www.XiYuS锡育软件How will we be remembered in 200 years?200年以后,我们的后代将如何看待我们这个时代的所作所为?00:12I happen to live in a little town,Princeton,in New Jersey,which every year celebrates the great event in Princetonhistory:the Battle of Princeton,which was in fact a veryimportant battle.我正好生活在一个小镇上 那就是新泽西州的普林斯顿 那里每一年都会庆祝普林斯顿历史上发生的大事 即普林斯顿大战00:15It was the first battle that George Washington won,in fact,and was pretty much of a turning point in the war ofindependence.那是华盛顿将军打下的第一场胜战 也标志着独立战争的一个转折点00:27It happened 225 years ago.那是225年前的事情00:35It was actually a terrible disaster for Princeton.但对于普林斯顿而言 它却是一场灾难00:38The town was burned down;it was in the middle of winter,and it was a very,very severe winter.整个镇被烧光 那时正好是寒冬 天气非常非常冷00:42And about a quarter of all the people in Princeton died thatwinter from hunger and cold,but nobody remembers that.在那个冬季 普林斯顿四分之一的人因为饥饿、严寒而死去 但是没有人记得这个事实00:49What they remember is,of course,the great triumph:thatthe Brits were beaten,and we won,and that the country wasborn.他们记得的只是那场战争的胜利 他们只记得英国佬被打败,美国人取得了胜利,新的国家由此诞生00:58And so I agree very emphatically that the pain of childbirthis not remembered,its the child thats remembered.因此,对于新生命诞生期的痛楚不为人们所记忆这个观点,我是理解的 人们只记得落地的生命01:08Brits:n.英国人(Brit的复数);布里茨(男子名)emphatically:adv.着重地;强调地;断然地 childbirth:n.分娩And thats what were going through at this time.而我们现在所经历的,也是同样一个过程01:17I wanted to just talk for one minute about the future ofbiotechnology,because I think I know very little about that-Im not a biologist-so everything I know about it can besaid in one minute.我将用一分钟的时间来谈论生物科技的未来 因为我自己对此理解甚少,我不是生物学家 我所知道的,用一分钟来讲就完全足够了01:21(Laughter)What Im saying is that we should follow themodel that has been so successful with the electronicindustry:that what really turns computers into a greatsuccess in the world(笑声)我要说的是 我们应当参考 电子行业走出来的路子 因为它是一条成功的道理 计算机因此而走入了主流社会01:35as a whole is toys.As soon as computers became toys,whenkids could come home and play with them,then the industryreally took off.And that has to happen with Biotech.其形式就是玩具 而计算机一旦变成了玩具 孩子们就可以在家里玩 于是整个工业就活起来了 这样的过程也应该发生在生物科技领域01:50Theres a huge-在这一领域02:03(Laughter)(笑声)02:04(Applause)(掌声)02:06-theres a huge community of people in the world who arepractical biologists,who are dog breeders,pigeon breeders,orchid breeders,rose breeders-people who handlebiology with their hands,世界上有很多人 他们是职业的生物学家 狗养殖专家 鸽子养殖家、果园护理师、玫瑰护理师 他们都用双手培植生物02:09biotechnology:n.生物生物技术;生物生物工艺学 biologist:n.生物学家 as a whole:总的来说 Biotech:abbr.生物技术;生物科技(biotechnology)biologists:n.生物学家(biologist的复数)breeders:n.饲养员(breeder的复数);增殖(反应)堆;产仔的动物 orchid:n.兰花;植兰科植物;淡紫色/adj.淡紫色的and who are dedicated to producing beautiful things,beautiful creatures:plants,animals,pets.These people will beempowered with biotech,and that will be an enormouspositive step to acceptance of biotechnology.他们创造的是美丽的事物,美丽的生物 这些人将因为生物技术而获得力量 这也将是一个巨大的进步 人们将慢慢的接受生物技术02:25That will blow away a lot of the opposition.那也将使得许多的反对意见一去不复返02:49When people have this technology in their hands,you have ado it yourself biotech kit,grow your own-grow your dog,grow your own cat.