马克马克吐温吐温MARK TWAIN1 马克马克吐温(吐温(Mark Twain,1835Mark Twain,1835年年1111月月3030日日19101910年年4 4月月2121日)日),原名萨缪尔原名萨缪尔兰亨兰亨克莱克莱门门 (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)Samuel Langhorne Clemens)是美国的是美国的幽默大师幽默大师、小说家小说家、作家作家,也是著名,也是著名演说家演说家,1919世纪后期美国现实主义文学的杰出代表。世纪后期美国现实主义文学的杰出代表。20062006年,沃伦被美国的权威期刊年,沃伦被美国的权威期刊大西洋月大西洋月刊刊评为影响美国的评为影响美国的100100位人物之一(名列第位人物之一(名列第1616位)。位)。2 虽然马克虽然马克吐温的财富不多,却无吐温的财富不多,却无损他高超的幽默、机智与名气,被损他高超的幽默、机智与名气,被称为美国最知名人士之一,被称为美国最知名人士之一,被誉为誉为“美国文学之父美国文学之父”擅长写讽刺小说。擅长写讽刺小说。其交友甚是广泛,迪士尼、魏伟德、其交友甚是广泛,迪士尼、魏伟德、尼古拉尼古拉特斯拉、海伦特斯拉、海伦凯勒、亨凯勒、亨利利罗杰诸君,皆为其友。他曾被罗杰诸君,皆为其友。他曾被誉为誉为美国美国文学史上的林肯文学史上的林肯。海伦。海伦凯勒曾言:凯勒曾言:“我喜欢马克我喜欢马克吐温吐温谁会不喜欢他呢?即使是上帝,谁会不喜欢他呢?即使是上帝,亦会钟爱他,赋予其智慧,并于其亦会钟爱他,赋予其智慧,并于其心灵里绘画出一道爱与信仰的彩虹。心灵里绘画出一道爱与信仰的彩虹。”威廉威廉福克纳称他为福克纳称他为“第一位真第一位真正的美国作家,我们都是继承他而正的美国作家,我们都是继承他而来来”。他于。他于1910年年4月月21日去世,日去世,享年七十五岁,安葬于纽约州艾玛享年七十五岁,安葬于纽约州艾玛拉。拉。人物简介3E EARLYARLY LIFELIFE EXPERIENCEEXPERIENCEBorn in a little town in MississippiAt 11,he lost his fatherAt 13,he stopped schoolingTramp printerSteamboat pilot on the MississippiConfederate guerrillaProspectorReporter on the far western frontierTraveler abroad4 出生于密西西比河畔小城汉尼出生于密西西比河畔小城汉尼拔的一个乡村贫穷律师家庭,拔的一个乡村贫穷律师家庭,从小出外拜师学徒。当过排字从小出外拜师学徒。当过排字工人,密西西比河水手、南军工人,密西西比河水手、南军士兵,还经营过木材业、矿业士兵,还经营过木材业、矿业和出版业,晚年巡回演讲,但和出版业,晚年巡回演讲,但有效的工作是当记者和写作幽有效的工作是当记者和写作幽默文学。默文学。5 A master of language shortconcrete direct in effect simple,even ungrammatical sentence and structure words He used colloquial language,vernacular language,dialects 6 MARK TWAINS WRITING FEATURESlocal colourrepresented social life through portraits of local places which he knew best drew from his own rich fund of knowledge of people and places tall tales(highly exaggerated)7WRITING FEATURES OF MARK TWAINMark Twain is famous for his humor and satire.Mark Twains humor is based on the humor of the Western in AmericaHe often described persons who was innocent,simple,naive,and ignorant as his heroes or heroines.He used the artistic style of hyperbole on the basis of the western traditional humor and made his writing full of allegories that lay behind the humor.8STYLEHis earlier works are light,humorous and optimistic.His later works become darker and more obscure,showing his discontent and disappointment toward the social reality.His last works shows his acute pessimism,despair,skepticism determinism.Simple and plain diction,precise,direct.9Twains greatest fame and his importance in American literature rest largely on his