ShereenElFeki_2012S[Shereen El Feki][如何对抗如流行病般的不好法律].pdf
www.XiYuS锡育软件Lets begin with a story.?我先与大家分享一个故事。00:12Once upon a time-well actually less than two years ago-in a kingdom not so very far away,there was a man whotraveled many miles to come to work at the jewel in thekingdoms crown-an internationally famous company.从前 事实上是不到两年以前 在一个不是很遥远的国度,有一个人,他不远千里 想要去王国的心脏工作 一家国际著名公司。00:16Lets call it Island Networks.我们姑且称它为岛屿网络。00:34Now this kingdom had many resources and mightyambitions,but the one thing it lacked was people.这个王国拥有丰富的资源 和雄雄的野心,万事俱备只欠人员。00:37And so it invited workers from around the world to come andhelp it build the nation.因此它邀请世界各地的工人 来参与国家建设。00:45But in order to enter and to stay these migrants had to passa few tests.然而为了进入这个王国并在其领土上停留,这些移民必须先通过一些测试。00:51And so it was,our man presented himself to authorities inthe kingdom,looking forward to settling into his new life.因此,我们的主人公 来到该王国的权威机构面前,期望着能开始他的新生活。00:57But then something unexpected happened.然而出人意料的事情发生了。01:05begin with:以开始;开始于 Once upon a time:从前 internationally:adv.国际性地;在国际间 ambitions:n.野心;雄心;抱负(ambition的复数形式);理想 lacked:缺乏/缺少 migrants:n.移民;移居者;候鸟(migrant的复数形式)authorities:n.当局,官方(authority的复数)settling:n.安置;固定;沉淀物;移居/v.解决;安居(settle的ing形式)The medical personnel who took blood samples from theman never actually told him what they were testing for.从男人身上抽取血样的医务人员 没有告诉他他们在检测什么。01:08He wasnt offered counseling before or after the test,whichis best medical practice.在测试前或测试后向接受测试者提供顾问咨询服务是最佳的医疗做法,然而这个男人却没有得到这项服务。01:15He was never informed of the results of the test.也没有人告知他测试的结果。01:22And yet,a couple of weeks later,he was picked up and takento prison where he was subjected to a medical exam,including a full-body search in full view of the others in thecell.但是,几周之后,他却被送进了监狱,进行体检,他甚至在牢房中所有其他犯人面前 接受了全身搜查。01:25He was released,but then a day or two later,he was taken tothe airport and he was deported.他被释放后一两天,就被送往机场遣返回国。01:39What on earth did this man do to merit this treatment?这个男人到底做了什么,以至于受到如此对待?01:48What was his terrible crime?他到底犯下了什么可怕的罪行?01:53He was infected with HIV.他是艾滋病毒携带者。01:56Now the kingdom is one of about 50 countries that imposesrestrictions on the entry or stay of people living with HIV.该国对艾滋病病毒携带者 入境及在国内停留加以限制,世界上有类似规定的国家大约有五十个。02:00counseling:n.咨询服务/v.建议;劝告;商讨(counsel的ing形式)subjected:v.使遭受(subject的过去分词形式);使从属;受影响 in full:全部;全额;充足 deported:vt.驱逐出境;举止;放逐 infected:adj.被感染的/v.传染(infect的过去分词)imposes:强加于/征收(impose的第三人称单数)The kingdom argues that its laws allow it to detain or deportforeigners who pose a risk to the economy or the security orthe public health or the morals of the state.该国宣称,法律赋予他们权利拘留或者遣返 对该国的经济、安全、公共健康 以及道德标准 造成危险的外国人。02:10But these laws,when applied to people living with HIV,are aviolation of international human rights agreements to whichthese countries are signatories.然而用这样的法律限制艾滋病携带者,却违反了这些国家都签署了的 国际人权协定。02:25But you know what?但是你知道吗?02:35Matters of principle aside,practically speaking,these lawsdrive HIV underground.不谈原则问题,从实际的角度出发,这样的法律造成了艾滋病的隐蔽化。