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    2022年以目标为主题的作文题目【关于目标的作文】作文:谈目标 机遇就在目标之中。盯住目标,必须用理智去战胜飘忽不定的兴趣,不要见异思迁。正如美国作家马克·吐温所说的:“人的思维是了不起的。只要专注某一项事业,那就一定会做出使自己都感到吃惊的成绩来。” 我们常想,如果一辈子只做一件事情,那样的话那件事情一定是精品,或许会流传下去。 自然,一辈子只做一件事情,需要很大的勇气,很多的耐心,要耐得住寂寞,要把眼睛死死地盯住你的目标。 古往今来,凡是有所作为的科学家、艺术家或思想家、政治家,无不注重人生的理想、志向和目标。何谓目标呢?它犹如人生的太阳,驱散人们前进道路上的迷雾,照亮人生的路标。目标,是一个人未来生活的蓝图,又是人的精神生活的支柱。美国著名整形外科医生马克斯韦尔·莫尔兹博士在人生的支柱中说:“任何人都是目标的追求者,一旦达到目标,第二天就必须为第二个目标动身起程了人生就是要我们起跑、飞奔、修正方向,如同开车奔驰在公路上,有时偶尔在岔道上稍事休整,便又继续不断在大道上奔跑。旅途上的种种经历才令人陶醉、亢奋激动、欣喜若狂,因为这是在你的控制之下,在你的领域之内大显身手,全力以赴。” 那么,目标对机遇有何作用力呢?如果概括一句,可以这样理解,机遇就是对目标的控制,即对目标的内在控制力。 在科技发展的历史上,很多著名人士都是眼睛紧紧盯住目标,达到把握机遇的目的。德国昆虫学家法布尔这样劝告一些爱好广泛而收效甚微的青年,他用一块放大镜示意说:“把你的精力集中放到一个焦点去试一试,就像这块凸透镜一样。”这实际是他个人成功的经验之谈。他从年轻的时候起就专攻“昆虫”,甚至能够一动不动地趴在地上仔细观察昆虫长达几个小时。 我国著名气象学家竺可帧是目标聚焦的践行者,观察记录气象资料长达40年,直到临终的前一天,他还在病床上做了当天的气象记录。 怎样才能让眼睛不离开目标呢? 一是要确定目标,二是要考察自己的长处和短处,结合自己的情况,扬长避短。 如果缺乏坚韧的意志,就会出现功败垂成的悲剧。生物学家巴斯德说过:“告诉你使我达到目标的奥秘吧,我惟一的力量就是我的坚持精神。”很多成就事业的人都是如此。如吴敬梓写作儒林外史用14年,列夫·托尔斯泰写作战争与和平用37年,司马迁写作史记更是耗尽毕生精力,等等。我国古代著名医师程国彭在论述治学之道时所说“思贵专一,不容浮躁者问津;学贵沉潜,不容浮躁者涉猎”,讲的就是这个道理。 不要让眼睛离开目标。你会发现,你想要的,岁月都会给你。作文:同一个目标,同一个梦! 我们的目标践行社会主义核心价值观,共筑伟大中国梦!我们的梦实现中华民族伟大复兴!这是我们必须履行的责任和义务,是历史赋予的伟大重任,更是数万中华儿女为之共同奋斗的目标,心中共同的梦想!任你是鬼是神,也不能阻挠我们前进的脚步! 岁月的烟波荡接天河,历史的巨浪贯通地脉,深埋于血脉里那份耻辱又岂是历史长流是可磨灭的?每一个中国人都不会忘记那段耻辱的历史:因为国家的落后,统治者的无能,政权的腐败,这片原本安宁的土地上迎来了一场突如其来的浩劫,一场血腥残酷的战争,列强肆意的欺辱我们,土地惨遭瓜分。虽然那段屈辱的历史已过去,但它留给了我们一个血的教训落后就要挨打!这世间本就没有绝对的公平公正,规则永远都是由强者制定的!巴黎和会的失败和中国联合国合法席位的恢复不就是最好的例子吗?弱小时,人人都可欺之;变强时,人人都会畏之。 中国在变革的时代留下了一个个清晰可见的脚步:抗击非典,一方有难八方支援,践行以人为本的执政理念,领袖和民众共赴危难,赢得了人民的拥护和爱戴。国家一直在为祖国的复兴,社会的安定所努力着,于是在这个风气不正,公民人生观含糊不清的时候,“24”个简单而精炼的社会主义核心价值观富强、民主、文明、和谐、平等、自由、公正、法治、爱国、诚信、友善、敬业“横空出世”,如同黑暗中的一盏明灯为迷茫中的人们照亮了前进的道路,为中华名族的伟大复兴打下了基础,同时,这“24”个字,也是我们身为一名合法公民必需遵行的准则,我们要以此为目标,践行社会主义核心价值观,共建美好社会!践行社会核心价值观可以使我们强盛起来吗?答案是肯定的! 无论是一个国家,还是一个名族,若想真正的强盛起来,其关键还在于人民。历史无时无刻不在述说着祖国前进的艰辛历程,祖国从未因挫折而停下脚步,我们身为中华民族的一份子,难道就不应该做点什么?如果我们每一个都为国家的建设出一份力,国家怎会不更加繁荣昌盛?是的,我们青少年现在的力量还很薄弱,就如同蝼蚁一般,但蝼蚁的力量一旦团结起来,那股力量就将会是让大象都要畏惧的,近代史上的五四运动不就是以学生为主所发动的一场爱国、救国运动吗?而其结果呢?这个由所谓的“蝼蚁之力”发动的运动取得了成功!永垂青史!那个时候他们可以做到的事,我们为什么做不到?即使我们力量微小,但我们仍愿为国家的繁荣富强出一份力,时代早已不同,这个时代是属于我们的,实现中华名族的伟大复兴是我们每个青少年身上不可卸下的担子!那么我们应该怎么做呢?不知,你有没有听过这样一句话:“欲治其国者,先齐其家;欲齐其家者,先修其身,先正其身”,所谓“修身”就要从身边小事做起,而“修身”的前提是要“正心”,也就是要求我们要摆正自己的心,以道德的力量修持己身! 新的时代已经来临,这将是一个属于我们的全新时代,将是见证中华名族伟大复兴的时代!新时代的青少年们啊,让我们一起以践行社会主义核心价值观为目标,为我们共同的职责和梦想实现中华民族伟大复兴而发奋努力吧!作文:谈目标 如果说我可以活上一百岁;那么今天的我已经用去了我五分之一的光年。 当我醒目过来就已经长这么大了,我又似乎没有长大;我很迷惘。 我们 山区有许多崎岖的山路;而我就像那些路,歪曲的没法形容,模模糊糊地就摆脱了貌似美丽的森林一般美丽的童年。 我却不知道什么是童年;别人都说童年是最快乐最有趣。.的阶段,于是我似乎做了一个梦;梦见悲的过去,梦见苦的蔓延。 于是我仿佛有一点可怜;只拥有一把老骨头,只剩下几根颤抖的发丝。似乎我又不可怜;毕竟我还拥有一份自认为是世界上最宝贵的东西;目标。 事情要归属于不多久;几天前而已,过年总归家人团聚。 我堂哥是一个身子很瘦小的人物;大概也不小,年轮已经二十有五罢。 冬天总是刮风;冷酷无比的风,房间里似乎一样冷酷无比。除了烧着一个微小的煤炭而已,简直没有一个电扇暖和。 围着一周; 四五人,青年人。有哥、有弟、有妹、还有一个受教的我。 已经多久没有见着雪儿了,现在嗅着的是多年前的我味道。由于家庭搞分裂,亲人还算是亲人,朋友还算是朋友,不过那心底的各式各样说话来八卦或是搞不和的人还是有的。到了我这一代,大家都敞开肚皮约法三章要和睦相处。 不能尽使小人的损招。 静悄悄地我们听见了煤炭说起了话;它似乎不太愿意供给大家温暖,使劲在挣扎,直到化为灰烬。然而我们依然饮茶,我们依然融洽。 堂哥尖锐严肃地说道,属于一种谈话罢;我们交流。 平时我总抱怨上班时间太长,如果要拿来一点自己看书总抽不出来。这几天又闲得无比,自呼闷得荒。 堂哥亲切的语句直冲脑门;看你这副模样;有时间的时候不看书,似乎看你很久没看书了!过后又要听你说没时间。 能说一下你的目标是什么吗? 半天没有回音。 他又举列子;有两座相连的山,每座山上都住着一家人,坡的高度有几千米,饮水必须下坡至坡底下。 因为每天挑水的缘故,这两家人便认识了;还成了很好的朋友。 后面的结果是一家人安心的每天不用下山挑水也能有水喝,另一家则一如既往。一如既往的人家感觉不对劲,还以为另一家人生了病。于是去往那家人家里,原来那家人正悠闲着在玩耍,有的下象棋,有的打太极拳,有的日晒。他问原由;原来悠闲的这户人家以前在挑水的时候趁有空余的时间,一小时或者几十分钟。都拿来挖一口从山上直通山下的水井了,一挖就是几十年。就在前几天终于挖通了。 其实堂哥想说对我说的是;做人要有目标,无论遥远或者接近,最终总会有希望。 我似乎闻到了煤炭的血味,那是一群年轻生命的象征。小作文目标8分第一篇You are applying for a MA/MS degree and are in need of some contact with your would-be tutor.Write a letter to your tutor to:1)make a pief self-introduction2)state the reasons for the application for your major3)outline your plan after graduationYou should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end ofthe letter. Use“Li Ming”instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)。