Europe From Above《鸟瞰欧洲(2019)》第四季第四集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
这是比利时This is Belgium你从未见过的美丽国家as you've never seen it before.我们将会从高空视角展现这个From above, we'll reveal a coastal nation利用古老传统和创新精神that draws on ancient traditions and innovative spirit充分发挥地形优势to master its landscape并塑造前瞻性未来的沿海国家and shape its forward thinking future.在这一系列中我们将进行一场横跨欧洲的空中之旅In this series, we'll take an aerial tour across Europe.航拍历时整整一年Filmed over the course of a single year.四季交替And through the changing seasons我们将会探索we'll uncover the culture,塑造了我们今日所见的history伟大欧洲国家的and engineering,文化历史以及工程设计that built the great European nations we see today.比利时是一个位于欧洲西北角的沿海国家Belgium is a coastal nationthat sits on the corner of northwestern Europe.比利时它与四个国家接壤It's bordered by four countries包括南部的法国以及东边的德国including France to the south and Germany to the east.荷兰德国法国卢森堡比利时人口达1150万人It's home to 11.5 million people and they're all packed into an area 面&hearts积♥却比邻居法国小了 18倍18 times smaller than its neighbor, rests on the shoulders of Benedikte Coutigny组织收获这种令人眼花的作物的重任to organize the harvest of this most vertiginous of crops.我丈夫的家族从 l♥8♥9♥3 年起The family of my husband has already cultivating hops贝妮蒂卡特库蒂尼啤酒花种植户就在这个农场种植啤酒花here on this farm since l♥8♥9♥3.九月的时候是非常繁忙的时期When it's September, it's very busy period.你可以闻到各种味道和香气You can smell all the flavors and all the aromas.这是个激动人心的时刻It's an exciting time.1200年年来啤酒花一直被用于给啤酒增添苦味Hops have been used to give beer a bitter flavor for 1,200 years.当软锥充满了芳香油皆可以收获了When the soft cones are filled with aromatic oils, they are ready for harvest. 他们使用特殊的收割机器 来切断底部的绳索The family use special harvesting machines that cut the binds at the bottom, 小心翼翼地将植物从高处的支撑物上松开and carefully unwind the plants from their towering supports.在收割机的后面有一条轨道把整株藤蔓拉进去At the back of the harvester, a track pulls the whole vine in.500多年来波珀灵厄当地人的生计A successful hop harvest has been the livelihood一直依赖于啤酒花的丰收of the locals in Poperinge for more than 500 years.新芽在春天抽出New shoots appear in spring种植者用手把它们缠绕在引导线上and the family wind them around a hot training wire by hand让它们向上生长to allow them to grow upwards.啤酒花在七月初开花The hops bloom in early July之后需要时常查看直到成熟and are monitored constantly until they are ripe.贝妮蒂卡特库蒂尼及其帮手将藤蔓及锥体从金属支架上拆了下来Over eight long hours, Benedikte and her team strip the vines 耗时长达八个小时and their cones off the metal supports.比利时的啤酒花很贵重因而只留给最好的啤酒用Belgium's hops are prized and reserved for only the finest of beers. 季末有好收成非常重要It's important to have a good harvest at the end of the season.我们为比利时的几家啤酒厂We deliver different flavors, different varieties提供不同口味不同品种的啤酒花to several breweries here in Belgium.啤酒厂就指望着我们了The breweries are counting on us.一天过去了By the end of the day,他们收获了 3000啤酒花清理了半公顷的土地the team have collected 3,000 hops and cleared half a hectare.不过任务还没结束But there's still work to be done.贝妮蒂卡特的帮手们把啤酒花卸到一个能把藤条Benediktefs team unloads the hops into a special machine剥下来再吐出来的特殊机器里that strips the vine and spits it out.热锥落到传送带上干燥后打包The hot cones drop on to a conveyor belt to be dried and packaged.贝妮蒂卡特的啤酒花流向了比利时各地的酿酒厂Benediktefs hops make their way to breweries all over Belgium接着被制成全球闻名的啤酒where they are turned into world renowned beer.这是我的爱好当然也是我的生活It's a hobby, of course, and my life.这是我的工作It's my work.但是在种植园工作感觉太妙了But working in plantations, it's fantastic.19世纪初刚刚独♥立♥的比利时In the early 19th century, the newly independent Belgian nation欧洲大♥陆♥上第一个进行工业革命的国家was the first in continental Europe to embrace the industrial revolution.