www.XiYuS锡育软件This may sound strange,but Im a big fan of the concreteblock.听起来可能有点怪,我是个水泥砖的狂热爱好者。00:12The first concrete blocks were manufactured in 1868 with avery simple idea:modules made of cement of a fixedmeasurement that fit together.第一块水泥砖制造于1868年 是源于一个非常简单的想法:把水泥制成的固定大小的块 组装到一起。00:16Very quickly concrete blocks became the most-usedconstruction unit in the world.很快水泥砖就成为了 全世界使用最多的建筑单元,00:26They enabled us to to build things that were larger than us,buildings,bridges,one brick at a time.它使得我们能制造远大于自身的东西,建筑,桥梁,就这样一砖一瓦砌成。00:31Essentially concrete blocks had become the building block ofour time.水泥砖实质上已经成为 我们这个时代的积木。00:37Almost a hundred years later in 1947,LEGO came up withthis.在大约100年后的1947年,乐高带来了这个00:42It was called the Automatic Binding Brick.当时被叫做自动组装积木。00:46And in a few short years,LEGO bricks took place in everyhousehold.然后在短短几年内,乐高积木占领了每个家庭,00:49Its estimated that over 400 billion bricks have beenproduced-or 75 bricks for every person on the planet.据估计已经制造出的乐高积木超过4千亿块-或者说全球人均75块00:54You dont have to be an engineer to make beautiful houses,beautiful bridges,beautiful buildings.你不必是一个工程师 也可以建造漂亮的房子,漂亮的桥梁,漂亮的建筑。01:00manufactured:adj.制造的,已制成的/v.制造,加工(manufacture的过去式)modules:n.计模块(module的复数);加载模块列表 at a time:一次;每次;在某时 Binding:n.装订;捆绑;粘合物/adj.有约束力的;捆绑的/v.捆绑(bind的ing形式)estimated:adj.估计的;预计的;估算的LEGO made it accessible.乐高使之成为可能。01:05LEGO has essentially taken the concrete block,the buildingblock of the world,and made it into the building block of ourimagination.乐高实质上就是把水泥砖,这种真实世界中的积木,运用到建造我们想象中的 建筑积木。01:07Meanwhile the exact same year,at Bell Labs the nextrevolution was about to be announced,the next buildingblock.恰恰在同一年,在贝尔实验室,一项新的革命即将发布,下一代积木。01:14The transistor was a small plastic unit that would take usfrom a world of static bricks piled on top of each other to aworld where everything was interactive.晶体管是一个小的塑料元件 它将把我们从 静态的砖块堆积起来的世界 带入到一切都可以交互的新世界。01:21Like the concrete block,the transistor allows you to buildmuch larger,more complex circuits,one brick at a time.像水泥砖一样,你可以运用它 一个晶体管一个晶体管地制造出更大的、更复杂的电路。01:29But theres a main difference:The transistor was only forexperts.但是有一个主要的区别:只有专家才能玩转晶体管。01:36I personally dont accept this,that the building block of ourtime is reserved for experts,so I decided to change that.我个人不能接受 我们这个时代的积木 只有专家才可以玩,所以我决定改变它。01:40Eight years ago when I was at the Media Lab,I startedexploring this idea of how to put the power of engineers inthe hands of artists and designers.8年前当我在媒体实验室的时候,我开始思索 如何才能把工程师所独有的力量 也赋予艺术家和设计师。01:49Labs:n.实验室 transistor:n.晶体管(收音机)piled:adj.有细毛的/v.堆积;积累(pile的过去分词)reserved:adj.保留的,预订的;缄默的,冷淡的;包租的/v.保留(reserve的过去分词)in the hands of:由掌握;在掌握中A few years ago I started developing littleBits.几年前我开始开发littleBits。01:57Let me show you how they work.我给大家演示一下是怎么玩的。02:00LittleBits are electronic modules with each one specificfunction.LittleBits是电子的模块 每一块都有特定的功能。02:04Theyre pre-engineered to be light,sound,motors andsensors.它们都预先设定好 作为光的,声音的,马达或者传感器。02:10And the best part about it is they snap together withmagnets.最棒的就是 它们是用磁力吸合在一起的02:17So you cant put them the wrong way.所以就不可能组装错02:22The bricks are color-coded.这些小块是按颜色分类的。02:25TED演讲者:Ayah Bdeir|阿雅.布黛尔演讲标题:Ayah Bdeir:Building blocks that blink,beep and teach|有声有色可教学的积木内容概要:Ayah Bdeir is an engineer and artist,and is the founder of littleBits and karaj,anexperimental art,architecture and technology lab in Beirut.想象一下像乐高玩具一样简单玩耍的电子套件。TED奖学金获得者阿雅.布黛尔向大家介绍了littleBits,一套简单的,可以方便互换的积木。它使得编程电路这样重要的创造性的活动变得像插拔积木一样简单。Green is output,blue is power,pink is input and orange iswire.绿色是输出,蓝色是电源,粉色是输入,橙色是连接线。02:27So all you need to do is snap a blue to a green and veryquickly you can start making larger circuits.因此你所需要做的就是把蓝色接到绿色上 然后很快你就能开始制造更大的电路了02:32You put a blue to a green,you can make light.把蓝的接到绿的,你就做了一个灯02:38You can put a knob in between and now youve made a littledimmer.你可以在中间放一个旋钮 你就做成了一个小调光器。