Lesson+17+教学设计 冀教版九年级英语全册.docx
Lesson 17 Staying Safe in an Earthquake一'语篇研读What:这篇文章主要讨论了地震时如何保持安全,并提供了一些建议和 措施。文章介绍了地震时在室内、室外以及地震结束后应采取的措施。它还 强调了地震时保持镇定的重要性Why:这篇文章有益于提高青少年对地震安全的意识,并学习如何在地震 发生时采取正确的行动。地震是一种常见的自然灾害,可能会对人们的生命 和财产造成严重影响。了解如何在不同场景的地震中保持安全非常关键,这 样我们才能在面对地震时做出正确的反应,最大程度地保护自己和家人的安 全。How:本课的语篇内容是地震发生时和发生后的不同场景下应采用的不同 措施。由于多场景的情况,对话出现了 if从句+祈使句的用法。对话可以分 为两个部分:第一部分主要是引导出地震时应保持镇定可以做出一些保护自 己的措施;第二部分主要是地震时在室内、室外以及地震结束后应采取的措 施。这部分包含了地震的词汇,如earthquake, object, calm, system, survival等,以及if从句+祈使句的用法,如“If an earthquake happens, there are things you can do to protect yourself. ” " If you are inside when the earthquake starts” 等。二、教学目标通过本课的学习,学生能够:1 .认识并熟记以下单词: earthquake, object, calm, system, survival; pull over, as fast as you can, plenty of, protect. from, stay calm, keep an eye out for, bring down;2 . 了解有关灾难中自救的文章,能够听懂并从中获取地震中如何自救的 信息。3 .面对地震要冷静以对,多了解些自救的知识。三、教学过程(依据教学目标设计教学活动)【教学目标】1.地震发生时和发生后的不同场景下应采用的不同措施, 包括在室内、室外以及地震结束后等信息并学会本节课if从句+祈使句的用 法,完成练习。(学习理解)【教学活动】L Vocabulary learning. Before the new lesson, makethe students know well about the new vocabulary with the help of the pictures and definitions.2. Read the lesson fast and divide it into different parts according to the meaning. Part 1 (paragraph 1, 2, 3)How to keep safe during the earthquake. Part 2 (paragraph 4)Things to do after the earthquake.3. Read the lesson again and do the task reading.You should as the earth begins to shake and move.If you are inside, you need something strong around you to What should you do if you are in a car?4. ) Why should people use the phone only once to call family or friends? Keep an eye out for things that can fall on you.5. Read the lesson one more time and complete the chart for more information.Dos Oo« _ _ an an x x . tea0m3 tMaeptesrwi o«i you cjin irmi we, J. *re g <VW , 9 *4 <MI g .ma.Don't* Oun't* from From yor yotirwindowwrlndows. tf««.<mh« tg the IcSrh*n.from th*fwaMNI *tr you ar*ciaa* to Itft. " Itft. the tea. the tea.6. Since the Ss have understood the main information of the lesson, let them use the key words and phrases to complete the sentences.【效果评价】观察学生回答问题的表现,根据说出的具体单词,了解其关 于安全的词汇初备。根据学生完成连线翻译和表格的程度,评价根据对文章 大概和细节的理解能力。观察学生做练习的反馈,判断其对本节课的掌握。【设计意图】导入主题,激发学生的积极性,引导学生学习新概念;快速阅读有助于他们对文章的结构了解;细节阅读让学生对文章细节进行把握;(感知与注意、获取与梳理)四、板书设计Lesson 17 Staying Safe in an EarthquakeHow stay safe?Before During* After-stay calmprotect* from (doing) pull overbring downkeep an eye out for-*五、作业设计L巩固性作业(必做),课时作业,完成时长10分钟;Do exercises of Lesson 17 in the exercise book.Preview Lesson 18.2.探究性作业(选做),可设置为单元作业。Watch the film Aftershock (唐山大地震)if you have free time.六、教学反思