02:36People are less likely to come forth to be tested or treated orto disclose their condition,none of which helps theseindividuals or the communities these laws purport toprotect.人们越来越不愿意 接受测试、治疗或者公开他们的情况,这些法律声称保护的人群和社区 没有从中得到任何帮助。02:43TED演讲者:Shereen El Feki|Shereen El Feki演讲标题:Shereen El-Feki:HIV-how to fight an epidemic of bad laws|如何对抗如流行病般的不好法律内容概要:Shereen El Feki works and writes on sexuality and social change in the Arab world.爱滋病不只是作为流行病四处蔓延,和其相关的不好的法律条文也到处可见,这些法律将带病者视为囚犯。在多哈举办的这场TEDx高峰会上,Shereen El-Feki 提出了强而有力的论证,指出这些将爱滋病污名化的法律,甚至会助长疾病的扩散。Today we can prevent the transmission of HIV.现在我们已经可以预防艾滋病病毒的传播。02:56And with treatment,it is a manageable condition.通过合理的治疗病情完全可以得到控制。03:00detain:vt.拘留;留住;耽搁 deport:vt.驱逐出境;举止;放逐/foreigners:n.外国人;外地人(foreigner的复数)morals:n.道德 violation:n.违反;妨碍,侵害;违背;强奸 agreements:n.法协议;同意;法契约(agreement的复数形式)signatories:n.签署国(signatory的复数)disclose:vt.公开;揭露 purport:vt.声称;意图;意指;打算/n.意义,主旨;意图 manageable:adj.易管理的;易控制的;易办的We are very far from the days when the only practicalresponse to dread disease was to have banished the afflicted-like this,The Exile of the Leper.人类应对令人恐惧的疾病的可行方法一度只有 放逐那些患病的人,如“被流放的麻风病人”。但那样的日子早已远去。03:04So you tell me why,in our age of science,we still have lawsand policies which come from an age of superstition.为什么在科学技术高度发达的今天,我们仍旧有这样来自迷信时代的 法律和政策呢?03:15Time for a quick show of hands.我们可以花一点点时间现场测试一样,03:24Who here has been touched by HIV-either because youyourself have the virus or you have a family member or afriend or a colleague who is living with HIV?在座的接触过艾滋病的人请举手 无论是你自己是病毒携带者 还是你有家人、朋友、同事是病毒携带者 都算接触。03:28Hands up.请举手。03:40Wow.Wow.哇,哇,03:41Thats a significant number of us.数量相当可观。03:43You know better than anyone that HIV brings out the bestand the worst in humanity.那你们都应该清楚 艾滋病会暴露人性中 最美好和最丑陋的东西。03:46And the laws reflect these attitudes.而法律则会反映社会对艾滋病的态度。03:54Im not just talking about laws on the books,but laws as theyare enforced on the streets and laws as they are decided inthe courts.我指的不光是文件上的法律,还有在街头 以及法庭中被践行的法律。03:57far from:adv.远离;远非;完全不 dread:n.恐惧;可怕的人(或物)/vi.惧怕;担心/vt.惧怕;担心/adj.可怕的 banished:v.驱逐,流放(banish的过去分词形式)afflicted:折磨 Exile:n.流放,充军;放逐,被放逐者;流犯/vt.放逐,流放;使背井离乡 Leper:n.皮肤麻疯病患者;受蔑视的人(不愿接触的人)superstition:n.迷信 attitudes:n.态度,看法(attitude复数)enforced:adj.实施的;强制执行的/v.执行(enforce的过去分词)And Im not just talking about laws as they relate to peopleliving with HIV,but people who are at greatest risk ofinfection-people such as those who inject drugs or sexworkers or men who have sex with men or transgenderedpersons or migrants or prisoners.而且我指的不仅是与艾滋病病毒携带者 直接相关的法律,还有与高危人群相关的法律 如注射毒品的人、性工作者、与男性发生性关系的男性、变性人、移民以及囚犯。04:06And in many parts of the world that includes women andchildren who are especially vulnerable.在世界上的很多地区女性和孩子也是极易感染的高危人群。04:24Now there are laws in many parts of the world which reflectthe best of human nature.世界上很多地区的法律 都反映了人性最美好的一面。04:30These laws treat people touched by HIV with compassionand acceptance.这些法律本着同情和接受的精神 来对待与艾滋病有接触的人群。04:36These laws respect universal human rights and they aregrounded in evidence.这些法律尊重普世人权,有理有据。