2022年[电影英语经典台词精选] 英语电影经典台词对话.doc
2022年电影英语经典台词精选 英语电影经典台词对话无数的午后黄昏,寂寂人定初,均沉静在那一边光影世界里,或是逃避现实,或是消磨青春,或是寻找慰藉,不一而足,人说雁过留声。看看电影的那些经典的台词。以下是小编为你精心整理的电影英语经典台词,希望你喜欢。 电影英语经典台词【精选版】 怯弱的另一个名字叫沉默。 Another name for a cowardly silence. 谁给我糖果吃我就喜欢谁。 Who give me candy to eat I like who. 你今天好吗?愈来愈好了。 Are you okay today? Getting better. 别以为我不会杀你,矮人! Don t think I won t kill you, dwarf! 其实,你一直都没离开过我。 Actually, you ve never left me. 挖苦是应对苦难的终极办法。 Irony is the ultimate way to deal with suffering. 我曾面对过北方巨龙的火焰! I have faced the fire of the dragon in the north! 昨晚那么晚回来,你去哪儿了? Where did you go last night so late last night? 我梦寐以求的爱,原来近在咫尺。 My dream of love, the original close at hand. 人生在世,谁没爱过两三个人渣! Life is alive, who never loved two or three scumbag! 钱不是问题,是你不在我心里了。 Money is not a problem, you are not in my heart. 电影英语经典台词【最新版】 解散,重组,没有区别,本质相同。 Dissolution, reorganization, no difference, essentially the same. 人纵有万般能耐,终也敌不过天命。 No matter how resourceful you are, you can t fight fate。 你若伤她的心,我就扭断你的脖子。 If you break her heart, I ll break your neck. 我呀,最喜欢跟搞艺术的人交朋友。 Me, I like to make friends with people who make art. 能快乐旅行的,一定是轻装旅行的人。 Happy travel, some people are traveling light. 孤独不是永远的,在一起才是永远的。 The loneliness is not forever, forever is forever. 你什么也不要说,话语是误会的根源。 You don t say anything, words are the source of misunderstandings. 那你能理解成长期孩子内心的敏感咯? Then you can understand the growth of the child s heart sensitive? 你的内心信念比任何的咒语都要坚定。 Your inner faith is more determined than any spell. 你算老几啊?我是刘总的夫人,原配! How old are you? I am Liu s wife, wife! 一行珠帘闲不卷,终日谁来?不来也罢。 A line of bead curtain does not have a volume, all day long, who come?. 看到你如此悲伤,这就是我出现的原因。 To see you so sad, that s why I m here. 我在这里你们还想有得吃?吃屎吧你们。 I m here, you want to eat? Eat shit you. 这是我见过最好开的锁因为他根本没上锁。 This is the best I ve ever seen, because he s not locked. 我开始想要过得快乐,睡在床上,有牵挂。 I began to want to have a happy, sleep on the bed, there is care. 只要我们住在对方心里,死亡就不是分离。 As long as we live in each other s heart, death is not separation. 有些爱,也许从未说出口,才愈加显得珍贵。 Some love, may never say exports, just become more and more precious. 如果你要驯服一个人,就要冒着掉眼泪的危险。 If you want to tame a person, you will risk losing your tears. 其实都不容易,这么大的城市,我们算什么啊。 In fact, it is not easy, such a big city, we are what ah. 你和我拥有无比的坚强,一起走过人生的道路。 You and I have a very strong, together through the road of life. 孩子正处于成长期,这件事已经让她很痛苦了。 The child is in a growth phase, this thing has made her very painful. 我在你眼中,是不是一个陪你演戏的临时演员。 I am in your eyes, is not a temporary actor to accompany you. 电影英语经典台词【热门版】 一旦你驯服了什么,就要对她负责,永远的负责。 Once you tame something, you will be responsible for her, always be responsible for. 你他妈的知道什么是爱吗?每天偷鸡摸狗是爱吗? What the fuck do you know about love? Y all love every day? 干脆把你的地址给我,让我举着牌子去接你得了。 Simply put your address to me, let me hold the brand to pick you up. 发生事情应该平心静气去解决。多思考,少动手。 Things should be calm to solve. Think more, do less. 宇宙那么大,地球那么小,我相信我们会遇到的。 The universe is so big, the earth is so small, I believe we will meet. 如果我们一直住在彼此心里,那死亡就不是分离。 If we have been living in each other s hearts, that death is not separation. 