为了这个年轻国家的经济繁荣For the young country's economy to thrive,就必须通过广泛的水路网将四个角落都连接起来it needed to be linked on all four corners by an extensive network of waterways.其中许多运河至今仍在使用Many of these canals are still in use today.然而对于经过的船只来说并不总是一帆风顺Yet for the boats passing through; it's not always plain sailing.这一长达1600公里由52条运河和河流组成的网络A 1,600 kilometer network of 52 canals and rivers横跨全国三分之二的地区crisscross two thirds of the nation.佛兰德斯拥有绵延数英里的平原是在全国范围内进行商品交易的With miles of flatland, Flanders provides the perfect way完美路线to trade goods around the country.瓦隆尼亚群山对往来船只构成了独特的挑战But the hills of Wallonia pose a unique challenge for ships passing through.在这些山的中间In the middle of these hills是一个看起来像科幻电影里的东西的神秘结构is a mysterious structure that looks like something out of a science fiction film.这是不可思议的斯特勒比蒂厄升船机高达100米This is the incredible 100 meter tall Strepy-Thieu boat lift.这是欧洲最高的升船机Itfs the tallest boat lift in Europe.15年来马克米修的工作就是要确保经过的每一艘船Marc Michaux has spent 15 years ensuring smooth sailing 都能顺利通行for every boat that passes through.这个升船机是一件艺术品它能让非常庞大,非常大型的船The boat lift is a work of art that allows very large,马克米修工程师在水位差异显著的地方通行very big boat to cross a significant difference in levels.这个升船机是2002年投用的每年大约有6000艘船需要使用它The lift opened in 2002 and around 6,000 boats a year use it.它由两个巨大的停泊位组成停泊位配有一组配重It consists of two huge docking bays rigged to a set of weights.每个停泊位都是112米长装满了水Each bay is 112 meters long and filled with water.船只驶入基地然后升高或降低73米Vessels sail into the base that then rise or fall 73 meters.这台机器可以吊起88米长的船只The machine is capable of lifting boats up to 88 meters in length. 每个停泊位由112根钢缆平衡Each bay is balanced by 112 steel cables,每台电梯由32根控制电缆移♥动♥and 32 control cables move each lift.这些庞大的配重每个重达1000吨♥Huge counterweights weighing 1,000 tons each由四个730马力的电动发动机控制are moved by four 730 horse power electric engines.这是一项规模巨大的任务需要12名全职船闸管♥理♥员♥才能保证It's a big operation that takes 12 full time lock keepers一天运行15个小时一周运行六天to keep it running for 15 hours a day, six days a week.85米长的无限三号♥满载废金属The 85 meter long Infinity 3缓慢地驶近升船机slowly approaches the lift carrying its load of scrap metal.这艘船的重量超过1300吨♥It weighs more than 1,300 tons.船闸管♥理♥员♥在顶部打开了一组三道门The lockkeeper opens a set of three gates at the top.每个闸门都起到水闸的作用Each gate functions as a water lock以防止液体从水槽中渗出to prevent liquid from seeping out of the tank.驳船进入水槽闸门关闭The barge enters the tank and the gates close.六分钟后这艘船才能到达低水位运河It takes six minutes for the boat to reach the lower canal.船闸管♥理♥员♥打开了底部的大门The lock keepers opened the bottom gates让这艘巨大的船只继续航行to allow the massive barge to continue its journey.要是它顺利通过了As it passes through,就说明工作圆♥满♥完成it's a job well done.这是欧洲最大的升降设备It is the largest elevator in Europe.向大家展示我们在这里所做的一切时我一直非常自豪I'm always very proud to show what we've been able to do here in this region. 夏日将尽As summer comes to an end;比利时南部的森林呈现出青铜色的光泽the forests in Belgium's south take on a bronze sheen,全国各地的城♥堡♥都矗立在赤褐色的树木之上and castles all over the nation stand in relief against the auburn trees.比利时的秋天开始了Autumn comes to Belgium.秋天宜人的秋日气候The mild autumnal climate最适合骑行is perfect for one of Belgium's most popular activities,比利时最受欢迎的活动之一cycling.在过去的十年中43%的员工In the past decade 43 percent of workers选择骑自行车上班have chosen to cycle to work绿色倡议组织付钱让40万员工放弃汽车改骑自行车and green initiatives have paid 400,000 workers to ditch their cars for bikes.如今数英里的专用自行车道成了一道景观Today, miles of dedicated cycle routes mark the landscape,比如说林堡的水上单车通行项目such as the stunning cycling through water project in Limburg.