How to prepare for a job interviewResume&Dress OneBody Language TwoOther Important TipsThree Make a nice resume Dress A growing number of firms realize that their employees appearance is important.Therefore,many companies are introducing dress codes for their staff.Appropriate clothing need not be expensive.The rule of appropriate dress in an interview is to dress as you would if you were employed in the position for which you are applying.Dressing appropriatelycoatdressblousenecklacehigh-heeled shoes handbag ShirtTieBelt 皮带皮带Western-style clothes ShoesTrousers西装西装 Stickpin 领带夹领带夹Briefcase公文包公文包Watch Body Language Handshaking is a very im-portant manner in interview.1.Women should offer to shake hands only if the inter-viewer extends his/her hand.2.Men should extend a firm handshake to another man.3.Men should wait to have a hand extended by a woman interviewer.Dont look down.Avoid chewing gum or eat candies.Dont smoke or even smell of smoke during the in-terview the majority of employers dont smoke.Dont open your mouth until youre ready to say something.Keep your hands still.Sit up straight in the chair.Be positive in your comments,outlook,and attitude.Body Language Wait to be asked to be seated.Smile frequently during the interview.Look straight.Maintain eye contact with the inter-viewer.Keep fine seat postureImportant Tips 1.Plan on arriving 10 minutes before it is scheduled.2.Be sure you know the exact location(building and office)where the interview is to be held.3.Consider traffic conditions at the time the interview is planned.4.Be careful,you may take the same route your co-workers,the interviewer,even your future boss take.Watch your manner.5.Go to the restroom and make yourself presentable Male Comb your hair if you ride a motorcycle to an interview,.Female Check your makeup.Dont look at yourself during an interview.6.When you arrive for the interview,give the receptionist your name and tell him/her the name of the person who is expecting you(which you have memorized)and the sche-duled time for your interview.7.Anticipate a wait longer than 10 minutes.Interviews that go well often last longer than originally expected,and so the interviewer runs past the appointed time.8.While waiting in the reception area before being inter-viewed,review your answer against anticipated questions.Important TipsYou should make good preparations for which you are able to ask.The QuestionsYou should make good preparationsfor which you are able to asked.Here are some questionsHere are some questionsPlease introduce yourself Please introduce yourself?What do you think what is your biggest strength?What do you think what is your biggest strength?Talk about your greatest weakness?Talk about your greatest weakness?Your views on overtime?Your views on overtime?Talk about the salary(Talk about the salary(薪水)薪水)requirements?requirements?How much do you know about our company?How much do you know about our company?Talk about your views on the quit Talk about your views on the quit(跳槽)(跳槽)?Why do you think we should employ you?Why do you think we should employ you?What would you do if.?What would you do if.?Do you have any questions about the the job?Do you have any questions about the the job?Why do you want to work for this organization?Why do you want to work for this organization?Tell me something about yourself.Tell me something about yourself.Question 1:Why did you leave your least job?Answer:I felt there was a lack of patential for upward mobility,I need a more challenging job.我觉得上一份工作已经没有上升空间了,我需要一份更有挑战性的工作。examples Question2:What are your salary requirements?Answer:Salary is not my primary consideration but I do have to pay the bills,so I am open to any reasonable offer.工资不是我找工作的第一标准,但是日子还是要过的,所以任何合理的出价我都是会考虑的。examples Pay attention to the simple questionsSometimes an interview question might seem quite simple but,dont be deceived,here is always a reason for them asking that question.千万别忽视看似简单的问题!HR问你的任何问题都是有他的理由的。At the end of the interview,it is imporant to say thanks to the interviewer.For example:I sincerely look forward to the cooperation!Express your thanks Always remember in your mind that your own resulution to succeed is more important than any other thing!The ends Thanks for you listening!Thanks for you listening!