高中英语选择性必修1Unit 1教学设计.docx
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高中英语选择性必修1Unit 1教学设计.docx
Book 4 Unit 1 Laugh out Loud!教学设计单元主题本单元主题语境是“人与自我”,涉及的主题语境内容是积极的生活态度。本单元语篇类型丰富,包括问卷,记叙文,对话,论说文、博客等。从一段介绍喜剧历史的视频开始,本单元依次呈现了认识自我的问卷,小丑医生的故事,英国人的幽默故事,Mark Twain和林语堂生活中的幽默故事,Charlie Chaplin的人物介绍等学习内容,从多个角度阐述了与积极的生活态度相关的话题,旨在帮助学生更好地管理自己的情绪,始终保持愉悦的心情,以积极的心态去面对生活,树立正确的人生态度。单元目标学生能够围绕本单元的主题语境内容,基于单元提供的问卷、记叙文、对话、论说文、博客等多模态语篇,综合运用各种语言技能,读懂关于具有幽默精神的人物及其经历的介绍,听懂并谈论与幽默相关的话题,恰当使用所学词汇与表达讲述幽默故事,介绍喜剧演员,了解中外优秀人物的幽默品质,深化对单元主题意义的理解;同时要能够运用单元所学内容,通过比较、分析,联系自身实际,创作并表演脱口秀和幽默剧,培养自己积极乐观的生活态度,探索幸福的奥秘,树立积极向上的人生观,实现知识和思维能力的拓展与迁移;能够运用各种学习策略,在自主学习、合作学习、探究式学习过程中,结合单元提供的反思性和评价性问题不断监控、评价、反思和调整自己的学习内容和进程,激发英语学习兴趣,提高分析和解决问题的能力,提高自己的理解能力和表达能力,最终促进自身语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力的综合提升。Starting out板块教学设计(建议时长1015分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)课型Viewing + Speaking主题语境人与自我积极的生活态度内容分析本板块有两个活动,活动1呈现了一段关于喜剧的历史的视频,介绍了喜剧的起源、发展、代表人物、种类等,阐明了虽然喜剧受时代和不同文化的影响,但喜剧带给人们的欢乐亘古不变。活动 2 是一份问卷,请学生选择不同情景下自己的处理方式,帮助学生对自己的个体特征形成初步认识。教学目标在本板块学习结束时,学生能够:1. 理解视频的主旨大意,从视频中迅速提取关键信息,如喜剧的起源、发展、代表人物、种类等,引入主题;2. 基于自身的日常生活发散思维,理解不同文化背景下不同的喜剧的笑点,激活学生已有的背景知识和语言知识,激发对话题的兴趣;3. 通过做问卷了解自己,能根据“与自己”和“与他人”生活态度的维度,针对主题发表个人观点,总结不同情景下的不同处理方式分别体现了什么样的个体特征。教学重点引导学生初步了解喜剧的起源、发展、代表人物、种类等,并联系生活实际与自身经历,理解不同文化背景下不同的喜剧笑点,从而为整个单元的学习活动做铺垫和预热。教学难点引导学生了解自己,针对主题表达个人观点。教学策略视听教学法、交际教学法Teaching contentsProceduresPurposes Teachers activityStudents activityActivity 11. Teacher plays the video and asks students to pay attention to the key information.2. Teacher plays the video again and asks students to answer the first question.3. Teacher asks students to check the answer with the class.4. Teacher asks students to answer the second question.1. Students watch the video and pay attention to the key information.2. Students answer the first question and check the answer.3. Students answer the second question.To arouse students interest and have students think about the differences of peoples cognition of comedy in different cultures and different times.Activity 21. Teacher asks students to read the questionnaire.2. Teacher asks students to complete the questionnaire and discuss the results.3. Teacher asks students to check their results on page 84 to see whether they are the same with their analyses.1. Students read the questionnaire.2. Students complete the questionnaire and discuss the results.3. Students check their results on page 84 to see whether they are the same with their analyses.To make students reflect on themselves and establish a correct attitude towards life.Understanding ideas板块教学设计(建议时长3035分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)课型Reading主题语境人与自我积极的生活态度内容分析本板块课文的语篇类型为记叙文,讲述了一位小丑医生通过变魔术、唱歌、讲故事、讲笑话等方式辅佐专业医生治疗,减轻病人痛苦的故事。学生在阅读课文的同时可以增长知识,丰富生活经验,并体会到拥有“助人度己”的积极生活态度的重要性。读前的导入活动请学生看图片,找出能够看到小丑的地方,旨在激活学生对小丑的已有知识,为课文中小丑医生的出现做铺垫。读中活动请学生找出小丑医生工作的特殊所在,与读前活动形成呼应。读后活动通过完成段落和问题的匹配、招工广告、小丑医生和专业医生的对比图表和回答开放性问题等活动,帮助学生深入理解课文信息,探究主题意义,同时培养学生的逻辑思维和批判性思维,引导学生建构多元文化视角。教学目标在本板块学习结束时,学生能够:1. 了解小丑医生的工作职责和工作方法;2. 通过上下文、查词典及教师讲解等方式掌握课文中的语言知识,进一步理解语篇意义;3. 通过理解课文内容,加深对主题意义的认识,形成积极乐观、笑对人生的生活态度。教学重点1. 引导学生读懂语篇,理解作者的写作意图,并了小丑医生的工作职责和工作方法;2. 引导学生通过上下文、查词典及教师讲解等学习方式掌握课文中的语言知识,深度理解语篇意义。教学难点引导学生深度思考小丑医生的工作,形成积极乐观、笑对人生的生活态度。教学策略P-W-P模式Teaching contentsProceduresPurposes Teachers activityStudents activityActivity 11. Teacher asks students to look at the pictures and predict where a clown can be seen.2. Teacher invites some students to share what they know about clowns.3. Teacher asks students to predict the content of the text according to the pictures and the title.1. Students look at the pictures and predict where a clown can be seen.2. Some students share what they know about clowns with the class.3. Students predict the content of the text according to the pictures and the title.1. To have students get to know the background information about clowns.2. To prepare students for reading.Activity 21. Teacher asks students to read the passage quickly and find out what is special about the clowns job.2. Teacher asks students to answer the questions.1. Students read the passage quickly and find out what is special about the clowns job.2. Students answer the questions.To lead students to the reading of the passage. Activity 31. Teacher asks students to read the options individually and match the questions to the paragraphs.2. Teacher asks students to read the passage again and make notes while finding out the answers.3. Teacher asks students to check their answers in groups.4. Teacher invites the representatives to share their answers with the class.1. Students read the options individually and match the questions to the paragraphs.2. Students read the passage again and make notes while finding out the answers.3. Students check their answers in groups.4. The representatives share their answers with the class.1. To train students ability to extract information.2. To have