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1、 原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下 , 独立进行研究所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本 论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰 写过的科研成果。 对本文的研究作出重要贡献的个人和集体,均己在文中以明确方 式标明。本声明的法律责任由本人承担。 论文作者签名 : 你,丈 曰期: 关于学位论文使用授权的声明 本人完全了解山东大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学 校保留或向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论 文被查阅和借阅;本人授权山东大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分 内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段 保存论文
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3、. 16 3.1.1政治环境 . 16 3.1.2经济环境 . 17 3.1.3社会环境 . 20 3.1.4技术环境 . 25 3.2海尔电商公司内部环境分析 . 26 3.2.1海尔电商公司发展的现状 . 26 3.2.2海尔电商公司发展的趋势 . 27 3.3 SWOT 分析 . 27 3.3.1优势分析 . 27 3.3.2劣势分析 . 28 3.3.3机会分析 . 29 山东大学硕士学位论文 3.3.4威胁分析 . 30 3.3.5 SWOT分析结果 . 31 第 4章海尔电商公司的发展战略选择与实施 . 33 4.1海尔电商公司的战略愿景和定位分析 . 33 4.1.1战略愿景 .
4、 33 4.1.2战略目标 . 33 4.1.3战略定位 . 34 4.1.4发展阶段与内容 . 35 4.2海尔电商公司发展战略选择 . 36 4.2.1 体化发展战略 . 36 4.2.2定制化发展战略 . 39 4.2.3交互引领战略 . 41 4.3海尔电商公司战略实施措施 . 42 4.3.1移动交互创新 . 42 4.3.2组织结构优化 . 43 4.3.3运营系统优化 . 44 4.3.4文化氛围营造 . 45 4.3.5战略控制 . 46 第 5章海尔电商公司的发展战略保障措施 . 48 5.1人力资源保障措施 . 48 5.2信息系统保障措施 . 49 5.3供应链体系保障措
5、施 . .49 第 6章研宄结论与展望 . 51 6.1研宄结论 . 51 6.2研究局限 . 52 6.3研宄展望 . 52 BC M . 54 参考文献 . 55 山东大学硕士学位论文 CONTENTS Chinese Abstract . 1 English Abstract . 3 Chapter 1 Introduction . 5 1.1 Background and significance of the study . 5 1.1.1 The research background . 5 1.1.2 The meaning of the research . 6 1.2 Re
6、search content and framework . 6 1.3 The research methods . 7 1.4 The expected innovation point . “9 Chapter 2Literature review . 10 2.1 Strategic management theory . 10 2.2 Development strategy theory . 12 2.3 E-commerce development strategy theory . : . 13 2.4 Brief comments . 14 Chapter 3The anal
7、ysis of the internal and external development environment of Haier electronic commerce company . 16 3.1 External environmental analysis . 16 3.1.1 Political environment . 16 3.1.2 Economic environment. 17 3.1.3 Social environment . 20 3.1.4 Technology environment . 25 3.2The internal environment ana
8、lysis of Haier e-commerce company . 26 3.2.1 Haier e-commerce company development status . 26 3.2.2 Haier e-commerce company development trend . 27 3.3 SWOT analysis . 27 3.3.1 Advantage analysis . 27 3.3.2 Disadvantage analysis . 28 3.3.3 Opportunity analysis. 29 3.3.4 Threat analysis . 30 3.3.5 SW
9、OT analysis results. 31 Chapter 4The choice and implementation measures of the development strategy of Haier electronic commerce company . 33 4.1 Strategic vision and positioning analysis of Haier e-commerce company 33 in 山东大学硕士学位论文 4.1.1 Strategic vision . 33 4.1.2 Strategic objectives . 33 4.1.3 S
10、trategic positioning. 34 4.1.4 Development phase and content . 35 4.2 Haier e-commerce company development strategy selection . 36 4.2.1 Integrated development strategy . 36 4.2.2 Customized development strategy . 39 4.2.3 Communication leading strategy . 41 4.3 Haier e-commerce company strategy imp
11、lementation measures . 42 4.3.1 Mobile interactive innovation . 42 4.3.2 Organizational structure optimization . 43 4.3.3 Operating system optimization . 44 4.3.4 Cultural atmosphere to create . 45 4.3.5 Strategic control . 46 Chapter 5 The development strategy of Haier e-commerce company security m
