高中英语选择性必修4课时12_选必四 Unit4_第五课时 Reading and writing-教案【公众号dc008免费分享】.docx
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高中英语选择性必修4课时12_选必四 Unit4_第五课时 Reading and writing-教案【公众号dc008免费分享】.docx
选择性必修-U4-Reading and writing 5教学设计授课者:广州市铁一中学 高攀课型:读写课主题语境:人与社会语篇类型:演讲稿授课时长:40分钟文本分析该文本是一篇典型的演讲稿,主题是宣讲我国对其他国家的援助。演讲稿以学生的视角,讲述了一位医生母亲作为我国政府派驻非洲坦桑尼亚的医疗队的一员,开展志愿服务工作的经历。演讲者首先以大家熟悉的援助事例开篇,并用一个设问抛出演讲者对援助工作的价值的思考;然后,再从个人的角度展现自己从一开始的不理解到后来的完全认同并引以为傲的心路历程,穿插叙述了自己的母亲在非洲当地所作的贡献,真实地反映了中国进行国际援助的作用和意义;最后,从共建人类命运共同体的高度坚定了自己未来投身国际援助事业的决心,并提出倡议,号召更多的人加入国际志愿者的行列。学情分析本节课面向广州市全体高二学生。通过接近两年时间的学习,从知识技能来看,现阶段的学生已经掌握了基本的如查读、提取文本结构之类的阅读技能和一些应用文写作技巧,但在用修饰性问句来展开演讲稿这一技能上略显生疏,所以可以给学生补充一些问句以消除写作障碍。从内容背景知识来看,学生对我国对其他国家的援助话题不一定了解、熟悉甚至理解,所以在写作素材的选择上需要提供实例以便参考。课时目标在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1.理解文本,了解中国援助他国的事例;2.了解演讲稿的结构和语言特点,以读促写;3.在此基础上仿写一篇合乎要求的演讲稿并能借助评价表进行评价和修改。教学重点在读后提取演讲稿的结构和语言特点,完成演讲稿的写作并展示。教学难点学生通过阅读演讲稿,发现演讲稿的结构和语言特点,并能模仿结构、语言,仿写演讲稿,讲述中国故事。教学资源教材、多媒体课件、多媒体设备。教学过程步骤教学活动设计意图Lead-inStep 12 minsCWGW1. T introduces the learning objectives of this lesson.2. Ss exchange their related knowledge about China offering aid to other countries in groups.3. T introduces three examples of China offering aid to other countries.1. Introduce the topic;2. Activate Ss related background information and arouse their interest;3. Get Ss prepared for the following reading and writing tasks. Reading for contentStep 2 5 minsCWIW1. Ss predict the content of the speech based on title and picture;2. Ss read to check the prediction and answer five question about the content;3. T and Ss check the answers together and T guides Ss to use key words to pin down information source.1. Guide Ss to make full use of title and pictures to make predictions and get warmed up for further reading;2. Train Ss reading skills of scanning and their good reading habit of pin down information sources;3. Get Ss to know the content of the speech and get prepared for writing.Reading for structureStep 35 minsCWIW1. T introduces the definition and function of rhetorical questions to remove Ss understanding difficulty;2. Ss re-read the passage and answer five questions to find out the basic structure of the speech;3. T guides Ss to work out the basic structure of the speech and presents the reference structure with the help of those questions: rhetorical questions-answer to the questions ( personal story / turning point)-ending ( appeal).1. Get Ss to grasp the main structure of the speech;2. Enable Ss to get the main content of each part with the help of questions;Reading for languageStep 45 minsCWIWGW1. T shows the chart to help Ss know the language features of the speech and fill the chart of the 1st part as an example to help Ss have a better understanding of the task;2. T introduces some different kinds of rhetorical questions and their functions for writing;3. Ss work out the language features of part 2 & 3 and exchange answers in groups; 4. T guides Ss to get a more detailed structure of a speech and form an outline requirement.1. Guide Ss to pay special attention to the language features and enable them to imitate those features in their own writing later;2. Enable Ss to work out an outline requirement and get better prepared for writing.WritingStep 55 minsIWCW1. Ss fill the chart of RAFT to decide on basic information and topic of their speech;2. Ss fill the chart of the outline of a speech.1. Make sure Ss have a thorough understanding of the detailed structure of a speech;2. Guide Ss to draw an outline before writing and make their writing well-organized.Step 615 minsIWSs write a speech based on the outline chart.Practice how to write a good speech based on what they have learned this lesson.Step 73 minsPWSs use checklist to evaluate & revise their partners speech.Train Sss ability of evaluation and revision with the help of checklist.Assignment1. T reminds Ss to remember to include every part of a speech and pay attention to being coherent with the help of conj.s;2. T summarizes the lesson and guides Ss to review the structure, language feature, outline and checklist of a speech.3. Ss evaluate and revise their own writing after class.备注:Ss: StudentsT: TeacherIW: Individual WorkPW: Pair WorkGW: Group WorkCW: Class Work