the card attached would say.感谢你与我为友“Thank you for being a friend"感谢你与我为友“Thank you for being a friend"金厦酒店第十集哦!Oh!我还是不敢相信我们让比尔和米尔顿I still cannot believe that we got Bill and Milton在我们酒店做电台直播to do their live radio broadcast from our hotel.这会给我们带来很多宣传It*s going to give us so much publicity.上帝知道现在生意这么不景气我们需要它And Lord knows with business as slow as its been, we need it.好了看起来怎么样?There it is. How does it look?哦看起来还不错很好Oh, it looks just fine. Just fine.现在回厨房♥去Back to the kitchen now.什么就这样吗?What, that's it?没有感谢没有感激?Tell us whafs your name?萝丝萝丝尼伦德Rose. Rose Nylund.你好萝丝萝丝尼伦德你好吗?真好啊Hi, Rose-Rose Nylund. How are you? That's catchy.为了让你赢得这些豆子Now, in order for you to win these beans, 你必须回答三个小问题you have to answer three trivia questions.你对农场琐事了解得怎么样?Uh, how are you on farm trivia?哦我对农场琐事很在行!Oh, I'm great on farm trivia!我过去住在农场I used to live on a farm.这难道不是巧合吗?Isn't that a coincidence?当然!Absolutely!天这太简单了Boy, this will be easy.我相信你能做到!And I have faith that you can do it!不是吗米尔特?Don't you, Milt?我愿意用我的生命打赌比利Ed be willing to bet my life on it, Billy.接受打赌米尔特Ill take that bet, Milt.好了孩子们!Okay, boys!好了先生!Yes, sir!好了家里的听众们All right, radio listeners at home,我们面前有一箱水we have a tank of water in front of us.现在米特Now, Milt,我赌你不敢呆在这个水箱里I double dare you to stay submerged in this tank of water 直到萝丝成功地回答三个农场琐事问题until Rose successfully answers all three farm trivia questions. 天哪我可不能错过这样的机会比尔Whew! Boy! I donrt think I could pass up an opportunity like that, Bill. 等等!等等!他在那里怎么呼吸?Wait! Wait! How's he gonna breathe in there? 嗯他不能呼吸这就是问题的关键Well, he can't. That's the point.我们全靠你了We're depending on you.我们相信你能及时把他救出来We have faith in you that you'H get him out in time.有什么比信心更重要?What's more important than faith?空气!空气更重要!Air! Air's more important!比利那位女士关于空气的说法可能是对的You know what, Billy? The lady may be right on that air theory- 哦快进去Aw, get in there.好的他在里面里面很安全密封得很好Okay, he*s in there. Nicely safe in there, nicely sealed up.好了现在我们来看第一个问题Okay, now lets get to question number one.在我们开始第一个问题之前萝丝Before we get to question number one, Rose, 说说你自己吧你是哪里人?tell us about yourself. Where are you from?圣奥拉夫!这是要干嘛?St. Olaf! What does it matter?只管问问题Just ask the questions.好第一个问题All right, question number one.你管小鹅叫什么?What do you call a baby goose?呃高斯林!Uh, gosling!图斯林很好Gosling. That's very good.好吧嗯Okay, um.第二个问题注意了亲爱的Question number two. Pay attention, dear.说出一台你认为Name a machine that you 拖拉机Tractor.不不等我把问题说完No, no. Wait till I finish the question.除非你让我把问题说完否则就不公平了It's not really fair unless you let me finish the question.-抱歉-好-fm sorry. -Okay.说出一台在农场上机器Name a machine that you find on a farm.拖拉机?-是的!很好-A tractor? -Yes! Very good.你做得很好这还是第一次上节目!You're doing so well and this is only your first time! 女士们先生们她是不是很棒?Ladies and gentlemen, isn't she terrific?在我们开始第三个问题之前Before we get to question three, 让我们做一个小广♥告♥ letrs have a small commercial break. 哦不!Oh, no!不问第三个问题!No, ask the third question!哦好的第三个问题Oh, okay. The third question.第三个问题Question number three.说出50种农民种植的作物Name 50 things that a farmer plants.五十!五十种?Fifty! You want 50!有上千种There's a thousand of them.你可以照样摆平这个问题!来吧You can rip them off like that! Let's go.哦小麦大麦是的是的-Oh, wheat, barley. -Yeah. yeah.-大米、棉花、玉米-很好是的是的-Rice, cotton, corn. -Good. Yeah. Yes.这是多少了?How many is that?让我想想你说的是小麦、大麦Let's me see, you said, wheat, barley.哦算了!Oh, never mind!豌豆、生菜、花椰菜、玉米Peas! Lettuce, cauliflower, corn.