12、easures . 48 5.1 Human resources security measures . 48 5.2 Information system security measures . 49 5.3 Supply chain system security measures . 49 Chapter 6 The conclusion and prospect . 51 6.1 Conclusions of the study . 51 6.2 Research limitations . 52 6.3 Research prospects . 52 Acknowledgement
13、. 54 References . 55 山东大学硕士学位论文 中文摘要 自 20世纪 90年代中期电子商务进入中国以来,伴随着中国整体经济的快速 增长,计算机、手机等智能设备在国民中的普及,电子商务的发展也紧随着中国 经济高速发展的步伐而曲折前进。电子商务在中国发展 20余年以来,经历了萌芽 期、过热期、低谷期、复苏期、成熟期。根据互联网统计数据, 2015年中国电子 商务市场交易规模 16.4万亿元,增长 22.7%。其中网络购物増长 36.2%,成为推 动电子商务市场发展的重要力量。电子商务产生的零售额在中国经济中的占比不 断攀升,网络购物市场保持高速增长。根据国家统计局数据显示, 20
14、15年我国社 会消费品零售总额达到 30.1万亿元,中国网络购物市场规模为 3.8万亿元,网络 购物在社会消费品零售总额中的占比为 12.6%,较去年同期增长 36.2 /。根据 网络购物市场结构分析,整体市场中 B2C零售额占比达到 51.9%,年度占比首次 超过 C2C;通过网络零售市场分析,阿里系的天猫渠道在 B2C市场中独占鳌头, 京东、苏宁易购、唯品会、国美在线增长迅速,几家企业的总规模超过三成。 本文通过对海尔集团电子商务有限公司(以下简称 “ 海尔电商公司 ” ) 的发 展历程和规划进行阐述,还原海尔电商公司的发展战略,设定海尔电商公司未来 的发展战略,利用 SWOT、 安索夫矩
15、阵、价值链模型分析现有的发展战 略规划,对 内外部环境、战略定位、发展路径做了具体研究,分析了海尔电商公司的优势、 劣势、机会、风险,在此基础上,进行了战略选择,实施了增长型发展战略。本 文同时海尔电商公司发展过程中遇到的问题进行剖析,按照公司的发展战略的规 划解决问题。海尔电商公司正是通过一体化、定制化、交互引领战略的运用,将 自身业务发展壮大,拉开与竞争对手的差距,实现全网引领的战略目标。作者提 出海尔电商公司通过组织结构调整、运营体系优化、互联网文化氛围培育、战略 控制等实施措施,将发展战略顺利执行落地,使得公司的业绩出现了爆炸式的 增 长。作者在文中分析到,未来的海尔将致力于成为互联网
16、公司,为消费者提供智 慧家居解决方案,重在形成新的生产方式、商业模式,实现大规模个性化定制。 海尔电商公司正是利用定制化的思维经营互联网业务,满足用户个性化需求的同 时,降低了企业的供应链和资金压力,未来随着 3D打印、智能制造的发展,相信 1 山东大学硕士学位论文 定制化的经营方式将会更加普,让更多的用户享受到个性化的产品和服务。为保 障战略的顺利实施,海尔电商公司在人力资源、信息系统搭建、供应链管理等方 面做了能适应互联网的调整,保证战略的顺利实施。 本文的创新点在于提出了传统企业电子商务发展战略制定和实施成功的根源 是实现了与用户的交互模式转变,交互场景从线下转变到线上,实现与用户的沟
17、通交互的零距离。揭示了通过发展战略的选择实现大规模定制的经营模式,满足 了用户个性化的需求,实现了 F2C(factory to customer)和 C2F(customer to factory) 的交互模式,是互联网电子商务企业发展的趋势。 关键词:海尔;电子商务;网络购物;发展战略 2 山东大学硕士学位论文 ABSTRACT Since the mid 1990s, the e-commerce enter China, along with the rapid development of economy as a whole, such as computers, mobile p
18、hones, smart devices in the national popularity, the development of e-commerce is tight with the pace of Chinafs rapid economic growth and the curves . Since the twists and turns of e-commerce development for more than 20 years in China, has experienced the bud stage, overheating, trough, recovery a
19、nd mature period. According to the Internet Statistics, Chinese e-commerce market size achieve 16 trillion and 400 billion yuan in 2015, growth of 22.7% than 2014. With online shopping growth 36.2%, has become an important force to promote the development of e-commerce market. Retail sales of e-comm
20、erce in the Chinese economy in the proportion continues to rise, the abnormal growth of online shopping market rapidly. According to the National Bureau of statistics data show that, China*s total retail sales of consumer goods reached 30 trillion and 100 billion yuan in 2015, Chinese online shoppin
21、g market size is 3 trillion and 800 billion yuan, online shopping in the total retail sales of social consumer goods accounted for 12.6%, representing an increase of 36.2%. According to the analysis of online shopping market structure in the same period last year, the overall market in B2C retail sa
22、les accounted for 51.9% of the year, accounting for more than C2C for the first time; through the network retail market analysis, Tmall is the champion in B2C market, Jingdong, , , Gome online also growed rapidly , the total size of more than 30%. The article expounds that haier group electronic com
23、merce co., LTD. (referred to as Haier electronic commerce company) on the development and planning” set e-commerce development strategy in the future. Using the SWOT, Ansoff matrix, model of value chain analysis strategic development plan of the existing. Studying internal and external environment,
