Star Trek: The Next Generation《星际旅行:下一代(1987)》第一季第十六集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
You said there was no cure.从没听说过有谁被治愈过None that we know of.无论这些物质是什么至少它们治愈了该病Whatever these substances are doing, at least they've done that.但是如何做到的为什么可以做到? 一切都言之过早But how or why? It's too early to say.尽快给我答案医生Get me some answers, Doctor. As soon as possible.是长官Yes, sir.舰长Captain.Jameson太太我必须问将军几个问题Mrs. Jameson, I have to ask the Admiral some questions.好的Ask away.现在没什么好隐瞒的There*s nothing to hide now.长官你已经离开维生座椅了你现在很健康Sir, in addition to your rank, you are particularly valuable just now. 星际舰队有权知道真♥相♥Starfleet has a right to some answers.我已经计划很久了从我知道我得了 Iverson病起I've planned this for a long time, ever since I learned I had Iverson 担. 从依靠维生座椅起 你做了什么?-Since it put me in that chair. - What did you do?一颗Cerebus星系中的行星 叫做Cerebus IIThere's a planet in the Cerebus system: Cerebus II.他们拥有一种治疗术They have a process that rejuvenates the body,能使人返老还童gives you your youth back.我听说过这个故事那只是神话Fve heard that story. It's a myth.这是真的Picard我就是活生生的证明Ifs true, Picard. Tm living proof.那很危险死亡率很高而且过程很痛苦It's dangerous. The mortality rate is high, and it's very painful.外星人很少获准这项治疗但我可以Aliens are seldom allowed to obtain the process, but I managed it.几年前我到Cerebus II进行过一次成功的谈判I negotiated a treaty for Cerebus II some years ago,因此他们尊重我请求治疗的要求and they felt obligated to honour my request for the process.显然很快就见效了但是究竟是如何做到的?Obviously it works rapidly, but how does it work?草本药物结合化学药物The herb and drug combinations在体内经过两年的缓慢作用are self-administered slowly over a period of two years.不同的效果取决于生命体的DNAEvery response is different depending on a beingrs DNA.我得到了足够我们两个人的药物剂量但我得先在自己身上测试我不能拿你冒险I got enough for both of us, but I had to test it. I couldn't risk you.如果我死了哦我已经是快死的人了还有什么好在乎的呢?If I died, well, I was half a man, so what did it matter?可是我在乎我已经开始变化了-It would matter to me. -1 was starting to change.这儿乎无法察觉但确实有改变It. was almost undetectable, but the improvement was there.然后发生了这次人♥质♥事件我必须快点好起来Then when this hostage crisis came up, I knew I had to be at my peak.我不能等药效缓慢起效I couldn't wait for the drug to work naturally.所以你服用了最大剂量?我吃了双倍的最大剂量-So you took the whole dose? - Both of them.看着我AnnieAnd look at me, Annie.我很强壮我很警觉我比你还健康PicardI'm strong. I'm alert. Fit. I'm fitter than you are, Picard.我变得年轻了I'm getting younger.我唯一要问的是为什么你认为你必须要变年轻The only question I have is why you thought it necessary to be young 来进行解救人♥质♥的谈判呢to negotiate the hostages1 release.甚至愿意拿你的生命冒险Even willing to put your life at risk for it.如果你愿意和我谈谈我会一直在舰桥将军Ill be on the bridge, Admiral, if you want to talk further.你为什么不告诉我Mark?Why didn't you tell me, Mark?我们一直以来都是坦诚相待We've always been honest with each other until now.我是为了我们才这么做的I did it for us.我确信你相信那药的作用是因为I'm sure you believed that,你又有机会领导和指挥一次任务until you had a chance to lead a mission, and to command again.然后你就拚命吃药Then you just upended the bottle, or whatever it was,不管那该死的到底是什么and damn everything.你替我考虑过吗?Did you think about me at all?我得到足够我们俩的药量I obtained enough of the dosage for both of us.但你从没问我是否想要But you never asked if I wanted it.你就是这样MarkIt's just like you以为你想的就是对的to assume that what you felt was right was the answer.可它确实有用It was the right answer for me.这会杀了你还是废了你呢It was killing you, caring for an invalid.我现在多好我们又可以重温旧梦了What good was 1? We can be together again.放开我Let me go.我可以给你那药I can get you another supply of the drug.Data少校我想开启一个通讯频道给KarnasCmdr Data, I wish to open a communication frequency to Karnas.