netease参考范文A Letter of Self-introductionDear Prof. Li,I, the undersigned, am a senior in the Computer Science Department of Tsinghua University.I am applying for an MS degree under your guidance so that I write to you today for a furthercontact.The reason for my application for the majorutilization of computer in farmingcan beillustrated as follows. I belong to farmers. I am from the West. I was born and pought up inthe countryside so that I intend to learn what can be used in the countryside.After graduation, I want to make use of what I learn in university to make contribution tothe development of my hometown, which is still one of the ten counties in poverty. Best wishesto you!Sincerely Yours Li Ming(126 words)第二篇 You have watched the 2004 Athens Olympic Games and are interested in becoming a volunteerfor 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Write a latter to Liu Qi, mayor of the capital city, to1)make suggestions for the 2008 preparation work,2)express your wish to be a volunteer.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end ofthe letter. Use“Li Ming”instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)参考范文A Letter of SuggestionDear Liu Qi,I, the undersigned, am a senior in Peking University. The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games iscoming in four years. After watching the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, I can not help writing toyou.First of all, here is my suggestion for the preparation work of the 2008 Beijing OlympicGames. The construction work of the sports building must be completed in time according to thecontract. In Athens, the swimming stadium was not accomplished in time so that the event hadto be held in the open air, which has pought negative effect on the performance of athletes.In one word, to protect the international image of China and ensure the Olympic competition,we must finish our preparation work well and in time.Last but not least important, I want to express my wish to be a volunteer. In the first place,it is the duty of every Chinese to do his bit for the 2008 Olympic Games. In the second place,I have a good command of foreign languages. I can speak English, Russian, and Japanese. ThereforeI can be a qualified volunteer.I am looking forward to your replySincerely YoursLi Ming(201 words)第三篇You will graduate from university in the summer of 2005 and have experienced ups and downsover the past four years. Write a letter to the freshmen to1)state how to adapt oneself to campus life, and 2)stress the importance of English learning.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end ofthe letter. Use“Li Ming”instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)。netease参考范文A Letter of AdviceDear Freshmen,I, the undersigned, am a senior in the Computer Science Department of Tsinghua University.I would like to say a few words to you, which I hope would be helpful to you.To begin with, the change of ideas is of most importance for freshmen to adapt themselvesto campus life. During the middle school days, we usually depend upon our teachers at schooland parents at home.However, the life and study on university campus features independence, which is essentialto our psychological development. In my view, we had better always bear in mind the idea ofindependence. Whats more, English learning is a must. On one hand, without CET 4 certificate,we can not get our degree when we graduate from university. On the other hand, when we hunt forjob, English level is a deciding factor. Therefore, I do hope that all of you will have a goodunderstanding of the necessity of learning English well.Good Luck to you!Sincerely Yours Li Ming(167 words)第四篇You are preparing for an English test and have ordered a reference book from a bookstore.After you read the book, you found that it is a pirated one(盗版书)。 