04:42These laws ensure that people living with HIV and those atgreatest risk are protected from violence and discriminationand that they get access to prevention and to treatment.这些法律确保艾滋病病毒携带者 和高危人群 不受暴力和歧视伤害,并有能力预防艾滋病或者得到治疗。04:48relate to:涉及,有关 inject:vt.注入;注射 transgendered:adj.变换性别的 vulnerable:adj.易受攻击的,易受的攻击;易受伤害的;有弱点的 compassion:n.同情;怜悯 grounded:adj.接地的;有基础的/v.停(ground的过去式);触地 inevidence:明显的;作为证据 discrimination:n.歧视;区别,辨别;识别力 prevention:n.预防;阻止;妨碍Unfortunately,these good laws are counter-balanced by amass of really bad law-law which is grounded in moraljudgement and in fear and in misinformation,不幸的是,这些好的法律 所发挥的作用 被大量糟糕的法律所抵消 如以道德指责为依据的法律、以恐惧和错误的信息为依据的法律、05:01laws which specifically punish people living with HIV or thoseat greatest risk.惩罚艾滋病病毒携带者 或者高危人群的法律。05:16These laws fly in the face of science,and they are groundedin prejudice and in ignorance and in a rewriting of traditionand a selective reading of religion.这样的法律忽略科学事实,以偏见、无知、不科学的传统,以及对宗教的片面解读 为依据。05:22But you know what?You dont have to take my word for it.但你知道吗?你不必相信我的话。05:35Were going to hear from two people who are on the sharpend of the law.我们来听另外两个人的心声,他们都直接被这些法律影响。05:38The first is Nick Rhoades.Hes an American.第一个是美国人,Nick Rhoades。05:42And he was convicted under the U.S.State of Iowas law onHIV transmission and exposure-neither of which offense heactually committed.根据美国爱荷华州法律,他被定罪了-罪行:蓄意散播爱滋病毒-然而他根本没有这个意图。05:45actually committed.(Video)Nick Rhoades:If something is against the law thenthat is telling society that is unacceptable,thats badbehavior.(视频)Nick Rhoades:被宣判违反法律条文,就像是在告诉社会大众,这是不可接受的不良行为。05:55counter-balanced:平衡 misinformation:n.误报;错误的消息 in the face of:面对 prejudice:n.偏见;侵害/vt.损害;使有偏见 ignorance:n.无知,愚昧;不知,不懂 rewriting:n.重写;改写/v.重写;改写(rewrite的ing形式)convicted:adj.证明有罪的;已被判刑的/v.定罪(convict的过去分词);证明有罪And I think the severity of that punishment tells you howbad you are as a person.我认为这种惩罚的严重性在于,它告诉你你是一个多么糟糕的人。06:02www.XiYuS锡育软件Youre a class B felon,lifetime sex offender.你是个 B 类重罪犯,一生都是个性犯罪者。06:08You are a very,very,very bad person.你是一个非常,非常,非常不好的人,06:13And you did a very,very,very bad thing.你做了一件非常,非常,非常不好的事情。06:17And so thats just programmed into you.这就像是精神制约,06:21And you go through the correctional system and everyonestelling you the same thing.你必须接受行为治疗,而且你身边所有人都像是在说:06:23And youre just like,Im a very bad person.你是个很不好的人。06:28Shereen El-Feki:Its not just a question of unfair or ineffectivelaws.Shereen El-Feki:这问题的严重性 不只是法律的不公正或无效力。06:33Some countries have good laws,laws which could stem thetide of HIV.一些国家有良好的法律,可以阻止爱滋病毒的蔓延。06:38The problem is that these laws are flouted.问题是这些法律被藐视了。06:43Because stigma gives unofficial license to treat people livingwith HIV or those at greatest risk unlike other citizens.爱滋病毒感染者或高风险者 被社会大众 贴上了耻辱的标签,他们不配当一般公民。06:46severity:n.严重;严格;猛烈 felon:n.法重罪犯;瘭疽;恶棍 offender:n.罪犯;冒犯者;违法者 correctional:adj.矫正的;修正的ineffective:adj.无效的,失效的;不起作用的 flouted:n.嘲笑;轻视;愚弄/vt.嘲笑;藐视;愚弄/vi.嘲笑;表示轻蔑 stigma:n.植柱头;耻辱;污名;烙印;特征 unofficial:adj.非官方的;非正式的And this is exactly what happened to Helma and Dongo fromNamibia.