two best known novels,The Adventures of Tom Sawyer The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 汤姆汤姆索亚历险记索亚历险记 The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 哈克费恩历险记哈克费恩历险记 Works10MMARKARK T TWAINWAIN S S M MASTERPIECESASTERPIECES11OTHER WORKS BY MARK TWAIN 1)“The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County”(1865)加拉维加县有名的跳蛙 his first sketch that brought him fame and success.2)Innocents Abroad(1869)傻瓜出国记 The book version of his travel sketches about Middle East,Europe,etc.123)The Gilded Age(1873)4)A Tramp Abroad(1880)Another book of humor and travel observations in the vein of The Innocents Abroad and Roughing It.135)The Prince And The Pauper(1882)王子与贫儿6)Life On The Mississippi(1883)密西西比河的生活7)A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthurs Court(1889)在亚瑟王朝的康涅狄克州的美国佬8)A Million-Pound Note(1893)百万英镑9)Puddnhead Wilson(1894)傻瓜威尔逊10)The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg(1900)败坏哈德莱堡的人11)The Mysterious Stranger(1916)神秘的陌生人14汤姆汤姆索亚历险记索亚历险记155)The Adventures of Tom Sawyer(1876)A story written for boys,full of the horror and joys of childhood flowing on the surface of experience.Generations after generations of young people have held it dear to their hearts.Tom Sawyer is sure to be studied in American schools as The Declaration of Independence.16作品简介汤姆索亚历险记是美国著名小说家马克吐温的代表作,发表于1876年。小说主人公汤姆索亚天真活泼,富于幻想和冒险,不堪忍受束缚个性,枯燥乏味的生活,幻想干一番英雄事业。小说通过主人公的冒险经历,对美国虚伪庸俗的社会习俗、伪善的宗教仪式和刻板陈腐的学校教育进行了讽刺和批判,以欢快的笔调描写了少年儿童自由活泼的心灵。汤姆索亚历险记以其浓厚的深具地方特色的幽默和对人物敏锐观察,一跃成为最伟大的儿童文学作品,也是一首美国“黄金时代”的田园牧歌。本书的姊妹篇是哈克贝利费恩历险记17MAIN CHARACTER Tom Sawyer:the young protagonist(主主角角)汤姆索亚Huckleberry Finn:the towns pariah(被被社会遗弃者社会遗弃者)哈克贝利费恩Aunt Polly:Toms aunt and guardian波莉姨妈Sid Sawyer:Toms half-brother希德希德Mary:Toms elder cousin玛丽玛丽Becky Thatcher:a cute girl that wins Toms affection贝琪贝琪萨切尔萨切尔18A BRIEF OUTLINE OF TOM SAWYERTom lives with his younger brother Sid and Aunt Polly in St.Petersburg,a remote town on the banks of the Mississippi river.While his brother Sid is a“model”boy,Tom is quite the opposite of his brother.19 At school he disobeys his teacher and always busies himself with outside matters at the lessons.Toms bosom friend is Huck Finn,a boy deserted by his drunkard of a father and looked upon as an outcast in the town.20But Tom has read many books and wants to make his life just as bright as it is depicted in the stories.He devises games in which the boys play the