2022年[美国历届总统简介:第35任总统,约翰-费茨杰拉德-肯尼迪] 美国历任总统.doc
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2022年[美国历届总统简介:第35任总统,约翰-费茨杰拉德-肯尼迪] 美国历任总统.doc
2022年美国历届总统简介:第35任总统,约翰?费茨杰拉德?肯尼迪 美国历任总统John Fitzgerald Jack Kennedy was born in 1917 and was assassinated in 1963. He is also known by his initials JFK. Kennedy was the 35th President of the United States. Of Irish descent, he was born in Massachusetts and graduated from Harvard in 1940. He joined the Navy and in 1943 his boat was sunk by the Japanese. Despite grave injuries, he led the survivors through perilous waters to safety.约翰 费茨杰拉德 肯尼迪出生于1917年,于1963年遇刺身亡。人们更为熟知的是他名字的缩写-JFK。肯尼迪是美国第35任总统。肯尼迪是爱尔兰后裔,他出生于马塞诸塞州,1940年毕业于哈佛大学。他曾是一名海军,1943年,他的船只被日本船只击沉。尽管身负重伤,尽管水流湍急,肯尼迪让幸存者得以安全。Back from the war, JFK became a Democratic Congressman, advancing to the Senate in 1953. He married Jacqueline Bouvier in 1953. In 1955, he wrote Profiles in Courage , which won the Pulitzer Prize in history. In 1960 millions watched his television debates with the Republican candidate, Richard M. Nixon. He won the presidency by a narrow margin and became the first Roman Catholic President.二战之后,肯尼迪成为了民主党议员,并于1953年进入参议院。1953年,他与杰奎琳 布维尔完婚。1955年,他写了一本名叫肯尼迪:信仰在风中飘扬的书,并获得了普利策奖。1960年,上百万人都在电视机旁观看了他与共和党候选人-理查德 尼克松的辩论。他以微弱的优势获胜,并成为了第一名信仰罗马天主教的总统。His Inaugural Address offered the memorable words: Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what youcan do for your country. As President, he set out to keep his campaign promise to get America moving again. His economic programs launched the country on its longest economic growth since World War II. He also took vigorous action in the cause of equal rights.他在就职典礼上说了一番让人难以忘怀的话语: 不要问国家能为你干什么;要问你能给国家干什么 。作为总统,他坚守着他在竞选时所说的承诺,即让美国再一次腾飞。二战以来,他的经济方案使得美国进入了最长时间的增长阶段。他加大力度让人民实现平等权利。Kennedy increased the nation s military strength and spending on the space race during the Cold War. He confronted Russia when it tried to put nuclear missiles in Cuba. While the world trembled on the brink of nuclear war, the Russians backed down. On November 22, 1963, hardly past his first thousand days in office, JFK was assassinated. He was the youngest man elected President and the youngest to die.肯尼迪增加了美国的军事实力,在冷战时期加大对太空竞赛的投入。在向古巴投放原子弹时与俄罗斯对峙。当时,世界进入到了核战争的边远,俄罗斯做出了让步。1963年11月22日,肯尼迪遇刺,他在任时间还不到一千天。他是美国最年轻的总统,也是最早去世的总统。第 3 页 共 3 页