是长官-等等-Aye, sir. - One moment.将军我是Picard我可以知道这次通讯是为了什么吗?Admiral, this is Picard. May I know the reason for this communication?在求助于我之前Karnas 一定尝试过谈判Karnas must have tried to negotiate before he was forced to call on me.我需要他所有的资料I want all the information he has access to.你说过Karnas很自傲他不容许自己失败You said Karnas was proud, and probably sensitive to his failure.这么做明智吗?Is it wise to press him?我是谈判代表I am the negotiator.Karnas会和我合作但是他太敏感了Karnas will have to cooperate with me, and damn his sensitivities.将军要建立加密通信频道吗?Then may I suggest a secured channel, Admiral?好的为了安全起见PicardA sensible precaution, Picard. Make it so.-开启频道-是长官-Make it so. - Aye, sir.加密通信频道已开启Frequency open and secured.-Karnas -什么事将军?-Karnas. - What is it, Admiral?我们正通过加密通信频道谈话 我们可以打开天窗说亮话We're on a secured channel, Karnas. You can talk freely.谁是幕后黑手?你说是反政♥府♥主义者Who's behind this thing? You said dissidents.是的是那些自认为在这里制♥造♥了大♥麻♥烦 Yes, political opponents who feel the Federation will disavow me 联盟就不会再承认我的政♥治♥对手 if they stir up enough trouble here.那是谁呢? Ardan ? Gilnor ?Then who is it? Ardan? Gilnor?Jameson他们早死了They're dead, Jameson. A long time now.我曾以为你也死了A long time I thought you were dead, too.我差点在很多任务中牺牲I almost died a few times on missions, 幸运的是我活下来了 but I always survived somehow.是的现在你又为:解救人♥质♥重返MordanYes. Now you're returning to Mordan to negotiate for hostages again.有45年了It's almost as though the 45 years in between never happened.你仍没有原谅我You've never forgiven me.当然原谅了已经那么多年了Of course I have. It was years ago.根本没有什么反政♥府♥主义者?There are no dissidents, are there?没有恐♥怖♥分♥子♥是你绑♥架♥ 了 人♥质 ♥No terrorists. You have the hostages.如果真是我绑♥架♥的你正前来MordanAnd if I have. ? You're coming to Mordan,为了人♥质♥的生命来谈判and you're going to negotiate for their lives.我也会得到一份大礼的And I'm going to ask a very, very high price.-要是我拒绝呢?那么人♥质♥就会死-What if I refuse? - Then the hostages will die.你见过我的刽子手是如何工作的You've seen how my executioners work.他们现在的技术越来越熟练They are still as efficient as they were, perhaps even more skilled now.你会来的虽然你根本没什么信用可言You'll come,. even if you don't have much honour left.我们能按计划在48小时内到达Mordan吗?Conn, are we still on schedule to arrive at Mordan in 38 hours?是的长官我们现在正以曲速4航行Aye, sir, we*re at warp four.我希望跳到曲速8这样就可以在ETA通告前抵达I want to jump to warp eight, so we arrive ahead of our announced ETA.要打破Karnas的如意算盘在他的诡计准备好之前就捉住他It'll throw Karnas off balance, and we can catch him before he's ready.准备好什么诡计?将军Ready for what exactly?我相信是 Karnas 绑♥架♥了 人♥质♥根本没有反政♥府 ♥主义者I believe Karnas has the hostages and there never were any dissidents.为什么他一定要你去?Why have you come to that conclusion?我不知道I'm not at liberty to say, 不过谈判已是必然 but negotiations are no longer the answer. 还有比人♥质♥生命更重要的吗? Isn't the most important thing the hostages1 lives? 你说呢Riker ?And you agree, Riker?我明白很好-1 do. - Good.因为我打算带领一个武装小队Because I plan to lead the away team on an armed mission 去解救人♥质♥to get them out of there.Data少校请在荧幕中调出设计图Cmdr Data, bring up the plans I requested on the view screen, please. 是长官Aye, sir.Mordan中的大部分主要城市在内战中被毁坏Most of Mordan's principal city was devastated during the war.它由很多大型地道组成What was left consisted largely of a network of underground tunnels. 他们在这些地道上面重建城市A rats' maze. When they rebuilt the city, they built over the tunnels. 找到了长官I have it, sir.长官图像中的地道是做什么用的?Sir, where do these tunnels come into the picture?这就是Karnas过去藏匿人♥质♥的地方It's where Karnas held his hostages before, 我想他现在还是把人♥质♥藏在那儿 and where I believe he has them now.