role of brave outlaws and warlike Red Indians who are the terror of the rich and the oppressors.One night the boys involuntarily witness the murder of Dr.Robinson.An innocent man is charged with the crime.But on the day of the trial Tom fearlessly exposes the real criminal the Indian Joe who escapes through an open window of the courtroom.21Another night,the boys went out to dig for hidden treasures near a deserted house three miles from town.There they almost fall into the hands of the murderer who accidentally finds a box filled with gold coins.Shortly after the incident Tom goes to a picnic with a party of schoolmates.Exploring a cave,he gets lost with Becky Thatcher,the daughter of the Judge.Tom behaves like a brave boy,calms Beckys fears and finds the way out of the cave.In a few days time Tom and Huck return to the cave.They find the dead body of the murderer,who could not have found the way out of the cave and also the hidden treasures.22内容简介汤姆幼年丧母,由姨妈收养。聪明顽皮的汤姆受不了姨妈和学汤姆幼年丧母,由姨妈收养。聪明顽皮的汤姆受不了姨妈和学校老师的管束,常常逃学闯祸。一天深夜,他与好朋友哈克贝校老师的管束,常常逃学闯祸。一天深夜,他与好朋友哈克贝利利费恩到墓地玩耍,无意中目睹了一起凶杀案的发生。因为害费恩到墓地玩耍,无意中目睹了一起凶杀案的发生。因为害怕遭到报复,他们不敢揭发真相。怕遭到报复,他们不敢揭发真相。后来,汤姆、哈克带着另一后来,汤姆、哈克带着另一个小伙伴一起逃到一座荒岛上做起了个小伙伴一起逃到一座荒岛上做起了“海盗海盗”,弄得家里以为,弄得家里以为他们被淹死了,结果他们却出现在了自己的他们被淹死了,结果他们却出现在了自己的“葬礼葬礼”上。在法上。在法院上,经过激烈的思想斗争,汤姆终于勇敢地站出来,指证了院上,经过激烈的思想斗争,汤姆终于勇敢地站出来,指证了凶手。凶手。又有一天,汤姆和哈克在河边一幢又有一天,汤姆和哈克在河边一幢“闹鬼闹鬼”的房子里寻的房子里寻宝时,发现了印第安宝时,发现了印第安乔和他的同伙在往地里埋钱,差点被印第乔和他的同伙在往地里埋钱,差点被印第安人安人乔发现,幸亏楼梯倒塌,他们才逃过这一劫。后来,哈克乔发现,幸亏楼梯倒塌,他们才逃过这一劫。后来,哈克跟踪印第安人跟踪印第安人乔和他的同伙,发现他们要谋害寡妇道格拉斯,乔和他的同伙,发现他们要谋害寡妇道格拉斯,哈克忙敲开一户人家的门,在他们的帮助下救出了寡妇。哈克忙敲开一户人家的门,在他们的帮助下救出了寡妇。不久不久之后,在一次野餐活动中,他与他喜欢的女孩贝琪之后,在一次野餐活动中,他与他喜欢的女孩贝琪撒切尔在撒切尔在一个岩洞里迷了路,整整三天三夜饥寒交迫,面临着死亡的威一个岩洞里迷了路,整整三天三夜饥寒交迫,面临着死亡的威胁胁最终,他们走出了山洞,村里人发现他们,他们讲述了最终,他们走出了山洞,村里人发现他们,他们讲述了在洞中的经历,之后,村人用铁板堵住了山洞口。汤姆和贝琪在洞中的经历,之后,村人用铁板堵住了山洞口。汤姆和贝琪告诉村里人在山洞里见到了杀人犯印江告诉村里人在山洞里见到了杀人犯印江乔埃,当村人在洞中乔埃,当村人在洞中找到印江找到印江乔埃时,他已经死了。乔埃时,他已经死了。最后,汤姆和哈克贝利重返最后,汤姆和哈克贝利重返山洞,找到了一笔宝藏,成了这个村的英雄。而哈克也因为救山洞,找到了一笔宝藏,成了这个村的英雄。而哈克也因为救过寡妇而被寡妇收养,成为了她的养子。过寡妇而被寡妇收养,成为了她的养子。23A MA MIRRORIRROR OFOF A AMERICAMERICA1.“Mirror”here means a person who gives a true representation or description of the country.2.Generally speaking,all literary giants in human history are also great historians,thinkers and philosophers.Their works often reveal more truth than many political essays.3.Mark Twain was one of these giants,and his life and works are a mirror of America of his time.24Thank youThank you25