当人们手中拿着这种技术的时候 比如你拿到一个可以DIY的生物技术的工具箱,你就可以 去培育自己喜爱的小狗、小猫02:54(Laughter)(观众笑)03:06TED演讲者:Freeman Dyson|费里曼.戴森演讲标题:Let.s look for life in the outer solar system|让我们到太阳系边缘去寻找生命内容概要:With Freeman Dyson.s astonishing forecasts for the future,it.s hard to tell wherescience ends and science fiction begins.But far from being a wild-eyed visionary,Dyson is aclear and sober thinker-and one not afraid of controversy or heresy.物理学家戴森说,我们可以到木星的卫星以及海王星之外的太空去找寻生命。他谈到了这样的生命的可能形态,以及具体的寻找方法。(Applause)Just buy the software,you design it.I wont sayanymore,you can take it on from there.Its going to happen,and(鼓掌)只需把软件买回来,你就能自己去设计。其他的就不需要我多讲了。你自己也能想象出会发生什么。因为这一切即将发生03:08I think it has to happen before the technology becomesnatural becomes part of the human condition,somethingthat everybodys familiar with and everybody accepts.我认为这必将发生,因为技术也会变成一种让人感觉见惯不怪的东西 变成生活的一种常态 人人都十分熟悉,都能很容易的接受03:24So lets leave that aside.所以先不谈这个03:38I want to talk about something quite different,which is what Iknow about,and that is astronomy.我要谈的是另一个很不一样的事物 这是我熟悉的领域:天文学03:41And Im interested in searching for life in the universe.我对于在外太空寻找生命特别感兴趣03:48empowered:adj.获得授权的;允许的/v.允许;授与权力(empower的过去式)blow away:吹走;驱散 familiar with:熟悉astronomy:n.天文学And its open to us to introduce a new way of doing that,andthats what Ill talk about for 10 minutes,or whatever thetime remains.我们有可能在那里发现新的生存可能 接下来的10分钟 我将详细的说明03:52The important fact is,that most of the real estate thatsaccessible to us-Im not talking about the stars,重要的一个事实是 那些我们能够去得到的地方注意 我不是在讲那些恒星04:06Im talking about the solar system,the stuff thats withinreach for space craft and within reach of our earthboundtelescopes.我是讲太阳系内部 那些通过宇宙飞船和太空望远镜 可以到达的地方04:12Most of the real estate is very cold and very far from the Sun.太空中大多数地方都很冷 离太阳也很远04:22If you look at the solar system as we know it today,it has afew planets close to the Sun,thats where we live.而今日之太阳系 只有少数几个行星是靠近太阳的我们就住在其中一颗星球之上04:28It has a fairly substantial number of asteroids between theorbit of the Earth out through-to the orbit of Jupiter.地球轨道与木星轨道之间 有不少的小行星04:37The asteroids are a substantial amount of real estate,but notvery large.And its not very promising for life,since most of itconsists of rock and metal,mostly rock.这些小行星占据了相当一部分的宇宙空间 尽管总量不算很大 并且那里不适宜生命的发展 因为那里大多数是石头和金属,大多数是石头04:48solar system:天太阳系 within reach of:在附近/距离不远 earthbound:adj.只在地面的;向地球移动的 far from:adv.远离;远非;完全不 asteroids:n.天小行星(asteroid的复数)orbit:n.轨道;眼眶;势力范围;生活常规/vi.盘旋;绕轨道运行/vt.绕轨道而行 consists:v.由构成;由组成(consist的三单形式)Its not only cold but very dry.不仅仅很冷,而且很干05:00So the asteroids we dont have much hope for.因此 我们不能把希望寄托在小行星上05:05There stand some interesting places a little further out,themoons of Jupiter and Saturn.在木星的轨道之外还有一些有趣的地方 那就是木星和土星的卫星05:11Particularly,theres a place called Europa,which is-Europais one of the moons of Jupiter,where we see a very level icesurface which looks as if its floating on top of an ocean.这个地方叫欧罗巴 它是木星的一个卫星 我们可以看到一层平坦的冰层 就像是漂浮在海洋上一样05:18So we believe that on Europa there is in fact a deep ocean.