不!你已经说过玉米了Nope! You already said corn.-没有!-说过了是吧-Did not! -Did, too! Didn't she?耶! 耶个什么劲啊?-Yay! -What does it matter?把他弄出去!他要淹死了!Get him out! He's going to drown!除非我和搭档商量过否则我们不能改变规则Well, we can't change the rules unless I check with my partner. 等一下Just a minute.亲爱的!亲爱的你想出来吗?Sweetie! Honey, you want out?他喜欢在里面他像条鱼He loves it in there. He*s like a fish.-加油加油!-哦我的天!-Go on, come on! -Oh, my god!呃防风草!萝卜!Uh, parsnips! Turnips!呃番薯!Uh, yams!-甜菜-很好-Sugar beets. -Good.哦豆瓣菜是的-Uh, watercress. -Yeah.-玉米碎-是的-Hominy. -Yeah.-大♥麻♥-哦-Marijuana. -Oh.我的天啊!Oh, my god!虽然是非法的但也是一种经济作物It may be illegal, but it's a cash crop.不不米尔顿!No, no, Milton!哦!哦!快叫救护车!快!Oh! Oh! Somebody call an ambulance! Quick!不等等我是医生也许我能帮上忙No, wait. Fm a doctor. Maybe I can help.哦!拜托帮帮忙Oh! Please, anything!这个人死了This man is dead.哦不Oh, no.我有强烈的预感他淹死了And I have a very strong hunch he drowned.哦不!Oh, no!哦不!Oh, no!再见滑稽脸Goodbye, funny face.你杀了我的搭档!You killed my partner!弥尔顿死了!你们听到了吗迈阿密?Milton is dead! Did you hear that, Miami?萝丝尼伦德杀了我的搭档Rose Nylund killed my partner.现在请听瑞克詹姆斯演唱的超级怪物And now listen to Rick James singing Superfreak.我很抱歉我很抱歉!I'm sorry. Tm so sorry!我不是故意要杀他的I didn't mean to kill him.我是个坏女孩!I'm a bad girl!我是个坏女孩!I'm a bad, stupid girl!索菲亚对萝丝的恶作剧太过分了Sophia, this prank on Rose has gone too far.啊别孩子气了Ah, don't be a baby.这太恶劣了你怎么能这么做?This is horrible. How can you do this?萝丝是世界上最可爱的女人Rose is the sweetest woman in the world.你站在这里笑的时候While you're standing out here laughing,她可能正坐在大厅里痛哭流涕呢she's probably sitting in the lobby crying her eyes out.我明白你的意思I see what you're saying.我应该在里面看着的I should be in there, watching that.索菲亚我知道你为什么这么对萝丝Sophia, I know why you did this to Rose.你这么做是因为你嫉妒她You did it because you're jealous of her.你嫉妒她因为你是个刻薄的老女人And you're jealous of her because you're a mean, old woman. 哦哎呀Ooh, gee.他们什么时候开始在汉堡店教心理学的?When did they start teaching psychology at Hamburger U?索菲亚我是认真的你得告诉她真&hearts湘♥Sophia, Tm serious. You've got to tell her the truth.哦算了吧这是她自己的错Oh, come on. It's her own fault.即使是黑猩猩也会知道这是个恶作剧Even a chimpanzee would know it was a practical joke.索菲亚我想我们都同意猩猩比萝丝要聪明Sophia; I think we all agree that the chimp has a leg up on Rose. 但这不是我们要讨论的But that's not what we*re talking about here.哦嗨萝丝你拿着什么?Oh, hi, Rose. What have you got?蛾我在房♥间里找到的A moth. I found it in my room.我把它安全送到外面I want to be sure it gets outside safely.从现在开始我要致力于保护生命From now on, Tm dedicating myself to preserving life.飞吧小飞蛾Fly, little moth.自♥由♥地生活吧!Be free and live!我有没有说过我们买♥♥ 了个很划算的灭虫器?Did I mention we got a great deal on a bug zapper?对不起!Excuse me!她这是要凑一双啊Well, she*s two for two.好了要么你告诉她要么我告诉她All right, thatrs it. Either you tell her, or I'll tell her.好吧好吧我以为这个恶作剧Okay, okay, I thought this kind of practical joke会让我发笑但没有would make me laugh, but it hasn't.它以我认为不可能的方式影响了我It's affected me in ways I didn't think possible.是啊这让你感到羞耻不是吗?Yeah, it's made you feel ashamed, hasn't it?不它让我性♥欲♥亢奋No, it excited me sexually.索菲亚!Sophia!我和你一样震惊I'm as shocked as you are.罗兰我想我真的能帮到你父母Roland, I think I could really help your parents.我丈夫乔治和我花了一些时间做婚姻咨♥询♥My husband, George, and I spent some time in marriage counseling. 我真的学到了很多I really learned a lot.我学会了如何不加偏见地客观I learned how to be detached and objective.你太情绪化了根本帮不上什么忙See, you're too emotionally involved to be of any real help.你知道我在想什么吗? 我不在乎你怎么想-You know what I think? -I don't care what you think.