2023-2024学年度新人教版选择性必修一Unit3Fascinating parksReading and Thinking--Experience a national park教案.docx
2023-2024 学年度新人教版 Unit3Fascinating parks-Reading andThinking-Experience a national park 教案Activity 1PurposeIntroduce the topic of parks and national parks, and serves a warm-up for the activities which follow.Suggested Answersi I have been to city parks. City parks are outdoor places where people relax.2 When I think of national parks, I think of places of extreme natural beauty, usually far away from any city.Teaching Tipi For question 1, elicit from students a list of different kinds of parks. If this proves too difficult to students, you can give them hints. Examples include:urban parksnational parksstate/provincial parksamusemen t parksdog parksbaseball parksmarine parksadventure parkspeace parksskate parkspublic/bo tanical gardensAsk students which of these kinds of parks they have been to, and what they were like. Use their experiences and knowledge to try to come up with a definition of a park: "A park is a place where ” 2 For question 2, have students relate to the class their experiences (if any) at national parks. If none of the students have been to a national park, elicit from them what they know of national parks.Activity 2PurposeMatch the subheadings with the paragraphs.Cultural Notes# Sarek National Park in Lapland, Sweden is one of the oldest national parks in Europe. It is over 1,900 square kilometres in area, and is next to two other national parks which are similar in size. The park is in the far north of Sweden, near the border with Norway, making it quite isolated and hard to get to. It has no roads, only a few hiking trails which are unmarked, two small bridges, no recent buildings or development of any kind, and a small handful of old buildings (a small chapel, a few Sami huts) which are usually uninhabited and which are generally not available for use by park visitors. All in all, this makes it one of the wildest places in Europe.# The Rapa River is a 75-kilometre river that forms a river delta as it flows through the Rapa Valley in Sarek National Park, and then into Laitaure Lake. The photo at the top of page 26 is of the Rapa Valley.# The Sami used to be called Lapps or Laplanders, and are often found described by these names in books or magazine articles. However, the use of these terms is now discouraged as they are viewed as offensive. The Sami are nomadic people who have existed in the far north of Europe since a long time ago. It is estimated that they currently number around 100, 000, with most living in Norway and Sweden, though some live as far east as in Russia. Though most now live in towns or cities, they are famous for their traditional lifestyle, which includes living in tents while following their reindeer herds. However, it is thought that less than 3,000 Sami currently herd reindeer fulltime, though many others do so during the summer months. And while the Sami are most famous for their reindeer herding, many Sami are by tradition fishermen, hunters, or farmers.in Reindeer are the only form of domesticated deer in the world. They exist in the far northern areas of Europe, Greenland, and North America (where they are more commonly called "caribou" ). The Sami are one of several northern European tribes which have traditionally been involved in reindeer domestication and herding. The Sami use reindeer milk and meat for cooking, reindeer hides for clothing and tents, and reindeer antlers and bones for tools. The Sami used to use reindeer to transport people in sleds, but that is not common today except for tourist demonstrations, though reindeer may be used to pull smaller sleds carrying supplies. As reindeer are by nature migratory animals who roam with the seasons to find better pastureland, Sami reindeer herders were by nature a nomadic people who followed their reindeer herds throughout the year. The photo at the bottom of page 26 is of a reindeer herd. Above the Arctic Circle, in the winter the sun never rises and in the summer it never sets. Typically, the summer sun circles around in the sky just above the horizon. In the winter, it circles the sky as well, but below the horizon so that it cannot be seen. In early fall or late spring,the night may only last one or two hours as the sun briefly dips below the western horizon and then comes back up again. In the late fall or early spring, there may be only one or two hours of a kind of twilight, as the sun peeks over the eastern horizon briefly before setting again.Answers1 A Summer Where the Sun Never Sleeps2 A Land of Mountains and Ice3 Man at Peace with Nature4 A Land of AdventureTeaching TipThis is a kind of reading for gist exercise. Normally, a subheading will give the basic idea for what is in a section of a passage. Students should first read the subheadings to make sure they understand them, and then quickly skim each paragraph to get the basic idea of the paragraph. Then they should match the paragraph to the subheading which best fits its overall meaning.Activity 3PurposeRead the passage for details.Suggested Answers1 24 hours a day.2 It was made a national park, no one besides the Sami can live there, and new development is banned.3 They no longer herd reindeer一 they live modern lives in cities. They might not want to live in Sarek because life there is quite hard.4 It is a beautiful and wild place, and thewriter is enjoying a great adventure.5 I wou1d love to visit there, because it looks wild and wonderful.Activity UPurposeSee how sense words are used as parts of the description of a place.Suggested AnswersSight: Spreading out before me, branches of the Rapa River flow through the valley below . At the far side of the valley, an ancient Sami cottage is visible. Close by, there are a few reindeer feeding on grass.Touch: Since I must carry all of my food and supplies with me, my bag weighs about 30 kilograms. If today is anything like yesterday, it will be full of sweat and hard work as I hike over this difficult land to my destination on the other side of the valley.SmellHere I am, alone . breathing the fresh air, and enjoying this great adventure.Taste: For example, this morning my breakfast is flat bread warmed over a fire, dried reindeer meat, and some sweet and sour berries that I found growing near my tent.Sound: I wake up to the sound of the wind buffeting the cloth of my tent.Teaching TipStudents need to read the passage and visualise it based upon what the author says. When they place themselves in the author? s shoes, the exercise should become quite easy.Activity 5PurposeSummarise the passage using new vocabulary.Answers buffeting; edge; flow; blessed; territory; vast; accompanied; cottage; banned; boundariesActivity 6PurposeDiscuss and think critically about the passage.Suggested Answersi Yes. People can go there and appreciate the beauty of nature, and therefore better understand the importance of nature protection.6 Yes, it is an effective way. Only a very small part of the world has been set aside for national parks, so there are still plenty of places that can be developed without having to touch the most beautiful and interesting natural spots.