我们由此相信 在欧罗巴这颗卫星上存在着深海05:31And that makes it extraordinarily interesting as a place toexplore.这一猜测使得我们对木星探测的兴趣大增05:35Ocean-probably the most likely place for life to originate,just as it originated on the Earth.So we would love to exploreEuropa,to go down through the ice,find out who isswimming around in the ocean海洋这个最有可能是生命之发源地 在地球上正是如此。因此我们渴望探测欧罗巴 去到冰层底下 去看看到底海洋里有什么东西05:39whether there are fish or seaweed or sea monsters-whatever there may be thats exciting-or cephalopods.看那里是不是也有鱼或海草和海洋怪物,比如头足类动物 这一问题本身 就已经非常让人振奋05:58extraordinarily:adv.非常;格外地;非凡地 originate:vt.引起;创作/vi.发源;发生;起航 originated:v.起源,发起;发明(originate的过去式,过去分词);准备呼叫 seaweed:n.海藻,海草 cephalopods:n.头足类动物/头足类动物的But thats hard to do.Unfortunately,the ice is thick.但这是很不容易的 不幸的是 冰层是厚的06:09We dont know just how thick it is,probably miles thick,soits very expensive and very difficult to go down there-senddown your submarine or whatever it is-and explore.我们甚至连其厚度也不知道 也许有几英里厚 要去到冰层之下 需要花费大笔的钱 克服重重困难 才能让潜艇下水 进行探测06:15Thats something we dont yet know how to do.我们现在还不懂得怎么做06:26There are plans to do it,but its hard.有这样的计划 但必须承认 非常困难06:29Go out a bit further,youll find that beyond the orbit ofNeptune,way out,far from the Sun,thats where the realestate really begins.再去到更远的地方 比如去到海王星 那里就离太阳很远了 不过那里的空间才叫开阔呢06:34Youll find millions or trillions or billions of objects which,inwhat we call the Kuiper Belt or the Oort Cloud-these areclouds of small objects which appear as comets你会在柯伊伯带或奥尔特星云中间 发现几百万乃至几十亿个物体 这些是云状的小物体 当它们飞向太阳的时候06:43when they fall close to the Sun.Mostly they just live outthere in the cold of the outer solar system,but they arebiologically very interesting indeed,看起来就像彗星 它们大多时候就呆在这个远离太阳的地方 但是从生物学上来说 它们是很有意义的06:57send down:把向下发送;使下降(价格等);开除 submarine:n.潜水艇;海底生物/adj.海底的;水下的/vt.用潜水艇攻击/vi.在下疾行;在下滑动 trillions:n.数万亿/adj.万亿的/num.数万亿 comets:n.天彗星(comet的复数)live out:住在外面;活过(某一段时间);实践,实现 biologically:adv.生物学上,生物学地because they consist primarily of ice with other minerals,which are just the right ones for developing life.因为它们大都由冰层以及其他的矿物组成 这正是生命得以发展的要素07:08www.XiYuS锡育软件So if life could be established out there it would have all theessentials:chemistry and sunlight everything thats needed.假如说那样的环境也能产生出生命 那是因为那里有生命发生所需的一切:阳光以及化学反应07:15So what Im proposing is that there is where we should belooking for life,rather than on Mars,although Mars is ofcourse also a very promising and interesting place.所以 我的观点是 我们应当去那里寻找外星生命 而不是去火星 虽然火星也是一个很不错的适合生命发展的地方07:27But we can look outside,very cheaply and in a simplefashion.但是我们可以通过经济的成本 看到更远的地方07:38And thats what Im going to talk about.接下来我将对此加以展开07:43There is a-imagine that life originated on Europa,and itwas sitting in the ocean for billions of years.假设生命在欧罗巴上起源 千百万年里 那些生命都将在水底活动07:47Its quite likely that it would move out of the ocean onto thesurface,just as it did on the Earth.那么它也很有可能走出海洋 走上陆地 就像在地球上发生的事情一样07:56Staying in the ocean and evolving in the ocean for 2 billionyears,finally came out onto the land.And then of course ithad great-much greater freedom,and a much greatervariety of creatures developed on the land than had everbeen possible in the ocean.