24、strategic positioning and development path , analysis Haier electronic business advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, risks, on this basis, the strategic choice, the implementation of growth oriented development strategy. In this paper, Haier electronic commerce company analyzes the problems in
25、the 3 山东大学硕士学位论文 development process, in accordance with the companys development strategy plan to solve the problem. Haier electronic commerce company is through integration, the use of customized, interactive led strategy, its business development, pull open the gap with competitors, realize the s
26、trategic target for whole Internet channels leading. The author puts forward the Haier electronic commerce company through the organization structure adjustment, operating system optimization, Internet culture cultivation, implementing measures, such as strategic control will get development strateg
27、y carried out smoothly, make the companys performance in the explosive growth. In the article the author analysis the future of haier is committed to become the Internet company, provide consumers with intelligent home solutions, focusing on form a new mode of production, business model, and impleme
28、ntation of mass customization. Haier electronic commerce company is using one of the customized Internet business, meet customers individual needs at the same time, reduces the pressure of supply chain and capital of the enterprises, the future with the development of 3D printing, intelligent manufa
29、cturing, believe customization mode of operation will be more, make more users to enjoy the personalized products and services. To ensure smooth implementation of the strategy, Haier electronic commerce company in human resources, information system building, supply chain management can be adjusted
30、to adapt to the Internet and guarantee the smooth implementation of the strategy. The innovations of this thesis tell us that the roots of the traditional enterprise e-commerce development strategy formulation and implementation of success is to achieve the transformation of the interaction with the
31、 user model, interactive scene change from line to line, to achieve zero distance communication with users. Revealed through the choice of development strategy to realize massive customization business model, to meet the users individual needs, to achieve the F2C (factory to customer) and C2F (custo
32、mer to factory) interactive mode, which is the development trend of Internet e-commerce business. Key words: Haier; Electronic commerce; Online shopping; Development strategy 4 山东大学硕士学位论文 第 1章绪论 1.1选题背景与研究意义 1.1.1研究背景 互联网的诞生和应用的普及拉近了世界人民之间的距离,推动着人类社会经 济、政治、文化领域的发展和变革。其中,电子商务是互联网发展的必然产物, 同时也对人们经济生活产生
33、着深远的影响。自 20世纪 90年代中期电子商务进入 中国以来,伴随着中国整体经济的快速增长,计算机、手机等智能设备在国民中 的普及,电子商务的发展也紧随着中国经济高速发展的步伐而曲折前进。电子商 务在中国发展 20余年以来,经历了萌芽期、过热期、低谷期、复苏期、 熟期。 中国的电子商务市场交易规模也在突飞猛进, 2014年全年交易规模约 12.3万亿 , 同比增长约 21.3%,其中网上零售额约 2.79万亿,同比增长约 49.7%,占全年 社会消费品零售总额约 10.6%。中国电子商务的发展目前还是以两位数的速度 发展,尤其是网络零售额还在以接近 50%的速度增长,相信这个增长速度还会 保持一段时间。 随着电子商务业务的快速发展,传统企业也快速 跟进,争夺电子商务的市场 份额。根据近期的调查,美国电子商务 TOP10企业中,仅有亚马逊一家为纯电商 企业,而其余 9家来自传统企业;恰恰相反,中国电商 TOP10中,仅有一家苏宁 易购为传统企业,而其余的 9家均为纯电商企业。显然,中国的传统企业在电子 商务领域还有很大的发展潜力,传统企业更应该利用已经积累起来的优势,来实 现 “+ 互联网 ”式的发展战略,加速转方式、调结构、促增长,将电子商务作为企 业发展的有效补充甚至发展成为企业的核心竞争力。在中