只要我们住在对方心里,死亡就不会将我们分开。 As long as we live in each other s heart, death will not separate us. 十亿年前,我们被赋予了生命,我们用它做了什么? One billion years ago, we were given life, what did we do with it? 如果我们都在彼此的心中,即便是死亡也不是分离。 If we are in each other s hearts, even death is not separation. 你舍得离开我吗?即使你舍得,那你的心说它愿意吗? Are you willing to leave me? Even if you are willing to give up, that your heart says it is willing? 如果这是个陷阱怎么办?无须置疑,这就是个陷阱。 What if this is a trap? There is no doubt that this is a trap. 如果你把那野兽弄醒了,就等于把我们都送上绝路。 If you put the beast wake up, is equal to we are to the end. 我们和人最大的区别,就是妖可以做自己喜欢做的事。 The biggest difference between us is that the demon can do what you love to do. 我要努力使自己变得强大,随时迎接从天而降的爱情。 I want to make oneself become strong, at any time to meet the drop from the clouds of love. 不要躲避,不要害怕黑暗,向着太阳,你就能找到明天! Do not hide, do not be afraid of the dark, toward the sun, you will be able to find tomorrow! 那也能叫活着吗?只不过是没有死掉,活着不是这样的。 That can also be called alive? But is not dead, alive is not like this. 人,得自个儿成全自个儿。要想人前显贵,必得人后受罪! Man, got to be himself. In order to receive dignitaries in front of people, people suffer! 当人们死后他们所拥有过的东西,上面都会留下他们的痕迹。 When people die, what they have, they leave their marks on it. 凡是有意义的事都不会容易。成年人的生活里没有容易二字。 Anything that matters will not be easy. Adult life is not easy two words. 为一个你爱的人生一个孩子,这是女人这辈子最幸福的事情。 For a life you love a child, this is the woman in this life the most happy thing. 我们与机器人的区别是,我们将逝去的人埋葬,而机器人不能。 The difference between us and the robot is that we will bury the dead, but the robot can not. 记住,无论别人说什么或是让你去做什么,全都在于你的决定。 Remember, no matter what people say or what you do, it s all about your decision. 你得负责把我带到一个能让我生孩子坐月子的地方,安全的啊。 You re going to have to bring me into a can let my children safe confinement place, ah. 我所认为最深沉的爱,莫过于你走后我把自己活成了你的模样。 I think the most profound love, than you go after I have to live your own life. 我必须打掉这个孩子!这个我不能签。你身体不能手术,你懂吗? I must destroy the child! I can t sign this. Your body can t be operated on, do you understand? 说的是一辈子!差一年,一个月,一天,一个时辰,都不算一辈子! Say is a lifetime! A year, a month, a day, an hour, is not a lifetime! 你总是那么忧郁,我不爱你了,我爱她,她总是那么开心,让我很快乐。 You are always so blue, I do not love you, I love her, she is always so happy, so I am very happy. 人同妖永远都不可以在一起,不要贪恋了。都是镜花水月,一切皆幻象。 The same demon never be together, don t cling to. It is all illusion a mirage and insubstantial objects. 钱多钱少的不重要,重要的是,找一个知冷知热疼你的好男人,知道吗? Money is not important, important is to find a Zhilengzhire hurts your good man, you know? 他们像我们一样走来走去,互相看不见对方,他们只看得到他们想看到的。 They walked up and down like us. They couldn t see each other. They just saw what they wanted. 艺术家要做的事情并不是向绝望屈服,而是要找到一剂排遣精神空虚的解药。 The artist do not succumb to despair, but to find a cure agent from the spirit of emptiness. 我们这一生最遗憾的事情之一,就是把我们最糟糕的一面留给了我们最亲近的人。 One of the most regrettable things in our life is to leave the worst of us to the nearest and dearest to us.猜你喜欢:1.英文电影台词经典语录大全2.英语经典电影台词摘抄3.50句经典英文电影台词4.50句英语电影台词5.电影经典英文台词对白6.看电影学英语:10句励志感人经典台词第 9 页 共 9 页