02:42Switch out the knob for a pulse module,which is here,andnow youve made a little blinker.拿掉旋钮 换上脉冲模块,在这儿,现在你就创造出了一个小信号灯。02:49motors:n.汽车;发动机(motor的复数);汽车公司证券 sensors:n.自传感器,感应器;感测器(sensor的复数)magnets:n.磁性,电磁磁体(magnet的复数形式);材磁铁 color-coded:颜色编码 knob:n.把手;瘤;球形突出物/vi.鼓起/vt.使有球形突出物 dimmer:n.车辆调光器;光暗掣;衰减器 module:n.计模块;组件;模数 blinker:n.瞥视者;闪光警戒灯Add this buzzer for some extra punch and youve created anoise machine.加入这个蜂鸣器 来增加点效果 你就创造出了一台噪音机。03:01Im going to stop that.我得收手了。03:07So beyond simple play,littleBits are actually pretty powerful.除了简单地玩,实际上littleBits 的功能很强劲。03:09Instead of having to program,to wire,to solder,littleBitsallow you to program using very simple intuitive gestures.不需要编程、接线、焊接,littleBits可以让你 用简单的直觉动作完成编程。03:14So to make this blink faster or slower,you would just turnthis knob and basically make it pulse faster or slower.比如要把这个闪烁调快或者调慢一点,你只需要转这个旋钮 实际上是让它脉冲得快或者慢一点。03:21The idea behind littleBits is that its a growing library.隐藏在littleBits之后的想法是 这是一个可成长的资料库。03:28We want to make every single interaction in the world into aready-to-use brick.我们想把世界上的每一个单独的交互功能 做成一个随手可用的积木。03:32Lights,sounds,solar panels,motors-everything should beaccessible.光,声音,太阳能板,马达-一切都应该触手可得。03:36Weve been giving littleBits to kids and seeing them playwith them.我们曾经把littleBits给孩子们并看他们玩。03:40And its been an incredible experience.那是一种不可思议的体验。03:43buzzer:n.蜂鸣器;嗡嗡作声的东西;信号手 solder:vi.焊接/vt.焊接;使联接在一起/n.焊料;接合物 intuitive:adj.直觉的;凭直觉获知的 gestures:n.手势,姿态(gesture的复数形式)/v.作手势,作姿态(gesture的三单形式)blink:vt.眨眼;使闪烁/vi.眨眼;闪烁/n.眨眼;瞬间;闪光 panels:n.面板(panel的复数);建嵌板;事务委员会/v.嵌镶(panel的第三人称单数形式)The nicest thing is how they start to understand theelectronics around them from everyday that they dont learnat schools.最棒的就是他们开始理解 他们日常身边的电器 这些学校里是学不到的。03:45For example,how a nightlight works,or why an elevator doorstays open,or how an iPod responds to touch.比如,夜灯是如何工作的 或者为什么电梯门能一直开着,再或者iPod对触摸是怎么反应的。03:51Weve also been taking littleBits to design schools.我们也曾经把littleBits带到设计学校。03:58So for example,weve had designers with no experience withelectronics whatsoever start to play with littleBits as amaterial.比如说,我们曾经让设计师 完全没有电子相关经验的设计师 用littleBits做素材开始玩。04:00Here you see,with felt and paper water bottles,we haveGeordie making.大家可以看到,用毡和纸瓶子 乔迪做出了.04:08(Clanging)(叮当声)04:13(Buzzing)A few weeks ago we took littleBits to RISD andgave them to some designers with no experience inengineering whatsoever-just cardboard,wood and paper-and told them Make something.(蜂鸣声)几星期前我们带着littleBits去了罗德岛设计学院 把它交给一些 完全没有工程经验的设计师 只给一些纸板、木头和纸-跟他们说“做点什么”04:15Heres an example of a project they made,a motion-activated confetti canon ball.这就是他们完成的一个项目 一个动作触发的彩纸屑炮弹04:27electronics:n.电子学;电子工业 nightlight:夜间照明灯,通夜灯火 responds:响应 cardboard:n.纸硬纸板;纸板箱;卡纸板/adj.不真实的;硬纸板制的 confetti:n.(婚礼,狂欢节中抛撒的)五彩纸屑;(旧时狂欢节或庆祝场合抛撒的)糖果 canon:n.标准;教规;正典圣经;教士(Laughter)But wait,this is actually my favorite project.(笑声)等等,这个实际上是我最喜欢的一个项目。04:32Its a lobster made of playdough thats afraid of the dark.是一个橡皮泥做的龙虾 它很怕黑。04:38www.XiYuS锡育软件(Laughter)To these non-engineers,littleBits became anothermaterial,electronics became just another material.(笑声)对这些非工程技术人员,littleBits成为了另一种材料,电子也只是一种材料。04:45And we want to make this material accessible to everyone.而且我们想使这种材料对所有人都可用。04:54So littleBits is open-source.所以littleBits是开源的。04:57You can go on the website,download all the design files,make them yourself.你可以到网站上,下载所有的设计文件,自己来制造。04:59We want to encourage a world of creators,of inventors,ofcontributors,because this world that we live in,thisinteractive world,is ours.我们想鼓励一个 人人都是创造者、发明家、贡献者的世界。因为我们所生活的这个世界,这个交互的世界,属于我们每个人。05:02So go ahead and start inventing.不要犹豫,开始你的发明吧。05:11Thank you.谢谢大家。05:13(Applause)(掌声)05:15lobster:n.龙虾/龙虾肉 open-source:adj.(计算机)开放源代码 contributors:n.贡献者;参与者;编著者(contributor的复数形式)inventing:v.发明(invent的现在分词);创造*Warning:本文是由生成导出,请用于个人学习,不要用于商业用途。否则,导致的一切法律后果,均由您个人承担,锡育软件概不负责。*