students gather information and comprehend the passage.Activity 41. Teacher asks students to read the information given in the chart and make clear the intention of the activity.2. Teacher asks students to read the passage carefully again and complete the job advertisement.3. Teacher asks students to read the advertisement and checks the answers with the class.4. Teacher directs students to discuss the form and structure of job advertisement and try to write one. 1. Students read the information given in the chart and make clear the intention of the activity.2. Students read the passage carefully again and complete the job advertisement.3. Students read the advertisement and check the answers with the teacher.4. Students discuss the form and structure of the job advertisement and try to write one. To examine how much students have grasped the detailed information, and cultivate students ability to read deeply. Activity 51. Teacher divides the class into groups and asks students to discuss the differences between clown doctors and medical doctors on the basis of the passage.2. Teacher asks students to gather more information and complete the diagram.3. Teacher invites some students to share their group opinion and explain the reasons. 1. Students work in groups to discuss the differences between clown doctors and medical doctors.2. Students gather more information and complete the diagram.3. Some students share their group opinions and explain the reasons. To help students to make a deep comprehension of the theme of the passage and solve problems in real situation.Think & ShareTeacher asks students to think about and answer the questions.Students think about and answer the questions.To develop students abilities to dig the theme and think about caring and helping others. Using language板块教学设计(建议时长8090分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)课型Reading + Listening + Speaking主题语境人与自我积极的人生态度内容分析本板块语法部分的主要内容为非限定性定语从句。两个小语段分别介绍了幸福的奥秘和一则幽默故事,帮助学生在具体语境中掌握非限定性定语从句的用法;词汇部分通过几个小对话呈现与“笑”相关的表达,帮助学生学会描述不同的“笑”;听说部分为一个广播节目,讲述了三个幽默小故事。本板块帮助学生深度聚焦语言的意义和功能,通过真实语境下技能的综合训练,加深对单元主题的理解,全方位提升综合语言运用能力。教学目标在本板块学习结束时,学生能够:1. 理解限定性定语从句与非限定性定语从句的相同点和不同点,学会在语篇写作中正确使用非限定性定语从句;2. 学习并运用英语习语表达各种“笑”,找到更多的类似英语习语,理解这些英语习语的意义; 3. 引导学生思考如何在困境中保持健康、乐观的心态,让自己始终拥有积极向上的态度; 4. 引导学生关注语用功能,学会用英语讲幽默故事和进行评论,并能够在实际生活中运用所学的相关表达。教学重点1. 引导学生进一步了解限定性定语从句与非限定性定语从句的异同,掌握非限定性定语从句用法;2. 引导学生学会用更多的英语习语简单表达各种“笑”。教学难点1. 引导学生在语篇写作中正确使用非限定性定语从句,学会用英语讲幽默故事和进行评论;2. 引导学生思考如何在困境中保持健康、乐观的心态,让自己始终拥有积极向上的态度。教学策略任务型教学法、发现教学法、交际教学法、听说教学法Teaching contentsProceduresPurposes Teachers activityStudents activityActivity 11. Teacher asks students to read the sentences in the first box and pay attention to the words in bold. Then asks students to answer Questions 1-2.2. Teacher asks students to read and compare the example sentences again to answer Question 3. 3. Teacher asks students to conclude the usage of non-defining attributive clauses and pay more attention to the similarities and differences of defining attributive clauses and non-defining attributive clauses.4. Teacher asks students to look for more sentences with the similar structures in the reading passage, and helps students to summarise the uses of non-defining attributive clauses.1. Students read the sentences in the first box and answer Questions 1-2.2. Students read and compare the example sentences again to answer Question 3.3. Students conclude the uses of non-defining attributive clauses and the similarities and differences of defining attributive clauses and non-defining attributive clauses.4. Students look for more sentences with the similar structures in the reading passage, and summarise the uses of non-defining attributive clauses.1. To encourage students to discover the grammar usage by themselves.2. To further enhance students understanding of the functions and usage of non-defining attributive clauses.Activity 21. Teacher asks students to read the two simple sentences given in each advice and decide which sentence should be the main clause and which one should be the subordinate clause. 2. Teacher asks students to find out the relationship between the modified nouns or sentences and the conjunctions of clauses.3. Teacher asks students to rewrite the tips with non-defining attributive clauses.4. Teacher asks some students to read the clauses they made and others check answers with the class.5. Teacher asks students to conclude how to make sentences using non-defining attributive clauses.1. Students read the two simple sentences given in each advice and decide which sentence should be the main clause and which one should be the subordinate clause. 