第1页Section A 15Winning is not everything UNITCliffYoung,anunlikelyheroTounderstandtheculturalbackgroundObjectivesObjectivesAgameaboutthesportsandathletesTotalkaboutthesportspiritTounderstandthestructureofthetext第2页DescribeGuessLead-inLead-in第3页One describes the picture without One describes the picture without mentioning the word on the screenmentioning the word on the screenThe other guesses what sport it is or The other guesses what sport it is or who is the athletewho is the athleteTime limit-2 minutesTime limit-2 minutesNo body languageNo body language第4页Lets begin第5页Swimming第6页Zhang Jike第7页 Shooting第8页 Lin Dan第9页Volleyball第10页Fu Yuanhui第11页Sprint第12页Table Tennis第13页Gymnastics第14页Archery第15页The 100 hurdles第16页Bolt第17页Backstroke第18页Badminton第19页Michael Phelps第20页Sun yang 第21页Diving第22页 Football 第23页Basketball 第24页Tennis 第25页 Good job!Good job!Prize Prize 第26页What sports do you like doing?What sports do you like doing?Which Which athlete do you like best?Can athlete do you like best?Can you tell us a story about him or her?you tell us a story about him or her?Pre-reading questionsPre-reading questions第27页Victoryisntdefinedbywinsorlosses.Itisdefinedbyeffort.Ifyoucantruthfullysay,“IdidthebestIcould;IgaveeverythingIhad,”thenyoureawinner.Wolfgang SchadlerPre-reading discussionPre-reading discussion第28页 Do you think winning is the most Do you think winning is the most important thing in important thing in sportssports?Why?Why or why not?or why not?Critical thinkingCritical thinkingCritical thinkingCritical thinking第29页 No,winning isnt the most important thing in sports.Winning is good,but there is much more about playing sports than winning.Playing sports brings about many benefits,the most important of which is to cultivate the spirit of sport.The spirit of sport is best reflected in the Olympic Creed(信 条),which reads:“The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part,just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.”Critical thinkingCritical thinkingCritical thinkingCritical thinking第30页 第31页I have played I have played my full potential.my full potential.Im very satisfied.Im very satisfied.FulfillmentFulfillment第32页Rivals and friends第33页Persistence Lee Chong Wei finally defeated his longtime rivalLin Danin the semifinals in Rio 第34页Hard workChina won the gold medal after beating Serbia 3-1 in China won the gold medal after beating Serbia 3-1 in the womens volleyball final at the Rio Olympics.the womens volleyball final at the Rio Olympics.第35页The Olympic motto 第36页 Cliff youngan unlikely heroCultural backgroundCultural backgroundAn Australia farmer;An Australia farmer;Wearing a rubber Wearing a rubber boot;boot;Never Never attend running attend running gamesgames before;before;His trainer is his mother of 81His trainer is his mother of 81The winner of Sydney-to-The winner of Sydney-to-Melbourne Ultramarathon in Melbourne Ultramarathon in 1983 at an age of 611983 at an age of 61;Defeat the 150 top runners;Defeat the 150 top runners;Keep running without stop for Keep running without stop for 5days5days15 hours&4 15 hours&4 minutes;minutes;Never keep any prizeNever keep any prize第37页Time:started in 1983Time:started in 1983Distance:Distance:Run across two states in AustraliaRun across two states in AustraliaSponsor Sponsor 赞助者:supermarket supermarket 6 days6 daysStandard Standard marathon:42.195 kmmarathon:42.195 km1.DoyouknowanyinformationaboutSydney-to-MelbourneUltramarathon(超级马拉松)?UltramarathonUltramarathon:875 km:875 km2-4 2-4 hours hours Cultural backgroundCultural backgroundSydney to Melbourne Ultramarathon第38页Anintroductionofgeneralsituation.(Para.1)CliffYoungsappearanceandpeoplesreaction.(Para.2)TheconversationsbetweenthepressandCliffYoung.(Para.3)CliffYoungtookpartintheAustralianmarathonin1983andfinallywonit.Structure of the textStructure of the textAnaccountofhowCliffYoungovercomethedifficultiesandwontherace.(Para.3)Thetextisa_about_.storyCliff Young第39页 Theyearof1997.(Para.11)Therestofhislife.(Para.12)Theyearof.(Para.13)CliffYoungslifeaftertheraceof1983CliffYoungslifein1983Structure of the textStructure of the text第40页 CliffYoungslifeaftertheraceof1983CliffYoungslifein1983ConclusionStructure of the textStructure of the textCliff Young sets a good example for otherpeople.(Para.14)第41页AparagraphoftimeorderThe pattern of time order is oftenfound in paragraphs that discusseventsthathappenoneafteranother.In this way the authorpresentsaseriesofeventsstepbystep.Paragraphs written in thispattern are well-organized and areeasy for readers.To express thetimeorder,manysignalwordscanbeused:第42页Signal words Examples Forbeginningeventsfirst,firstly,inthefirstplace,atthebeginningForfollowingeventsthen,next,afterward,later,afterForearliereventsonce,before,years ago,in thepast,earlierForeventshappeningatthesametimeat the same time,meanwhile,when,whileForfinaleventslastly,finally,eventually,intheend,atlast第43页ThefollowingtableisalistofsignalwordsusedtoorganizewhathappenedtoCliffYoungintimeorder.Paragraph Signal words and eventsPara.2Thedayoftheracein1983Para.7Soon,the marathon started,the nextmorningPara.8WhenhegottoamajortownPara.9Bythefifthnight,bythesixthdayPara.10WhenCliffwasawardedtheprizePara.11Cliffcametoprominenceagainin1997Para.12Fortherestofhislife,Cliffkeptrunning.Para.13in the year he suffered a mild strokePara.14Tothisday,CliffYoungremainsamagnificentreminderandbrilliantexample第44页Assignment Write a short story about sport in time order第45页Extra timeweightliftingweightlifting第46页