也许它已经在海洋里出现并进化了20亿年 最后就跑到陆地上 于是就有了更大的自由 也繁衍出更多种类的物种 这是在海洋里不可能发生的事情08:02minerals:n.矿物;矿产,矿产品(mineral的复数);矿物质 essentials:n.法要件,概要;生活必需品(essential的复数);基本营养素proposing:v.提议(propose的现在分词);求婚 cheaply:adv.便宜地;廉价地 evolving:adj.进化的;展开的/v.进化;展开(evolve的ing形式)And the step from the ocean to the land was not easy,but ithappened.从海洋到陆地并非坦途 但这样的过程还是发生了08:17Now,if life had originated on Europa in the ocean,it couldalso have moved out onto the surface.而假如欧罗巴的海洋里确实出现了生命之起源 那么它也很有可能迁移到陆地上08:23There wouldnt have been any air there,its a vacuum.那时的陆地不可能有空气 那是一个真空08:29It is out in the cold,but it still could have come.一片冰冷 但生命依然会迁至大陆08:32You can imagine that the plants growing up like kelpthrough cracks in the ice,growing on the surface.你可以想象一下 那里的植物就像海带一样 在冰层的缝隙里、在冰层表面生长08:38What would they need in order to grow on the surface?假如要在地表生长,需要怎样的条件呢?08:46Theyd need,first of all,to have a thick skin to protectthemselves from losing water through the skin.首先,它们需要一层厚厚的表皮保护自己 唯有如此,它们才不至于让体内的水从表皮流出来08:48So they would have to have something like a reptilian skin.因此 它们需要鳞甲般的表皮09:00But better-what is more important is,that they would haveto concentrate sunlight.更为重要的是 它们需要充分收集阳光09:05The sunlight in Jupiter,on the satellites of Jupiter,is 25 timesfainter than it is here,since Jupiter is five times as far fromthe Sun.木星以及其卫星上出现的阳光 比这里要暗25倍 因为木星离太阳的距离是地日距离的五倍09:10vacuum:n.真空;空间;真空吸尘器/adj.真空的;利用真空的;产生真空的/vt.用真空吸尘器清扫 out in the cold:被冷落,遭排斥kelp:n.植巨藻,海藻;海草灰/vi.烧制海草灰 cracks:n.高分子裂缝,裂纹;龟裂(crack的复数形式);板间间隙/v.使破裂;砰地一声打开(crack的三单形式)grow on:加深影响;引起爱好 first of all:adv.首先 reptilian:adj.爬虫类的;卑鄙的/n.爬虫类动物So they would have to have these creatures,which I callsunflowers,which I imagine living on the surface of Europa,would have to have either lenses or mirrors to concentratesunlight,so they could keep themselves warm on the surface.因此 那里应当有一些生物 我称之为向日花 这些欧罗巴表面的生物 会有各种各样的光线反射功能 只有这样 它们才能保持自身的温度09:20Otherwise they would be at a temperature of minus 150,which is certainly not favorable for developing life,at least ofthe kind we know.否则就有可能生活在零下150度当中 这显然不利于生物的发展 至少对于我们已经知道的植物而言 那样的环境是不适宜其生长的09:38But if they just simply could grow like leaves,little lenses andmirrors,to concentrate sunlight,then they could keep warmon the surface,they could enjoy all the benefits of thesunlight and have roots going down into the ocean-life但假如它们的叶子能够 长成镜子的模样 用以汇集和吸收阳光 这样的话 它们就能在地表保持温暖 并且能够享受到阳光带来的各种好处 也可以将它们的根延伸到海底 那样一来 生命将会繁衍得更加繁盛09:47sunlight and have roots going down into the ocean-lifethen could flourish much more.盛09:47So,why not look-of course its not very likely that thereslife on the surface of Europa.因此 我们为何不到欧罗巴的表面去寻找生命?虽然也不一定找得到10:07None of these things is likely,but my,my philosophy is lookfor whats detectable,not for whats probable.毕竟今天说的这些事情没有任何一件是保证做得到的 但我的哲学是:去寻找那些可以探测到的,而不是那些只有理论可能的10:12Theres a long history in astronomy of unlikely things turningout to be there.And I mean,the finest example of that wasradio astronomy as a whole.