留学入学申请书3篇留学入学申请书一:留学入学申请书从高一到高三毕业学习成绩有了明显的提高,在这三年中多次获得学校颁发的三好生奖状,进步之星奖,优秀学员奖和多项运动会奖状等。在高中毕业以后,我想去日本留学深造。自小就在城市中生活的我十分向往去经济发达的大城市去学习。同时对于自己家乡落后有着深刻的责任感。日本是当今世界上世界上经济最发达的国家之一,电子产品在世界市场的占有率居于榜首。具有强大的海洋捕捞船队和水产品养殖业,渔业发达。留学条件良好,气候四季分明。环境优美,有美丽的樱花,北海道的樱花。去这些美丽的地方是我小时侯梦想。有优秀的教师和先进的教学设备以及先进的教育理念。于是从上高中开始我就定下了将来去日本留学的想法。xxxx年2月底我向家里说明了我想去日本留学的意愿。在当时就得到了家人的许可。于是从xxxx年的3月份开始我到xx日语培训学校学习日语,平常的上课时间我正常到学校学习高中的课程到了,周末就上xx日语培训班去学习日语,到现在为止我的日语水平已达到使用最基本的日常用语和进行简单的阅读的程度。日本以后,打算先到语言学校学习。为自己将来进一步的深造做好语言上的准备。在此基础上,根据本人的个人喜好和特长,想在日本的大学学习物流管理。日本是个经济文化繁荣发达的国家,尤其改革开放以来,中日两国经济文化艺术的交流更加深入。当我学有所成回国后,将致力于家乡的经济发展,用在日本所学的先进的管理方去经营自己家乡的企业。也愿意在日友好中日文化经济交流方面贡献自己的聪明才智。父母支持我的留学请求,能够支付我在日本的一切费用。我到日本以后,保证遵守日本的法律遵守学校的规章制度。好好学习,增长本领,成为一个有用的人才真诚地希望我的留学申请会被批准。申请人:申请日期:留学入学申请书二:大学生英语入学留学申请书(4317字)i am a person keen on thinking and experiencing. my lively character and vigorous energy have made me very active in extracurricular events in which i have sought an all-round personal development. sociology studies will provide me with the kind of constant real life thinking i have always craved, while helping me to improve my analytical, practical & communication skills. also my concern and curiosity about society and its people inspired me to pursue this subject for my higher education, as i believe sociology studies sums up a lot in the changing nature of society.my education has schooling my perception of society and people leading me to be acutely aware of social events, inequality, identities, cultures and religious fundamentalism, especially in a society such as the one i come from - china. i was practicing in the chinese hope project during summer holidays and volunteered to investigate the issue of low educational attendance rate for female students in rural china with my tutor from my high school and that was a very good experience as it not only made me realise how traditional cultural influence could remain unchanged in some of those rural areas in china and also the way parents and children interacting. i always have wondered why for many chinese students just like me, hundreds of them fail to choose what they really want to student and do as a career. chinese parents are definitely having strange influences on their kids' decision making in terms of education and career or in the worst cases; the parents decided what their kids should do solely. my mother believes that i should go for finance studies, while i clearly know that my interest has never been in the mathematical formulas and numbers, i always find the diversities of societies, people, beliefs, cultures and the way people interacting together very fascinating. so, during this summer, my thoughts kept returning on why i worked so unsuccessfully towards studying finance and economics as my mother expected? and how can i truly become my own master by progressing a ba that i really like to engage more research and enrich myself with? how did all the cultural and beliefs affecting the way we acting the roles in the community? in which way an individual could actually build up and refine his/her identities?第 4 页 共 4 页