听着如果我父母没有意识到他们应该在一起Now look, if my parents don't realize that they belong together, 那我就展示给他们看then I'm gonna show them.布兰琪我不需要你的帮助And Blanche, I don't need your help.哦哦Well, oh.所以在我找到自己的住处之前So, until I find a place of my own,我要和罗兰一起住随便你-fll move in with Roland. -Whatever.布兰琪我需要你的帮助!Blanche, I need your help!爸妈布兰琪想跟你们谈谈Hey, guys, Blanche wants to talk to you a second.又见面了Hello, again.我想让你们知道我有相当丰富的经验I want you to realize I have considerable experience调解你们这样的问题in mediating problems like yours.你真是太好了但这是私事Well, that's very kind of you, but this is rather a personal matter.私事是我的专长Personal matters are my specialty.露易丝Now, Louise.当你知道你们的婚姻可能出了问题Um, what was your first indication你的第一反应是什么?that there might be a problem in the marriage?如果你一定要知道那就是卧室的问题Well, if you must know, it began in the bedroom.停停Ho-hold!不不不No, no; no.我不想听他们谈论这事I don't want to hear them talk about this.好吧那你去另一个房♥间Well, fine, go in the other room.那是什么亲爱的?What was it, honey?太少还是太多?Too little, too much?我不怕细节I'm not afraid of details.如果你更有激&hearts精♥些Maybe if you'd been more passionate, 我就不会一直邀请人过来看体育比赛了I wouldn't have had guys over to watch sports all the time. 我怎么能在一屋子男人面前充满激&heartsHW♥呢?How could I be passionate in a room of men?-实际上布兰琪!-Actually-Blanche!怎么啦?What?听着这太疯狂了这是行不通的Look, this is crazy. This is not going to work.罗兰你能不能再给我一次机会Roland, will you please give this a chance.他们需要的只是没有利害关系第三方All these people need is a third party who's not personally involved. 现在乔治露易丝Now. George, Louise, 你们知道婚姻不会因为一个问题就破裂you know, a marriage doesn't break up over just one issue. 肯定还有其他的冲突Now there must have been other conflicts.当然了露易丝赌博输光了我们所有的积蓄Of course. Louise lost all of our life savings gambling.什么?What?等一下没人告诉过我Wait a minute. Nobody ever told me that.妈妈我不知道你会赌博Mom, I had no idea you knew how to gamble.显然她不知道怎么赌啊Well, apparently, she doesn't.我丈夫和我以前常玩赛马You know, my husband and I used to play the horses. 如果你周末呆在家里我就不会去赌Well, I wouldn't gamble if you would stay home on the weekends. 为什么?好让我听你唠叨我挣的钱不够多吗?Why? So I can listen to you nag about how I don't make enough money? 我们喜欢那些小马镜和马鞍We loved all those little riding crops and saddles.我再唠叨也胜过你这个控制不住哭鼻子的男人Better a nagging woman than a man who can't control his tears. 男人也会改变的露易丝Even men have a change of life, Louise.当然我们并没有真正到达赛道Of course, we never actually made it to the track.他是个精力充沛的人He was a lusty man.精力充沛热情的男人Lusty, zesty man.精力充沛热情的牛仔喜欢整夜骑!Lusty, zesty cowboy who liked to ride all night!布兰琪!Blanche!你能不能别再谈你自己了?Will you stop talking about yourself?天哪我父母有问题My god. My parents have problems, 他们有非常严重的问题 they have very serious problems. 亲爱的这就是我们一直想告诉你的Honey, that*s what we've been trying to tell you.这对我们来说也不容易儿子This hasn't been easy for us, either, son.但我们该继续我们的生活了But itrs time we got on with our lives, 你也一样 and you, too.我想我是时候接受这个事实了Well, I guess it's time I accepted this.我是说我不喜欢你们离婚I mean, Tm not going to like it,No thanks; no gratitude?你让我汗流浜背让我累到不行You get me hot and sweaty, work me like crazy, 就这么让我走了?and then send me away?天我感觉像你的舞伴Man, I feel like one of your dates.但我猜你会想要跑回加油站But I guess you1! want to run back to the Arco station 向你所有的朋友炫耀and brag to all your buddies.不很好我等不及要见你了妈妈No, good, good. I can*t wait to see you, Mom.好吧是的这太棒了Okay, yeah. This is great.这太可怕了This is terrible.我父母要来看我My parents are coming to see me我想我爸爸有坏消息要告诉我and I think my dad has some bad news to tell me.