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    2022年大学工作总结 _0.docx

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    2022年大学工作总结 _0.docx

    2022年大学工作总结 _0 高校工作总结 _0 高校工作总结 中南林业科技高校年度工作总结 我校在上级教化主管部门与业务部门的领导下,以为每一名高校生的终身发展负责为办学宗旨理念,以人文精神、团队精神、自强精神、创新精神为我校的四种人文精神,以人文化、科学化、精细化、高效化为基础管理理念,以继承创新,以德立人,学会学习,终身发展为最终的培育目标,以发展学校,赢在课堂为强校理念,深化课改,大力推行先学后教,当堂训练,努力构建自主学习的高效课堂教学模式。一年来,全校师生上下一心,创建条件,克服困难,锐意进取,顺当的完成了2022年的教化教学工作任务,现总结如下: 一、 德育工作 1、开展了以知民俗 扬国学为主题的德育特色主题教化活动。 先后实行了知民俗,做龙人教化活动的启动仪式、进行了知民俗扬国学校本教材的开发、实行了传统节日民俗知多少、 我是学校小管家红领巾回收站校内广播站雷锋在我身边中华魂主题读书演讲赛优秀餐桌评比优秀寝室评比校内卡通形象大使征集等活动。校内内悬挂了十一个传统节日和五个以疼惜粮食为主题的宣扬图板。以知民俗扬国学为主题的各项活动的开展,融入了国学中的中华传统美德和民俗元素,在活动中育人,使学生能真正成为中华民族五千年文化的传承人。中心小学六年二班、五年二班、二年一班、一年一班,徐平功、齐乐君、小吴迪、曹红军、张杨、袁百英等是此项工作的佼佼者。 2、建立和完善了学生思想道德教化的机制,努力转变育人观念,探究新时期未成年人思想教化的方式、方法和途径,践行了为每一名学生的终身发展负责的办学理念。如针对问题学生韩雪松、高心、宋兆国等的管理,王秀平、陈祖光、秦月华、秦海涛、隋书军、蔡珍贵、赵传甲、姜雪等工作中方法得当,成效显著,积累了肯定的工作阅历。建立了以学年主任、舍务主任为主、领导、班主任、保干、副班主任、家长、派出所警员协同协作的问题学生处理机制,克服了班主任孤军作战的现象,收到了显著成效。这是我校今年德育工作中收效最为显著的一项工作。 3、规范和守则落到实处。如中心小学曹红军任班主任的一年一班结合诵国学的弟子规自编了班规三字经,学生熟读成诵并规范了学生行为习惯。如少先大队开展的我是学校小管家活动,如四年二班的班务工作承包制,使班级各项事务有专人负责,每一名学生都有事务可做,提升了学生的主子翁意识。学校政教工作在学生思想道德教化工作起到了很好的作用。尤其下半年,负责纪律管理的领导能通过值周工作规范学生的言行,并加强学生在校的日常管理,值周老师按时到位站岗,尤其是学生放学时能到校门口重要地段时行看护学生,风雨无阻,很好的规范了学生的行为习惯。 4、少先队协作学校中心工作,开展了各种丰富多彩的活动。主办的浪花朵朵报受到学生、家长、及上级领导的好评;红领巾广播站确保了每天播音,活跃了校内文化生活;学生的一些活动能刚好上传学校网站;升旗仪式活动能坚持常常;胜利地实行了建队日庆祝活动;协作教育处做了许多富有成效的工作等,真正发挥了少先队主阵地的作用。 5、学生各项教化刚好到位。一年来开展了平安、法制、禁毒、网络、防病、环境、自救自护等教化,确保学生健康欢乐的成长。 6、下大气力进行了校内文化建设,注意学校文化内涵的提升。责任区、宣扬板、班级文化、宿舍文化、走廊文化、绿地建设等各个方面都成为了学生思想教化的内容,体现和落实了校内无小事,到处皆育人的思想。在班级文化建中,各班级齐头并进,形成了具有八浪小学特色的班级文化,走进我们的班级,一种种浓浓的文化氛围扑面而来。在此项工作中,徐平功班级的诗教文化提升到了肯定的高度,班级学生原创或仿写诗歌80首,曹红军班级的颂国学活动开展得轰轰烈烈,绘声绘色。 7、加强了班主任队伍建设。陈祖光接任一个学校老大难的班级,经过半年的管理,该班学风班风转变很快。康琳琳、袁百英接手一年新生后,做了大量详细细致的工作,没有叫过一声苦,新生在很短的时间内就形成了良好的学习习惯,康琳琳的一年二班学生的字写的特别美丽。班主任吕红凤把全部身心都投入到班级工作中。徐平功擅长培育班干部的管理实力。王玉荣打造了一个主动向上的优秀班集体。周杰老师的班级学生自学实力是一流的。曹红军的班级是快乐的班级,他的课堂是欢乐的课堂。龙春英、安金美老师静默无闻,张润华细心热心,宁志红进取钻研。 8、通过星级少年的评比和学生成长记录评价,完善和促进了学生综合素养评价工作。 9、一年来,大量学生活动和思想道德教化工作的开展,促进了学生综合素养的提高,丰富了校内文化生活,践行了要想让学生的心灵不长草,就要种满庄稼的德育理念。 10、向教化局举荐程孝才和周杰、王玉荣为先进德育工作者和优秀班主任。 二、 教学工作 教学工作是学校的中心工作,而教学工作的重点则是课堂教学改革和教学质量的提高。一年来,在发展学校,赢在课堂的强校理念指导下,以推动先学后教,当堂训练为主,强化校本教研,探究自主学习的高效课堂模式,主动推动课改,大力开展了老师专业实力训练和评价工作。 1、加大课改的反思的推动力度,调整思路,确定了推行先学后教,当堂训练,构建自主学习的高效课堂的教学模式,取得可喜的阶段性成果。 年初,组织老师对蔡林森的先学后教,当堂训练教学模式进行了学习,并下发了人民教化解放学习力的文章,供全体老师学习,使广阔老师对这种模式有了初步的了解。中心校确定了两个试验班进行教学实践,全体老师在课堂教学上都做了大胆的探究。四月下旬,我校进行了以此模式为主的全乡小学同课异构校本教研活动。为进一步推动此项工作,五月中旬,我校派一名业务领导和一名骨干老师,前往河南省沁阳市蔡林森任校长的永威学校,进行为期一周的实地学习考察。此次外出学习考察,为我校的教改奠定了坚实的基础,指明白方向,带来了希望。下半年全面推行了先学后教,当堂训练,在十一月份开展了集中赛课活动,每天赛、每天评、人人赛、人人听,以大密度、大容量、大探讨的方式推动此项工作,一个月来,全部学科的老师都参与了活动,领导每天不离课堂,共进行了四十三节课的赛课活动。十二月份,探究初步的自主学习的高效课堂模式,目前数语英三科已探究出较成型的模式。此项工作,程孝才、姜雪、王玉荣、周杰、宁志红及全体老师付出了肯定的辛苦和努力,并做了许多富有成效的开创性工作。通过推行这种模式,我们深深地体会到,大刀阔斧的进行教学改革,是发展学校、发展老师、发展学生的唯一出路。教改中,我们曾经苦过累过、也曾困惑过彷徨过,但我们的信念从没有动摇过,我们的干劲与日俱增。一年来,王玉荣、周杰、宁志红、陈祖光、龙春英、康琳琳、宋永亮等成为教改的骨干,徐平功、吕红凤、张润华、安金美、曹红军、袁百英、秦晶、贾桂芳、赵丽花能娴熟的运用先学后教,当堂训练模式,这些老师的课,都可以随时执教公开课。假期已经来临了,希望大家静下心来,反思一下教改工作,我想,大家都会有所收获的。 