Write a letter to thesales department of the bookstore to1)state your case,2)depict the negative effect, and3)ask for compensation.You should write about 100 words on ANSER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use“Li Ming”instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points) 参考范文A Letter of ComplaintsDear Sales Manager,I, the undersigned, am a senior in the Computer Science Department of Tsinghua University. I ordered a book which is entitled Practical Writing and Reading for NETEM by Wang Li on December 20th, 2004.However after reading the book on January 10th, 2005, I found that it is a pirated one so that I write to you for complaint.The book has pought me some negative effects. To begin with, much of my valuable time and energy have been wasted in reading the book since it is quite hard to identify many words in the book. Whats more, I have not benefited from reading the book since some of keys to the exercises are misprinted.I would like to be informed whether you can refund me the money or change another book for me.I am looking forward to your early reply.Sincerely YoursLi Ming(144 words) 第五篇You have been ill and hospitalized for two weeks. Your teachers and classmates went to see you. Write a letter to them to1)thank them for their coming to see you,2)describe your feeling, and3)state your present condition.You should write about 100 words on ANSER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use“Li Ming”instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)。netease 参考范文A Letter of ThanksDear Teachers and Classmates,First of all, please allow me to sayThank youto all of you. It is very kind of you to spare your valuable time during the period of final examinations and come to see me.Your visit has given me much confidence and power to overcome the illness. When I first came to the hospital, I really felt lonely and did not have enough courage and confidence to overcome the illness. Your visit has made me feel that I am not poor and lonely in the world and in fact I am living in a world of love, which has pought me much confidence and power to overcome the illness.These days, my condition has been obviously improved due to the careful treatment offered by doctors and nurses. Doctors have told me that I will completely recover from illness in two weeks. I hope that I can see you earlier.Again, special thanks go to all of you.Sincerely YoursLi Ming(166 words)第六篇You have made an appointment with your teacher, but failed to keep it. Write a letter to your teacher to1)apologize for your failure to keep the appointment,2)explain your reason to your teacher, and3)express your wish to make another appointment.You should write about 100 words on ANSER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use“Li Ming”instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)。netease 参考范文A Letter of ApologyDear Prof. Wang,First of all, please allow me to express my deep sorry for not being able to keep our appointment. I do know that this is very impolite and must have caused you much trouble.I do reckon that at present any explanation is pale and futile. However I do not want you to misunderstand me. On my way to your office, an old lady suddenly fainted due to heart attack on the bus. I stopped a taxi and sent her into a nearby hospital. I stayed there until her son came, which spoiled our appointment.I am aware that our appointment is of importance. I do hope that you would be kind enough to spare your valuable to meet me.I am looking forward to hearing from you.Sincerely YoursLi Ming(135 words)第七篇One of your middle school classmates failed in CET 4 several times, but recently he has passed the exam. Write a letter to him to1)congratulate him on his success, and2)express your wish to exchange views on language learning.You should write about 100 words on ANSER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use“Li Ming”instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)。