那不是太明显了 ?Wouldn't that be too obvious?Kama是个顽固的战略家却不是聪明的家伙Karnas is a dogged strategist, not a brilliant one.他是个死脑筋He sticks to what works.要是我们救不出人♥质♥他就会杀他们He will kill the hostages if we do not get them out.所以武装小队是唯一的选择?Therefore this armed raid is the only option?你不同意吗?You don't agree?无意冒犯有一点我要指出With respect, I would point out没人知道Karnas到底要什么that no one else has heard Kamas's demands.如果星联了解他们那就会对他们刮目相看了The Federation might view them differently if they knew of them.星际舰队准许我领导一支武装小组PicardStarfleet has given me command of the away team, Picard,我会在适当的时候用到他们的and I intend to use them as I see fit.下周就是我们50周年结婚纪念日了Our anniversary is next week. Our 50th.在他心里他还是当初那个新郎In his heart, he's still the same man you married.是啊That*s true.他仍旧关心你无论他的身体怎么变化He still cares for you, despite the physical changes he's undergoing. 但是他越来越年轻了我却哎你看看But he's getting younger, and rm. Well, look at me.他为什么要这么做?Why did he do this?Jameson夫人因为他生命垂危Because there are lives at stake, Mrs. Jameson.那我们怎么办他怎么办我怎么办?Well, what about our lives, his and mine?我盼望着我们退休后的时光I was looking forward to time together, finally. Our retirement.现在他又变得年轻了又多赚了几年Now he's young again, and has his life to live over.-医生她应该知道知道什么-Doctor, she has to know. - Know what?你丈夫怎么了?-Your husband. - What is it?他情况很不稳定He's not stabilizing.他可能没多少时日了He may not have that life to live over.我们将于3小时后到达MordanWe'll be at Mordan in three hours.我也睡不着I couldn't sleep, either.每次任务前我都无法入睡I never could before a mission.总是观察研究I always wound up in the observation lounge, staring out, thinking. 在这种情况下可以反思一下Perhaps in this case,. rethinking.为什么这次如此重要?为什么你要冒生命风险?Why is this so important? Why did you risk your life to lead it?舰长我要救人I want to save lives, Captain.真高尚不过真是这样吗Noble sentiments, but that's too easy an answer.你以前到过那里You*ve been here before.你曾因解救人♥质♥和Karnas谈判过You negotiated a release of the hostages with Karnas before.为什么现在你要武装小组帮忙?Why is it now your answer is an armed raid?要我的小组去那里冒险It's my away team you're sending in there.你不应该隐瞒我有权知道事实There's something you*re not saying. I have a right to know.你知道事情的背景吗?Do you know the background?Mordan人很野蛮The Mordanites had some sophistication,但他们却受制于家族部落but were still ruled by family tribal units.Kama的父亲就是家族部落的主要统治者之一Karnas father was the ruling chief of one of the families.另一部落暗♥杀♥ 了他Another tribe had him assassinated.Karnas抓住了其中一个 并扣为人♥质♥Karnas seized the passengers of a star liner and held them hostage, 要求星际舰队提供给他们武器demanding that Starfleet provide him with weapons来打败他的对手that would enable him to defeat his rivals.这就是官方记录That's the official record.实际上Officially,两个调停人被杀后the story is that after two other mediators were murdered, 我为解救人♥质♥跟Karnas谈判I went in and negotiated with Karnas to bring out the hostages.你的意思是官方记录并不是真的?Are you saying that's not the truth?不是我的谈判技巧拯救了人♥质♥舰长It wasn't my. golden oratory that saved them, Captain.我给了 Karnas他要的武器I gave Karnas the weapons he wanted.你做了什么?You did what?我也提供给他的对手相同的武器I gave the same weapons to his rivals.根据最高指导原则My interpretation of the Prime Directive.让他们在平等武装条件下抗衡Let them solve their problems with those arms on an equal basis.而这导致了长达40年的内战And that decision plunged them into 40 years of civil war.我没料到会这样我以为一年就可以解决了I didn't know that would happen. I thought it'd be over in a year.我怎么知道会持续了 40年?How would I know it would take four decades?但是我伪造了给星际舰队的报告But 1. falsified the records to Starfleet.