更大的收获还是我们的学生。一年的教改,孩子们会自学了,会思索了,能合作了,能思辩了,成果提高了,学得轻松,学得简单了,我们看到了教改的明天。 2、不断建章立制,强化教学管理。一年来,我们初步建立了校本教研制度、评课制度、教学双月查制度、修订了备讲批辅考制度、老师工作考核制度及量化标准、查课制度等,为规范学校的教学工作起到肯定的促进作用。使我们的教学工作逐步走向规范化、制度化。 3、加大了校本教研力度。上半年我们实行了以推动先学后教,当堂训练为专题的同课异构活动,下半年,实行了先学后教,当堂训练教改推动会,实行全乡小学先学后教,当堂训练的验收活动、十一月份实行了先学后教,当堂训练集中赛课活动、实行先学后教,当堂训练优质课展示活动、实行了第四网区教研活动。能充分利用每周五校本教研时间,开展探讨活动。在校本教研工作中,姜雪、王玉荣、宁志红、周杰等多次执教公开课,上引路课,为我校的校本教研工作做出了贡献。 4、上半年,我们实行了读书节启动仪式,半年的工作效果不明显。为了迎接市检工作,十一月末,我们对写字教学、阅读活动、英语教学工作进行了强化,这三项工作给我们增加了极大的工作量,我们仅用了两周的时间,三项工作根据课程标准要求打算完毕,在此项工作中,全体老师尤其是班主任付出了很大的辛苦,亲密合作,集思广益,主动打算迎检工作。现在,我们可以确定地说,这三项工作虽被我们忽视过,但现在,我们走在全县的前列。二年一的朗读、一年二、五年二、二年二的写字、四年一、五年一的阅读活动已经走在了全校的前列。全体班主任、英语老师、小吴迪、张扬、秦主席、杨翠云、赵玉晶、刘伟英、舍务老师王秀平、王崇波、宋永亮、秦晶及业务领导很辛苦,学校感谢你们! 5、初步加强了相对薄弱学科的教学工作的管理,大力实施课程育人。通过暑期质量测试和中心校下乡检查考核等综合状况看,各校的薄弱学科教学好于上年度。 6、暑期进行了各学年各学科的教学质量测试,从测试成果看,数、语合格率达到了85%以上。各年级各学科的教学佼佼者分别是张润华、高乃新、周杰、代玉娥、王建华、袁百英;付光、单井友、刘善江、庞敬芝、闫月兰、黄殿军等。学年末各校测试合格率数语均超过了90%。 7、开展了以教学改革为中心的老师自主学习策略探讨和学生我会学演讲赛。老师探讨怎么教,学生探讨怎么学,这两项活动为促进教改和提高质量起到了肯定的促进作用。如四年一班张晓宇的演讲说明,这种方法能够被孩子接受和喜爱。部分家长刻录了我会学演讲赛的光盘,学校赢在课堂-自主学习教学策略集也即将和全体老师见面,它将更加促进我们的教学改革向着科学、良性的方向前进。 8、进行了全乡学生的实力测试。在测试项目中,自学实力的测试成果超出了我们的预想。三至六年级参测学生700余人,测试成果没有达到满分的仅有20多人。这说明学生有了很强的自学实力,从而更加坚决了我们教改的信念。 三、 老师队伍建设 师德师风工作 1、年初各校实行了双向承诺。制定了老师师德师风工作考核标准。上报了龙春英、陈永贵的师德事迹材料。 2、学校同老师签定了关于治理四乱的责任状,各校一年来没有违纪现象发生。 3、组织老师学习了新修订的老师职业道德规范。 4、对于个别老师在工作中存在的问题,学校刚好进行了指责教化,并进行了妥当处理,给学校造成影响的老师,在本年度评优中实行了一票推翻。 此项工作开展的好的学校有东安、二道沟、中心小学等。突出的有顾全大局的王秀平、宋永亮、周凤霞;吃苦耐劳好领导顾广才、老师刘多彬、娄德峰、李庆广,夏至仁,杨翠云;爱校如家、勤勤恳恳的秦海涛;爱生如子的蔡珍贵、隋书军等全体舍务老师;锐意进取,攻艰克难的王玉荣、周杰、宁志红;多才多艺的小吴迪;带病坚持工作的龙春英、安金美、曾凡喜、吕红凤、隋元华、鄂秀琴、刘艳、秦海涛、秦月华等。正是有了以这些人为代表师德高尚,业务精湛,勤勤恳恳的八浪小学人,才使得我们的工作在原有基础上得到了突尽猛进的发展。 以校本培训为主,接着加强以提高老师专业实力等级评价为主的老师专业发展工作。年末进行了全方位的老师专业实力等级的评价,王玉荣、宁志红、吕红凤、曹红军、周杰是我校老师专业实力的佼佼者。 加强了班主任队伍建设,全乡各校配备了相对师德师风水准高、业务精的老师担当班主任工作,不断探究和改进班主任工作,使得我们的班级管理水平有了大幅度的提高。 多次派老师外出培训学习,使老师开阔了眼界,增长了见识。一年来,派出两人去外省学习考察,派出一人去哈尔滨参与业务竞赛,派出二十余人次去佳木斯学习,派出四十余人次去县学习。一学期老师各类培训学习支出15000余元。 construction opportunities, inheritance and innovation, to build the cloud temple of Buddhist culture, West queen culture two name card, full integration into the national provinces and cities, scenic spots construction and Silk Road Economic Belt construction, all efforts to build China Fobao shrine, the international Center for research on international and National West Queen Mother Buddha relic The base of cultural studies, the * * silk road has become the key point of economic sectors. The development of fusion, to fully developed culture tourism resources, improve the cultural content of tourism, the static static cultural resources and cultural elements dispersed fully activated, concentrated has a connotation, characteristic the Cultural Park, and create a bright spot, selling the traveling scenic area, and continuously improve the regional competitiveness and the impact of the cultural tourism industry * * force, efforts will create a cultural tourism has the advantage, can support across the development of county economy and the first