netease 参考范文A Letter of CongratulationDear Huang Wei,First of all, please allow me to express my sincere congratulation on your passing CET 4. The success is of great importance to you since without the Certificate you can not get degree when you graduate from university. Of course, the success can be attributed to your painstaking efforts and your spiritNever say die。I would like to continue our exchanges on English learning. Because of Chinas entry to WTO and Opening-up and Reform English will become more and more important to Chinese, especially to our modern university students. I dream of being able to communicate effectively with foreigners one day in the future.Good Luck to you!Sincerely YoursLi Ming(116 words)第八篇You will graduate from university and are hunting for a job. After reading a job ads, write a letter to the Personnel Resources Department to1)state your reason to write the application,2)describe your relevant education background,3)introduce your English level, and4)state your way of contact.You should write about 100 words on ANSER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use“Li Ming”instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)。netease 参考范文A Letter of Job ApplicationDear Sir/Madam,I am responding to your ad in the June 20th, 2005, issue of the Sunday Talent Journal for the position of production coordinator. I feel that my background in electronics and manufacturing will fit in well.I will graduate from the Beijing Science Technology University in June with a Bachelor of Science degree in Manufacturing Engineering. I have had extensive training on computers while at school. In my Production and Inventory class, I have learned about computerized production and material scheduling in a job shop environment.I passed CET-6 in 2004. Not only do I pay much attention to improving my reading and listening skills, but I also keep practicing oral English.I am looking forward to hearing from you. Would you please call me to set an interview? I can be reached at my resume address or by phoning (010) 2357-7980 after 4 p. m.Sincerely YoursLi Ming(153 words)第九篇You are writing your graduation thesis and are in need of some reference materials. Write a letter to Prof. Smith in Oxford1)to make a pief self-introduction,2)to state the reference materials you want, and3)to stress the importance of the material to you.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use“Li Ming”instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)。netease 参考范文A Letter of Asking for HelpDear Prof. Smith,I, the undersigned, am a senior in the computer Science Department of Tsinghua University. At the moment, I am writing my graduation thesis and in urgent need of some reference materials so that I write to you for help.The information on the application of computer among university students in North America is the material that I need. Most importantly, the relevant statistics and reports should cover the past two decades. And all the materials must be publications of national level.Last but not least important, I would like to highlight the importance of the material to me. The material which I ask you for help will to a great extent decide the failure or success of my graduation thesis since the title of my thesis i


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