2022年公共演讲的6个小贴士 告别紧张怯场(中英文).docx
2022年公共演讲的6个小贴士 告别紧张怯场(中英文) At some point in your life, you will be called upon to do public speaking. Whether you are speaking to an audience of three or three-thousand, here are a few key things you can do to equip yourself for success when that time comes. Using these public speaking tools will also decrease your pre-speech nerves significantly! 生活中总有些时候,你会被叫上台做公共演讲。不论你的听众是3人还是3千人,做好这几样关键的事情,你的演讲就会胜利。这些公共演讲的技巧还能帮助你有效减轻演讲前的惊慌感。 1. Do Not Stay Hidden Before You Speak 演讲之前别躲起来 Unless you are Bono, Oprah, or the President, you have no reason to hide before you speak and every reason to mingle, letting people know that you are interesting and personable BEORE you take the stage. Aim to connect with individuals and build a following before you address your audience as a whole. 除非你是U2主唱波诺、脱口秀女王奥普拉,或者总统,否则你在演讲之前没有理由躲起来。相反,你应当和大家打成一片,在上台前就让他们知道,你是个好玩又有风度的人。你的目标是和关注者们建立联系,在你起先演讲之前就培育一批拥护者。 2. Do Not Write a Boring Intro and Have a Boring Person Read It 不要写一篇无聊的自我介绍,还让一个无聊的人去念稿 Your audience already has some idea of who you are, so skip the boring LinkedIn bio facts. When deciding what to include, ask yourself why your bio matters to this group of people. Keep it short and sweet, including only the most pertinent information of why they should care about who you are and what you have to say. Be sure the person introducing you has had a coffee, or three. 关于你是谁,你的听众已经有一些概念了。所以跳过这些无聊的个人简介部分。确定自我介绍应当包括哪些内容时,问问自己:为什么你的个人简介对这群人很重要?做到简洁明白,关于你是谁、你该说什么,只保留那些听众应当关切的部分。确保那个介绍你的人至少喝了一杯咖啡,不会无精打采。 3. Do Not Slowly Stroll Onto the Stage 不要慢吞吞地走上台 Unless you are really, REALLY famous, no one is getting a thrill out of viewing your entry. So, just get there. Fast. As humble as you may actually be, even appearing to take your time to get on stage can come off as self-important. And, if the applause after you"ve been introduced has dwindled or completely stopped before you get to center stage, you (and your entire audience) can practically taste the awkward in the room. 除非你真的真的特别出名,否则没有人会因为你的出现而激烈不已。所以上台就行,快一点。表现得虚心一些,不紧不慢地走上台甚至会给人一种自大的印象。而且万一主持人介绍完你之后大家的掌声渐渐变小,甚至你还没走到讲台中心就停止了,你(还有全部的听众)都会感到屋内的尴尬气氛。 4. Do Not Start with "Thank you very much. It"s such a pleasure to be here." 不要用"特别感谢大家,我很荣幸来到这里"作为开头 This was an entirely acceptable way to begin public speaking the first ten million times it was done. We are now past that mark and opening with this line is akin to saying: "Thank you for hearing me say something that you are now not listening to at all." Starting with this line is the best way to make your audience members check their Twitter or Instagram accounts within the first 10 seconds of your speech. 以这种被用过成千上万次的方式作为公众演讲的开头,曾经是完全可以接受的。现在我们已经不这样做了,而这样的开场白就相当于说:"感谢大家听我说一些你们根本不会听的话。" 假如你想让你的听众在你演讲的前10秒就起先刷社交网络,用这句话开头倒是最好的方法。 5. Do Not Show a Text-Heavy PowerPoint Image Right Off the Bat 不要立刻展示一张满是文字的幻灯片 No one wants to both see AND hear your words. If you are wearing a mic and are on a stage, this is your cue to aim for more words heard than seen. Don"t try to cram a bunch of text onto each slide; instead, choose simple, powerful visuals that complement your verbal message. 没有人想要一边听你的讲话还一边看你讲的内容。假如你在台上,还戴着麦克风,你的目标应当是让大家听见你说的话,而不是望见。不要在一张幻灯片上塞进太多文字。相反,你应当选择简洁有力的视觉内容和你的讲话互补。 6. Do Not Read Your Entire Speech From Your Notes, Verbatim 不要照着你的笔记一字不落地念完整篇演讲 Public speaking is an art. You need to practice. Take video of yourself practicing, watch it, make note of your mistakes, and then practice some more. Imbed your message into your head and your speaking style into your body so that when you are on stage, you will be freed up to speak more from your heart than your head. Anyone can read a speech out loud-don"t be "anyone;" be someone worthy of the public speaking opportunity you have. 公众演讲是一门艺术,你须要练习。录下你练习的视频并且观看,把你的错误记录下来,然后再多加练习。把你要讲的信息记在脑里,让你讲话的方式融入你的肢体,这样一来,当你走上台,你的演讲更多的会发自你的内心,而不是你的大脑。任何人都可以大声读出一篇演讲,不要做这样的人。不要辜负你拥有这次公众演讲的机会。第5页 共5页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页