业余爰好者每年都会聚在佛兰德参加自行车比赛In Flanders, amateurs gather every year for a cycle event赛道包含了该地区一些景色最好的路线that takes in some of the most remarkable routes in the region.这里的秋天还有一个And there's one spectacle here in the autumn,非亲眼所见不能信的奇观that has to be seen to be believed.根特市是比利时第三大城市The city of Ghent is the third largest city in the nation.它在莱斯河和谢尔德河沿岸其位置具有战略意义It holds a strategic position along the Leese and Schelde rivers.根特穿过云层Pushing through the clouds它的港口似乎突然控制住了北部郊区its ports suddenly appears grasping the northern suburbs就像一只爪子将这座城市与这个国家的运河网络连接起来like a claw connecting the city to the country's web of canals.至于南部And to the south,这个人口稠密的历史中心有一个独特的航拍地点the densely packed historic center is home to a unique aerial site.来自欧洲各地的艺术家就是聚在这里It's right here that artists from all over Europe用令人惊艳的彩色灯光来装饰这些历史悠久的街道gather to dress the historic streets with stunning displays of colored lights.根特灯光节The Ghent Light Festival.这是欧洲规模最大的灯光节之一It's one of the largest light festivals in Europe每三年才举办一次and only takes place once every three years.几天后36个灯光艺术装置In a few days, 36 light art installations将被排列在一条7.4公里长的路线上will line a 7.4 kilometer route that takes in some该路线途径这座城市一些最具标志性的景点of the most iconic sights of the city.包括有700年历史的圣尼古拉斯教堂From the 700 year old Saint Nicholas Church,和风景如画的科伦雷码头to the picturesque quay of Korenlei.艺术家们争分夺秒Artists are racing against time安装精美绝伦的展品以显露to set up astonishing displays that will reveal the hidden beauty中世纪欧洲第二大城市的隐秘之美of medieval Europe's second biggest city.费尔南多是意大利家族企业的成员Fernando is part of Luminaria de Canya,an Italian family business.今年This year,费尔南多的展品是一个大教堂形状的框架Fernandors display is a cathedral shaped frame装有超过78000个LED灯adorned with over 78,000 LED lights.对我来说灯具更像是一种衷爱之物而不是工作所需For me, the lights are more of a passion than a job.费尔南多詹格雷科电气系统专家灯具能让我非常非常兴奋They excite me very, very much.这是一座高19米It's a monumental structure 19 meters high,长40米宽11米的纪念性建筑40 meters long and 11 meters wide.九公里长的线材将LED灯固定在了适当的位置Nine kilometers of wires secure the LED lights in place.他们已经工作了四天还剩下不到一周的时间来完成They're four days into the job and have less than a week to finish it.如果下起了秋雨他们将不得不放下工具If the autumn rains arrive they'll have to down tools.人们总是有点担心会连续下一个星期的雨There is always a bit of a worry that it rains for a week continuously 或者发生什么大灾难or some sort of catastrophe.在亮灯前你都会感到焦虑Until it is turned on there is always anxiety in this job.忙碌了五天后灯光节开始了Five busy days later, the light festival opens从空中看费尔南多的光明大教堂and Fernando's Cathedral of Light发生了惊人的变化undergoes an astonishing aerial transformation.成千上万的LED灯Tens of thousands of LED lights shine在彩虹屋顶闪闪发光色彩鲜艳bright in a rainbow rooftop of sparkling technicolor.在中心的另一边一组独特的LED灯光秀Across the center, a unique arrangement of LED lights appear 像是要将圣尼古拉教堂点燃to set St. Nicholas Church ablaze.一个重达140公斤的发光月亮在科伦雷码头上空升起照亮An illuminated 140 kilogram moon watches over the Korenlei Quay.国际市场广场炸成了一百万种不同的颜色The Vlasmarkt explodes into a million different hues弗拉维厄斯工厂则变成了万花筒and the Fluvius Factory site turns into a kaleidoscope of patterns. 光明大教堂是所有展品中最亮的存在The Cathedral of Light is the brightest display of all.在黑暗的秋夜里它发出的耀眼光芒使游客眼花缭乱It glows against the dark autumnal night dazzling visitors.我最喜欢的展品毫无疑问就是光明大教堂My favorite installation is definitely the Cathedral of Light.我觉得它美不胜收I think it's fabulous and definitely the reason阿伊莎辛格根特灯光节访客这绝对是我今晚出来的原因that I came out this evening to see it.秋天为想要探索比利时历史名城的Autumn provides the perfect backdrop for day trippers一日游游客提供了完美的时机to explore Belgians historic cities.