天文学的历史上包含了许许多多不可能的事情 但那些事情后来都变为事实了 最具说服力的 就是无线电天文学10:21sunflowers:n.作物向日葵;葵花(sunflower的复数)favorable:adj.有利的;良好的;赞成的,赞许的;讨人喜欢的 detectable:adj.可检测的;可发觉的This was-originally when radio astronomy began,MrJansky,at the Bell labs,detected radio waves coming fromthe sky,and the regular astronomers were scornful aboutthis.这门学科刚开始的时候 贝尔实验室的詹斯基先生收到来自太空的无线电信号 大多数的天文学家对此不以为然10:30They said,its all right,you can detect radio waves from theSun,but the Sun is the only object in the universe thats closeenough and bright enough actually to be detectable.Youcan easily calculate that radio waves from the Sun are fairlyfaint,“没错,你能检测到来自太阳的无线电信号 但是茫茫宇宙中 就只有太阳是跟我们足够近 并且足够亮因而可以被检测到的天体 这些来自太阳的无线电信号是很微弱的10:49and everything else in the universe is millions of times furtheraway,so it certainly will not be detectable.而宇宙中其他的天体则离我们的距离则是地日距离的几百万倍 因此是不可能检测得到的11:07So theres no point in looking.去做这个研究也没有意义11:15And that,of course,that set back the progress of radioastronomy by about 20 years.这样的冷嘲热讽自然是托后了无线电天文学的进步至少是20年11:17Since there was nothing there,you might as well not look.因为那里本来就没有东西 就干脆不需要去观测了11:27Well of course,as soon as anybody did look,which was afterabout 20 years,when radio astronomy really took off.Because it turned out the universe is absolutely full of allkinds of wonderful things radiating in the radio spectrum,much brighter than the Sun.但任何人只要去观测过的话 这也是20年后的事情了 那时无线电天文学才真正起步 天文学家这时候才观测得知 原来太空中确实是充满了各种有趣的东西 它们发出的无线电信号也比太阳发出的信号强得多11:30labs:n.实验室 detected:adj.检测到的/v.发现(detect的过去分词);检测到;侦测到 astronomers:天文学家 scornful:adj.轻蔑的 set back:推迟;使受挫折;把往回拨 might as well:不妨,何妨;还是的好 radiating:adj.v.发射出(光,热等)(radiate的现在分词);(使品质或情感)显出,流露;射出,向四周伸出;散热 spectrum:n.光谱;频谱;范围;余象So the same thing could be true for this kind of life,which Imtalking about,on cold objects:that it could in fact be veryabundant all over the universe,and its not been detectedjust because we havent taken the trouble to look.因此 同样的事情也会发生在木星生命的寻找过程中 就是说 在很冷的地区 在宇宙深处很多地方 都有生命 不过是我们尚未发现 因为我们还没有去那里看过呢11:47So,the last thing I want to talk about is how to detect it.我最后将讲一下如何去观测12:04There is something called pit lamping.这是我从儿子那里学到的12:09Thats the phrase which I learned from my son George,who isthere in the audience.一种叫“矿工电灯”的照明工具 他今天也在观众席上12:11You take-thats a Canadian expression:if you happen towant to hunt animals at night,you take a miners lamp,which is a pit lamp.这是一个加拿大的说法 假如你打算晚上捕捉野兽就提着一个矿工的灯12:15You strap it onto your forehead so you can see the reflectionin the eyes of the animal.So,if you go out at night you shinea flashlight,the animals are bright.把灯绑在自己的前额上 你就能从动物的眼睛里看到反射 因此 假如你晚上出去 打亮一个闪光 就能看到动物12:28You see the red glow in their eyes,which is the reflection ofthe flashlight.看到它们眼珠里闪耀的红光 那就是手电的光12:42And then,if youre one of these unsporting characters,youshoot the animals and take them home.假如你是一位狡猾的猎手 你就杀掉那只动物 并且将其带回家12:47lamping:用紫外线灯勘探荧光矿物 miner:n.矿工;开矿机 lamp:n.灯;照射器/vt.照亮/vi.发亮 flashlight:n.手电筒;闪光灯unsporting:adj.无体育道德的,不光明正大的And of course,that spoils t