而这正是住在纳米比亚的 Helma和Dongo所亲身经历的事情。06:55(Video)Hilma:I found out when I went to the hospital for apregnancy check-up.(视频)Helma:那天我去医院 去做妊娠的例行体检。07:00The nurse announced that every pregnant woman must alsobe tested for HIV that day.护士宣布每个怀孕的女人 都必须接受爱滋病感染测试。07:05I took the test and the result showed I was positive.我做了测试,结果发现我被感染了。07:11Thats the day I found out.这天,我得知我是爱滋病患者,07:14The nurse said to me,Why should you people bcomepregnant when you know you are HIV positive?那护士对我说:为什么你们这种人 明明感染了爱滋病还要怀孕?07:16Why are you pregnant when you are living positive?你们干嘛要怀孕?07:20I am sure now that is the reason they sterilized me.我敢肯定这是他们给我绝育的原因,07:23Because I am HIV positive.因为我是爱滋病毒携带者。07:26They didnt give the forms to me or explain what was in theform.他们没给我表格,也没有解释表格上有什么,07:31The nurse just came with it already marked where I had tosign.那个护士只是在表格上 标出我要签名的栏位。07:38And with the labor pain,I didnt have the strength to askthem to read it to me.我正经历分娩的痛楚,无力要求他们对我解释那些表格,07:42I just signed.我就乖乖的签名了。07:51pregnancy:n.怀孕;丰富,多产;意义深长 check-up:n.检查,核对;体格检查 sterilized:adj.无菌的;已消过毒的/v.杀菌;消除;冻结(sterilize的过去分词)SE:Hilma and Nick and our man in the kingdom are amongthe 34 million people living with HIV according to recentestimates.SE:Helma,Nick和那个故事中的主角,根据统计,是世界上3千4百万爱滋病感染者 其中的一员。07:54Theyre the lucky ones because theyre still alive.他们是幸运的,因为他们还活着。08:03According to those same estimates,in 2010 1.8 millionpeople died of AIDS related causes.根据相关估计,2010年有1百80万人 死于爱滋病。08:07These are terrible and tragic figures.这些数字令人惊恐。08:15But if we look a little more broadly into the statistics,weactually see some reason for hope.但如果我们更详细地看这些统计,我们可以找到一丝希望的曙光。08:19Looking globally,the number of new infections of HIV isdeclining.综观全球,新的爱滋病感染人数08:26And looking globally as well,deaths are also starting to fall.与爱滋病死亡人数,都正在下降。08:32There are many reasons for these positive developments,butone of the most remarkable is in the increase in the number有很多原因促进这个发展,其中一个最引人注目的是越来越多人开始接受 抗转录病毒疗法,这个疗法可以有效抑制爱滋病毒发作。08:37one of the most remarkable is in the increase in the numberof people around the world on anti-retroviral therapy,themedicines they need to keep their HIV in check.可以有效抑制爱滋病毒发作。08:37estimates:n.估计;预算(estimate的复数);概数/v.评价(estimate的三单形式);估量 broadly:adv.明显地;宽广地;概括地;露骨地;粗鄙地 statistics:n.统计;统计学;统计统计资料 infections:n.传染病;口腔病害(infection复数形式)declining:adj.下滑的;衰退的;倾斜的/v.下降;衰退;婉谢(decline的ing形式)anti-retroviral:抗逆转录病毒的 therapy:n.治疗,疗法 in check:受控制的;受抑制的Now there are still many problems.现在仍有许多问题待解,08:51Only about half of the people who need treatment arecurrently receiving it.只有约一半需要治疗的人 能得到该治疗。08:53In some parts of the world-like here in the Middle East andNorth Africa-new infections are rising and so are deaths.在世界上有些地方-像在中东和北非-新感染病例与死亡人数正在攀升。08:59And the money,the money we need for the global responseto HIV,that is shrinking.而我们需要的经费,对抗全球爱滋病毒的经费,却在萎缩。09:06But for the first time in three decades into this epidemic wehave a real chance to come to grips with HIV.但,这是第一次,从这流行病蔓延的三十年来,我们真正有机会来对付爱滋病毒。