你为什么这么想?What makes you think so?他叫我罗利-那又怎样?-Well, he called me Roly. -Well, so?上次他叫我罗利的时候So the last time he called me Roly,他告诉我我被少棒队除名了he told me I'd been cut from little league team.教练怎么没告诉你?How come the coach didn't tell you?他是教练He was the coach.那你觉得这次又是什么?Well, what do you think it is this time?泰菲死了Taffy's dead.-泰菲是谁?-我们的狗Who's taffy? -Our dog.你♥爸♥妈会大老远飞过来Your mother and dad would fly all the way down here 但如果你们想离婚but if a divorce is what you guys want, 我不会阻止你们then I'm not going to stand in your way. 谢谢你宝贝Thank you, baby.不客气不是你You're welcome. -Not you.很抱歉我对整件事反应过度了I'm sorry I overreacted to this whole thing.这太让人震惊了It was such a shock.好吧至少你们没有和别人结婚Well, at least you guys aren't marrying other people. 我是说至少我不用去适应新的继父母I mean, at least I'm not gonna have to get used to new step-parents. 这太难了That would be difficult.坐下儿子Sit down, Son.去啊索菲亚快点Go on, Sophia. Go on, 现在就告诉她 tell her right now. 萝丝我有事要告诉你Rose, I have something to tell you, 这对我来说非常困难 and it's very difficult for me. 哦不还有坏消息吗?Oh, no, more bad news?别告诉我魔豆不是真的有魔力?Don't tell me, the magic beans weren't really magic? 拜托她很容易搞定的Come on, she's so easy.现在就告诉她老女人Tell her now, old woman.好吧好吧All right, all right.有些事我一直没跟你说实话There's something I havenrt been totally honest with you about. 萝丝哦萝丝Wose! Oh, Wose!那是什么?What was that?是他!It's him!是弥尔顿!It*s Milton!你为什么要这么做?Why are you doing this?你为什么要折磨我?Why are you tormenting me?你就是杀死我的凶手!In life, you were my murderer!死亡In death.我来找你了I'm yours.停下Stop it!我要笑死了Now you're killing me!等下我得有个结局Wait a minute. I got a big finish.来吧萝丝!Come on, Wose!是时候跟我走了萝丝!It's time to come with me, Wose!哦不Oh, no.萝丝你做了什么?Rose, what have you done?结束了It's over.我把他送回了地狱他该去的地方I sent him back to hell, where he belongs.你杀了他你真的杀了他?You killed him, you really killed him?是的Yes.怎么了Why?哦亲爱的玛丽上帝之母这太可怕了Oh, sweet Mary, mother of God. This is horrible. 我得躲起来I've got to hide.怎么了?What's wrong?怎么了?What's wrong?你杀了一个人!You killed a man!我杀了一个鬼I killed a ghost.你杀了人 你个白♥痴♥You killed a man, you idiot.我不明白I don't understand.这是个玩笑It was a joke.我跟你开了个玩笑I was pulling a joke on you.弥尔顿并没有死这只是个恶作剧Milton's wasn't really dead. It was all just a big joke. 索菲亚!Sophia!你把我要说的话都说出来了You took the words right out of my mouth.这就是对一个愚蠢至极的人的又一个恶作剧And so ends another practical joke on an incredibly stupid person. 你玩得开心吗女士?Did you have a good time, ma'am?哦当然了!Oh, I sure did!你呢先生?How about you, sir?我是个女人该死的I am a woman, damn it.证明下Prove it.行啊从晚餐开始怎么样?Well, fine. How about starting off with dinner?-好啊你走先-好-Fine, fm right behind you. -Uh-huh.这句话对异装癖每次都很有效I can't believe how this transvestite bit works every time.这就约上晚餐了I can't believe how this dinner“我会证明给你看”每次都有效and I'll prove it to you bit works every time.我真不敢相信I donrt believe this.萝丝你知道?Rose, you knew?一直都知道我们都知道The whole time. We all did.你去找米尔顿和比尔时他们也来找我When you went to Milton and Bill, they came to me.他们觉得没有人比你更有报复心They felt anybody as vindictive as you值得被恶搞一下了deserved a practical joke.现在谁才是最蠢的那个?So, who's the incredibly stupid one, now?所以这一切都是你计划好的So you had this all planned,甚至是飞蛾还有灭虫器?even down to the moth and the bug zapper?不那是个不幸的事故No, that was an unfortunate accident.我希望你们都满意I hope you're all satisfied.对一个老太太做这种事太可怕了This was a terrible thing to do an old lady.这一点都不好笑Ifs not funny.你们真的吓到我了You really had me scared.你们真的You really had-嗯他们不相信我心脏病发作Well, they didn't buy the heart attack.但可笑的是他们