2. Students find out the relationship between the modified nouns or sentences and the conjunctions of clauses.3. Students rewrite the tips with non-defining attributive clauses.4. Some students read the clauses they made and others check the answers.5. Students conclude how to make sentences using non-defining attributive clauses.To get students to practise using non-defining attributive clause.Activity 31. Teacher asks students to read the discourse and get its main idea by themselves.2. Teacher asks students to complete the joke with the sentence parts in the box using who/ which and commas where appropriate.3. Teacher asks some students to share their answers with the class.1. Students read the discourse and get its main idea by themselves.2. Students complete the joke with the sentence parts in the box using who/ which and commas where appropriate.3. Some students share their answers with the class.To help students consolidate the application of non-defining attributive clauses in authentic context.Activity 41. Teacher asks students to work in groups and think of a joke they find funny and write it down using non-defining attributive clauses where appropriate.2. Teacher asks some students to share their jokes in front of the class. Teacher makes comments.1. Students think of a joke they find funny and write it down using non-defining attributive clauses where appropriate.2. Some students share their jokes in front of the class.To enlarge students vocabulary and have them form an optimistic outlook on life.Activity 51. Teacher plays the audio and asks students to complete the conversations.2. Teacher asks students to read the conversations and write down the answers.3. Teacher checks the answers with the students.1. Students look at the six pictures, and guess the meanings of the idioms.2. Students listen to the audio and complete the conversations.3. Students check the answers with the teacher.To train students to grasp key information of the listening materials, and make key notes while listening.Activity 61. Teacher asks students to match the idioms to the explanations given individually.2. Teacher adds more words or phrases that can express “laugh” and asks students to guess the meanings of them.3. Teacher asks students to explain the expressions in English by cooperating in groups.4. Teacher asks the groups to show their answers with the class.1. Students match the idioms to the explanations given individually.2. Students guess the meanings of the words and phrases the teacher adds.3. Students explain the expressions in English by cooperating in groups.4. Some students share their answers with the class.1. To help students consolidate their vocabulary through explaining expressions in English.2. Train students to learn cooperative learning. Activity 71. Teacher asks students to work in pairs and discuss what situations the expressions can be used.2. Teacher asks students to choose one situation and make a dialogue with the phrases about “laugh” theyve learnt. 3. Teacher invites some pairs to show their dialogues. 4. Teacher asks students to make comments and select the best pair. 1. Students work in pairs and discuss what situations the expressions can be used.2. Students choose one situation and make a dialogue with the phrases about “laugh” theyve learnt3. Some students show their dialogues. 4. Students make comments and select the best pair.1. To have students use what they learnt in new situations .2. To train students abilities to use language.Activities 8-91. Teacher asks students to look at the four pictures, describe them and predict what the audio talks about.2. Teacher plays the audio and asks students to listen and choose the pictures mentioned.3. Teacher checks the answers with the students.4. Teacher plays the audio again and asks students to complete the notes.5. Teacher asks some students to read the whole notes and others check the answers. 6. Teacher asks students work in pairs, discuss which of the practical jokes is the funniest and give reasons. 1. Students look at the four pictures, describe them and predict what the audio talks about.2. Students listen to the audio and choose the pictures mentioned.3. Students check the answers with the teacher.4. Students listen to the audio again and complete the notes.5. Some students read the whole notes and others check the answers. 6. Students work in pairs, discuss which of the practical jokes is the funniest and give reasons.1. To help students grasp the main idea and understand the details of the listening materials.2. To strengthen students ability to use theme-related language to express views after listening.Activities 10-111. Teacher asks students to read and understand the expressions from the radio programme.2. Teacher asks students to complete the boxes with the expressions according to their pragmatic function.3. Teacher asks students to check the answers with class. 4. Teacher divides students into pairs and asks them to tell story and make comments in pairs.5. Teacher invites several pairs to act out their conversations in front of the class and asks other students to make comments.