我因此一直生活在愧疚中I lived with that on my soul.63个人♥质♥平安解救63 people came away safe,但是数百万人死在了 Mordan就因为我提供了那些武器but millions died on Mordan because I delivered those weapons.Karnas只好放弃战斗争取和平Karnas could have worked for peace instead of fighting.-这并不都是你的错-但我确是导火索-It's not all on your head. - But I started it. I lit the match.现在我终于可以弥补过错了Now finally I can vindicate myself, if only in a small way.我去谈判但这并不是Karnas要的I came to negotiate, but that isn't what Karnas wants.报仇这才是他知道你还活着后想要的Revenge. Thafs why he demanded you when he knew you were still alive. 我不会让他得逞的I'm not going to give it to him.我会尽自己最后的努力I will do what I should have done last time.只有到万不得已的时候 才能动用武力解救人♥质♥We're taking the hostages out by force, if necessary. No deals.-准备传送长官-等等-Prepare to energize, Chief. - Belay that.将军你应该在舰桥Admiral, your proper place is on the bridge.我要再提醒你一次吗? PicardI will remind you one more time, Picard.我现在是这里的最高指挥官由我领导整个团队I am the Senior Mission Commander and I am leading this team.长官?Sir?将军说的对大副他有权这么做The Admiral is correct, Number One. He has that right.但是我是这艘战舰的舰长我有权协助他But I am the Captain of this ship, and I have a right to accompany him.Riker由你指挥进取号♥开启传送Riker, you're in command of the Enterprise. Energize.太好了Yes. Perfect.我们现在在M-4地道总统官邸的下面We are in the M-4 tunnel, directly under the Governor's residence.M-4是一个后备地道 但是链接着几个重要地道M-4 is a subsidiary tunneL but it links with several main ones.对不起长官三度仪没有探测到任何信♥号♥♥Sorry, sir. That does not correspond with the information in my tricoder. 不对我熟知那些地道It is incorrect. I know the tunnels like the back of my hand.继续扫瞄生命信♥号♥ ♥Keep scanning for signs of human life forms.Karnas从前把人♥质♥藏在这里现在他还会这么做Karnas held the hostages in these tunnels before. He'll do it again.Why should he now be unable to deal with this rebellious faction?舰长45年前我曾在Mordan参加过一次解救人♥质♥的谈判45 years ago I negotiated a hostage situation on Mordan, Captain.当时Karnas还是个小伙子当然我也是Karnas was a young man then,. but so was 1.他似乎认为我能再一次处理这样的事件He seems to feel that I can handle things again.将军当您准备好以后 我就护送您前往Mordan IVI'm to take you to Mordan IV as soon as you're ready, Admiral.舰长我和我夫人将在15时准备光传送My wife and I will beam aboard at 1500 hours, Captain.-就这样好的长官-Acknowledge. - Received and acknowledged, sir.Picard收线Picard out.快到15时了长官Nearly 1500 now, sir.好的大副我们去欢迎将军登舰Well, Number One, let's go and welcome the Admiral aboard.欢迎登舰将军 这是我的大副Riker中校Welcome aboard, Admiral. This is my Executive Officer, Cmdr Riker.很荣幸见到您长官夫人My pleasure, sir. Ma'am.这是我夫人AnneMy wife, Anne.舰长在出发之前有些事情你得明白Captain, there are certain details of this mission you should understand before we begin.好的长官-我不仅仅是作为我参与的任何事件的顾问-Yes, sir. -1 am not just an adviser. On any assignment I accompany,星际舰队指定我为这次行动的高级任务官Starfleet has designated me Senior Mission Officer.由我指挥外勤小队及其所有行动明白吗?I control the away team and all its actions. Is that understood?当然了舰长飞船是由你来指挥 但这次任务得由我来负责Of course, Captain, you command the ship, but the mission is mine.我想你没有异议吧?I trust you are in full agreement?当然没有长官Yes, sir. Of course.宇宙人类最后的边疆Space, the final frontier.舰长毫无疑问将军错了Captain, the Admiral is definitely incorrect.地道图显示这里两年前被封锁了Our tunnel schematics show this was sealed off two years ago.毫无疑问你是对的No doubt you're right.但是45年前我很肯定将军认得这些地道But 45 years ago, I'm sure it joined the tunnels the Admiral remembers. 该死Damn.长官这是钢铁塑料新近安装的This is steel plast, sir. Fairly recent installation.就是这里往前走用相位武器切开它This is the most direct route. Set phasers to cut through it.你确定人♥质♥就在里面吗If you have the coordinates where the hostages are, we could be