09:14But in order to do that we need to tackle an epidemic ofreally bad law.为了做到这一点,我们需要对抗这些普遍存在的坏法律。09:24Its for this reason that the Global Commission on HIV andthe Law,of which Im a member,was established by theagencies of the United Nations-to look at the ways thatlegal environments are affecting people living with HIV andthose at greatest risk,and to recommend what should bedone to make the law an ally,not an enemy,of the globalresponse to HIV.正是出于这个原因,联合国签署建立了全球爱滋病法 监督委员会,而我是其中的一员,去监督爱滋病毒感染者 和那些高风险族群 所处在的法律环境。并且给出建议,如何使法律成为对抗全球爱滋病毒的盟友而不是敌人。09:30Let me give you just one example of the way a legalenvironment can make a positive difference.让我给你举个例子来说明,正确的法律环境 可以带来积极的改变。09:53shrinking:adj.畏缩的;犹豫不决的/v.萎缩(shrink的ing形式);收缩;退缩 grips:vbl.抓爪 agencies:n.代理;代理处(agency的复数)People who inject drugs are one of those groups Imentioned.注射毒品的人 是我提到的族群之一。10:00Theyre at high risk of HIV through contaminated injectionequipment and other risk-related behaviors.他们是感染爱滋病的高危险群,通过受污染的注射设备 和其它危险行为而感染。10:05In fact,one in every 10 new infections of HIV is among peoplewho inject drugs.事实上,每10个感染人之中,就有一个是毒品注射者。10:11Now drug use or possession is illegal in almost every country.现在毒品滥用或持有 几乎在每个国家都是违法的。10:18But some countries take a harder line on this than others.但一些国家对此采取很强硬的手段。10:23In Thailand people who use drugs,or are merely suspected ofusing drugs,are placed in detention centers,like the one yousee here,where they are supposed to clean up.在泰国,使用毒品,或只是受到怀疑有在用毒,就会被关在扣留中心,如同您看到的,他们被迫在此断毒癮。10:27There is absolutely no evidence to show that throwing peopleinto detention cures their drug dependence.世上绝对没有任何证据 指出只要把人关在拘留所就可以治疗毒品依赖。10:38There is,however,ample evidence to show that incarceratingpeople increases their risk of HIV and other infections.反而,有充分的证据显示,把人当囚犯监禁,会增加爱滋病毒和其他感染的风险。10:46We know how to reduce HIV transmission and other risks inpeople who inject drugs.我们知道如何减少毒品注射者感染爱滋病 与其他疾病的风险。10:56contaminated:adj.受污染的;弄脏的/v.污染(contaminate的过去式)detention:n.拘留;延迟;挽留 dependence:n.依赖;依靠;信任;信赖 ample:adj.丰富的;足够的;宽敞的 incarcerating:vt.监禁;下狱;禁闭/adj.监禁的;禁闭的Its called harm reduction,and it involves,among otherthings,providing clean needles and syringes,offering opioidsubstitution therapy and other evidence-based treatmentsto reduce drug dependence.这叫做减低伤害。包括清洁针头,注射器,提供毒品替代疗法,和其他经过验证 有疗效的治疗法,来减少药物依赖性。11:03It involves providing information and education andcondoms to reduce HIV transmission,and also providing HIVtesting and counseling and treatment should people becomeinfected.还有卫生教育,保险套的使用宣导,提供爱滋病毒检测,提供咨询,都可保护人们,并降低感染机率。11:18Where the legal environment allows for harm reduction theresults are striking.一个减低伤害的法律环境 会带来惊人的成效。11:31Australia and Switzerland were two countries whichintroduced harm reduction very early on in their HIVepidemics,and they have a very low rate of HIV amonginjecting drug users.澳大利亚和瑞士,这两个国家在爱滋病毒传播的初期,就推出减低伤害的法律环境,它们的毒品注射者感染爱滋病 的机率非常低。11:37The U.S.and Malaysia came to harm reduction a little later,而美国和马来西亚 较慢推行减低伤害的法律环境,它们则有较高的爱滋病毒感染率。11:49The U.S.and Malaysia came to harm reduction