important supporting industry.To fully grasp the project to go, strong support, efforts to improve the economic strength of the county. The project is a powerful engine to accelerate the development of county economy. The whole county to continuously strengthen the awareness of the project, in accordance with the requirements of 33411 overall project, find the breakthrough, hold on contact, continue to strengthen for the introduction, and construction of large projects to pull huge investment, pushing and promoting the great development. To closely guide planning planning projects, reflecting the strategic. Keen on the docking state, and the Silk Road economic zone construction, new urbanization, and aspects of Chinese civilization inheritance and innovation area construction planning, careful argument reserve Preparation of a number of the policy oriented, able to fight to win, come to reality, support the development of the strategic project * * years, demonstration projects more than 500 reserves, to introduce more investment to win to win the initiative. To break through the conventional introduction project, embodies the initiative. On the levels of responsibility, the county building grasping the project, grasping investment, a good atmosphere for the people of the whole county leaders and departments of all the main Township, is mainly responsible for the scratch as in the past, as an important responsibility to promote the development of exhibition, grasping investment, thinking carefully plan to break the normal procedure, the project, led the fight for the project, the full introduction of the project, especially not on ecological paper Ming County, the construction of major projects to stick, tracking, until convergence, to ensure that the annual air plant, for funding for the project exceeded 800 million yuan. To focus on the integration of the implementation of the project, reflect the real effectiveness of full financial capital 42 pounds , there will be a restricted project funding package use, overall planning, focused on the people most concerned about, the most urgent problem of people's livelihood and most looking forward to the economic and social development, the most significant issue, real change and pepper as a hit , and realize the project benefit maximization. Be strict with strict standards of project management, reflect the specification conscientiously implement the project to fan. Corporate responsibility system, the bidding system, the project management system as the main content of the project management system, strict approval procedures, strengthen the supervision and management of funds, to ensure that the project project specification operation, financial management.Two to persevere grasping industry, promote and promote income, further promoting the construction of new countryside. The three rural work is always the priority among priorities party work. The next to the development of