首都布鲁塞尔的历史可以追溯至公元979年The capital, Brussels, dates back to 979当时的定居者在这里放下了第一块石头when settlers laid the first stone down.1831年也就是国家建国一年后它就成了一国之都It became the capital in 1831, a year after the country's founding. 最古老的建筑之一One of the oldest buildings是花了三个世纪才建成的is the Cathedral of St. Michele and St. Gudula,圣米歇尔大教堂和圣古杜拉大教堂which took three centuries to build.但是还有一座教堂比这座大教堂更大But there's another church that dwarfs this cathedral in size.从高空看布鲁塞尔是一个历史悠久的城市Viewed from above, Brussels is a historic city有数千条紧凑的中世纪街道with thousands of compact medieval streets.镜头拉近可以看到一个奇怪的钥匙孔形状的绿色补丁Pushing closer in reveals a strange key hole shaped patch of green 打破了紧密相连的街道网格that breaks up the tightknit grid of streets.这是布鲁塞尔的圣心圣殿大教堂This is the Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Brussels.这座巨大的教堂是世界第五大教堂This colossal church is the fifth largest in the world.这里还有一个Its also home to a remarkable society与教会事务无关的令人瞩目的社团that has nothing to do with church matters.卡蜜尔卡斯特莱是一个洞穴探险俱乐部的成员Camille Castelet is part of a caving club that uses the buildings该俱乐部利用教堂宽敞的地下室练习带着安全带攀爬spacious crypt to practice, climbing with harnesses.作为回报俱乐部成员会定期In return, the club regularly abseils沿着教堂的屋顶下滑检查楼体状况along the rooftops of the church to inspect their condition.你能看到整个布鲁塞尔太神奇了You have a view of the whole of Brussels. It's amazing.卡蜜尔卡斯特莱探险者这么高的地方肾上腺素也会飙升And there's the adrenaline rush too of being so high up.寒冷的秋日早晨洞穴探险者It's a chilly autumn morning, and the cavers need需要检查大教堂的墙壁是否有裂缝并清理排水沟to inspect the Basilica walls for cracks and clear the gutters.他们利用洞穴探险技巧Using their caving skills, they crawl over the building's爬过了大楼的巨大穹顶和塔楼看起来像小蜘蛛一样giant domes and towers looking like tiny spiders.在他们身后整个布鲁塞尔就像一张地图一样伸展开来比利时是欧洲最小的国家之一Belgium is one of Europe's smallest countries, 然而这又是一个反差鲜明的国家yet, it's a nation of vivid contrasts.从北方的海滩和平原From the beaches and plains of the north,到南方崎岖的山丘和茂密的森林to the rugged hills and thick forests of the south.中世纪的城♥堡♥提醒着人们The castles of the middle ages serve as a reminder帝国之间为了争夺领土不断争斗的过往of the constant tussle between empires for its territory,直到今天这里还使用着and even today it*s home to the three official languages佛兰德语、法语和德语三种官方语言of Flemish, French and German.冬日渐远As the colder months fade,温暖的天气召唤着我们进行今年的首次拍摄the warmer weather beckons the year's first shoots.覆盖着布鲁塞尔的冰雪逐渐消融And the snows covering Brussels melt away,预示着春天的到来heralding the arrival of spring.春天1830年 比利时从荷兰王国获得独♥立♥Belgium gained independence from the Netherlands in 1830并在首都布鲁塞尔建立了君主制国家and established a monarchy which resides in the capital, Brussels.布鲁塞尔是比利时的行政经济和商业中心It's the administrative, financial and commercial heart of the nation, 现代化程度惊人的欧盟议会and its center is the home of the strikingly就在市中心举♥行♥modern European Union parliament.然而在这座历史名城的郊区Yet there's another even more unusual building还有一座更不寻常的建筑And beyond them the whole of Brussels stretches out like a map. 大教堂的历史可以追溯到19世纪The Basilica's roots go back to the 19th century,利奥波德一世想把这里变成皇家区域的计划and King Leopold I*s plans for turning this area into a royal district.但他没能活到实现他的梦想But he never lived to see his vision realized.干净尖锐的边角让它成为了Its clean, sharp angles世界上最大的装饰艺术建筑make it the largest art deco building in the world.成员们花了三个小时才检查完屋顶It takes the team three hours to inspect the roof.然而今天的任务才完成了一半Yet this is only half of their job for today.其中一名攀爬者在清理圆顶内的瓷砖One of the climbers cleans the tiles inside the dome,圆顶距离地面有43米43 meters above the ground.一小时后他们完成了任务An hour later, the team is done.教堂和洞穴探险队之间这一不同寻常的交换条件This remarkable quid pro quo between the ch