modern agriculture, promote agricultural income of farmers as reinforce the three rural work, speed up the construction of New Countryside primary task. Efforts in emerging industries, and promote income, distribution facilities, strong foundation, focus on reform, build system, and make agriculture strong, rich farmers, rural beauty . To focus on expanding the capacity of the quality and efficiency of brand effect, promote industry development in depth market means. To continue to expand the production scale of the industry vigorously Promote the suitable area full coverage strategy, 550 thousand acres of orchard planting year, new greenhouse 2000, and shed 1000, and more than 20 breeding areas; to cultivate the main body of the market, accelerate the development of education leading enterprises, cooperative economic organization, family farms and other new market players, focus on Building Office, a group of competitive products, a complete industrial chain of agricultural leading enterprises in the name of the dragon, guide a farmer to increase income in market competition; to speed up the cultivation of industrial clusters, to support the red fruit Longyuan trading company, Zhengda feed, Furun poultry industry, animal husbandry industry ruentex Enterprises, expand the business. Die, to extend the industrial chain, promoting fruit, vegetables, livestock and other characteristics and advantages of industrial cluster development. To focus on the integration of multi element, to push group concept to promote the new rural construction. Focus on the construction of beautiful countryside, the planning group, the construction of ecological function, support, community service, democratic management, new farmers into the direction of reference are jade Kang Jia Wang Cun, twenty shop experience, fully integrated into the industry, ecological, cultural, tourism and other ideas, build a high standard grip * * high cliff, jade under 5 by AO Center Demonstration Village in Zhengjiagou Rui Feng; ditch, double key point, * * sanshilipu village, Wang The village relocation and Taiping Village, Wanyan Redcliffe Bay eswva project focusing on the village, the village integrated circuit Road, financial awards complement, reconstruction and other projects, and actively improve the basic conditions, big strong regulation of village environment, promoting new rural construction level. To focus on breaking the bottleneck to promote the solution bottle, comprehensive rural reform. To create the province's rural comprehensive reform demonstration county as the goal, in efforts to improve the rural homestead system, advancing into the land circulation, the innovation of financial system in rural areas, deepen the reform of forest right system and other aspects of bold exploration and innovation, new technology, effectively solve the land, capital, talent the bottleneck of system Approximately, to stimulate the development of rural vitality.Three to take measures and grasping investment, to build the park, all the extension of the total industrial economy. The industrial economy is to boost county economy, promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure into a breakthrough. The whole county to develop agricultural and sideline products processing, textile and building materials, energy sources such as the development of enterprise clusters, accelerate the construction of the construction industry the whole national economy. Venture investment. To encourage the people catch entrepreneurial success, leading to set up enterprises, Lingban park; constantly optimize the development environment, expanding multi investment attraction, let go of the development of non-public economy, and strive to force investment funds exceeded 44 billion yuan. To gather the elements Garden District . innovation park management mechanism, improve park infrastructure, accelerate the construction of Rui Rui River Customs Line Engineering; the enterprises in the park, in the project for land use approval number, support to expand financing, give full play to the park gathering effect. to foster leading strong support. Focusing on playing to create * * Textile City objective to improve the grasp planning, to promote the two phase of the production line construction, into the natural fiber cotton industry, to ensure the completion of the main factory building and ancillary works before the end of the year, began the installation of equipment; encourage Zhengda feed, poultry industry chain extension extension Furun, built office breeding base, the establishment of enterprise + base + farmer households business model Type of enterprise, realize mutual win-win. To develop resources increase stamina strength. To increase the pace of hair oil, development of coal resources, accelerate Gansu Gansu energy conversion and utilization of coal construction project area, * *, crude oil production exceeded 200 thousand tons, a strong industrial way relying on resources.Four to break through overall grasp, boosting up, accelerating urbanization. The city urbanization is the economic development of the important supporting, a significant symbol of social progress. The whole county to seize the central provinces, promote the urbanization opportunity, the county, the small town center, as the center of the village as an important node, accelerate the construction of urban and rural integration pattern. Scientific planning to actively integrate into the cloth layout. * * rich culture, ecological resources, historical elements and characteristics of the times, fully completed the fourth round of the overall planning and control features of the county planning, completed the urban village, shantytowns planning and related construction details of The key point of regulation, careful revision of small towns and the center of the village plannin


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